Esempio n. 1
        def locate_and_create(pair, positions):
            """ For a pair of cables and a set of resistor positions, 
			locate, create and connect those resistors to the cables """

            # Pair indices
            i, j = pair

            # Get resistors' lengths
            rl = get_rl(pair, positions)

            # Iterate over resistors positions
            for zr, l in zip(positions, rl):

                # For each cable, see where this falls

                # On cable i:
                i_sec, z_on_i = anatomy.locate(ws.seclens[i], zr)
                seci = ws.sections[i][i_sec]
                sgi = seci(z_on_i)

                # On cable j:
                j_sec, z_on_j = anatomy.locate(ws.seclens[j], zr)
                secj = ws.sections[j][j_sec]
                sgj = secj(z_on_j)

                # Value of the resistor (MOhm)
                ephres = res / l
                # Create the resistor
                create_eph(ephres, sgi, sgj, seci, secj, i, j, zr)
Esempio n. 2
    def locate_pads_on_nerve(self):
        """ Find the locations in the nerve corresponding 
		to the pads """

        # Iterate over the ring's pads
        self.contact_points = []

        for i_pad in range(self.npads):
            # The pad's angular position determines which cable cell(s)
            # is (are) stimulated

            # Select which of the targets is in contact
            # with a pad 'i_pad' according to its angular position
            angdiff = np.abs(ws.contour_angles - self.thts[i_pad])
            which_cables = np.where(angdiff == angdiff.min())[0]

            # Iterate over possible cables
            ncables_here = len(which_cables)
            for i_cable in which_cables:
                # For cable_cell i, see where this is
                    i_sec, zpos = anatomy.locate(ws.seclens[i_cable], self.z)
                except TypeError:
                    msg = 'ERROR: A ring of an electrode could not be placed on the nerve'
                # Add the point
                point = {'cable': i_cable, 'section': i_sec, 'z': zpos}
                except IndexError:
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, name, index=0):

        PointElectrode.__init__(self, name, index)
        settings = self.settings

   = settings['point']
        except KeyError:
   = settings['points'][self.index]
        self.x, self.y, self.z =

        # Find the cable this corresponds to
        dists = geo.dist((self.x, self.y), (ws.nvt.x, ws.nvt.y))
        these = np.where(dists == dists.min())[0]
        # print('Points:', these)
        # Choose only one cable
        cable_i = these[0]

        # print('Cable:', ws.nvt.cables[cable_i])

        # Locate the section and segment (z value) of the cable
        j_sec, z_on_j = anatomy.locate(ws.seclens[cable_i], self.z)

        # print('Section and segment:', j_sec, z_on_j)

        # Cable and point of the cable to work on
        self.point = {'cable': cable_i, 'section': j_sec, 'z': z_on_j}

Esempio n. 4
    def set_stimulation(self):
        """ Connect grounds """

        # Go straigth to connect the wanted points to ground
        for (x, y, z) in ws.electrodes_settings[]["points"]:

            # Find the cable this corresponds to
            dists = geo.dist((x, y), (ws.nvt.x, ws.nvt.y))
            these = np.where(dists == dists.min())[0]
            # print('Points:', these)
            # Choose only one cable
            cable_i = these[0]

            # print('Cable:', ws.nvt.cables[cable_i])

            # Locate the section and segment (z value) of the cable
            j_sec, z_on_j = anatomy.locate(ws.seclens[cable_i], z)

            # Cable and point of the cable to work on
            point = {'cable': cable_i, 'section': j_sec, 'z': z_on_j}

            # Ground it
Esempio n. 5
    def connect_resistors(self):
        """ Connect the transverse resistors with ephapses in NEURON """
        def locate_and_create(pair, positions):
            """ For a pair of cables and a set of resistor positions, 
			locate, create and connect those resistors to the cables """

            # Pair indices
            i, j = pair

            # Get resistors' lengths
            rl = get_rl(pair, positions)

            # Iterate over resistors positions
            for zr, l in zip(positions, rl):

                # For each cable, see where this falls

                # On cable i:
                i_sec, z_on_i = anatomy.locate(ws.seclens[i], zr)
                seci = ws.sections[i][i_sec]
                sgi = seci(z_on_i)

                # On cable j:
                j_sec, z_on_j = anatomy.locate(ws.seclens[j], zr)
                secj = ws.sections[j][j_sec]
                sgj = secj(z_on_j)

                # Value of the resistor (MOhm)
                ephres = res / l
                # Create the resistor
                create_eph(ephres, sgi, sgj, seci, secj, i, j, zr)
                # ws.log("Created a transverse resistor at z = %f um with value %f MOhm"%(zr, ephres))

        ws.eph_counter = 0
        ws.nrn_res = {}
        for pair, res in self.resistors.items():
            i, j = pair

            # Cable
            cable_cell_i = ws.cables_hoc[i]
            cable_cell_j = ws.cables_hoc[j]

            # I have to connect the cables in a staggered manner

            # If I am only taking the nodes of Ranvier into account
            # and the connection is to be set between two axons:
            if ws.EC["resistor network"][
                    "transverse resistor locations"] == "regular":

                # Separation between transverse resistors
                sep = float(ws.EC["resistor network"]["resistors separation"])

                # Positions of the resistors
                # res_positions = np.arange(0, ws.length, sep)
                res_positions = np.arange(0.5, ws.length, sep)

                # Create and connect the resistors
                locate_and_create(pair, res_positions)

            elif ws.EC["resistor network"]["transverse resistor locations"] == "only nodes of Ranvier" and \
            ('xon' in ws.cables[i].cabletype and 'xon' in ws.cables[j].cabletype):

                # Get resistors' positions and lengths (um)

                # Merge the ws.zprofs_RN of the two axons
                # This array will contain the postions of the resistors
                # over the z-axis
                zp_pair = np.append(ws.zprofs_RN[i], ws.zprofs_RN[j])
                # Remove repeated values (can --will, actually, happen if
                # there's aligned nodes)
                zp_pair = np.unique(zp_pair)

                # Create and connect the resistors
                locate_and_create(pair, zp_pair)

                # If I am taking all nodes into account, the compartments of only one
                # of the two cables (arbitrarily chosen; cable 'i' by default)
                # are plugged to transverse resistors. These are then connected
                # to the second cable wherever they must, regardless of the
                # topology of this second cable.

                # Get resistors' lengths (um)
                # From what is explained above, in this case the z-profile of one
                # of the cables only is used as zp_pair

                rl = get_rl(pair, ws.zprofs[i])

                # Iterate over segments
                for ii, sgi in enumerate(ws.segments[i]):

                    # Get the section and segment of cable j which sgi lies against
                    zi = ws.zprofs[i][ii]
                    j_sec, z_ioverj = anatomy.locate(ws.seclens[j], zi)
                    seci = sgi.sec
                    secj = ws.sections[j][j_sec]
                    sgj = secj(z_ioverj)

                    # Value of the resistor (MOhm)
                    ephres = res / rl[ii]
                    # Create the resistor
                    create_eph(ephres, sgi, sgj, seci, secj, i, j, zi)