def graph2(Data , Station, Constituent ): Unit= "" Unit = units(Constituent ) showflier = False #outliers Data= Data.dropna(subset = [Constituent]) DataX = data(Data , Station) if DataX[Constituent].sum() == 0: import pandas as pd return pd.DataFrame({'A' : []}) , pd.DataFrame({'A' : []}) else: DataX.boxplot(column = [Constituent],by='months2' , figsize = (15,6),showfliers=showflier) plt.ylabel(Constituent+Unit[0]) plt.xlabel('Months, n = ' + str(DataX[Constituent].count())) plt.suptitle("") plt.title('Boxplot of Ambient '+Constituent+' over months' + ' ('+Station+')') plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() if Unit[1]!=0: plt.axhline(y=Unit[1], color='r', linestyle=':') if Unit[2]!=0: plt.axhline(y=Unit[2], color='r', linestyle=':') stats = DataX [[ Constituent , 'months2']].groupby('months2').describe() stats2 = DataX [[ Constituent ]].describe() Violation = DataX[DataX[Constituent].gt(Unit[2])] #stats3 = Violation[[ Constituent , 'months2']].groupby('months2').describe() #stats3['% Exceedence'] = stats3[stats3.columns[0]]/stats[stats.columns[0]]*100 return stats.round(decimals=2) , stats2.round(decimals=2) #, stats3.round(decimals=2)
def AnaVSPot2( DataX , Constituent , Station ): import seaborn as sns Data= DataX.dropna(subset = [Constituent]) DataX=Data #error if there is no data if DataX[Constituent].sum() == 0: return "No data here" else: DataX['stamp'] = (DataX['months2']-0.5)/12 + DataX['year'] Unit = "" Unit = units(Constituent) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16}) sns.lmplot( x="stamp", y=Constituent, data=DataX, fit_reg=False, hue='Watershed' , size = 7 , aspect = 2) plt.title('Scatterplot of Ambient '+Constituent+', Comparison between Anacostia and Potomac (all stations)') plt.ylabel(Constituent+Unit[0]) if Unit[1]!=0: plt.axhline(y=Unit[1], color='r', linestyle=':') if Unit[2]!=0: plt.axhline(y=Unit[2], color='r', linestyle=':') return 'Scatterplot of Ambient '+Constituent+', Comparison between Anacostia and Potomac (all stations)'
def AnaVSPot( DataX , Constituent , Station): import seaborn as sns Data= DataX.dropna(subset = [Constituent]) DataX=Data #error if there is no data if DataX[Constituent].sum() == 0: return "No data here" else: Unit = "" Unit = units(Constituent ) plt.figure(3, figsize = (12,12)) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16}) plt.title('Boxplot of Ambient '+Constituent+', Comparison between Anacostia and Potomac (all stations)') sns.boxplot(x="year", y= Constituent, hue="Watershed", data=DataX ,showfliers=False) plt.ylabel(Constituent+Unit[0]) if Unit[1]!=0: plt.axhline(y=Unit[1], color='r', linestyle=':') if Unit[2]!=0: plt.axhline(y=Unit[2], color='r', linestyle=':') return 'Boxplot of Ambient '+Constituent+', Comparison between Anacostia and Potomac (all stations)'
def graph(Data , Station, Constituent ): Unit= "" Unit = units(Constituent ) Data= Data.dropna(subset = [Constituent]) DataX = data(Data , Station) Data2 = DataX[Constituent].as_matrix() #matrix Data2=Data2[~np.isnan(Data2)] #error if there is no data if Data2.sum() == 0: return "No data here" else: #CDF and Histogram plt.figure(1, figsize = (12,12)) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) plt.subplot(211) plt.title('Distribution of Ambient '+Constituent+' data' + ' ('+Station+')' ) plt.grid(True) plt.hist(Data2, 50, facecolor='green', edgecolor='blue' ) plt.ylabel('Frequency') if Unit[1]!=0: plt.axvline(x=Unit[1], color='r', linestyle=':') if Unit[2]!=0: plt.axvline(x=Unit[2], color='r', linestyle=':') plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(np.sort(Data2), np.linspace(0,1,(Data2.size))) plt.xlabel(Constituent+Unit[0] + ' n= ' + str(Data2.size)) plt.ylabel('Probability') plt.grid(True) if Unit[1]!=0: plt.axvline(x=Unit[1], color='r', linestyle=':',linewidth=2) if Unit[2]!=0: plt.axvline(x=Unit[2], color='r', linestyle=':',linewidth=2) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12}) fifthP = np.nanpercentile(Data2,5) tenthP = np.nanpercentile(Data2,10) twentyfifthP = np.nanpercentile(Data2,25) fiftiethP = np.nanpercentile(Data2,50) SeventyFifthP = np.nanpercentile(Data2,75) NintiethP = np.nanpercentile(Data2,90) NintyfifthP = np.nanpercentile(Data2,95) Average = np.average(Data2) stats = '5th Pi = ' + str(round(fifthP,2))+'10th Pi = ' + str(round(tenthP,2)) + ', 25th Pi = ' + str(round(twentyfifthP,2)) +', Median = ' + str(round(fiftiethP,2)) +', 75th Pi = ' + str(round(SeventyFifthP,2)) +', 90th Pi = ' + str(round(NintiethP,2))+', 95th Pi = ' + str(round(NintyfifthP,2)) +', Average = ' + str(round(Average,2)) #return 'Distribution of Ambient '+Constituent+' data' + ' ('+Station+')' return stats
def AnaVSPot4( DataX , Constituent , Station): import seaborn as sns Data= DataX.dropna(subset = [Constituent]) DataX=Data #error if there is no data if DataX[Constituent].sum() == 0: return "No data here" else: if Station[0] =='All Stations': DataX=Data elif Station[0] in {"AAG01", "AAG02", "ANA01", "ANA02", "ANA03", "ANA04", "ANA05", "ANA06", "ANA07", "ANA08", "ANA09", "ANA10", "ANA11", "ANA12", "ANA13", "ANA14", "ANA15", "ANA16", "ANA17", "ANA18", "ANA19", "ANA20", "ANA21", "ANA21 ", "ANA22", "ANA23", "ANA24", "ANA25", "ANA26", "ANA27", "ANA29", "ANA30" ,"TDU01", "TFC01", "TFD01", "TFE01", "TFS01", "THR01", "TNA01", "TNS01", "TOR01", "TPB01", "TTX27", "TUT01", "TWB01", "TWB02", "TWB03", "TWB04", "TWB05", "TWB06" , "TFS01" ,"KNG01", "KNG02" ,"PMS01", "PMS02", "PMS03", "PMS05", "PMS07", "PMS08", "PMS09", "PMS10", "PMS11", "PMS12", "PMS13", "PMS16", "PMS18", "PMS21", "PMS21 ", "PMS23", "PMS25", "PMS27", "PMS29", "PMS31", "PMS33", "PMS35", "PMS37", "PMS39", "PMS41", "PMS44", "PMS46", "PMS48", "PMS51" , "PMS52" ,"TBK01", "TBR01", "TCO01", "TCO06" , "TDA01" , "TDO01" , "TFB01" , "TFB02","RCR01", "RCR04","RCR07", "RCR09" ,"TKV01""TLU01", "TMH01", "TPI01", "TPO01", "TPY01", "TSO01" ,"PWC04" ,"PTB01" ,"CHAIN"}: DataX =DataX[DataX['Station'].isin(Station)] else: DataX =DataX[DataX['Watershed'].isin(Station)] if DataX[Constituent].sum() == 0: return "No data here" Unit = "" Unit = units(Constituent ) plt.figure(3, figsize = (12,12)) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16}) plt.title('Boxplot of Ambient '+Constituent+', Comparison between Anacostia and Potomac (all stations)') ax = sns.boxplot(x="year", y= Constituent, hue="Watershed", data=DataX ,showfliers=False) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(),rotation=90) plt.ylabel(Constituent+Unit[0]) plt.xlabel('Years, n = ' + str(DataX[Constituent].count())) if Unit[1]!=0: plt.axhline(y=Unit[1], color='r', linestyle=':') if Unit[2]!=0: plt.axhline(y=Unit[2], color='r', linestyle=':') return 'Boxplot of Ambient '+Constituent+', Comparison between Anacostia and Potomac (all stations)'
def AnaVSPot3( DataX , Constituent , Station): import seaborn as sns Data= DataX.dropna(subset = [Constituent]) DataX = data(Data , Station) if DataX[Constituent].sum() == 0: import pandas as pd return pd.DataFrame({'A' : []}) , pd.DataFrame({'A' : []}) else: Unit = "" Unit = units(Constituent ) plt.figure(3, figsize = (20,12)) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16}) ax = sns.boxplot(x="year", y= Constituent, hue="quarter", data=DataX,showfliers=False ) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(),rotation=90) plt.title('Boxplot of Ambient '+Constituent+' by year and quarter'+ ' ('+Station+')') plt.ylabel(Constituent+Unit[0]) if Unit[1]!=0: plt.axhline(y=Unit[1], color='r', linestyle=':') if Unit[2]!=0: plt.axhline(y=Unit[2], color='r', linestyle=':') stats = DataX [[ Constituent , 'quarter']].groupby('quarter').describe() stats2 = DataX [[ Constituent ]].describe() # stats3 = DataX [[ Constituent , 'YearQuart']].groupby('YearQuart').describe() # Violation = DataX[DataX[Constituent].gt(Unit[2])] # stats3 = Violation[[ Constituent , 'quarter']].groupby('quarter').describe() # stats3['% Exceedence'] = stats3[stats3.columns[0]]/stats[stats.columns[0]]*100 return stats.round(decimals=2) , stats2.round(decimals=2) # , stats3.round(decimals=2)