def _build_global_forwarding_rule_dict(params, project_id=None):
    Reformat services in Ansible Params.

    :param params: Params from AnsibleModule object
    :type params: ``dict``

    :param project_id: The GCP project ID.
    :type project_id:  ``str``

    :return: dictionary suitable for submission to GCP API.
    :rtype ``dict``
    url = ''
    if project_id:
        url = GCPUtils.build_googleapi_url(project_id)
    gcp_dict = GCPUtils.params_to_gcp_dict(params, 'forwarding_rule_name')
    if 'target' in gcp_dict:
        gcp_dict['target'] = '%s/global/targetHttpProxies/%s' % (
            url, gcp_dict['target'])
    if 'address' in gcp_dict:
        gcp_dict['IPAddress'] = '%s/global/addresses/%s' % (
            url, gcp_dict['address'])
        del gcp_dict['address']
    if 'protocol' in gcp_dict:
        gcp_dict['IPProtocol'] = gcp_dict['protocol']
        del gcp_dict['protocol']
    return gcp_dict
Esempio n. 2
 def test_get_gcp_resource_from_methodId(self):
     input_data = 'compute.urlMaps.list'
     actual = GCPUtils.get_gcp_resource_from_methodId(input_data)
     self.assertEqual('urlMaps', actual)
     input_data = None
     actual = GCPUtils.get_gcp_resource_from_methodId(input_data)
     input_data = 666
     actual = GCPUtils.get_gcp_resource_from_methodId(input_data)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_filter_gcp_fields(self):
        input_data = {
            u'kind': u'compute#httpsHealthCheck',
            u'description': u'',
            u'timeoutSec': 5,
            u'checkIntervalSec': 5,
            u'port': 443,
            u'healthyThreshold': 2,
            u'host': u'',
            u'requestPath': u'/',
            u'unhealthyThreshold': 2,
            u'creationTimestamp': u'2017-05-16T15:09:36.546-07:00',
            u'id': u'8727093129334146639',
            u'name': u'myhealthcheck'

        expected = {
            'name': 'myhealthcheck',
            'checkIntervalSec': 5,
            'port': 443,
            'unhealthyThreshold': 2,
            'healthyThreshold': 2,
            'host': '',
            'timeoutSec': 5,
            'requestPath': '/'

        actual = GCPUtils.filter_gcp_fields(input_data)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def _build_healthcheck_dict(params):
    Reformat services in Ansible Params for GCP.

    :param params: Params from AnsibleModule object
    :type params: ``dict``

    :param project_id: The GCP project ID.
    :type project_id:  ``str``

    :return: dictionary suitable for submission to GCP
             HealthCheck (HTTP/HTTPS) API.
    :rtype ``dict``
    gcp_dict = GCPUtils.params_to_gcp_dict(params, 'healthcheck_name')
    if 'timeout' in gcp_dict:
        gcp_dict['timeoutSec'] = gcp_dict['timeout']
        del gcp_dict['timeout']

    if 'checkInterval' in gcp_dict:
        gcp_dict['checkIntervalSec'] = gcp_dict['checkInterval']
        del gcp_dict['checkInterval']

    if 'hostHeader' in gcp_dict:
        gcp_dict['host'] = gcp_dict['hostHeader']
        del gcp_dict['hostHeader']

    if 'healthcheckType' in gcp_dict:
        del gcp_dict['healthcheckType']
    return gcp_dict
def create_healthcheck(client, params, project_id, resource_type='HTTP'):
    Create a new Healthcheck.

    :param client: An initialized GCE Compute Discovery resource.
    :type client:  :class: `googleapiclient.discovery.Resource`

    :param params: Dictionary of arguments from AnsibleModule.
    :type params:  ``dict``

    :return: Tuple with changed status and response dict
    :rtype: ``tuple`` in the format of (bool, dict)
    gcp_dict = _build_healthcheck_dict(params)
        resource, _ = _get_req_resource(client, resource_type)
        args = {'project': project_id, 'body': gcp_dict}
        req = resource.insert(**args)
        return_data = GCPUtils.execute_api_client_req(req, client, raw=False)
        if not return_data:
            return_data = get_healthcheck(client,
        return (True, return_data)
    except Exception:
def _build_path_matchers(path_matcher_list, project_id):
    Reformat services in path matchers list.

    Specifically, builds out URLs.

    :param path_matcher_list: The GCP project ID.
    :type path_matcher_list: ``list`` of ``dict``

    :param project_id: The GCP project ID.
    :type project_id:  ``str``

    :return: list suitable for submission to GCP
             UrlMap API Path Matchers list.
    :rtype ``list`` of ``dict``
    url = ''
    if project_id:
        url = GCPUtils.build_googleapi_url(project_id)
    for pm in path_matcher_list:
        if 'defaultService' in pm:
            pm['defaultService'] = '%s/global/backendServices/%s' % (url,
        if 'pathRules' in pm:
            for rule in pm['pathRules']:
                if 'service' in rule:
                    rule['service'] = '%s/global/backendServices/%s' % (url,
    return path_matcher_list
def create_global_forwarding_rule(client, params, project_id):
    Create a new Global Forwarding Rule.

    :param client: An initialized GCE Compute Discovery resource.
    :type client:  :class: `googleapiclient.discovery.Resource`

    :param params: Dictionary of arguments from AnsibleModule.
    :type params:  ``dict``

    :return: Tuple with changed status and response dict
    :rtype: ``tuple`` in the format of (bool, dict)
    gcp_dict = _build_global_forwarding_rule_dict(params, project_id)
        req = client.globalForwardingRules().insert(project=project_id,
        return_data = GCPUtils.execute_api_client_req(req, client, raw=False)
        if not return_data:
            return_data = get_global_forwarding_rule(
        return (True, return_data)
    except Exception:
Esempio n. 8
 def test_get_entity_name_from_resource_name(self):
     input_data = 'urlMaps'
     actual = GCPUtils.get_entity_name_from_resource_name(input_data)
     self.assertEqual('urlMap', actual)
     input_data = 'targetHttpProxies'
     actual = GCPUtils.get_entity_name_from_resource_name(input_data)
     self.assertEqual('targetHttpProxy', actual)
     input_data = 'globalForwardingRules'
     actual = GCPUtils.get_entity_name_from_resource_name(input_data)
     self.assertEqual('forwardingRule', actual)
     input_data = ''
     actual = GCPUtils.get_entity_name_from_resource_name(input_data)
     self.assertEqual(None, actual)
     input_data = 666
     actual = GCPUtils.get_entity_name_from_resource_name(input_data)
     self.assertEqual(None, actual)
def update_global_forwarding_rule(client, forwarding_rule, params, name,
    Update a Global Forwarding_Rule. Currently, only a target can be updated.

    If the forwarding_rule has not changed, the update will not occur.

    :param client: An initialized GCE Compute Discovery resource.
    :type client:  :class: `googleapiclient.discovery.Resource`

    :param forwarding_rule: Name of the Target Proxy.
    :type forwarding_rule:  ``dict``

    :param params: Dictionary of arguments from AnsibleModule.
    :type params:  ``dict``

    :param name: Name of the Global Forwarding Rule.
    :type name:  ``str``

    :param project_id: The GCP project ID.
    :type project_id:  ``str``

    :return: Tuple with changed status and response dict
    :rtype: ``tuple`` in the format of (bool, dict)
    gcp_dict = _build_global_forwarding_rule_dict(params, project_id)

    GCPUtils.are_params_equal(forwarding_rule, gcp_dict)
    if forwarding_rule['target'] == gcp_dict['target']:
        return (False, 'no update necessary')

        req = client.globalForwardingRules().setTarget(
            body={'target': gcp_dict['target']})
        return_data = GCPUtils.execute_api_client_req(req,
        return (True, return_data)
    except Exception:
def update_healthcheck(client, healthcheck, params, name, project_id,
    Update a Healthcheck.

    If the healthcheck has not changed, the update will not occur.

    :param client: An initialized GCE Compute Discovery resource.
    :type client:  :class: `googleapiclient.discovery.Resource`

    :param healthcheck: Name of the Url Map.
    :type healthcheck:  ``dict``

    :param params: Dictionary of arguments from AnsibleModule.
    :type params:  ``dict``

    :param name: Name of the Url Map.
    :type name:  ``str``

    :param project_id: The GCP project ID.
    :type project_id:  ``str``

    :return: Tuple with changed status and response dict
    :rtype: ``tuple`` in the format of (bool, dict)
    gcp_dict = _build_healthcheck_dict(params)
    ans = GCPUtils.are_params_equal(healthcheck, gcp_dict)
    if ans:
        return (False, 'no update necessary')

        resource, entity_name = _get_req_resource(client, resource_type)
        args = {'project': project_id, entity_name: name, 'body': gcp_dict}
        req = resource.update(**args)
        return_data = GCPUtils.execute_api_client_req(
            req, client=client, raw=False)
        return (True, return_data)
    except Exception:
def update_url_map(client, url_map, params, name, project_id):
    Update a Url_Map.

    If the url_map has not changed, the update will not occur.

    :param client: An initialized GCE Compute Discovery resource.
    :type client:  :class: `googleapiclient.discovery.Resource`

    :param url_map: Name of the Url Map.
    :type url_map:  ``dict``

    :param params: Dictionary of arguments from AnsibleModule.
    :type params:  ``dict``

    :param name: Name of the Url Map.
    :type name:  ``str``

    :param project_id: The GCP project ID.
    :type project_id:  ``str``

    :return: Tuple with changed status and response dict
    :rtype: ``tuple`` in the format of (bool, dict)
    gcp_dict = _build_url_map_dict(params, project_id)

    ans = GCPUtils.are_params_equal(url_map, gcp_dict)
    if ans:
        return (False, 'no update necessary')

    gcp_dict['fingerprint'] = url_map['fingerprint']
        req = client.urlMaps().update(project=project_id,
                                      urlMap=name, body=gcp_dict)
        return_data = GCPUtils.execute_api_client_req(req, client=client, raw=False)
        return (True, return_data)
    except Exception:
def _build_url_map_dict(params, project_id=None):
    Reformat services in Ansible Params.

    :param params: Params from AnsibleModule object
    :type params: ``dict``

    :param project_id: The GCP project ID.
    :type project_id:  ``str``

    :return: dictionary suitable for submission to GCP UrlMap API.
    :rtype ``dict``
    url = ''
    if project_id:
        url = GCPUtils.build_googleapi_url(project_id)
    gcp_dict = GCPUtils.params_to_gcp_dict(params, 'url_map_name')
    if 'defaultService' in gcp_dict:
        gcp_dict['defaultService'] = '%s/global/backendServices/%s' % (url,
    if 'pathMatchers' in gcp_dict:
        gcp_dict['pathMatchers'] = _build_path_matchers(gcp_dict['pathMatchers'], project_id)

    return gcp_dict
def get_url_map(client, name, project_id=None):
    Get a Url_Map from GCP.

    :param client: An initialized GCE Compute Discovery resource.
    :type client:  :class: `googleapiclient.discovery.Resource`

    :param name: Name of the Url Map.
    :type name:  ``str``

    :param project_id: The GCP project ID.
    :type project_id:  ``str``

    :return: A dict resp from the respective GCP 'get' request.
    :rtype: ``dict``
        req = client.urlMaps().get(project=project_id, urlMap=name)
        return GCPUtils.execute_api_client_req(req, raise_404=False)
    except Exception:
def delete_url_map(client, name, project_id):
    Delete a Url_Map.

    :param client: An initialized GCE Compute Discover resource.
    :type client:  :class: `googleapiclient.discovery.Resource`

    :param name: Name of the Url Map.
    :type name:  ``str``

    :param project_id: The GCP project ID.
    :type project_id:  ``str``

    :return: Tuple with changed status and response dict
    :rtype: ``tuple`` in the format of (bool, dict)
        req = client.urlMaps().delete(project=project_id, urlMap=name)
        return_data = GCPUtils.execute_api_client_req(req, client)
        return (True, return_data)
    except Exception:
Esempio n. 15
    def test_params_to_gcp_dict(self):

        expected = {
            'foo_url_map description',
            'hostRules': [{
                'description': 'host rules description',
                'hosts': ['', ''],
                'pathMatcher': 'host_rules_path_matcher'
            'pathMatchers': [{
                'path matcher one',
                'pathRules': [{
                    'paths': ['/', '/aboutus'],
                    'service': 'my-one-bes'
            }, {
                'path matcher two',
                'pathRules': [{
                    'paths': ['/webapp', '/graphs'],
                    'service': 'my-two-bes'

        actual = GCPUtils.params_to_gcp_dict(self.params_dict, 'url_map_name')
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def delete_global_forwarding_rule(client, name, project_id):
    Delete a Global Forwarding Rule.

    :param client: An initialized GCE Compute Discovery resource.
    :type client:  :class: `googleapiclient.discovery.Resource`

    :param name: Name of the Target Proxy.
    :type name:  ``str``

    :param project_id: The GCP project ID.
    :type project_id:  ``str``

    :return: Tuple with changed status and response dict
    :rtype: ``tuple`` in the format of (bool, dict)
        req = client.globalForwardingRules().delete(project=project_id,
        return_data = GCPUtils.execute_api_client_req(req, client)
        return (True, return_data)
    except Exception:
def get_healthcheck(client, name, project_id=None, resource_type='HTTP'):
    Get a Healthcheck from GCP.

    :param client: An initialized GCE Compute Discovery resource.
    :type client:  :class: `googleapiclient.discovery.Resource`

    :param name: Name of the Url Map.
    :type name:  ``str``

    :param project_id: The GCP project ID.
    :type project_id:  ``str``

    :return: A dict resp from the respective GCP 'get' request.
    :rtype: ``dict``
        resource, entity_name = _get_req_resource(client, resource_type)
        args = {'project': project_id, entity_name: name}
        req = resource.get(**args)
        return GCPUtils.execute_api_client_req(req, raise_404=False)
    except Exception:
def delete_healthcheck(client, name, project_id, resource_type='HTTP'):
    Delete a Healthcheck.

    :param client: An initialized GCE Compute Discovery resource.
    :type client:  :class: `googleapiclient.discovery.Resource`

    :param name: Name of the Url Map.
    :type name:  ``str``

    :param project_id: The GCP project ID.
    :type project_id:  ``str``

    :return: Tuple with changed status and response dict
    :rtype: ``tuple`` in the format of (bool, dict)
        resource, entity_name = _get_req_resource(client, resource_type)
        args = {'project': project_id, entity_name: name}
        req = resource.delete(**args)
        return_data = GCPUtils.execute_api_client_req(req, client)
        return (True, return_data)
    except Exception:
Esempio n. 19
    def test_parse_gcp_url(self):
        # region, resource, entity, method
        input_url = ''
        actual = GCPUtils.parse_gcp_url(input_url)
        self.assertEqual('compute', actual['service'])
        self.assertEqual('v1', actual['api_version'])
        self.assertEqual('myproject', actual['project'])
        self.assertEqual('us-east1', actual['region'])
        self.assertEqual('instanceGroupManagers', actual['resource_name'])
        self.assertEqual('my-mig', actual['entity_name'])
        self.assertEqual('recreateInstances', actual['method_name'])

        # zone, resource, entity, method
        input_url = ''
        actual = GCPUtils.parse_gcp_url(input_url)
        self.assertEqual('compute', actual['service'])
        self.assertEqual('v1', actual['api_version'])
        self.assertEqual('myproject', actual['project'])
        self.assertEqual('us-east1-c', actual['zone'])
        self.assertEqual('instanceGroupManagers', actual['resource_name'])
        self.assertEqual('my-mig', actual['entity_name'])
        self.assertEqual('recreateInstances', actual['method_name'])

        # global, resource
        input_url = ''
        actual = GCPUtils.parse_gcp_url(input_url)
        self.assertEqual('compute', actual['service'])
        self.assertEqual('v1', actual['api_version'])
        self.assertEqual('myproject', actual['project'])
        self.assertTrue('global' in actual)
        self.assertEqual('urlMaps', actual['resource_name'])

        # global, resource, entity
        input_url = ''
        actual = GCPUtils.parse_gcp_url(input_url)
        self.assertEqual('myproject', actual['project'])
        self.assertTrue('global' in actual)
        self.assertEqual('v1', actual['api_version'])
        self.assertEqual('compute', actual['service'])

        # global URL, resource, entity, method_name
        input_url = ''
        actual = GCPUtils.parse_gcp_url(input_url)
        self.assertEqual('compute', actual['service'])
        self.assertEqual('v1', actual['api_version'])
        self.assertEqual('myproject', actual['project'])
        self.assertTrue('global' in actual)
        self.assertEqual('backendServices', actual['resource_name'])
        self.assertEqual('mybackendservice', actual['entity_name'])
        self.assertEqual('getHealth', actual['method_name'])

        # no location in URL
        input_url = ''
        actual = GCPUtils.parse_gcp_url(input_url)
        self.assertEqual('compute', actual['service'])
        self.assertEqual('v1', actual['api_version'])
        self.assertEqual('myproject', actual['project'])
        self.assertFalse('global' in actual)
        self.assertEqual('targetHttpProxies', actual['resource_name'])
        self.assertEqual('mytargetproxy', actual['entity_name'])
        self.assertEqual('setUrlMap', actual['method_name'])

        input_url = ''
        actual = GCPUtils.parse_gcp_url(input_url)
        self.assertEqual('compute', actual['service'])
        self.assertEqual('v1', actual['api_version'])
        self.assertEqual('myproject', actual['project'])
        self.assertFalse('global' in actual)
        self.assertEqual('targetHttpProxies', actual['resource_name'])
        self.assertEqual('mytargetproxy', actual['entity_name'])

        input_url = ''
        actual = GCPUtils.parse_gcp_url(input_url)
        self.assertEqual('compute', actual['service'])
        self.assertEqual('v1', actual['api_version'])
        self.assertEqual('myproject', actual['project'])
        self.assertFalse('global' in actual)
        self.assertEqual('targetHttpProxies', actual['resource_name'])

        # test exceptions
        no_projects_input_url = ''
        no_resource_input_url = ''

        no_resource_no_loc_input_url = ''

        with self.assertRaises(GCPInvalidURLError) as cm:
        self.assertTrue(cm.exception, GCPInvalidURLError)

        with self.assertRaises(GCPInvalidURLError) as cm:
        self.assertTrue(cm.exception, GCPInvalidURLError)

        with self.assertRaises(GCPInvalidURLError) as cm:
        self.assertTrue(cm.exception, GCPInvalidURLError)
Esempio n. 20
    def test_are_params_equal(self):
        params1 = {'one': 1}
        params2 = {'one': 1}
        actual = GCPUtils.are_params_equal(params1, params2)

        params1 = {'one': 1}
        params2 = {'two': 2}
        actual = GCPUtils.are_params_equal(params1, params2)

        params1 = {'three': 3, 'two': 2, 'one': 1}
        params2 = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}
        actual = GCPUtils.are_params_equal(params1, params2)

        params1 = {
            "hostRules": [{
                "description": "",
                "hosts": ["*."],
                "pathMatcher": "path-matcher-one"
            "pathMatchers": [{
                "path matcher one",
                "pathRules": [{
                    "paths": ["/data", "/aboutus"],
        params2 = {
            "hostRules": [{
                "description": "",
                "hosts": ["*."],
                "pathMatcher": "path-matcher-one"
            "pathMatchers": [{
                "path matcher one",
                "pathRules": [{
                    "paths": ["/data", "/aboutus"],

        # params1 has exclude fields, params2 doesn't. Should be equal
        actual = GCPUtils.are_params_equal(params1, params2)