Esempio n. 1
    def from_path(b_path, force, parent=None):
        info = {}
        for b_file_name, property_name in CollectionRequirement._FILE_MAPPING:
            b_file_path = os.path.join(b_path, b_file_name)
            if not os.path.exists(b_file_path):

            with open(b_file_path, 'rb') as file_obj:
                    info[property_name] = json.loads(to_text(, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
                except ValueError:
                    raise AnsibleError("Collection file at '%s' does not contain a valid json string."
                                       % to_native(b_file_path))

        if 'manifest_file' in info:
            manifest = info['manifest_file']['collection_info']
            namespace = manifest['namespace']
            name = manifest['name']
            version = manifest['version']
            dependencies = manifest['dependencies']
            display.warning("Collection at '%s' does not have a MANIFEST.json file, cannot detect version."
                            % to_text(b_path))
            parent_dir, name = os.path.split(to_text(b_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
            namespace = os.path.split(parent_dir)[1]

            version = '*'
            dependencies = {}

        meta = CollectionVersionMetadata(namespace, name, version, None, None, dependencies)

        files = info.get('files_file', {}).get('files', {})

        return CollectionRequirement(namespace, name, b_path, None, [version], version, force, parent=parent,
                                     metadata=meta, files=files, skip=True)
Esempio n. 2
    def from_tar(b_path, force, parent=None):
        if not tarfile.is_tarfile(b_path):
            raise AnsibleError("Collection artifact at '%s' is not a valid tar file." % to_native(b_path))

        info = {}
        with, mode='r') as collection_tar:
            for b_member_name, property_name in CollectionRequirement._FILE_MAPPING:
                n_member_name = to_native(b_member_name)
                    member = collection_tar.getmember(n_member_name)
                except KeyError:
                    raise AnsibleError("Collection at '%s' does not contain the required file %s."
                                       % (to_native(b_path), n_member_name))

                with _tarfile_extract(collection_tar, member) as member_obj:
                        info[property_name] = json.loads(to_text(, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
                    except ValueError:
                        raise AnsibleError("Collection tar file member %s does not contain a valid json string."
                                           % n_member_name)

        meta = info['manifest_file']['collection_info']
        files = info['files_file']['files']

        namespace = meta['namespace']
        name = meta['name']
        version = meta['version']
        meta = CollectionVersionMetadata(namespace, name, version, None, None, meta['dependencies'])

        return CollectionRequirement(namespace, name, b_path, None, [version], version, force, parent=parent,
                                     metadata=meta, files=files)