async def get_units_trained(keys, context): """Get counts of units trained bucketed by interval.""" where, values = compound_where(keys, ('match_id', 'player_number')) query = """ select player_number, x.match_id, as object_id, name, count, inter as timestamp, extract(epoch from inter)::integer as timestamp_secs from ( select oi.match_id, player_number, ois.dataset_id, case when ois.object_id=any(:villager_ids) then :normalized_villager_id when ois.object_id=any(:monk_ids) then :normalized_monk_id else ois.object_id end as obj_id, to_timestamp(floor((extract('epoch' from created) / :interval )) * :interval) as inter, count(ois.instance_id) as count from object_instance_states as ois join ( select min(id) as id,min(timestamp) from object_instance_states where ({}) and player_number > 0 and class_id=70 and not (object_id=any(:herdable_ids)) group by instance_id ) as s on join object_instances as oi on ois.instance_id=oi.instance_id and oi.match_id=ois.match_id where oi.created > '00:00:10' group by player_number, obj_id, ois.dataset_id, oi.match_id, inter order by count desc ) as x join objects on and x.dataset_id=objects.dataset_id order by timestamp, name """.format(where) results = await context.database.fetch_all(query, values=dict(values, interval=300, **NORMALIZE_VALUES)) return by_key(results, ('match_id', 'player_number'))
async def odds_query(database, teams, type_id, match_filters=None, civ_filter=False, user_filter=False): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals """Run a query with odds constraints.""" start_time = time.time() team_size = 'v'.join(str(len(t)) for t in teams.values()) values = {'team_size': team_size, 'type_id': type_id} match_query = """ select, players.winner, players.{} from matches join players on """ for i, team in teams.items(): if user_filter and civ_filter: key = 'civilization_id' keys = [(p['user_id'], p['civilization_id']) for p in team] player_filters, player_values = compound_where( keys, ('players.user_id', 'players.civilization_id')) values.update(player_values) elif civ_filter: key = 'civilization_id' player_filters = " players.civilization_id=any(:civilization_ids_{})".format( i) values.update({ 'civilization_ids_{}'.format(i): [p['civilization_id'] for p in team] }) elif user_filter: key = 'user_id' player_filters = " players.user_id=any(:user_ids_{})".format(i) values.update( {'user_ids_{}'.format(i): [p['user_id'] for p in team]}) team_query = """ select match_id from players where {} group by match_id, team_id having count(distinct players.{}) = {} """.format(player_filters, key, len({p[key] for p in team})) match_query += " join ({0}) as t{1} on{1}.match_id".format( team_query, i) match_query += " where matches.team_size=:team_size and matches.type_id=:type_id" match_query = match_query.format(key) if match_filters is not None: match_query += ' and ' + match_filters[0] values.update(match_filters[1]) result = await database.fetch_all(match_query, values=values) result = compute_odds(by_key(result, 'id').values(), key, teams) LOGGER.debug("computed odds in %f", time.time() - start_time) return result
async def get_research_by_player(keys, context): """Get researches.""" where, values = compound_where(keys, ('match_id', 'player_number')) query = """ select name, started::interval(0), finished::interval(0), player_number, match_id, extract(epoch from started)::integer as started_secs, extract(epoch from finished)::integer as finished_secs from research join technologies on and research.dataset_id=technologies.dataset_id where {} order by started """.format(where) results = await context.database.fetch_all(query, values=values) return by_key(results, ('match_id', 'player_number'))
async def get_villager_allocation(keys, context): """Get villager allocation per player bucketed by interval.""" where, values = compound_where(keys, ('match_id', 'player_number')) query = """ select vils.match_id, vils.player_number, vils.res as name, buckets.inter as timestamp, extract(epoch from buckets.inter)::integer as timestamp_secs, count(distinct vils.instance_id) from ( with subquery as ( select row_number() over (order by x.instance_id, inter), x.match_id, ois.player_number, x.instance_id, x.inter,, oi.created, oi.destroyed, case when object_id = any(:food_vils) then 'Food' when object_id = any(:wood_vils) then 'Wood' when object_id = any(:gold_vils) then 'Gold' when object_id = any(:stone_vils) then 'Stone' else 'idle' end as res from ( select max(id) as id, match_id, instance_id, make_interval(secs => floor((extract('epoch' from timestamp) / :interval )) * :interval) as inter from object_instance_states where object_id = any(:resource_vils) and ({where}) group by instance_id, inter, match_id ) as x join object_instance_states as ois on x.match_id=ois.match_id and join object_instances oi on oi.match_id=ois.match_id and oi.instance_id=ois.instance_id join objects on and objects.dataset_id=ois.dataset_id ) select f.*, l.inter as next from subquery as f left join subquery as l on f.row_number=l.row_number-1 and f.instance_id=l.instance_id ) as vils join ( select make_interval(secs => floor((extract('epoch' from timestamp) / :interval )) * :interval) as inter from object_instance_states as ois where ({where}) group by inter order by inter ) as buckets on vils.inter <= buckets.inter and ( is null or > buckets.inter) and vils.created <= (buckets.inter + (:interval * interval '1 second')) and (vils.destroyed is null or vils.destroyed >= buckets.inter) group by vils.match_id, vils.player_number, vils.res, buckets.inter order by buckets.inter, vils.player_number, vils.res """.format(where=where) results = await context.database.fetch_all(query, values=dict( values, resource_vils=RESOURCE_VILLAGER_IDS, food_vils=FOOD_VILLAGER_IDS, wood_vils=WOOD_VILLAGER_IDS, gold_vils=GOLD_VILLAGER_IDS, stone_vils=STONE_VILLAGER_IDS, interval=300 )) return by_key(results, ('match_id', 'player_number'))
async def get_transactions(keys, context): """Get transactions.""" where, values = compound_where(keys, ('players.match_id', 'player_number')) query = """ select players.match_id, timestamp::interval(0), extract(epoch from timestamp)::integer as timestamp_secs, player_number, case when action_id=123 then 'Gold' else end as sold_resource, (amount * 100) as sold_amount, case when action_id=123 then else 'Gold' end as bought_resource from players left join transactions on transactions.match_id=players.match_id and transactions.player_number = players.number join resources on where {} order by timestamp """.format(where) results = await context.database.fetch_all(query, values=values) return by_key(results, ('match_id', 'player_number'), defaults=keys)
async def get_timeseries(keys, context): """Get timeseries data.""" where, values = compound_where(keys, ('match_id', 'player_number')) query = """ select player_number, match_id, timestamp, population, military, percent_explored, relic_gold, total_food, total_gold, total_stone, total_wood, trade_profit, value_current_units, value_lost_buildings, value_lost_units, value_objects_destroyed, value_spent_objects, value_spent_research, extract(epoch from timestamp)::integer as timestamp_secs, tribute_sent, tribute_received, kills, deaths, razes, kills - deaths as kd_delta, case when value_lost_units+value_lost_buildings > 0 then value_objects_destroyed/(value_lost_units+value_lost_buildings)::float else 0.0 end as damage, case when value_spent_research > 100 then value_objects_destroyed/(value_spent_research)::float * 100 else 0.0 end as roi from timeseries where {} order by timestamp """.format(where) results = await context.database.fetch_all(query, values=values) return by_key(results, ('match_id', 'player_number'))
async def get_player(keys, context): """Get basic player data.""" where, values = compound_where(keys, ('match_id', 'number')) query = """ select players.match_id, players.number,, players.winner, players.color_id, players.user_id, players.platform_id, players.user_name from players where {} """.format(where) results = await context.database.fetch_all(query, values=values) return {(player['match_id'], player['number']): dict(match_id=player['match_id'], number=player['number'], name=player['name'], color_id=player['color_id'], winner=player['winner'], user=dict(id=player['user_id'], name=player['user_name'], platform_id=player['platform_id'])) for player in results}