Esempio n. 1
  def getAnnotation ( self, ch, annid ):
    """Return a RAMON object by identifier"""

    kvdict = self.annodb.getAnnotationKV ( ch, annid )
    annotype = int(kvdict['ann_type'])

    # switch on the type of annotation
    if annotype is None:
      return None
    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_SYNAPSE:
      anno = annotation.AnnSynapse(self.annodb,ch)
    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_SEED:
      anno = annotation.AnnSeed(self.annodb,ch)
    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_SEGMENT:
      anno = annotation.AnnSegment(self.annodb,ch)
    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_NEURON:
      anno = annotation.AnnNeuron(self.annodb,ch)
    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_ORGANELLE:
      anno = annotation.AnnOrganelle(self.annodb,ch)
    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_NODE:
      anno = annotation.AnnNode(self.annodb,ch)
    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_SKELETON:
      anno = annotation.AnnSkeleton(self.annodb,ch)
    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_ROI:
      anno = annotation.AnnROI(self.annodb,ch)
    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_ANNOTATION:
      anno = annotation.Annotation(self.annodb,ch)
      raise NDWSError ( "Unrecognized annotation type {}".format(type) )

    # load the annotation
    anno.fromDict ( kvdict )

    return anno
Esempio n. 2
    def _readOrganelle(self, id):
        # create a new organelle
        anno = annotation.AnnOrganelle(self.annodb,

        # set the organelle ID
        anno.setField('annid', id)

        # fill in the fields
        # basic metadata first
        [confidence, status] = self._readAnnoMetadata(id)

        anno.setField('status', status)
        anno.setField('confidence', confidence)

        # segment related metadata
        with closing(
                    connect_timeout=1)) as conn:
            with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor:
                orgTableName = "{}_organelles".format(
                sql = "SELECT organelleclass, parentseed, centroidx, centroidy, centroidz FROM {} WHERE annoid={}".format(
                    orgTableName, id)

                    res = cursor.fetchall()[0]
                except MySQLdb.Error, e:
                    print "Error: Failed to get annotation type for RAMON object with ID {}: {}".format(
                        id, e)
Esempio n. 3
def H5toAnnotation(key, idgrp, annodb, ch):
    """Return an annotation constructed from the contents of this HDF5 file"""

    # get the annotation type
    #  if idgrp.get('ANNOTATION_TYPE'):
    if 'ANNOTATION_TYPE' in idgrp:
        annotype = idgrp['ANNOTATION_TYPE'][0]
        annotype = annotation.ANNO_ANNOTATION

    # And get the metadata group
    mdgrp = idgrp.get('METADATA')

    if annotype == annotation.ANNO_SEED:

        # Create the appropriate annotation type
        anno = annotation.AnnSeed(annodb, ch)

        # Load metadata if it exists
        if mdgrp:
            # load the seed specific metadata
            if 'PARENT' in mdgrp:
                anno.parent = mdgrp['PARENT'][0]
            if 'POSITION' in mdgrp:
                anno.position = mdgrp['POSITION'][:]
            if 'CUBE_LOCATION' in mdgrp:
                anno.cubelocation = mdgrp['CUBE_LOCATION'][0]
            if 'SOURCE' in mdgrp:
                anno.source = mdgrp['SOURCE'][0]

    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_SYNAPSE:

        # Create the appropriate annotation type
        anno = annotation.AnnSynapse(annodb, ch)

        # Load metadata if it exists
        if mdgrp:
            # load the synapse specific metadata
            if 'SYNAPSE_TYPE' in mdgrp:
                anno.synapse_type = mdgrp['SYNAPSE_TYPE'][0]
            if 'WEIGHT' in mdgrp:
                anno.weight = mdgrp['WEIGHT'][0]
            if 'SEEDS' in mdgrp:
                anno.seeds = mdgrp['SEEDS'][:]
            if 'SEGMENTS' in mdgrp:
                anno.segments = mdgrp['SEGMENTS'][:]
            if 'PRESEGMENTS' in mdgrp:
                anno.presegments = mdgrp['PRESEGMENTS'][:]
            if 'POSTSEGMENTS' in mdgrp:
                anno.postsegments = mdgrp['POSTSEGMENTS'][:]

    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_SEGMENT:

        # Create the appropriate annotation type
        anno = annotation.AnnSegment(annodb, ch)

        # Load metadata if it exists
        if mdgrp:
            # load the synapse specific metadata
            if mdgrp.get('PARENTSEED'):
                anno.parentseed = mdgrp['PARENTSEED'][0]
            if mdgrp.get('SEGMENTCLASS'):
                anno.segmentclass = mdgrp['SEGMENTCLASS'][0]
            if mdgrp.get('NEURON'):
                anno.neuron = mdgrp['NEURON'][0]
            if mdgrp.get('SYNAPSES') and len(mdgrp['SYNAPSES']) != 0:
                anno.synapses = mdgrp['SYNAPSES'][:]
            if mdgrp.get('ORGANELLES') and len(mdgrp['ORGANELLES']) != 0:
                anno.organelles = mdgrp['ORGANELLES'][:]

    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_NEURON:

        # Create the appropriate annotation type
        anno = annotation.AnnNeuron(annodb, ch)

        # Load metadata if it exists
        if mdgrp:
            # load the synapse specific metadata
            if mdgrp.get('SEGMENTS') and len(mdgrp['SEGMENTS']) != 0:
                anno.segments = mdgrp['SEGMENTS'][:]

    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_ORGANELLE:

        # Create the appropriate annotation type
        anno = annotation.AnnOrganelle(annodb, ch)

        # Load metadata if it exists
        if mdgrp:
            # load the synapse specific metadata
            if mdgrp.get('PARENTSEED'):
                anno.parentseed = mdgrp['PARENTSEED'][0]
            if mdgrp.get('ORGANELLECLASS'):
                anno.organelleclass = mdgrp['ORGANELLECLASS'][0]
            if mdgrp.get('SEEDS') and len(mdgrp['SEEDS']) != 0:
                anno.seeds = mdgrp['SEEDS'][:]
            if mdgrp.get('CENTROID'):
                anno.centroid = mdgrp['CENTROID'][:]

    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_NODE:

        # Create the appropriate annotation type
        anno = annotation.AnnNode(annodb, ch)

        # Load metadata if it exists
        if mdgrp:
            # load the synapse specific metadata
            if 'NODETYPE' in mdgrp:
                anno.nodetype = mdgrp['NODETYPE'][0]
            if 'PARENTID' in mdgrp:
                anno.parentid = mdgrp['PARENTID'][0]
            if 'SKELETONID' in mdgrp:
                anno.skeletonid = mdgrp['SKELETONID'][0]
            if 'RADIUS' in mdgrp:
                anno.radius = mdgrp['RADIUS'][0]
            if mdgrp.get('CHILDREN') and len(mdgrp['CHILDREN']) != 0:
                anno.children = mdgrp['CHILDREN'][:]
            if mdgrp.get('LOCATION'):
                anno.location = mdgrp['LOCATION'][:]

    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_SKELETON:

        # Create the appropriate annotation type
        anno = annotation.AnnSkeleton(annodb, ch)

        # Load metadata if it exists
        if mdgrp:
            # load the synapse specific metadata
            if 'SKELETONTYPE' in mdgrp:
                anno.skeletontype = mdgrp['SKELETONTYPE'][0]
            if 'ROOTNODE' in mdgrp:
                anno.rootnode = mdgrp['ROOTNODE'][0]

    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_ROI:

        # Create the appropriate annotation type
        anno = annotation.AnnROI(annodb, ch)

        # Load metadata if it exists
        if mdgrp:
            # load the synapse specific metadata
            if 'PARENT' in mdgrp:
                anno.parent = mdgrp['PARENT'][0]

    # No special action if it's a no type
    elif annotype == annotation.ANNO_ANNOTATION:
        # Just create a generic annotation object
        anno = annotation.Annotation(annodb, ch)

        logger.warning("Do not support this annotation type yet. Type = %s" %
        raise NDWSError("Do n0t support this annotation type yet. Type = %s" %

    # now load the annotation common fields
    if re.match("^\d+$", key):
        anno.annid = int(key)
        anno.annid = 0

    if mdgrp:
        # now load the metadata common fields
        if mdgrp.get('STATUS'):
            anno.status = mdgrp['STATUS'][0]
        if mdgrp.get('CONFIDENCE'):
            anno.confidence = mdgrp['CONFIDENCE'][0]
        if mdgrp.get('AUTHOR'):
   = mdgrp['AUTHOR'][0]

        # and the key/value pairs
        if mdgrp.get('KVPAIRS'):
            fstring = cStringIO.StringIO(mdgrp['KVPAIRS'][0])
            csvr = csv.reader(fstring, delimiter=',')
            for r in csvr:
                anno.kvpairs[r[0]] = r[1]

    return anno