Esempio n. 1
    def test_dataframes_with_multi_index_get_result(self):
        p = beam.Pipeline(runner=interactive_runner.InteractiveRunner(

        data = [
            Record('a', 20, 170),
            Record('a', 30, 170),
            Record('b', 22, 180),
            Record('c', 18, 150)

        aggregate = lambda df: df.groupby(['name', 'height']).mean()['age']

        deferred_df = aggregate(to_dataframe(p | beam.Create(data)))
        df_expected = aggregate(pd.DataFrame(data))

        # Watch the local scope for Interactive Beam so that values will be cached.

        # This is normally done in the interactive_utils when a transform is
        # applied but needs an IPython environment. So we manually run this here.

                                       ib.collect(deferred_df, n=10))
Esempio n. 2
def find_pcolls(
        sql: str,
        pcolls: Dict[str, beam.PCollection]) -> Dict[str, beam.PCollection]:
    """Finds all PCollections used in the given sql query.

  It does a simple word by word match and calls ib.collect for each PCollection
    found = {}
    for word in sql.split():
        if word in pcolls:
            found[word] = pcolls[word]
    if found:'Found PCollections used in the magic: %s.', found)'Collecting data...')
        for name, pcoll in found.items():
                _ = ib.collect(pcoll)
            except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
                    'Cannot collect data for PCollection %s. Please make sure the '
                    'PCollections queried in the sql "%s" are all from a single '
                    'pipeline using an InteractiveRunner. Make sure there is no '
                    'ambiguity, for example, same named PCollections from multiple '
                    'pipelines or notebook re-executions.', name, sql)
                raise'Done collecting data.')
    return found
Esempio n. 3
    def test_recordings_clear(self):
        """Tests that clearing the pipeline is correctly forwarded."""

        # Create a basic pipeline to store something in the cache.
        p = beam.Pipeline(ir.InteractiveRunner())
        elem = p | beam.Create([1])

        # This records the pipeline so that the cache size is > 0.
        self.assertGreater(ib.recordings.describe(p)['size'], 0)

        # After clearing, the cache should be empty.
        self.assertEqual(ib.recordings.describe(p)['size'], 0)
Esempio n. 4
    def test_dataframes(self):
        p = beam.Pipeline(runner=interactive_runner.InteractiveRunner(
        data = p | beam.Create([
            1, 2, 3
        ]) | beam.Map(lambda x: beam.Row(square=x * x, cube=x * x * x))
        df = to_dataframe(data)
        pcoll = to_pcollection(df)

        # Watch the local scope for Interactive Beam so that values will be cached.

        # This is normally done in the interactive_utils when a transform is
        # applied but needs an IPython environment. So we manually run this here.

        df_expected = pd.DataFrame({'square': [1, 4, 9], 'cube': [1, 8, 27]})
        pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df_expected, ib.collect(data, n=10))
        pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df_expected, ib.collect(df, n=10))
        pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df_expected, ib.collect(pcoll, n=10))
Esempio n. 5
  def test_get_pcoll_data(self):
    pipeline = beam.Pipeline(ir.InteractiveRunner())
    # pylint: disable=range-builtin-not-iterating
    pcoll = pipeline | 'Create' >> beam.Create(range(10))
    counts = pcoll | beam.combiners.Count.PerElement()
    counts_identifier = obfuscate(inspector.meta('counts', counts))
    ins = inspector.InteractiveEnvironmentInspector()
    _ = ins.list_inspectables()

    actual_counts_pcoll_data = ins.get_pcoll_data(counts_identifier)
    expected_counts_pcoll_data = ib.collect(counts).to_json(orient='table')
    self.assertEqual(actual_counts_pcoll_data, expected_counts_pcoll_data)

    actual_counts_with_window_info = ins.get_pcoll_data(counts_identifier, True)
    expected_counts_with_window_info = ib.collect(counts,
        actual_counts_with_window_info, expected_counts_with_window_info)
Esempio n. 6
    def get_pcoll_data(self, identifier, include_window_info=False):
        """Retrieves the json formatted PCollection data.

    If no PCollection value can be retieved from the given identifier, an empty
    json string will be returned.
        value = self.get_val(identifier)
        if isinstance(value, beam.pvalue.PCollection):
            from apache_beam.runners.interactive import interactive_beam as ib
            dataframe = ib.collect(value, include_window_info)
            return dataframe.to_json(orient='table')
        return {}
Esempio n. 7
  def test_get_pcoll_data(self):
    pipeline = beam.Pipeline(ir.InteractiveRunner())
    # pylint: disable=bad-option-value
    pcoll = pipeline | 'Create' >> beam.Create(list(range(10)))
    counts = pcoll | beam.combiners.Count.PerElement()
    counts_identifier = obfuscate(inspector.meta('counts', counts))
    ins = inspector.InteractiveEnvironmentInspector()
    _ = ins.list_inspectables()

    actual_counts_pcoll_data = ins.get_pcoll_data(counts_identifier)
    expected_counts_pcoll_data = ib.collect(
        counts, n=10).to_json(orient='table')
    self.assertEqual(actual_counts_pcoll_data, expected_counts_pcoll_data)

    actual_counts_with_window_info = ins.get_pcoll_data(counts_identifier, True)
    expected_counts_with_window_info = ib.collect(
        counts, include_window_info=True).to_json(orient='table')
        actual_counts_with_window_info, expected_counts_with_window_info)
Esempio n. 8
def collect_data_for_local_run(query: str, found: Dict[str, beam.PCollection]):
    from apache_beam.runners.interactive import interactive_beam as ib
    for name, pcoll in found.items():
            _ = ib.collect(pcoll)
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
                'Cannot collect data for PCollection %s. Please make sure the '
                'PCollections queried in the sql "%s" are all from a single '
                'pipeline using an InteractiveRunner. Make sure there is no '
                'ambiguity, for example, same named PCollections from multiple '
                'pipelines or notebook re-executions.', name, query)
    def test_wordcount(self):
        class WordExtractingDoFn(beam.DoFn):
            def process(self, element):
                text_line = element.strip()
                words = text_line.split()
                return words

        p = beam.Pipeline(runner=interactive_runner.InteractiveRunner(

        # Count the occurrences of each word.
        counts = (p
                  | beam.Create(['to be or not to be that is the question'])
                  | 'split' >> beam.ParDo(WordExtractingDoFn())
                  | 'pair_with_one' >> beam.Map(lambda x: (x, 1))
                  | 'group' >> beam.GroupByKey()
                  | 'count' >> beam.Map(lambda wordones:
                                        (wordones[0], sum(wordones[1]))))

        # Watch the local scope for Interactive Beam so that counts will be cached.

        result =

        actual = list(result.get(counts))
                ('or', 1),
                ('that', 1),
                ('be', 2),
                ('is', 1),
                ('question', 1),
                ('to', 2),
                ('the', 1),
                ('not', 1),

        # Truncate the precision to millis because the window coder uses millis
        # as units then gets upcast to micros.
        end_of_window = (GlobalWindow().max_timestamp().micros // 1000) * 1000
        df_counts = ib.collect(counts, include_window_info=True)
        df_expected = pd.DataFrame(
                0: [e[0] for e in actual],
                1: [e[1] for e in actual],
                'event_time': [end_of_window for _ in actual],
                'windows': [[GlobalWindow()] for _ in actual],
                'pane_info': [
                    PaneInfo(True, True, PaneInfoTiming.ON_TIME, 0, 0)
                    for _ in actual
            columns=[0, 1, 'event_time', 'windows', 'pane_info'])

        pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df_expected, df_counts)

        actual_reified = result.get(counts, include_window_info=True)
        expected_reified = [
            WindowedValue(e, Timestamp(micros=end_of_window), [GlobalWindow()],
                          PaneInfo(True, True, PaneInfoTiming.ON_TIME, 0, 0))
            for e in actual
        self.assertEqual(actual_reified, expected_reified)
    def test_streaming_wordcount(self):
        class WordExtractingDoFn(beam.DoFn):
            def process(self, element):
                text_line = element.strip()
                words = text_line.split()
                return words

        # Add the TestStream so that it can be cached.

        p = beam.Pipeline(runner=interactive_runner.InteractiveRunner(),

        data = (
            | TestStream()
                .add_elements(['to', 'be', 'or', 'not', 'to', 'be'])
                .add_elements(['that', 'is', 'the', 'question'])
            | beam.WindowInto(beam.window.FixedWindows(10))) # yapf: disable

        counts = (data
                  | 'split' >> beam.ParDo(WordExtractingDoFn())
                  | 'pair_with_one' >> beam.Map(lambda x: (x, 1))
                  | 'group' >> beam.GroupByKey()
                  | 'count' >> beam.Map(lambda wordones:
                                        (wordones[0], sum(wordones[1]))))

        # Watch the local scope for Interactive Beam so that referenced PCollections
        # will be cached.

        # This is normally done in the interactive_utils when a transform is
        # applied but needs an IPython environment. So we manually run this here.

        # Create a fake limiter that cancels the BCJ once the main job receives the
        # expected amount of results.
        class FakeLimiter:
            def __init__(self, p, pcoll):
                self.p = p
                self.pcoll = pcoll

            def is_triggered(self):
                result = ie.current_env().pipeline_result(self.p)
                if result:
                        results = result.get(self.pcoll)
                    except ValueError:
                        return False
                    return len(results) >= 10
                return False

        # This sets the limiters to stop reading when the test receives 10 elements.
            [FakeLimiter(p, data)])

        # This tests that the data was correctly cached.
        pane_info = PaneInfo(True, True, PaneInfoTiming.UNKNOWN, 0, 0)
        expected_data_df = pd.DataFrame([
            ('to', 0, [IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
            ('be', 0, [IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
            ('or', 0, [IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
            ('not', 0, [IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
            ('to', 0, [IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
            ('be', 0, [IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
            ('that', 20000000, [IntervalWindow(20, 30)], pane_info),
            ('is', 20000000, [IntervalWindow(20, 30)], pane_info),
            ('the', 20000000, [IntervalWindow(20, 30)], pane_info),
            ('question', 20000000, [IntervalWindow(20, 30)], pane_info)
        ], columns=[0, 'event_time', 'windows', 'pane_info']) # yapf: disable

        data_df = ib.collect(data, include_window_info=True)
        pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(expected_data_df, data_df)

        # This tests that the windowing was passed correctly so that all the data
        # is aggregated also correctly.
        pane_info = PaneInfo(True, False, PaneInfoTiming.ON_TIME, 0, 0)
        expected_counts_df = pd.DataFrame([
            ('be', 2, 9999999, [IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
            ('not', 1, 9999999, [IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
            ('or', 1, 9999999, [IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
            ('to', 2, 9999999, [IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
            ('is', 1, 29999999, [IntervalWindow(20, 30)], pane_info),
            ('question', 1, 29999999, [IntervalWindow(20, 30)], pane_info),
            ('that', 1, 29999999, [IntervalWindow(20, 30)], pane_info),
            ('the', 1, 29999999, [IntervalWindow(20, 30)], pane_info),
        ], columns=[0, 1, 'event_time', 'windows', 'pane_info']) # yapf: disable

        counts_df = ib.collect(counts, include_window_info=True)

        # The group by key has no guarantee of order. So we post-process the DF by
        # sorting so we can test equality.
        sorted_counts_df = (counts_df
                            .sort_values(['event_time', 0], ascending=True)
                            .reset_index(drop=True)) # yapf: disable
        pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(expected_counts_df, sorted_counts_df)
Esempio n. 11
    def test_dataframe_caching(self, cell):

        # Create a pipeline that exercises the DataFrame API. This will also use
        # caching in the background.
        with cell:  # Cell 1
            p = beam.Pipeline(interactive_runner.InteractiveRunner())
  {'p': p})

        with cell:  # Cell 2
            data = p | beam.Create([
                1, 2, 3
            ]) | beam.Map(lambda x: beam.Row(square=x * x, cube=x * x * x))

            with beam.dataframe.allow_non_parallel_operations():
                df = to_dataframe(data).reset_index(drop=True)


        with cell:  # Cell 3
            df['output'] = df['square'] * df['cube']

        with cell:  # Cell 4
            df['output'] = 0

        # We use a trace through the graph to perform an isomorphism test. The end
        # output should look like a linear graph. This indicates that the dataframe
        # transform was correctly broken into separate pieces to cache. If caching
        # isn't enabled, all the dataframe computation nodes are connected to a
        # single shared node.
        trace = []

        # Only look at the top-level transforms for the isomorphism. The test
        # doesn't care about the transform implementations, just the overall shape.
        class TopLevelTracer(beam.pipeline.PipelineVisitor):
            def _find_root_producer(self,
                                    node: beam.pipeline.AppliedPTransform):
                if node is None or not node.full_label:
                    return None

                parent = self._find_root_producer(node.parent)
                if parent is None:
                    return node

                return parent

            def _add_to_trace(self, node, trace):
                if '/' not in str(node):
                    if node.inputs:
                        producer = self._find_root_producer(
                        producer_name = producer.full_label if producer else ''
                        trace.append((producer_name, node.full_label))

            def visit_transform(self, node: beam.pipeline.AppliedPTransform):
                self._add_to_trace(node, trace)

            def enter_composite_transform(
                    self, node: beam.pipeline.AppliedPTransform):
                self._add_to_trace(node, trace)


        # Do the isomorphism test which states that the topological sort of the
        # graph yields a linear graph.
        trace_string = '\n'.join(str(t) for t in trace)
        prev_producer = ''
        for producer, consumer in trace:
            self.assertEqual(producer, prev_producer, trace_string)
            prev_producer = consumer
Esempio n. 12
    def test_streaming_wordcount(self):
        self.skipTest('[BEAM-9601] Test is breaking PreCommits')

        class WordExtractingDoFn(beam.DoFn):
            def process(self, element):
                text_line = element.strip()
                words = text_line.split()
                return words

        # Add the TestStream so that it can be cached.
        ib.options.capture_duration = timedelta(seconds=1)

        p = beam.Pipeline(runner=interactive_runner.InteractiveRunner(),

        data = (
            | TestStream()
                .add_elements(['to', 'be', 'or', 'not', 'to', 'be'])
                .add_elements(['that', 'is', 'the', 'question'])
            | beam.WindowInto(beam.window.FixedWindows(10))) # yapf: disable

        counts = (data
                  | 'split' >> beam.ParDo(WordExtractingDoFn())
                  | 'pair_with_one' >> beam.Map(lambda x: (x, 1))
                  | 'group' >> beam.GroupByKey()
                  | 'count' >> beam.Map(lambda wordones:
                                        (wordones[0], sum(wordones[1]))))

        # Watch the local scope for Interactive Beam so that referenced PCollections
        # will be cached.

        # This is normally done in the interactive_utils when a transform is
        # applied but needs an IPython environment. So we manually run this here.

        # This tests that the data was correctly cached.
        pane_info = PaneInfo(True, True, PaneInfoTiming.UNKNOWN, 0, 0)
        expected_data_df = pd.DataFrame(
            [('to', 0, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
             ('be', 0, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
             ('or', 0, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
             ('not', 0, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
             ('to', 0, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
             ('be', 0, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
             ('that', 20000000, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(20, 30)
                                 ], pane_info),
             ('is', 20000000, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(20, 30)], pane_info),
             ('the', 20000000, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(20, 30)
                                ], pane_info),
             ('question', 20000000, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(20, 30)
                                     ], pane_info)],
            columns=[0, 'event_time', 'windows', 'pane_info'])

        data_df = ib.collect(data, include_window_info=True)
        pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(expected_data_df, data_df)

        # This tests that the windowing was passed correctly so that all the data
        # is aggregated also correctly.
        pane_info = PaneInfo(True, False, PaneInfoTiming.ON_TIME, 0, 0)
        expected_counts_df = pd.DataFrame([
            ('to', 2, 9999999, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
            ('be', 2, 9999999, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
            ('or', 1, 9999999, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(0, 10)], pane_info),
            ('not', 1, 9999999, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(0, 10)
                                 ], pane_info),
            ('that', 1, 29999999, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(20, 30)
                                   ], pane_info),
            ('is', 1, 29999999, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(20, 30)
                                 ], pane_info),
            ('the', 1, 29999999, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(20, 30)
                                  ], pane_info),
            ('question', 1, 29999999, [beam.window.IntervalWindow(20, 30)
                                       ], pane_info)
                                              0, 1, 'event_time', 'windows',

        counts_df = ib.collect(counts, include_window_info=True)
        pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(expected_counts_df, counts_df)
Esempio n. 13
 def test_read_in_interactive_runner(self):
     p = beam.Pipeline(InteractiveRunner(), argv=self.args)
     pcoll = p |"SELECT 1")
     result = interactive_beam.collect(pcoll)
     assert result.iloc[0, 0] == 1