def train(self, docbin_file, cutoff=None): """Train the HMM annotator based on the docbin file""" spacy_docs = annotations.docbin_reader(docbin_file, cutoff=cutoff) X_stream = (self.extract_sequence(doc) for doc in spacy_docs) streams = itertools.tee(X_stream, 3) self._initialise_startprob(streams[0]) self._initialise_transmat(streams[1]) self._initialise_emissions(streams[2]) self._check() self.monitor_._reset() for iter in range(self.n_iter): print("Starting iteration", (iter + 1)) stats = self._initialize_sufficient_statistics() curr_logprob = 0 nb_docs = 0 import random for doc in annotations.docbin_reader(docbin_file, cutoff=cutoff): if doc.user_data["annotations"]["score"] != 5: if random.randint(0, 9) > 3: continue X = self.extract_sequence(doc) score = 1.0 import math framelogprob = self._compute_log_likelihood(X) + math.log( score) if framelogprob.max(axis=1).min() < -100000: print("problem found!") return framelogprob logprob, fwdlattice = self._do_forward_pass(framelogprob) curr_logprob += logprob bwdlattice = self._do_backward_pass(framelogprob) posteriors = self._compute_posteriors(fwdlattice, bwdlattice) self._accumulate_sufficient_statistics(stats, X, framelogprob, posteriors, fwdlattice, bwdlattice) nb_docs += 1 if nb_docs % 1000 == 0: print("Number of processed documents:", nb_docs) print("Finished E-step with %i documents" % nb_docs) # XXX must be before convergence check, because otherwise # there won't be any updates for the case ``n_iter=1``. self._do_mstep(stats) if self.monitor_.converged: break return self
def train(self, docbin_file): """Trains the Snorkel model on the provided corpus""" import snorkel.labeling all_obs = [] for doc in annotations.docbin_reader(docbin_file): doc = self.specialise_annotations(doc) spans, obs = self._get_inputs(doc) all_obs.append(obs) if len(all_obs) > 5: break all_obs = np.vstack(all_obs) self.label_model = snorkel.labeling.LabelModel(len(LABELS) + 1)
def generate_from_docbin(docbin_file, target_source=None, cutoff=None, nb_to_skip=0, labels_to_retain=None, labels_to_map=None, loop=False): """Generates spacy documents from a DocBin object.""" import annotations nb_generated = 0 vocab = spacy.load("en_core_web_md").vocab while True: reader = annotations.docbin_reader(docbin_file, vocab=vocab, cutoff=cutoff, nb_to_skip=nb_to_skip) for spacy_doc in reader: spans = [] if target_source is None: spans = [(ent.start, ent.end, ent.label_) for ent in spacy_doc.ents] else: spans = [(start, end, label) for (start, end), vals in spacy_doc.user_data["annotations"] [target_source].items() for label, conf in vals if conf > 0.5] new_spans = [] for start, end, label in spans: if labels_to_map is not None: label = labels_to_map.get(label, label) if labels_to_retain is None or label in labels_to_retain: ent = spacy.tokens.Span(spacy_doc, start, end, spacy_doc.vocab.strings[label]) new_spans.append(ent) spacy_doc.ents = tuple(new_spans) yield spacy_doc nb_generated += 1 if cutoff is not None and nb_generated >= cutoff: return if not loop: break
def get_crowd_data(): crowd_docs = [] import itertools import json import spacy import annotations import spacy_wrapper nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_md", disable=["tagger", "parser", "ner"]) pipe1 = annotations.docbin_reader("./data/reuters.docbin") reuters_docs = [] pipe_stream0, pipe_stream1 = itertools.tee(pipe1, 2) pipe2 = nlp.pipe((x.text for x in pipe_stream0)) nb_written = 0 for i, (doc, doc2) in enumerate(zip(pipe_stream1, pipe2)): if "&" in doc.text or "<" in doc.text or ">" in doc.text: continue corrected = spacy_wrapper._correct_tokenisation(doc2) if [tok.text for tok in corrected] != [tok.text for tok in doc2]: continue reuters_docs.append(doc) nb_written += 1 if nb_written >= 1000: break pipe1 = annotations.docbin_reader("./data/bloomberg1.docbin") bloomberg_docs = [] pipe_stream0, pipe_stream1 = itertools.tee(pipe1, 2) pipe2 = nlp.pipe((x.text for x in pipe_stream0)) nb_written = 0 for i, (doc, doc2) in enumerate(zip(pipe_stream1, pipe2)): if "&" in doc.text or "<" in doc.text or ">" in doc.text: continue corrected = spacy_wrapper._correct_tokenisation(doc2) if [tok.text for tok in corrected] != [tok.text for tok in doc2]: continue bloomberg_docs.append(doc) nb_written += 1 if nb_written >= 1000: break print("Number of read documents:", len(reuters_docs), len(bloomberg_docs)) crowd_docs = [] dic = json.load(open("data/second_launch_annotations.json", "r")) for k, v in dic.items(): if v["source"] == "Bloomberg": doc = bloomberg_docs[int(v["source_doc"])] else: doc = reuters_docs[int(v["source_doc"])] for sent in doc.sents: if sent.text.strip() == v["original_text"].strip(): for span in v["annotated_text"].split(): if "/" in span: entity = span.split("/")[1].upper() start = int(span.split("-")[0]) end = int(span.split("-")[1].split("/")[0]) + 1 ent_span = doc.char_span(sent.start_char + start, sent.start_char + end) if ent_span is None: print("strange span", sent, span) continue if "crowd" not in doc.user_data["annotations"]: doc.user_data["annotations"]["crowd"] = {} doc.user_data["annotations"]["crowd"][( ent_span.start, ent_span.end)] = ((entity, 1.0), ) sent2 = sent.as_doc() sent2.user_data["annotations"] = {} for source in doc.user_data["annotations"]: if source == "crowd_sents": continue sent2.user_data["annotations"][source] = {} for ( start, end ), vals in doc.user_data["annotations"][source].items(): if start >= sent.start and start < sent.end: sent2.user_data["annotations"][source][( start - sent.start, end - sent.start)] = vals crowd_docs.append(sent2) for doc in crowd_docs: if "crowd" not in doc.user_data["annotations"]: continue spans = [] for (start, end) in sorted(doc.user_data["annotations"]["crowd"]): for val, conf in doc.user_data["annotations"]["crowd"][(start, end)]: if spans: other_start, other_end = spans[-1].start, spans[-1].end else: other_start, other_end = 0, 0 if other_end > start: print("overlap between", start, end, other_start, other_end) spans = spans[:-1] start = other_start spans.append( spacy.tokens.Span( doc, start, end, nlp.vocab. strings[val if val != "DATETIME" else "DATE"])) doc.ents = tuple(spans) return crowd_docs