Esempio n. 1
def display(request):
    Subpage to show all videos sorted into fitting era
    :param request: url request to get subpage /videos
    :return: rendering the subpage based on videos.html
    with a context variable to get Videos sorted in eras
    register_visit(request, "Videoseite")
    # pylint: disable = no-member
    eras = Era.objects.filter(visible_on_video_page=True).exclude(
    eras = sorted(eras, key=lambda er_a: er_a.get_year_as_signed_int()[0])
    eras_context = []
    # Add all eras that do not have a year_from
    # pylint: disable = no-member
    eras = eras + list(
        Era.objects.filter(year_from=None, visible_on_video_page=True))
    i = 0
    for i in range(len(eras)):
        # Era on the last position has no next color
        nextcolor = None
        if i != len(eras) - 1:
            nextcolor = eras[i + 1].color_code
        videos = Video.get_era(Video, eras[i].name)
        # alphanumeric sort of videos
        videos = sorted(videos, key=lambda v: v.title)
        eras_context.append((eras[i], videos, nextcolor))

    context = {
        'Era': eras_context,
        'Kurs_Link': get_course_link(),
        'announcements': get_announcements(),
    return render(request, 'videos.html', context)
Esempio n. 2
def start(request):
    Subpage start
    :param request: url request to get subpage /start
    :return: rendering the subpage based on start.html
    with a context variable to get the intro-video
    register_visit(request, "Introseite")
    texts = IntroTexts.objects.all()
    intro_text = ""
    timeline_card_text = ""
    buildings_card_text = ""
    video_card_text = ""
    if texts.first() is not None:
        intro_text = texts.first().intro_text
        timeline_card_text = texts.first().timeline_card_text
        buildings_card_text = texts.first().buildings_card_text
        video_card_text = texts.first().video_card_text
    video = Video.get_intro(Video)
    context = {
        'Video': video,
        'intro_text': intro_text,
        'timeline_card_text': timeline_card_text,
        'buildings_card_text': buildings_card_text,
        'video_card_text': video_card_text,
        'Kurs_Link': get_course_link(),
        'announcements': get_announcements(),
    return render(request, 'start.html', context)
Esempio n. 3
def material(request):
    Subpage to show the characteristics of a building
    :param request: url request to get materials_page
    :return: rendering the subpage based on material.html
    with a context variable to get the characteristics
    register_visit(request, "Materialseite", alter_url="materials_page")
    # this code ist for adding colors to the materials
    # for visual difference, both colors will take turns
    colors = ["2F4B33", "B43B44"]
    materials = get_categories_and_corresponding_files()
    materials_with_colors = []
    i = 0
    for category in materials.keys():
        color = None
        nextcolor = None
        if i % 2 == 0:
            color = colors[0]
            nextcolor = colors[1]
            color = colors[1]
            nextcolor = colors[0]
            [category, materials[category], color, nextcolor])
        i += 1

    context = {
        'Materials': materials_with_colors,
        'Kurs_Link': get_course_link(),
        'announcements': get_announcements(),
    return render(request, "material.html", context)
Esempio n. 4
def index(request):
    Subpage to index (first site appearing after someone opens the website)
    :param request: url request to get subpage /
    :return: rendering the subpage based on index.html
    register_visit(request, "Loginseite", alter_url="")
    return render(request, 'home/index.html')
Esempio n. 5
def impressum(request):
    Subpage to show the impressum and the moodle_link
    :param request: url request to get impressum
    :return: rendering the subpage based on impressum.html
    with a context variable to get the characteistics
    register_visit(request, "Impressum")
    context = {
        'Kurs_Link': get_course_link(),
        'announcements': get_announcements(),
    return render(request, "impressum.html", context)
Esempio n. 6
def get_categories_and_corresponding_zip_files(request, category):
    :return: the categories and HttpsResponse for the corresponding zip files in a dictionary
    register_visit(request, "ZIP," + category)
    material_dict = get_categories_and_corresponding_files()
    # Get all material files of one category in a single list
    # Files (local path) to put in the .zip
    filenames = []
    resp = None
    for material_entry in material_dict[category]:
        filenames = filenames + [material_entry.file.path]

        # Folder name in ZIP archive which contains the above files
        zip_subdir = category
        zip_filename = "" % zip_subdir

        # Open BytesIO to grab in-memory ZIP contents
        sio = BytesIO()

        # the zip compressor
        zf1 = zipfile.ZipFile(sio, "w")

        # Add all file sin the list to the zipfile
        for fpath in filenames:
            # Calculate path for file in zip
            fdir, fname = os.path.split(fpath)
            zip_path = os.path.join(zip_subdir, fname)
            # Add file, at correct path
            zf1.write(fpath, zip_path)

        # Must close zip for all contents to be written

        # Grab ZIP file from in-memory, make response with correct MIME-type
        resp = HttpResponse(sio.getvalue(),
        # ..and correct content-disposition
        resp['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % zip_filename
    return resp
Esempio n. 7
def search(request):
    Function to search in buildings
    :param request: url request to make a search with the search criteria
    :return: rendering the subpage based on search.html with context
    context: Variable to search all buildings with the criteria got from the request
    search_request = request.GET.get('search_request', '')
    results = Building.objects.filter(Q(name__icontains=search_request) |
                                      Q(city__icontains=search_request) | \
                                      Q(region__icontains=search_request) | \
                                      Q(country__icontains=search_request) | \
                                      Q(era__name__icontains=search_request) | \
                                      Q(architect__icontains=search_request) | \
                                      Q(context__icontains=search_request) | \
                                      Q(builder__icontains=search_request) | \
                                      Q(construction_type__icontains=search_request) | \
                                      Q(design__icontains=search_request) | \
                                      Q(function__icontains=search_request) | \
                                      Q(column_order__icontains=search_request) | \
                                      Q(material__icontains=search_request) | \
    # order results alphabetically:
    results = results.order_by("name")
    # adding thumbnails:
    results = [(result, result.get_thumbnail()) for result in results]
    context = {
        'Result': results,
        'Active_Filter': request.GET,
        'Kurs_Link': get_course_link(),
        'announcements': get_announcements(),
    # register visit for analytics
    search_term = search_request
    if len(search_term) >= 100:
        search_term = search_term[:95] + "..."
    register_visit(request, search_term)
    return render(request, 'search.html', context)
Esempio n. 8
def timeline(request):
    Subpage "Zeitachse"
    :param request: url request to get subpage /timeline
    :return: rendering the subpage based on timeline.html
    register_visit(request, "Zeitachse")
    # get only buildings with dates set
    # pylint: disable = no-member
    buildings = Building.objects.all()
    # get historic dates (they must have a date (not nullable database field))
    historic_dates = HistoricDate.objects.all()
    # Make lists from QuerySets
    # because otherwise pythons list concatenation and sorting will not work
    items = list(buildings) + list(historic_dates)

    context = {
        'Eras_Buildings': sorted_eras_with_buildings(items),
        'Kurs_Link': get_course_link(),
        'announcements': get_announcements(),

    return render(request, 'timeline.html', context)
Esempio n. 9
def detailed(request, building_id):
    Subpage to show the characteristics of a building
    :param request: url request to get details_page
    :param building_id: id of the building to open the right detailed_page
    :return: rendering the subpage based on detailed.html
    with a context variable to get the characteristics
    context = {
        Building.get_name(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_era(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_description(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_city(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_region(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_country(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_year_from(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_year_from_bc_or_ad(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_year_to(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_year_to_bc_or_ad(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_year_ca(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_year_century(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_architect(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_context(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_builder(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_construction_type(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_design(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_function(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_length(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_width(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_height(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_circumference(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_area(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_column_order(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_construction(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_material(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_literature(Building, building_id),
        Building.get_links(Building, building_id),
        Picture.get_picture_for_building(Picture, building_id),
        Blueprint.get_blueprint_for_building(Blueprint, building_id),
        Timestamp.get_timestamps_by_building(Timestamp, building_id),
    name = context["Name"]
    if len(name) > 80:
        name = name[:75] + "..."
                   name + "," + str(building_id),

    return render(request, 'detailed.html', context)
Esempio n. 10
def display_building_filter(request):
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    Subpage "Gebäudefilter" with context
    :param request: url request to get subpage /filter
    :return: rendering the subpage based on filter.html with context
    context: Variable to filter all buildings with the criteria got from the request
    register_visit(request, "Filterseite")

    # We can filter by this options:
    # era, country, region, city, architect, builders, column_orders, designs, material, function
    keys = [
        "era", "country", "region", "city", "architect", "builder",
        "column_order", "design", "material", "function"
    urls_parameters = request.GET
    # Set all, to return all.
    # This will take care of returning all Buildings, if no filter is set.
    # pylint: disable = no-member
    result = Building.objects.all()

    # If there is something set, it will start filtering here:
    for key in keys:
        if key in urls_parameters:
            # If here the key is in it, it will be filtered by.
            querys = urls_parameters.getlist(key)
            if len(querys) > 1:
                # Here it is an list with more than one element.
                # Therefore, we will not update data types.
                result_for_lst = None
                for query in querys:
                    # There are more than one of this filter type (key): Use of OR on the results.
                    # OR means we keep all filtering attributes, just discard duplications.
                    # Therefore, we added up everything here, just need to check,
                    # if there are duplications
                    if result_for_lst is None:
                        result_for_lst = my_filter(result, key, query)
                        # This will add querysets to each other:
                        # (Similar to SQL UNION Statement)
                        result_for_lst = result_for_lst | my_filter(
                            result, key, query)
                # Set it to the result. We had to work on a temporary var, otherwise
                # it would be impossible to use an OR logic (for AND it will be easier).
                result = result_for_lst
            elif len(querys) == 1 and querys[0] != "":
                # Here there is just one filter of its type.
                # Therefore we update datatype to string.
                query = querys[0]
                result = my_filter(result, key, query)
                # If length == 0: just pass
            # Different Key filters, will use AND on the results.
            # Will will archive this by just filtering on.
            # If the object meets all filters, it will be in the result.
            # Here we must take all of the objects in the list.
            # Theoretically we add everything here and do AND.
            # But this is unnecessary, because, we started with all()

    # order results alphabetically
    result = result.order_by("name")
    # Append Thumbnails
    result = [(res, res.get_thumbnail()) for res in result]

    filter_names = [
        'Stadt', 'Region', 'Land', 'Epoche', 'Architekt', 'Bauherr', 'Bauform',
        'Säulenordnung', 'Material', 'Gattung/Funktion'
    # pylint: disable = no-member
    buildings = Building.objects.all()
    # pylint: disable = no-member

    eras = Era.objects.all().exclude(name=None).values('name').distinct()
    eras = delete_duplicates(splitting(one_dict_set_to_string_list(eras)))
    eras = sorted(eras, key=lambda x: x.lower())

    countries = buildings.only('country').exclude(
    countries = delete_duplicates(
    countries = sorted(countries, key=lambda x: x.lower())

    regions = buildings.only('region').exclude(
    regions = delete_duplicates(splitting(
    regions = sorted(regions, key=lambda x: x.lower())

    cities = buildings.only('city').exclude(
    cities = delete_duplicates(splitting(one_dict_set_to_string_list(cities)))
    cities = sorted(cities, key=lambda x: x.lower())

    architects = buildings.only('architect').exclude(
    architects = delete_duplicates(
    architects = sorted(architects, key=lambda x: x.lower())

    builders = buildings.only('builder').exclude(
    builders = delete_duplicates(
    builders = sorted(builders, key=lambda x: x.lower())

    column_orders = buildings.only('column_order').exclude(
    column_orders = delete_duplicates(
    column_orders = sorted(column_orders, key=lambda x: x.lower())

    designs = buildings.only('design').exclude(
    designs = delete_duplicates(splitting(
    designs = sorted(designs, key=lambda x: x.lower())

    material = buildings.only('material').exclude(
    material = delete_duplicates(
    material = sorted(material, key=lambda x: x.lower())

    function = buildings.only('function').exclude(
    function = delete_duplicates(
    function = sorted(function, key=lambda x: x.lower())

    context = {
        'Cities': cities,
        'Regions': regions,
        'Countries': countries,
        'Eras': eras,
        'Architects': architects,
        'Builders': builders,
        'Designs': designs,
        'Column_Orders': column_orders,
        'Materials': material,
        'Functions': function,
        'Filter_Result': result,
        'Filter_Names': filter_names,
        'Active_Filter': dict(urls_parameters),
        'Kurs_Link': get_course_link(),
        'announcements': get_announcements(),

    return render(request, 'filter.html', context)