Esempio n. 1
# The arcade cabinet runs Intcode software like the game the Elves sent (your puzzle input). It has a primitive screen capable of drawing square tiles on a grid. The software draws tiles to the screen with output instructions: every three output instructions specify the x position (distance from the left), y position (distance from the top), and tile id. The tile id is interpreted as follows:
#     0 is an empty tile. No game object appears in this tile.
#     1 is a wall tile. Walls are indestructible barriers.
#     2 is a block tile. Blocks can be broken by the ball.
#     3 is a horizontal paddle tile. The paddle is indestructible.
#     4 is a ball tile. The ball moves diagonally and bounces off objects.
# For example, a sequence of output values like 1,2,3,6,5,4 would draw a horizontal paddle tile (1 tile from the left and 2 tiles from the top) and a ball tile (6 tiles from the left and 5 tiles from the top).
# Start the game. How many block tiles are on the screen when the game exits?

the_input = list(map(int, read_input("day13", ",")))

comp = IntcodeComputer(the_input)
block_count = comp.output_list[2::3].count(2)
print("Part one:", block_count)

# --- Part Two ---
# The game didn't run because you didn't put in any quarters. Unfortunately, you did not bring any quarters. Memory address 0 represents the number of quarters that have been inserted; set it to 2 to play for free.
# The arcade cabinet has a joystick that can move left and right. The software reads the position of the joystick with input instructions:
#     If the joystick is in the neutral position, provide 0.
#     If the joystick is tilted to the left, provide -1.
#     If the joystick is tilted to the right, provide 1.
# The arcade cabinet also has a segment display capable of showing a single number that represents the player's current score. When three output instructions specify X=-1, Y=0, the third output instruction is not a tile; the value instead specifies the new score to show in the segment display. For example, a sequence of output values like -1,0,12345 would show 12345 as the player's current score.
Esempio n. 2
# .................
# .....@...........
# #####.###########
# .................
# .................
# .................
# #####@###########
# However, if the springdroid successfully makes it across, it will use an output instruction to indicate the amount of damage to the hull as a single giant integer outside the normal ASCII range.
# Program the springdroid with logic that allows it to survey the hull without falling into space. What amount of hull damage does it report?

if __name__ == '__main__':
    mem = list(map(int, util.read_input("day21", ",")))
    comp = IntcodeComputer(mem)

    program = """NOT A J
                 NOT C T
                 AND D T
                 OR T J

    compiled = list(map(lambda c: ord(c), program))
    result = "".join(
        list(map(lambda o: chr(o) if o < 127 else str(o), comp.output_list)))
Esempio n. 3
# Then, perhaps west (3) gets a reply of 0, south (2) gets a reply of 1, south again (2) gets a reply of 0, and then west (3) gets a reply of 2:
#    ##
#   #..#
#   D.#
#    #
# Now, because of the reply of 2, you know you've found the oxygen system! In this example, it was only 2 moves away from the repair droid's starting position.
# What is the fewest number of movement commands required to move the repair droid from its starting position to the location of the oxygen system?

program = list(map(int, read_input("day15", ",")))
droid_computer = IntcodeComputer(program)
area_map = Map()
droid_location = Location(0, 0)
area_map.set(0, 0, empty)

droid_on_target = bfs(Droid(droid_computer, droid_location))

# --- Part Two ---
# You quickly repair the oxygen system; oxygen gradually fills the area.
# Oxygen starts in the location containing the repaired oxygen system. It takes one minute for oxygen to spread to all open locations that are adjacent to a location that already contains oxygen. Diagonal locations are not adjacent.
# In the example above, suppose you've used the droid to explore the area fully and have the following map (where locations that currently contain oxygen are marked O):
#  ##
Esempio n. 4
# For these intersections:
#     The top-left intersection is 2 units from the left of the image and 2 units from the top of the image, so its alignment parameter is 2 * 2 = 4.
#     The bottom-left intersection is 2 units from the left and 4 units from the top, so its alignment parameter is 2 * 4 = 8.
#     The bottom-middle intersection is 6 from the left and 4 from the top, so its alignment parameter is 24.
#     The bottom-right intersection's alignment parameter is 40.
# To calibrate the cameras, you need the sum of the alignment parameters. In the above example, this is 76.
# Run your ASCII program. What is the sum of the alignment parameters for the scaffold intersections?


program = list(map(int, read_input("day17", ",")))
computer = IntcodeComputer(program)
output = ''.join(list(map(chr, computer.output_list)))
elements = list(map(list, output.split("\n")))
matrix = Matrix()
# matrix.print_top_left(print_headers=True)
x_points = 0
for x, y in matrix.index_range():
    if 0 < x < matrix.width and 0 < y < matrix.height and matrix.get(x, y) == SCAFFOLDING:
        if matrix.get(x - 1, y) == SCAFFOLDING and \
            matrix.get(x + 1, y) == SCAFFOLDING and \
            matrix.get(x, y - 1) == SCAFFOLDING and \
            matrix.get(x, y + 1) == SCAFFOLDING:
            x_points += x * y
Esempio n. 5
# The robot is now back where it started, but because it is now on a white panel, input instructions should be provided 1. After several more outputs (0,1, 1,0, 1,0), the area looks like this:
# .....
# ..<#.
# ...#.
# .##..
# .....
# Before you deploy the robot, you should probably have an estimate of the area it will cover: specifically, you need to know the number of panels it paints at least once, regardless of color. In the example above, the robot painted 6 panels at least once. (It painted its starting panel twice, but that panel is still only counted once; it also never painted the panel it ended on.)
# Build a new emergency hull painting robot and run the Intcode program on it. How many panels does it paint at least once?

input_1 = list(map(int, util.read_input("day11", ",")))

comp = IntcodeComputer(input_1)
robot = EmergencyHullPaintingRobot(comp)
print("Part One:", robot.count_painter_tiles())

# --- Part Two ---
# You're not sure what it's trying to paint, but it's definitely not a registration identifier. The Space Police are getting impatient.
# Checking your external ship cameras again, you notice a white panel marked "emergency hull painting robot starting panel". The rest of the panels are still black, but it looks like the robot was expecting to start on a white panel, not a black one.
# Based on the Space Law Space Brochure that the Space Police attached to one of your windows, a valid registration identifier is always eight capital letters. After starting the robot on a single white panel instead, what registration identifier does it paint on your hull?
# Although it hasn't changed, you can still get your puzzle input.

comp = IntcodeComputer(input_1)
Esempio n. 6
def run_program(mem, x, y):
    comp = IntcodeComputer(mem)[x, y])
    return comp.output_list[-1]
Esempio n. 7
 def run_program(x, y):
     comp = IntcodeComputer(the_input)[x, y])
     return comp.output_list[-1]