Esempio n. 1
qap = Reader(path)  # construct the problem

Util.get_configuration()  # get the best configuration of the ant system
runs = [sys.maxsize for i in range(Params.singleton.MAX_RUN)]

for t in range(Params.singleton.MAX_TRY):
    colony = Ants(qap.matrix_A, qap.matrix_B, Params.singleton.nb_ants,
    colony.init_pheromone(1 / (Params.singleton.RHO * qap.size))

    run = 0
    start = time.time()
    while not terminal_condition(run, start):
        construct_solutions(colony)  # build the solution for each ant

        if Params.singleton.lcs_flag:
            colony.local_search()  # apply the local search

            colony)  # update the pheromone depending on the ant system

        save_run(run, colony)  # Save the current run

        exit_run(run, colony)  # Print the information about the run
        run += 1
    save_best_run()  # Save the the run that have the best results
    exit_trial(t)  # Print the statistic about the trial
    runs = [sys.maxsize for i in range(Params.singleton.MAX_RUN)]
get_best_solution_on_instance()  # Retrieve the best try of the instance