class PenaltyDecisionTree(AbstractPredictor): def __init__(self, criterion="gain", maxDepth=10, minSplit=30, learnType="reg", pruning=True, gamma=0.01, sampleSize=10): """ Learn a decision tree with penalty proportional to the root of the size of the tree as in Nobel 2002. We use a stochastic approach in which we learn a set of trees randomly and choose the best one. :param criterion: The splitting criterion which is only informaiton gain currently :param maxDepth: The maximum depth of the tree :type maxDepth: `int` :param minSplit: The minimum size of a node for it to be split. :type minSplit: `int` :param type: The type of learning to perform. Currently only regression :param pruning: Whether to perform pruning or not. :type pruning: `boolean` :param gamma: The weight on the penalty factor between 0 and 1 :type gamma: `float` :param sampleSize: The number of trees to learn in the stochastic search. :type sampleSize: `int` """ super(PenaltyDecisionTree, self).__init__() self.maxDepth = maxDepth self.minSplit = minSplit self.criterion = criterion self.learnType = learnType self.setGamma(gamma) self.setSampleSize(sampleSize) self.pruning = pruning self.alphaThreshold = 0.0 def setGamma(self, gamma): Parameter.checkFloat(gamma, 0.0, 1.0) self.gamma = gamma def setSampleSize(self, sampleSize): Parameter.checkInt(sampleSize, 1, float("inf")) self.sampleSize = sampleSize def setAlphaThreshold(self, alphaThreshold): Parameter.checkFloat(alphaThreshold, -float("inf"), float("inf")) self.alphaThreshold = alphaThreshold def getAlphaThreshold(self): return self.alphaThreshold def getLeftChildId(self, nodeId): leftChildId = list(nodeId) leftChildId.append(0) leftChildId = tuple(leftChildId) return leftChildId def getRightChildId(self, nodeId): rightChildId = list(nodeId) rightChildId.append(1) rightChildId = tuple(rightChildId) return rightChildId def getTree(self): return self.tree def learnModel(self, X, y): if numpy.unique(y).shape[0] != 2: raise ValueError("Must provide binary labels") if y.dtype != raise ValueError("Labels must be integers") self.shapeX = X.shape argsortX = numpy.zeros(X.shape, for i in range(X.shape[1]): argsortX[:, i] = numpy.argsort(X[:, i]) argsortX[:, i] = numpy.argsort(argsortX[:, i]) rootId = (0,) idStack = [rootId] self.tree = DictTree() rootNode = DecisionNode(numpy.arange(X.shape[0]), Util.mode(y)) self.tree.setVertex(rootId, rootNode) bestError = float("inf") bestTree = self.tree #First grow a selection of trees while len(idStack) != 0: #Prune the current node away and grow from that node nodeId = idStack.pop() for i in range(self.sampleSize): self.tree = bestTree.deepCopy() try: node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) except ValueError: print(nodeId) print(self.tree) raise self.tree.pruneVertex(nodeId) self.growTree(X, y, argsortX, nodeId) self.prune(X, y) error = self.treeObjective(X, y) if error < bestError: bestError = error bestTree = self.tree.deepCopy() children = bestTree.children(nodeId) idStack.extend(children) self.tree = bestTree def growTree(self, X, y, argsortX, startId): """ Grow a tree using a stack. Give a sample of data and a node index, we find the best split and add children to the tree accordingly. We perform pre-pruning based on the penalty. """ eps = 10**-4 idStack = [startId] while len(idStack) != 0: nodeId = idStack.pop() node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) accuracies, thresholds = findBestSplitRisk(self.minSplit, X, y, node.getTrainInds(), argsortX) #Choose best feature based on gains accuracies += eps bestFeatureInd = Util.randomChoice(accuracies)[0] bestThreshold = thresholds[bestFeatureInd] nodeInds = node.getTrainInds() bestLeftInds = numpy.sort(nodeInds[numpy.arange(nodeInds.shape[0])[X[:, bestFeatureInd][nodeInds]<bestThreshold]]) bestRightInds = numpy.sort(nodeInds[numpy.arange(nodeInds.shape[0])[X[:, bestFeatureInd][nodeInds]>=bestThreshold]]) #The split may have 0 items in one set, so don't split if bestLeftInds.sum() != 0 and bestRightInds.sum() != 0 and self.tree.depth() < self.maxDepth: node.setError(1-accuracies[bestFeatureInd]) node.setFeatureInd(bestFeatureInd) node.setThreshold(bestThreshold) leftChildId = self.getLeftChildId(nodeId) leftChild = DecisionNode(bestLeftInds, Util.mode(y[bestLeftInds])) self.tree.addChild(nodeId, leftChildId, leftChild) if leftChild.getTrainInds().shape[0] >= self.minSplit: idStack.append(leftChildId) rightChildId = self.getRightChildId(nodeId) rightChild = DecisionNode(bestRightInds, Util.mode(y[bestRightInds])) self.tree.addChild(nodeId, rightChildId, rightChild) if rightChild.getTrainInds().shape[0] >= self.minSplit: idStack.append(rightChildId) def predict(self, X, y=None): """ Make a prediction for the set of examples given in the matrix X. If one passes in a label vector y then we set the errors for each node. On the other hand if y=None, no errors are set. """ rootId = (0,) predY = numpy.zeros(X.shape[0]) self.tree.getVertex(rootId).setTestInds(numpy.arange(X.shape[0])) idStack = [rootId] while len(idStack) != 0: nodeId = idStack.pop() node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) testInds = node.getTestInds() if y!=None: node.setTestError(self.vertexTestError(y[testInds], node.getValue())) if self.tree.isLeaf(nodeId): predY[testInds] = node.getValue() else: for childId in [self.getLeftChildId(nodeId), self.getRightChildId(nodeId)]: if self.tree.vertexExists(childId): child = self.tree.getVertex(childId) if childId[-1] == 0: childInds = X[testInds, node.getFeatureInd()] < node.getThreshold() else: childInds = X[testInds, node.getFeatureInd()] >= node.getThreshold() child.setTestInds(testInds[childInds]) idStack.append(childId) return predY def treeObjective(self, X, y): """ Return the empirical risk plus penalty for the tree. """ predY = self.predict(X) (n, d) = X.shape return (1-self.gamma)*numpy.sum(predY!=y)/float(n) + self.gamma*numpy.sqrt(self.tree.getNumVertices()) def prune(self, X, y): """ Do some post pruning greedily. """ self.predict(X, y) self.computeAlphas() #Do the pruning, recomputing alpha along the way rootId = (0,) idStack = [rootId] while len(idStack) != 0: nodeId = idStack.pop() node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) if node.alpha > self.alphaThreshold: self.tree.pruneVertex(nodeId) self.computeAlphas() else: for childId in [self.getLeftChildId(nodeId), self.getRightChildId(nodeId)]: if self.tree.vertexExists(childId): idStack.append(childId) def vertexTestError(self, trueY, predY): """ This is the error used for pruning. We compute it at each node. """ return numpy.sum(trueY != predY) def computeAlphas(self): """ The alpha value at each vertex is the improvement in the objective by pruning at that vertex. """ n = self.shapeX[0] for vertexId in self.tree.getAllVertexIds(): currentNode = self.tree.getVertex(vertexId) subtreeLeaves = self.tree.leaves(vertexId) subtreeError = 0 for leaf in subtreeLeaves: subtreeError += self.tree.getVertex(leaf).getTestError() T = self.tree.getNumVertices() T2 = T - len(self.tree.subtreeIds(vertexId)) + 1 currentNode.alpha = (1-self.gamma)*(subtreeError - currentNode.getTestError()) currentNode.alpha /= n currentNode.alpha += self.gamma * numpy.sqrt(T) currentNode.alpha -= self.gamma * numpy.sqrt(T2) def copy(self): """ Create a new tree with the same parameters. """ newLearner = PenaltyDecisionTree(criterion=self.criterion, maxDepth=self.maxDepth, minSplit=self.minSplit, learnType=self.learnType, pruning=self.pruning, gamma=self.gamma, sampleSize=self.sampleSize) return newLearner def getMetricMethod(self): """ Returns a way to measure the performance of the classifier. """ return Evaluator.binaryError
class PenaltyDecisionTree(AbstractPredictor): def __init__(self, criterion="gain", maxDepth=10, minSplit=30, learnType="reg", pruning=True, gamma=0.01, sampleSize=10): """ Learn a decision tree with penalty proportional to the root of the size of the tree as in Nobel 2002. We use a stochastic approach in which we learn a set of trees randomly and choose the best one. :param criterion: The splitting criterion which is only informaiton gain currently :param maxDepth: The maximum depth of the tree :type maxDepth: `int` :param minSplit: The minimum size of a node for it to be split. :type minSplit: `int` :param type: The type of learning to perform. Currently only regression :param pruning: Whether to perform pruning or not. :type pruning: `boolean` :param gamma: The weight on the penalty factor between 0 and 1 :type gamma: `float` :param sampleSize: The number of trees to learn in the stochastic search. :type sampleSize: `int` """ super(PenaltyDecisionTree, self).__init__() self.maxDepth = maxDepth self.minSplit = minSplit self.criterion = criterion self.learnType = learnType self.setGamma(gamma) self.setSampleSize(sampleSize) self.pruning = pruning self.alphaThreshold = 0.0 def setGamma(self, gamma): Parameter.checkFloat(gamma, 0.0, 1.0) self.gamma = gamma def setSampleSize(self, sampleSize): Parameter.checkInt(sampleSize, 1, float("inf")) self.sampleSize = sampleSize def setAlphaThreshold(self, alphaThreshold): Parameter.checkFloat(alphaThreshold, -float("inf"), float("inf")) self.alphaThreshold = alphaThreshold def getAlphaThreshold(self): return self.alphaThreshold def getLeftChildId(self, nodeId): leftChildId = list(nodeId) leftChildId.append(0) leftChildId = tuple(leftChildId) return leftChildId def getRightChildId(self, nodeId): rightChildId = list(nodeId) rightChildId.append(1) rightChildId = tuple(rightChildId) return rightChildId def getTree(self): return self.tree def learnModel(self, X, y): if numpy.unique(y).shape[0] != 2: raise ValueError("Must provide binary labels") if y.dtype != raise ValueError("Labels must be integers") self.shapeX = X.shape argsortX = numpy.zeros(X.shape, for i in range(X.shape[1]): argsortX[:, i] = numpy.argsort(X[:, i]) argsortX[:, i] = numpy.argsort(argsortX[:, i]) rootId = (0, ) idStack = [rootId] self.tree = DictTree() rootNode = DecisionNode(numpy.arange(X.shape[0]), Util.mode(y)) self.tree.setVertex(rootId, rootNode) bestError = float("inf") bestTree = self.tree #First grow a selection of trees while len(idStack) != 0: #Prune the current node away and grow from that node nodeId = idStack.pop() for i in range(self.sampleSize): self.tree = bestTree.deepCopy() try: node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) except ValueError: print(nodeId) print(self.tree) raise self.tree.pruneVertex(nodeId) self.growTree(X, y, argsortX, nodeId) self.prune(X, y) error = self.treeObjective(X, y) if error < bestError: bestError = error bestTree = self.tree.deepCopy() children = bestTree.children(nodeId) idStack.extend(children) self.tree = bestTree def growTree(self, X, y, argsortX, startId): """ Grow a tree using a stack. Give a sample of data and a node index, we find the best split and add children to the tree accordingly. We perform pre-pruning based on the penalty. """ eps = 10**-4 idStack = [startId] while len(idStack) != 0: nodeId = idStack.pop() node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) accuracies, thresholds = findBestSplitRisk(self.minSplit, X, y, node.getTrainInds(), argsortX) #Choose best feature based on gains accuracies += eps bestFeatureInd = Util.randomChoice(accuracies)[0] bestThreshold = thresholds[bestFeatureInd] nodeInds = node.getTrainInds() bestLeftInds = numpy.sort(nodeInds[numpy.arange(nodeInds.shape[0])[ X[:, bestFeatureInd][nodeInds] < bestThreshold]]) bestRightInds = numpy.sort(nodeInds[numpy.arange( nodeInds.shape[0])[ X[:, bestFeatureInd][nodeInds] >= bestThreshold]]) #The split may have 0 items in one set, so don't split if bestLeftInds.sum() != 0 and bestRightInds.sum( ) != 0 and self.tree.depth() < self.maxDepth: node.setError(1 - accuracies[bestFeatureInd]) node.setFeatureInd(bestFeatureInd) node.setThreshold(bestThreshold) leftChildId = self.getLeftChildId(nodeId) leftChild = DecisionNode(bestLeftInds, Util.mode(y[bestLeftInds])) self.tree.addChild(nodeId, leftChildId, leftChild) if leftChild.getTrainInds().shape[0] >= self.minSplit: idStack.append(leftChildId) rightChildId = self.getRightChildId(nodeId) rightChild = DecisionNode(bestRightInds, Util.mode(y[bestRightInds])) self.tree.addChild(nodeId, rightChildId, rightChild) if rightChild.getTrainInds().shape[0] >= self.minSplit: idStack.append(rightChildId) def predict(self, X, y=None): """ Make a prediction for the set of examples given in the matrix X. If one passes in a label vector y then we set the errors for each node. On the other hand if y=None, no errors are set. """ rootId = (0, ) predY = numpy.zeros(X.shape[0]) self.tree.getVertex(rootId).setTestInds(numpy.arange(X.shape[0])) idStack = [rootId] while len(idStack) != 0: nodeId = idStack.pop() node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) testInds = node.getTestInds() if y != None: node.setTestError( self.vertexTestError(y[testInds], node.getValue())) if self.tree.isLeaf(nodeId): predY[testInds] = node.getValue() else: for childId in [ self.getLeftChildId(nodeId), self.getRightChildId(nodeId) ]: if self.tree.vertexExists(childId): child = self.tree.getVertex(childId) if childId[-1] == 0: childInds = X[ testInds, node.getFeatureInd()] < node.getThreshold() else: childInds = X[ testInds, node.getFeatureInd()] >= node.getThreshold() child.setTestInds(testInds[childInds]) idStack.append(childId) return predY def treeObjective(self, X, y): """ Return the empirical risk plus penalty for the tree. """ predY = self.predict(X) (n, d) = X.shape return (1 - self.gamma) * numpy.sum(predY != y) / float( n) + self.gamma * numpy.sqrt(self.tree.getNumVertices()) def prune(self, X, y): """ Do some post pruning greedily. """ self.predict(X, y) self.computeAlphas() #Do the pruning, recomputing alpha along the way rootId = (0, ) idStack = [rootId] while len(idStack) != 0: nodeId = idStack.pop() node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) if node.alpha > self.alphaThreshold: self.tree.pruneVertex(nodeId) self.computeAlphas() else: for childId in [ self.getLeftChildId(nodeId), self.getRightChildId(nodeId) ]: if self.tree.vertexExists(childId): idStack.append(childId) def vertexTestError(self, trueY, predY): """ This is the error used for pruning. We compute it at each node. """ return numpy.sum(trueY != predY) def computeAlphas(self): """ The alpha value at each vertex is the improvement in the objective by pruning at that vertex. """ n = self.shapeX[0] for vertexId in self.tree.getAllVertexIds(): currentNode = self.tree.getVertex(vertexId) subtreeLeaves = self.tree.leaves(vertexId) subtreeError = 0 for leaf in subtreeLeaves: subtreeError += self.tree.getVertex(leaf).getTestError() T = self.tree.getNumVertices() T2 = T - len(self.tree.subtreeIds(vertexId)) + 1 currentNode.alpha = (1 - self.gamma) * (subtreeError - currentNode.getTestError()) currentNode.alpha /= n currentNode.alpha += self.gamma * numpy.sqrt(T) currentNode.alpha -= self.gamma * numpy.sqrt(T2) def copy(self): """ Create a new tree with the same parameters. """ newLearner = PenaltyDecisionTree(criterion=self.criterion, maxDepth=self.maxDepth, minSplit=self.minSplit, learnType=self.learnType, pruning=self.pruning, gamma=self.gamma, sampleSize=self.sampleSize) return newLearner def getMetricMethod(self): """ Returns a way to measure the performance of the classifier. """ return Evaluator.binaryError
class DictGraphTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.dictTree = DictTree() self.dictTree.setVertex("a", "foo") self.dictTree.addEdge("a", "b") self.dictTree.addEdge("a", "c") self.dictTree.addEdge("b", "d") self.dictTree.addEdge("b", "e") self.dictTree.addEdge("e", "f") def testInit(self): dictTree = DictTree() def testAddEdge(self): dictTree = DictTree() dictTree.addEdge("a", "b") dictTree.addEdge("a", "c") dictTree.addEdge("d", "a") #Add duplicate edge dictTree.addEdge("a", "b") dictTree.addEdge("a", "c") dictTree.addEdge("d", "a") self.assertRaises(ValueError, dictTree.addEdge, "e", "a") #Add isolated edge self.assertRaises(ValueError, dictTree.addEdge, "r", "s") def testGetRoot(self): dictTree = DictTree() dictTree.addEdge("a", "b") dictTree.addEdge("a", "c") dictTree.addEdge("d", "a") self.assertEquals(dictTree.getRootId(), "d") dictTree.addEdge("e", "d") self.assertEquals(dictTree.getRootId(), "e") def testSetVertex(self): dictTree = DictTree() dictTree.setVertex("a") self.assertEquals(dictTree.getVertex("a"), None) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, dictTree.setVertex, "b") dictTree.setVertex("a", 12) self.assertEquals(dictTree.getVertex("a"), 12) def testStr(self): dictTree = DictTree() dictTree.addEdge(0, 1) dictTree.addEdge(0, 2) dictTree.addEdge(2, 3) dictTree.addEdge(2, 4) dictTree.addEdge(0, 5) dictTree.addEdge(4, 6) def testDepth(self): dictTree = DictTree() self.assertEquals(dictTree.depth(), 0) dictTree.setVertex("a") self.assertEquals(dictTree.depth(), 0) dictTree.addEdge("a", "b") dictTree.addEdge("a", "c") dictTree.addEdge("d", "a") self.assertEquals(dictTree.depth(), 2) dictTree.addEdge("c", "e") self.assertEquals(dictTree.depth(), 3) def testCutTree(self): dictTree = DictTree() dictTree.setVertex("a", "foo") dictTree.addEdge("a", "b", 2) dictTree.addEdge("a", "c") dictTree.addEdge("c", "d", 5) dictTree.addEdge("c", "f") A = numpy.array([10, 2]) dictTree.setVertex("b", A) newTree = dictTree.cut(2) self.assertEquals(newTree.getVertex("a"), "foo") self.assertTrue((newTree.getVertex("b") == A).all()) self.assertEquals(newTree.getEdge("a", "b"), 2) self.assertEquals(newTree.getEdge("a", "c"), 1) self.assertEquals(newTree.getEdge("c", "d"), 5) self.assertEquals(newTree.getEdge("c", "f"), 1) self.assertEquals(newTree.getNumVertices(), dictTree.getNumVertices()) self.assertEquals(newTree.getNumEdges(), dictTree.getNumEdges()) newTree = dictTree.cut(1) self.assertEquals(newTree.getEdge("a", "b"), 2) self.assertEquals(newTree.getEdge("a", "c"), 1) self.assertEquals(newTree.getNumVertices(), 3) self.assertEquals(newTree.getNumEdges(), 2) newTree = dictTree.cut(0) self.assertEquals(newTree.getNumVertices(), 1) self.assertEquals(newTree.getNumEdges(), 0) def testLeaves(self): dictTree = DictTree() dictTree.setVertex("a", "foo") self.assertTrue(set(dictTree.leaves()) == set(["a"])) dictTree.addEdge("a", "b", 2) dictTree.addEdge("a", "c") dictTree.addEdge("c", "d", 5) dictTree.addEdge("c", "f") self.assertTrue(set(dictTree.leaves()) == set(["b", "d", "f"])) dictTree.addEdge("b", 1) dictTree.addEdge("b", 2) self.assertTrue(set(dictTree.leaves()) == set([1, 2, "d", "f"])) #Test isSubtree leaves self.assertTrue(set(dictTree.leaves("c")) == set(["d", "f"])) self.assertTrue(set(dictTree.leaves("b")) == set([1, 2])) def testAddChild(self): dictTree = DictTree() dictTree.setVertex("a", "foo") dictTree.addChild("a", "c", 2) dictTree.addChild("a", "d", 5) self.assertTrue(set(dictTree.leaves()) == set(["c", "d"])) self.assertEquals(dictTree.getVertex("c"), 2) self.assertEquals(dictTree.getVertex("d"), 5) self.assertTrue(dictTree.getEdge("a", "d"), 1.0) self.assertTrue(dictTree.getEdge("a", "c"), 1.0) def testPruneVertex(self): dictTree = DictTree() dictTree.setVertex("a", "foo") dictTree.addEdge("a", "b") dictTree.addEdge("a", "c") dictTree.addEdge("b", "d") dictTree.addEdge("b", "e") dictTree.addEdge("e", "f") dictTree.pruneVertex("b") self.assertFalse(dictTree.edgeExists("b", "e")) self.assertFalse(dictTree.edgeExists("b", "d")) self.assertFalse(dictTree.edgeExists("e", "f")) self.assertTrue(dictTree.vertexExists("b")) self.assertFalse(dictTree.vertexExists("d")) self.assertFalse(dictTree.vertexExists("e")) self.assertFalse(dictTree.vertexExists("f")) dictTree.pruneVertex("a") self.assertEquals(dictTree.getNumVertices(), 1) def testIsLeaf(self): self.assertTrue(self.dictTree.isLeaf("c")) self.assertTrue(self.dictTree.isLeaf("d")) self.assertTrue(self.dictTree.isLeaf("f")) self.assertFalse(self.dictTree.isLeaf("a")) self.assertFalse(self.dictTree.isLeaf("b")) self.assertFalse(self.dictTree.isLeaf("e")) def testIsNonLeaf(self): self.assertFalse(self.dictTree.isNonLeaf("c")) self.assertFalse(self.dictTree.isNonLeaf("d")) self.assertFalse(self.dictTree.isNonLeaf("f")) self.assertTrue(self.dictTree.isNonLeaf("a")) self.assertTrue(self.dictTree.isNonLeaf("b")) self.assertTrue(self.dictTree.isNonLeaf("e")) def testCopy(self): newTree = self.dictTree.copy() newTree.addEdge("f", "x") newTree.addEdge("f", "y") self.assertEquals(newTree.getNumVertices(), self.dictTree.getNumVertices()+2) self.assertTrue(newTree.vertexExists("x")) self.assertTrue(newTree.vertexExists("y")) self.assertTrue(not self.dictTree.vertexExists("x")) self.assertTrue(not self.dictTree.vertexExists("x")) def testisSubtree(self): newTree = DictTree() newTree.addEdge("a", "b") newTree.addEdge("a", "c") self.assertTrue(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree.addEdge("b", "d") self.assertTrue(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree.addEdge("b", "e") self.assertTrue(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree.addEdge("e", "f") self.assertTrue(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree.addEdge("a", "g") self.assertFalse(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree = DictTree() newTree.addEdge("b", "d") self.assertTrue(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree.addEdge("b", "e") self.assertTrue(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree.addEdge("e", "f") self.assertTrue(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree.addEdge("f", "g") self.assertFalse(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree = DictTree() newTree.setVertex("b") self.assertTrue(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) self.assertFalse(self.dictTree.isSubtree(newTree)) self.assertTrue(self.dictTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) def testDeepCopy(self): class A: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y a = A(1, numpy.array([1, 2])) self.dictTree.setVertex("a", a) newTree = self.dictTree.deepCopy() newTree.addEdge("f", "x") newTree.addEdge("f", "y") self.assertEquals(newTree.getNumVertices(), self.dictTree.getNumVertices()+2) self.assertTrue(newTree.vertexExists("x")) self.assertTrue(newTree.vertexExists("y")) self.assertTrue(not self.dictTree.vertexExists("x")) self.assertTrue(not self.dictTree.vertexExists("x")) self.assertEquals(self.dictTree.getVertex("a"), a) self.assertEquals(newTree.getVertex("a").x, 1) self.assertEquals(self.dictTree.getVertex("a").x, 1) a.x = 10 self.assertEquals(newTree.getVertex("a").x, 1) self.assertEquals(self.dictTree.getVertex("a").x, 10) nptst.assert_array_equal(newTree.getVertex("a").y, numpy.array([1, 2])) nptst.assert_array_equal(self.dictTree.getVertex("a").y, numpy.array([1, 2])) a.y = numpy.array([1,2,3]) nptst.assert_array_equal(newTree.getVertex("a").y, numpy.array([1, 2])) nptst.assert_array_equal(self.dictTree.getVertex("a").y, numpy.array([1, 2, 3])) def testSubtree(self): newTree = DictTree() newTree.addEdge("a", "b") newTree.addEdge("a", "c") subtree = newTree.subtreeAt("b") self.assertEquals(subtree.getAllVertexIds(), ["b"]) subtree = newTree.subtreeAt("c") self.assertEquals(subtree.getAllVertexIds(), ["c"]) subtree = newTree.subtreeAt("a") self.assertEquals(set(subtree.getAllVertexIds()), set(["a", "c", "b"]))
class DictGraphTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.dictTree = DictTree() self.dictTree.setVertex("a", "foo") self.dictTree.addEdge("a", "b") self.dictTree.addEdge("a", "c") self.dictTree.addEdge("b", "d") self.dictTree.addEdge("b", "e") self.dictTree.addEdge("e", "f") def testInit(self): dictTree = DictTree() def testAddEdge(self): dictTree = DictTree() dictTree.addEdge("a", "b") dictTree.addEdge("a", "c") dictTree.addEdge("d", "a") #Add duplicate edge dictTree.addEdge("a", "b") dictTree.addEdge("a", "c") dictTree.addEdge("d", "a") self.assertRaises(ValueError, dictTree.addEdge, "e", "a") #Add isolated edge self.assertRaises(ValueError, dictTree.addEdge, "r", "s") def testGetRoot(self): dictTree = DictTree() dictTree.addEdge("a", "b") dictTree.addEdge("a", "c") dictTree.addEdge("d", "a") self.assertEquals(dictTree.getRootId(), "d") dictTree.addEdge("e", "d") self.assertEquals(dictTree.getRootId(), "e") def testSetVertex(self): dictTree = DictTree() dictTree.setVertex("a") self.assertEquals(dictTree.getVertex("a"), None) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, dictTree.setVertex, "b") dictTree.setVertex("a", 12) self.assertEquals(dictTree.getVertex("a"), 12) def testStr(self): dictTree = DictTree() dictTree.addEdge(0, 1) dictTree.addEdge(0, 2) dictTree.addEdge(2, 3) dictTree.addEdge(2, 4) dictTree.addEdge(0, 5) dictTree.addEdge(4, 6) def testDepth(self): dictTree = DictTree() self.assertEquals(dictTree.depth(), 0) dictTree.setVertex("a") self.assertEquals(dictTree.depth(), 0) dictTree.addEdge("a", "b") dictTree.addEdge("a", "c") dictTree.addEdge("d", "a") self.assertEquals(dictTree.depth(), 2) dictTree.addEdge("c", "e") self.assertEquals(dictTree.depth(), 3) def testCutTree(self): dictTree = DictTree() dictTree.setVertex("a", "foo") dictTree.addEdge("a", "b", 2) dictTree.addEdge("a", "c") dictTree.addEdge("c", "d", 5) dictTree.addEdge("c", "f") A = numpy.array([10, 2]) dictTree.setVertex("b", A) newTree = dictTree.cut(2) self.assertEquals(newTree.getVertex("a"), "foo") self.assertTrue((newTree.getVertex("b") == A).all()) self.assertEquals(newTree.getEdge("a", "b"), 2) self.assertEquals(newTree.getEdge("a", "c"), 1) self.assertEquals(newTree.getEdge("c", "d"), 5) self.assertEquals(newTree.getEdge("c", "f"), 1) self.assertEquals(newTree.getNumVertices(), dictTree.getNumVertices()) self.assertEquals(newTree.getNumEdges(), dictTree.getNumEdges()) newTree = dictTree.cut(1) self.assertEquals(newTree.getEdge("a", "b"), 2) self.assertEquals(newTree.getEdge("a", "c"), 1) self.assertEquals(newTree.getNumVertices(), 3) self.assertEquals(newTree.getNumEdges(), 2) newTree = dictTree.cut(0) self.assertEquals(newTree.getNumVertices(), 1) self.assertEquals(newTree.getNumEdges(), 0) def testLeaves(self): dictTree = DictTree() dictTree.setVertex("a", "foo") self.assertTrue(set(dictTree.leaves()) == set(["a"])) dictTree.addEdge("a", "b", 2) dictTree.addEdge("a", "c") dictTree.addEdge("c", "d", 5) dictTree.addEdge("c", "f") self.assertTrue(set(dictTree.leaves()) == set(["b", "d", "f"])) dictTree.addEdge("b", 1) dictTree.addEdge("b", 2) self.assertTrue(set(dictTree.leaves()) == set([1, 2, "d", "f"])) #Test isSubtree leaves self.assertTrue(set(dictTree.leaves("c")) == set(["d", "f"])) self.assertTrue(set(dictTree.leaves("b")) == set([1, 2])) def testAddChild(self): dictTree = DictTree() dictTree.setVertex("a", "foo") dictTree.addChild("a", "c", 2) dictTree.addChild("a", "d", 5) self.assertTrue(set(dictTree.leaves()) == set(["c", "d"])) self.assertEquals(dictTree.getVertex("c"), 2) self.assertEquals(dictTree.getVertex("d"), 5) self.assertTrue(dictTree.getEdge("a", "d"), 1.0) self.assertTrue(dictTree.getEdge("a", "c"), 1.0) def testPruneVertex(self): dictTree = DictTree() dictTree.setVertex("a", "foo") dictTree.addEdge("a", "b") dictTree.addEdge("a", "c") dictTree.addEdge("b", "d") dictTree.addEdge("b", "e") dictTree.addEdge("e", "f") dictTree.pruneVertex("b") self.assertFalse(dictTree.edgeExists("b", "e")) self.assertFalse(dictTree.edgeExists("b", "d")) self.assertFalse(dictTree.edgeExists("e", "f")) self.assertTrue(dictTree.vertexExists("b")) self.assertFalse(dictTree.vertexExists("d")) self.assertFalse(dictTree.vertexExists("e")) self.assertFalse(dictTree.vertexExists("f")) dictTree.pruneVertex("a") self.assertEquals(dictTree.getNumVertices(), 1) def testIsLeaf(self): self.assertTrue(self.dictTree.isLeaf("c")) self.assertTrue(self.dictTree.isLeaf("d")) self.assertTrue(self.dictTree.isLeaf("f")) self.assertFalse(self.dictTree.isLeaf("a")) self.assertFalse(self.dictTree.isLeaf("b")) self.assertFalse(self.dictTree.isLeaf("e")) def testIsNonLeaf(self): self.assertFalse(self.dictTree.isNonLeaf("c")) self.assertFalse(self.dictTree.isNonLeaf("d")) self.assertFalse(self.dictTree.isNonLeaf("f")) self.assertTrue(self.dictTree.isNonLeaf("a")) self.assertTrue(self.dictTree.isNonLeaf("b")) self.assertTrue(self.dictTree.isNonLeaf("e")) def testCopy(self): newTree = self.dictTree.copy() newTree.addEdge("f", "x") newTree.addEdge("f", "y") self.assertEquals(newTree.getNumVertices(), self.dictTree.getNumVertices() + 2) self.assertTrue(newTree.vertexExists("x")) self.assertTrue(newTree.vertexExists("y")) self.assertTrue(not self.dictTree.vertexExists("x")) self.assertTrue(not self.dictTree.vertexExists("x")) def testisSubtree(self): newTree = DictTree() newTree.addEdge("a", "b") newTree.addEdge("a", "c") self.assertTrue(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree.addEdge("b", "d") self.assertTrue(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree.addEdge("b", "e") self.assertTrue(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree.addEdge("e", "f") self.assertTrue(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree.addEdge("a", "g") self.assertFalse(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree = DictTree() newTree.addEdge("b", "d") self.assertTrue(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree.addEdge("b", "e") self.assertTrue(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree.addEdge("e", "f") self.assertTrue(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree.addEdge("f", "g") self.assertFalse(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) newTree = DictTree() newTree.setVertex("b") self.assertTrue(newTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) self.assertFalse(self.dictTree.isSubtree(newTree)) self.assertTrue(self.dictTree.isSubtree(self.dictTree)) def testDeepCopy(self): class A: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y a = A(1, numpy.array([1, 2])) self.dictTree.setVertex("a", a) newTree = self.dictTree.deepCopy() newTree.addEdge("f", "x") newTree.addEdge("f", "y") self.assertEquals(newTree.getNumVertices(), self.dictTree.getNumVertices() + 2) self.assertTrue(newTree.vertexExists("x")) self.assertTrue(newTree.vertexExists("y")) self.assertTrue(not self.dictTree.vertexExists("x")) self.assertTrue(not self.dictTree.vertexExists("x")) self.assertEquals(self.dictTree.getVertex("a"), a) self.assertEquals(newTree.getVertex("a").x, 1) self.assertEquals(self.dictTree.getVertex("a").x, 1) a.x = 10 self.assertEquals(newTree.getVertex("a").x, 1) self.assertEquals(self.dictTree.getVertex("a").x, 10) nptst.assert_array_equal(newTree.getVertex("a").y, numpy.array([1, 2])) nptst.assert_array_equal( self.dictTree.getVertex("a").y, numpy.array([1, 2])) a.y = numpy.array([1, 2, 3]) nptst.assert_array_equal(newTree.getVertex("a").y, numpy.array([1, 2])) nptst.assert_array_equal( self.dictTree.getVertex("a").y, numpy.array([1, 2, 3])) def testSubtree(self): newTree = DictTree() newTree.addEdge("a", "b") newTree.addEdge("a", "c") subtree = newTree.subtreeAt("b") self.assertEquals(subtree.getAllVertexIds(), ["b"]) subtree = newTree.subtreeAt("c") self.assertEquals(subtree.getAllVertexIds(), ["c"]) subtree = newTree.subtreeAt("a") self.assertEquals(set(subtree.getAllVertexIds()), set(["a", "c", "b"]))
class DecisionTreeLearner(AbstractPredictor): def __init__(self, criterion="mse", maxDepth=10, minSplit=30, type="reg", pruneType="none", gamma=1000, folds=5, processes=None): """ Need a minSplit for the internal nodes and one for leaves. :param gamma: A value between 0 (no pruning) and 1 (full pruning) which decides how much pruning to do. """ super(DecisionTreeLearner, self).__init__() self.maxDepth = maxDepth self.minSplit = minSplit self.criterion = criterion self.type = type self.pruneType = pruneType self.setGamma(gamma) self.folds = 5 self.processes = processes self.alphas = numpy.array([]) def learnModel(self, X, y): nodeId = (0, ) self.tree = DictTree() rootNode = DecisionNode(numpy.arange(X.shape[0]), y.mean()) self.tree.setVertex(nodeId, rootNode) #We compute a sorted version of X argsortX = numpy.zeros(X.shape, for i in range(X.shape[1]): argsortX[:, i] = numpy.argsort(X[:, i]) argsortX[:, i] = numpy.argsort(argsortX[:, i]) self.growSkLearn(X, y) #self.recursiveSplit(X, y, argsortX, nodeId) self.unprunedTreeSize = self.tree.size if self.pruneType == "REP": #Note: This should be a seperate validation set self.repPrune(X, y) elif self.pruneType == "REP-CV": self.cvPrune(X, y) elif self.pruneType == "CART": self.cartPrune(X, y) elif self.pruneType == "none": pass else: raise ValueError("Unknown pruning type " + self.pruneType) #@profile def recursiveSplit(self, X, y, argsortX, nodeId): """ Give a sample of data and a node index, we find the best split and add children to the tree accordingly. """ if len(nodeId)-1 >= self.maxDepth: return node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) bestError, bestFeatureInd, bestThreshold, bestLeftInds, bestRightInds = findBestSplit(self.minSplit, X, y, node.getTrainInds(), argsortX) #The split may have 0 items in one set, so don't split if bestLeftInds.sum() != 0 and bestRightInds.sum() != 0: node.setError(bestError) node.setFeatureInd(bestFeatureInd) node.setThreshold(bestThreshold) leftChildId = self.getLeftChildId(nodeId) leftChild = DecisionNode(bestLeftInds, y[bestLeftInds].mean()) self.tree.addChild(nodeId, leftChildId, leftChild) if leftChild.getTrainInds().shape[0] >= self.minSplit: self.recursiveSplit(X, y, argsortX, leftChildId) rightChildId = self.getRightChildId(nodeId) rightChild = DecisionNode(bestRightInds, y[bestRightInds].mean()) self.tree.addChild(nodeId, rightChildId, rightChild) if rightChild.getTrainInds().shape[0] >= self.minSplit: self.recursiveSplit(X, y, argsortX, rightChildId) def growSkLearn(self, X, y): """ Grow a decision tree from sklearn. """ from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor regressor = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth = self.maxDepth, min_samples_split=self.minSplit), y) #Convert the sklearn tree into our tree nodeId = (0, ) nodeStack = [(nodeId, 0)] node = DecisionNode(numpy.arange(X.shape[0]), regressor.tree_.value[0]) self.tree.setVertex(nodeId, node) while len(nodeStack) != 0: nodeId, nodeInd = nodeStack.pop() node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) node.setError(regressor.tree_.best_error[nodeInd]) node.setFeatureInd(regressor.tree_.feature[nodeInd]) node.setThreshold(regressor.tree_.threshold[nodeInd]) if regressor.tree_.children[nodeInd, 0] != -1: leftChildInds = node.getTrainInds()[X[node.getTrainInds(), node.getFeatureInd()] < node.getThreshold()] leftChildId = self.getLeftChildId(nodeId) leftChild = DecisionNode(leftChildInds, regressor.tree_.value[regressor.tree_.children[nodeInd, 0]]) self.tree.addChild(nodeId, leftChildId, leftChild) nodeStack.append((self.getLeftChildId(nodeId), regressor.tree_.children[nodeInd, 0])) if regressor.tree_.children[nodeInd, 1] != -1: rightChildInds = node.getTrainInds()[X[node.getTrainInds(), node.getFeatureInd()] >= node.getThreshold()] rightChildId = self.getRightChildId(nodeId) rightChild = DecisionNode(rightChildInds, regressor.tree_.value[regressor.tree_.children[nodeInd, 1]]) self.tree.addChild(nodeId, rightChildId, rightChild) nodeStack.append((self.getRightChildId(nodeId), regressor.tree_.children[nodeInd, 1])) def predict(self, X): """ Make a prediction for the set of examples given in the matrix X. """ rootId = (0,) predY = numpy.zeros(X.shape[0]) self.tree.getVertex(rootId).setTestInds(numpy.arange(X.shape[0])) predY = self.recursivePredict(X, predY, rootId) return predY def recursivePredict(self, X, y, nodeId): """ Recurse through the tree and assign examples to the correct vertex. """ node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) testInds = node.getTestInds() if self.tree.isLeaf(nodeId): y[testInds] = node.getValue() else: for childId in [self.getLeftChildId(nodeId), self.getRightChildId(nodeId)]: if self.tree.vertexExists(childId): child = self.tree.getVertex(childId) if childId[-1] == 0: childInds = X[testInds, node.getFeatureInd()] < node.getThreshold() else: childInds = X[testInds, node.getFeatureInd()] >= node.getThreshold() child.setTestInds(testInds[childInds]) y = self.recursivePredict(X, y, childId) return y def recursiveSetPrune(self, X, y, nodeId): """ This computes test errors on nodes by passing in the test X and y. """ node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) testInds = node.getTestInds() node.setTestError(self.vertexTestError(y[testInds], node.getValue())) for childId in [self.getLeftChildId(nodeId), self.getRightChildId(nodeId)]: if self.tree.vertexExists(childId): child = self.tree.getVertex(childId) if childId[-1] == 0: childInds = X[testInds, node.getFeatureInd()] < node.getThreshold() else: childInds = X[testInds, node.getFeatureInd()] >= node.getThreshold() child.setTestInds(testInds[childInds]) self.recursiveSetPrune(X, y, childId) def vertexTestError(self, trueY, predY): """ This is the error used for pruning. We compute it at each node. """ return numpy.sum((trueY - predY)**2) def computeAlphas(self): self.minAlpha = float("inf") self.maxAlpha = -float("inf") for vertexId in self.tree.getAllVertexIds(): currentNode = self.tree.getVertex(vertexId) subtreeLeaves = self.tree.leaves(vertexId) testErrorSum = 0 for leaf in subtreeLeaves: testErrorSum += self.tree.getVertex(leaf).getTestError() #Alpha is normalised difference in error if currentNode.getTestInds().shape[0] != 0: currentNode.alpha = (testErrorSum - currentNode.getTestError())/float(currentNode.getTestInds().shape[0]) if currentNode.alpha < self.minAlpha: self.minAlpha = currentNode.alpha if currentNode.alpha > self.maxAlpha: self.maxAlpha = currentNode.alpha def computeCARTAlphas(self, X): """ Solve for the CART complexity based pruning. """ self.minAlpha = float("inf") self.maxAlpha = -float("inf") alphas = [] for vertexId in self.tree.getAllVertexIds(): currentNode = self.tree.getVertex(vertexId) subtreeLeaves = self.tree.leaves(vertexId) testErrorSum = 0 for leaf in subtreeLeaves: testErrorSum += self.tree.getVertex(leaf).getTestError() #Alpha is reduction in error per leaf - larger alphas are better if currentNode.getTestInds().shape[0] != 0 and len(subtreeLeaves) != 1: currentNode.alpha = (currentNode.getTestError() - testErrorSum)/float(X.shape[0]*(len(subtreeLeaves)-1)) #Flip alpha so that pruning works currentNode.alpha = -currentNode.alpha alphas.append(currentNode.alpha) """ if currentNode.alpha < self.minAlpha: self.minAlpha = currentNode.alpha if currentNode.alpha > self.maxAlpha: self.maxAlpha = currentNode.alpha """ alphas = numpy.array(alphas) self.alphas = numpy.unique(alphas) self.minAlpha = numpy.min(self.alphas) self.maxAlpha = numpy.max(self.alphas) def repPrune(self, validX, validY): """ Prune the decision tree using reduced error pruning. """ rootId = (0,) self.tree.getVertex(rootId).setTestInds(numpy.arange(validX.shape[0])) self.recursiveSetPrune(validX, validY, rootId) self.computeAlphas() self.prune() def prune(self): """ We prune as early as possible and make sure the final tree has at most gamma vertices. """ i = self.alphas.shape[0]-1 #print(self.alphas) while self.tree.getNumVertices() > self.gamma and i >= 0: #print(self.alphas[i], self.tree.getNumVertices()) alphaThreshold = self.alphas[i] toPrune = [] for vertexId in self.tree.getAllVertexIds(): if self.tree.getVertex(vertexId).alpha >= alphaThreshold: toPrune.append(vertexId) for vertexId in toPrune: if self.tree.vertexExists(vertexId): self.tree.pruneVertex(vertexId) i -= 1 def cartPrune(self, trainX, trainY): """ Prune the tree according to the CART algorithm. Here, the chosen tree is selected by thresholding alpha. In CART itself the best tree is selected by using an independent pruning set. """ rootId = (0,) self.tree.getVertex(rootId).setTestInds(numpy.arange(trainX.shape[0])) self.recursiveSetPrune(trainX, trainY, rootId) self.computeCARTAlphas(trainX) self.prune() def cvPrune(self, validX, validY): """ We do something like reduced error pruning but we use cross validation to decide which nodes to prune. """ #First set the value of the vertices using the training set. #Reset all alphas to zero inds = Sampling.crossValidation(self.folds, validX.shape[0]) for i in self.tree.getAllVertexIds(): self.tree.getVertex(i).setAlpha(0.0) self.tree.getVertex(i).setTestError(0.0) for trainInds, testInds in inds: rootId = (0,) root = self.tree.getVertex(rootId) root.setTrainInds(trainInds) root.setTestInds(testInds) root.tempValue = numpy.mean(validY[trainInds]) nodeStack = [(rootId, root.tempValue)] while len(nodeStack) != 0: (nodeId, value) = nodeStack.pop() node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) tempTrainInds = node.getTrainInds() tempTestInds = node.getTestInds() node.setTestError(numpy.sum((validY[tempTestInds] - node.tempValue)**2) + node.getTestError()) childIds = [self.getLeftChildId(nodeId), self.getRightChildId(nodeId)] for childId in childIds: if self.tree.vertexExists(childId): child = self.tree.getVertex(childId) if childId[-1] == 0: childInds = validX[tempTrainInds, node.getFeatureInd()] < node.getThreshold() else: childInds = validX[tempTrainInds, node.getFeatureInd()] >= node.getThreshold() if childInds.sum() !=0: value = numpy.mean(validY[tempTrainInds[childInds]]) child.tempValue = value child.setTrainInds(tempTrainInds[childInds]) nodeStack.append((childId, value)) if childId[-1] == 0: childInds = validX[tempTestInds, node.getFeatureInd()] < node.getThreshold() else: childInds = validX[tempTestInds, node.getFeatureInd()] >= node.getThreshold() child.setTestInds(tempTestInds[childInds]) self.computeAlphas() self.prune() def copy(self): """ Copies parameter values only """ newLearner = DecisionTreeLearner(self.criterion, self.maxDepth, self.minSplit, self.type, self.pruneType, self.gamma, self.folds) return newLearner def getMetricMethod(self): if self.type == "reg": #return Evaluator.rootMeanSqError return Evaluator.meanAbsError #return Evaluator.meanSqError else: return Evaluator.binaryError def getAlphaThreshold(self): #return self.maxAlpha - (self.maxAlpha - self.minAlpha)*self.gamma #A more natural way of defining gamma return self.alphas[numpy.round((1-self.gamma)*(self.alphas.shape[0]-1))] def setGamma(self, gamma): """ Gamma is an upper bound on the number of nodes in the tree. """ Parameter.checkInt(gamma, 1, float("inf")) self.gamma = gamma def getGamma(self): return self.gamma def setPruneCV(self, folds): Parameter.checkInt(folds, 1, float("inf")) self.folds = folds def getPruneCV(self): return self.folds def getLeftChildId(self, nodeId): leftChildId = list(nodeId) leftChildId.append(0) leftChildId = tuple(leftChildId) return leftChildId def getRightChildId(self, nodeId): rightChildId = list(nodeId) rightChildId.append(1) rightChildId = tuple(rightChildId) return rightChildId def getTree(self): return self.tree def complexity(self): return self.tree.size def getBestLearner(self, meanErrors, paramDict, X, y, idx=None): """ Given a grid of errors, paramDict and examples, labels, find the best learner and train it. In this case we set gamma to the real size of the tree as learnt using CV. If idx == None then we simply use the gamma corresponding to the lowest error. """ if idx == None: return super(DecisionTreeLearner, self).getBestLearner(meanErrors, paramDict, X, y, idx) bestInds = numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmin(meanErrors), meanErrors.shape) currentInd = 0 learner = self.copy() for key, val in paramDict.items(): method = getattr(learner, key) method(val[bestInds[currentInd]]) currentInd += 1 treeSizes = [] for trainInds, testInds in idx: validX = X[trainInds, :] validY = y[trainInds] learner.learnModel(validX, validY) treeSizes.append(learner.tree.getNumVertices()) bestGamma = int(numpy.round(numpy.array(treeSizes).mean())) learner.setGamma(bestGamma) learner.learnModel(X, y) return learner def getUnprunedTreeSize(self): """ Return the size of the tree before pruning was performed. """ return self.unprunedTreeSize def parallelPen(self, X, y, idx, paramDict, Cvs): """ Perform parallel penalisation using any learner. Using the best set of parameters train using the whole dataset. In this case if gamma > max(treeSize) the penalty is infinite. :param X: The examples as rows :type X: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param y: The binary -1/+1 labels :type y: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param idx: A list of train/test splits :param paramDict: A dictionary index by the method name and with value as an array of values :type X: :class:`dict` """ return super(DecisionTreeLearner, self).parallelPen(X, y, idx, paramDict, Cvs, computeVFPenTree)
class DecisionTreeLearner(AbstractPredictor): def __init__(self, criterion="mse", maxDepth=10, minSplit=30, type="reg", pruneType="none", gamma=1000, folds=5, processes=None): """ Need a minSplit for the internal nodes and one for leaves. :param gamma: A value between 0 (no pruning) and 1 (full pruning) which decides how much pruning to do. """ super(DecisionTreeLearner, self).__init__() self.maxDepth = maxDepth self.minSplit = minSplit self.criterion = criterion self.type = type self.pruneType = pruneType self.setGamma(gamma) self.folds = 5 self.processes = processes self.alphas = numpy.array([]) def learnModel(self, X, y): nodeId = (0, ) self.tree = DictTree() rootNode = DecisionNode(numpy.arange(X.shape[0]), y.mean()) self.tree.setVertex(nodeId, rootNode) #We compute a sorted version of X argsortX = numpy.zeros(X.shape, for i in range(X.shape[1]): argsortX[:, i] = numpy.argsort(X[:, i]) argsortX[:, i] = numpy.argsort(argsortX[:, i]) self.growSkLearn(X, y) #self.recursiveSplit(X, y, argsortX, nodeId) self.unprunedTreeSize = self.tree.size if self.pruneType == "REP": #Note: This should be a seperate validation set self.repPrune(X, y) elif self.pruneType == "REP-CV": self.cvPrune(X, y) elif self.pruneType == "CART": self.cartPrune(X, y) elif self.pruneType == "none": pass else: raise ValueError("Unknown pruning type " + self.pruneType) #@profile def recursiveSplit(self, X, y, argsortX, nodeId): """ Give a sample of data and a node index, we find the best split and add children to the tree accordingly. """ if len(nodeId) - 1 >= self.maxDepth: return node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) bestError, bestFeatureInd, bestThreshold, bestLeftInds, bestRightInds = findBestSplit( self.minSplit, X, y, node.getTrainInds(), argsortX) #The split may have 0 items in one set, so don't split if bestLeftInds.sum() != 0 and bestRightInds.sum() != 0: node.setError(bestError) node.setFeatureInd(bestFeatureInd) node.setThreshold(bestThreshold) leftChildId = self.getLeftChildId(nodeId) leftChild = DecisionNode(bestLeftInds, y[bestLeftInds].mean()) self.tree.addChild(nodeId, leftChildId, leftChild) if leftChild.getTrainInds().shape[0] >= self.minSplit: self.recursiveSplit(X, y, argsortX, leftChildId) rightChildId = self.getRightChildId(nodeId) rightChild = DecisionNode(bestRightInds, y[bestRightInds].mean()) self.tree.addChild(nodeId, rightChildId, rightChild) if rightChild.getTrainInds().shape[0] >= self.minSplit: self.recursiveSplit(X, y, argsortX, rightChildId) def growSkLearn(self, X, y): """ Grow a decision tree from sklearn. """ from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor regressor = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=self.maxDepth, min_samples_split=self.minSplit), y) #Convert the sklearn tree into our tree nodeId = (0, ) nodeStack = [(nodeId, 0)] node = DecisionNode(numpy.arange(X.shape[0]), regressor.tree_.value[0]) self.tree.setVertex(nodeId, node) while len(nodeStack) != 0: nodeId, nodeInd = nodeStack.pop() node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) node.setError(regressor.tree_.best_error[nodeInd]) node.setFeatureInd(regressor.tree_.feature[nodeInd]) node.setThreshold(regressor.tree_.threshold[nodeInd]) if regressor.tree_.children[nodeInd, 0] != -1: leftChildInds = node.getTrainInds()[ X[node.getTrainInds(), node.getFeatureInd()] < node.getThreshold()] leftChildId = self.getLeftChildId(nodeId) leftChild = DecisionNode( leftChildInds, regressor.tree_.value[regressor.tree_.children[nodeInd, 0]]) self.tree.addChild(nodeId, leftChildId, leftChild) nodeStack.append((self.getLeftChildId(nodeId), regressor.tree_.children[nodeInd, 0])) if regressor.tree_.children[nodeInd, 1] != -1: rightChildInds = node.getTrainInds()[ X[node.getTrainInds(), node.getFeatureInd()] >= node.getThreshold()] rightChildId = self.getRightChildId(nodeId) rightChild = DecisionNode( rightChildInds, regressor.tree_.value[regressor.tree_.children[nodeInd, 1]]) self.tree.addChild(nodeId, rightChildId, rightChild) nodeStack.append((self.getRightChildId(nodeId), regressor.tree_.children[nodeInd, 1])) def predict(self, X): """ Make a prediction for the set of examples given in the matrix X. """ rootId = (0, ) predY = numpy.zeros(X.shape[0]) self.tree.getVertex(rootId).setTestInds(numpy.arange(X.shape[0])) predY = self.recursivePredict(X, predY, rootId) return predY def recursivePredict(self, X, y, nodeId): """ Recurse through the tree and assign examples to the correct vertex. """ node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) testInds = node.getTestInds() if self.tree.isLeaf(nodeId): y[testInds] = node.getValue() else: for childId in [ self.getLeftChildId(nodeId), self.getRightChildId(nodeId) ]: if self.tree.vertexExists(childId): child = self.tree.getVertex(childId) if childId[-1] == 0: childInds = X[testInds, node.getFeatureInd( )] < node.getThreshold() else: childInds = X[testInds, node.getFeatureInd( )] >= node.getThreshold() child.setTestInds(testInds[childInds]) y = self.recursivePredict(X, y, childId) return y def recursiveSetPrune(self, X, y, nodeId): """ This computes test errors on nodes by passing in the test X and y. """ node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) testInds = node.getTestInds() node.setTestError(self.vertexTestError(y[testInds], node.getValue())) for childId in [ self.getLeftChildId(nodeId), self.getRightChildId(nodeId) ]: if self.tree.vertexExists(childId): child = self.tree.getVertex(childId) if childId[-1] == 0: childInds = X[testInds, node.getFeatureInd()] < node.getThreshold() else: childInds = X[testInds, node.getFeatureInd()] >= node.getThreshold() child.setTestInds(testInds[childInds]) self.recursiveSetPrune(X, y, childId) def vertexTestError(self, trueY, predY): """ This is the error used for pruning. We compute it at each node. """ return numpy.sum((trueY - predY)**2) def computeAlphas(self): self.minAlpha = float("inf") self.maxAlpha = -float("inf") for vertexId in self.tree.getAllVertexIds(): currentNode = self.tree.getVertex(vertexId) subtreeLeaves = self.tree.leaves(vertexId) testErrorSum = 0 for leaf in subtreeLeaves: testErrorSum += self.tree.getVertex(leaf).getTestError() #Alpha is normalised difference in error if currentNode.getTestInds().shape[0] != 0: currentNode.alpha = (testErrorSum - currentNode.getTestError()) / float( currentNode.getTestInds().shape[0]) if currentNode.alpha < self.minAlpha: self.minAlpha = currentNode.alpha if currentNode.alpha > self.maxAlpha: self.maxAlpha = currentNode.alpha def computeCARTAlphas(self, X): """ Solve for the CART complexity based pruning. """ self.minAlpha = float("inf") self.maxAlpha = -float("inf") alphas = [] for vertexId in self.tree.getAllVertexIds(): currentNode = self.tree.getVertex(vertexId) subtreeLeaves = self.tree.leaves(vertexId) testErrorSum = 0 for leaf in subtreeLeaves: testErrorSum += self.tree.getVertex(leaf).getTestError() #Alpha is reduction in error per leaf - larger alphas are better if currentNode.getTestInds().shape[0] != 0 and len( subtreeLeaves) != 1: currentNode.alpha = (currentNode.getTestError() - testErrorSum) / float( X.shape[0] * (len(subtreeLeaves) - 1)) #Flip alpha so that pruning works currentNode.alpha = -currentNode.alpha alphas.append(currentNode.alpha) """ if currentNode.alpha < self.minAlpha: self.minAlpha = currentNode.alpha if currentNode.alpha > self.maxAlpha: self.maxAlpha = currentNode.alpha """ alphas = numpy.array(alphas) self.alphas = numpy.unique(alphas) self.minAlpha = numpy.min(self.alphas) self.maxAlpha = numpy.max(self.alphas) def repPrune(self, validX, validY): """ Prune the decision tree using reduced error pruning. """ rootId = (0, ) self.tree.getVertex(rootId).setTestInds(numpy.arange(validX.shape[0])) self.recursiveSetPrune(validX, validY, rootId) self.computeAlphas() self.prune() def prune(self): """ We prune as early as possible and make sure the final tree has at most gamma vertices. """ i = self.alphas.shape[0] - 1 #print(self.alphas) while self.tree.getNumVertices() > self.gamma and i >= 0: #print(self.alphas[i], self.tree.getNumVertices()) alphaThreshold = self.alphas[i] toPrune = [] for vertexId in self.tree.getAllVertexIds(): if self.tree.getVertex(vertexId).alpha >= alphaThreshold: toPrune.append(vertexId) for vertexId in toPrune: if self.tree.vertexExists(vertexId): self.tree.pruneVertex(vertexId) i -= 1 def cartPrune(self, trainX, trainY): """ Prune the tree according to the CART algorithm. Here, the chosen tree is selected by thresholding alpha. In CART itself the best tree is selected by using an independent pruning set. """ rootId = (0, ) self.tree.getVertex(rootId).setTestInds(numpy.arange(trainX.shape[0])) self.recursiveSetPrune(trainX, trainY, rootId) self.computeCARTAlphas(trainX) self.prune() def cvPrune(self, validX, validY): """ We do something like reduced error pruning but we use cross validation to decide which nodes to prune. """ #First set the value of the vertices using the training set. #Reset all alphas to zero inds = Sampling.crossValidation(self.folds, validX.shape[0]) for i in self.tree.getAllVertexIds(): self.tree.getVertex(i).setAlpha(0.0) self.tree.getVertex(i).setTestError(0.0) for trainInds, testInds in inds: rootId = (0, ) root = self.tree.getVertex(rootId) root.setTrainInds(trainInds) root.setTestInds(testInds) root.tempValue = numpy.mean(validY[trainInds]) nodeStack = [(rootId, root.tempValue)] while len(nodeStack) != 0: (nodeId, value) = nodeStack.pop() node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId) tempTrainInds = node.getTrainInds() tempTestInds = node.getTestInds() node.setTestError( numpy.sum((validY[tempTestInds] - node.tempValue)**2) + node.getTestError()) childIds = [ self.getLeftChildId(nodeId), self.getRightChildId(nodeId) ] for childId in childIds: if self.tree.vertexExists(childId): child = self.tree.getVertex(childId) if childId[-1] == 0: childInds = validX[ tempTrainInds, node.getFeatureInd()] < node.getThreshold() else: childInds = validX[ tempTrainInds, node.getFeatureInd()] >= node.getThreshold() if childInds.sum() != 0: value = numpy.mean( validY[tempTrainInds[childInds]]) child.tempValue = value child.setTrainInds(tempTrainInds[childInds]) nodeStack.append((childId, value)) if childId[-1] == 0: childInds = validX[ tempTestInds, node.getFeatureInd()] < node.getThreshold() else: childInds = validX[ tempTestInds, node.getFeatureInd()] >= node.getThreshold() child.setTestInds(tempTestInds[childInds]) self.computeAlphas() self.prune() def copy(self): """ Copies parameter values only """ newLearner = DecisionTreeLearner(self.criterion, self.maxDepth, self.minSplit, self.type, self.pruneType, self.gamma, self.folds) return newLearner def getMetricMethod(self): if self.type == "reg": #return Evaluator.rootMeanSqError return Evaluator.meanAbsError #return Evaluator.meanSqError else: return Evaluator.binaryError def getAlphaThreshold(self): #return self.maxAlpha - (self.maxAlpha - self.minAlpha)*self.gamma #A more natural way of defining gamma return self.alphas[numpy.round( (1 - self.gamma) * (self.alphas.shape[0] - 1))] def setGamma(self, gamma): """ Gamma is an upper bound on the number of nodes in the tree. """ Parameter.checkInt(gamma, 1, float("inf")) self.gamma = gamma def getGamma(self): return self.gamma def setPruneCV(self, folds): Parameter.checkInt(folds, 1, float("inf")) self.folds = folds def getPruneCV(self): return self.folds def getLeftChildId(self, nodeId): leftChildId = list(nodeId) leftChildId.append(0) leftChildId = tuple(leftChildId) return leftChildId def getRightChildId(self, nodeId): rightChildId = list(nodeId) rightChildId.append(1) rightChildId = tuple(rightChildId) return rightChildId def getTree(self): return self.tree def complexity(self): return self.tree.size def getBestLearner(self, meanErrors, paramDict, X, y, idx=None): """ Given a grid of errors, paramDict and examples, labels, find the best learner and train it. In this case we set gamma to the real size of the tree as learnt using CV. If idx == None then we simply use the gamma corresponding to the lowest error. """ if idx == None: return super(DecisionTreeLearner, self).getBestLearner(meanErrors, paramDict, X, y, idx) bestInds = numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmin(meanErrors), meanErrors.shape) currentInd = 0 learner = self.copy() for key, val in paramDict.items(): method = getattr(learner, key) method(val[bestInds[currentInd]]) currentInd += 1 treeSizes = [] for trainInds, testInds in idx: validX = X[trainInds, :] validY = y[trainInds] learner.learnModel(validX, validY) treeSizes.append(learner.tree.getNumVertices()) bestGamma = int(numpy.round(numpy.array(treeSizes).mean())) learner.setGamma(bestGamma) learner.learnModel(X, y) return learner def getUnprunedTreeSize(self): """ Return the size of the tree before pruning was performed. """ return self.unprunedTreeSize def parallelPen(self, X, y, idx, paramDict, Cvs): """ Perform parallel penalisation using any learner. Using the best set of parameters train using the whole dataset. In this case if gamma > max(treeSize) the penalty is infinite. :param X: The examples as rows :type X: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param y: The binary -1/+1 labels :type y: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param idx: A list of train/test splits :param paramDict: A dictionary index by the method name and with value as an array of values :type X: :class:`dict` """ return super(DecisionTreeLearner, self).parallelPen(X, y, idx, paramDict, Cvs, computeVFPenTree)