Esempio n. 1
    def testCrossValidation(self):
        numExamples = 10
        folds = 2

        indices = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, numExamples)

        self.assertEquals((list(indices[0][0]), list(indices[0][1])), ([5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]))
        self.assertEquals((list(indices[1][0]), list(indices[1][1])), ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]))

        indices = Sampling.crossValidation(3, numExamples)

        self.assertEquals((list(indices[0][0]), list(indices[0][1])), ([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0, 1, 2]))
        self.assertEquals((list(indices[1][0]), list(indices[1][1])), ([0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9], [3, 4, 5]))
        self.assertEquals((list(indices[2][0]), list(indices[2][1])), ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9]))

        indices = Sampling.crossValidation(4, numExamples)

        self.assertEquals((list(indices[0][0]), list(indices[0][1])), ([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0, 1]))
        self.assertEquals((list(indices[1][0]), list(indices[1][1])), ([0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [2, 3, 4]))
        self.assertEquals((list(indices[2][0]), list(indices[2][1])), ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9], [5, 6]))
        self.assertEquals((list(indices[3][0]), list(indices[3][1])), ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]))

        indices = Sampling.crossValidation(numExamples, numExamples)
        self.assertEquals((list(indices[0][0]), list(indices[0][1])), ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0]))
        self.assertEquals((list(indices[1][0]), list(indices[1][1])), ([0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [1]))
        self.assertEquals((list(indices[2][0]), list(indices[2][1])), ([0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [2]))
        self.assertEquals((list(indices[3][0]), list(indices[3][1])), ([0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [3]))
        self.assertEquals((list(indices[4][0]), list(indices[4][1])), ([0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [4]))

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, Sampling.crossValidation, numExamples+1, numExamples)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, Sampling.crossValidation, 0, numExamples)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, Sampling.crossValidation, -1, numExamples)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, Sampling.crossValidation, folds, 1)
Esempio n. 2
    def testRepCrossValidation(self): 
        numExamples = 10
        folds = 3
        repetitions = 1

        indices = Sampling.repCrossValidation(folds, numExamples, repetitions)
        for i in range(folds):
            self.assertTrue((numpy.union1d(indices[i][0], indices[i][1]) == numpy.arange(numExamples)).all())
        repetitions = 2
        indices = Sampling.repCrossValidation(folds, numExamples, repetitions)
        for i in range(folds):
            self.assertTrue((numpy.union1d(indices[i][0], indices[i][1]) == numpy.arange(numExamples)).all())
 def testParallelPen(self): 
     #Check if penalisation == inf when treeSize < gamma 
     numExamples = 100
     X, y = data.make_regression(numExamples) 
     learner = DecisionTreeLearner(pruneType="CART", maxDepth=10, minSplit=2)
     paramDict = {} 
     paramDict["setGamma"] = numpy.array(numpy.round(2**numpy.arange(1, 10, 0.5)-1),
     folds = 3
     alpha = 1.0
     Cvs = numpy.array([(folds-1)*alpha])
     idx = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, X.shape[0])
     resultsList = learner.parallelPen(X, y, idx, paramDict, Cvs)
     learner, trainErrors, currentPenalties = resultsList[0]
     treeSize = 0
     #Let's work out the size of the unpruned tree 
     for trainInds, testInds in idx: 
         trainX = X[trainInds, :]
         trainY = y[trainInds]
         learner.learnModel(trainX, trainY)
         treeSize += learner.tree.size 
     treeSize /= float(folds)         
     self.assertTrue(not numpy.isinf(currentPenalties[paramDict["setGamma"]<treeSize]).all())
Esempio n. 4
    def testShuffleSplit(self):
        numExamples = 10
        folds = 5

        indices = Sampling.shuffleSplit(folds, numExamples)
        for i in range(folds):
            self.assertTrue((numpy.union1d(indices[i][0], indices[i][1]) == numpy.arange(numExamples)).all())
        indices = Sampling.shuffleSplit(folds, numExamples, 0.5)
        trainSize = numExamples*0.5

        for i in range(folds):
            self.assertTrue((numpy.union1d(indices[i][0], indices[i][1]) == numpy.arange(numExamples)).all())
            self.assertTrue(indices[i][0].shape[0] == trainSize)

        indices = Sampling.shuffleSplit(folds, numExamples, 0.55)
    def cvModelSelection(self, graph, paramList, paramFunc, folds, errorFunc):
        ParamList is a list of lists of parameters and paramFunc
        is a list of the corresponding functions to call with the parameters
        as arguments. Note that a parameter can also be a tuple which is expanded
        out before the function is called. 

        paramList = [[1, 2], [2, 1], [12, 1]]
        paramFunc = [predictor.setC, predictor.setD]

        inds = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, graph.getNumEdges())
        errors = numpy.zeros((len(paramList), folds))
        allEdges = graph.getAllEdges()

        for i in range(len(paramList)):
            paramSet = paramList[i]
            logging.debug("Using paramSet=" + str(paramSet))

            for j in range(len(paramSet)):
                if type(paramSet[j]) == tuple:

            predY = numpy.zeros(0)
            y = numpy.zeros(0)
            j = 0 

            for (trainInds, testInds) in inds:
                trainEdges = allEdges[trainInds, :]
                testEdges = allEdges[testInds, :]

                trainGraph = SparseGraph(graph.getVertexList(), graph.isUndirected())
                trainGraph.addEdges(trainEdges, graph.getEdgeValues(trainEdges))

                testGraph = SparseGraph(graph.getVertexList(), graph.isUndirected())
                testGraph.addEdges(testEdges, graph.getEdgeValues(testEdges))


                predY = self.predictEdges(testGraph, testGraph.getAllEdges())
                y = testGraph.getEdgeValues(testGraph.getAllEdges())
                #Note that the order the edges is different in testGraphs as
                #opposed to graph when calling getAllEdges()

                errors[i, j] = errorFunc(y, predY)
                j = j+1 

  "Error of current fold: " + str(numpy.mean(errors[i, :])))

        meanErrors = numpy.mean(errors, 1)
        strErrors = numpy.std(errors, 1)

        return meanErrors, strErrors
 def cvPrune(self, validX, validY): 
     We do something like reduced error pruning but we use cross validation 
     to decide which nodes to prune. 
     #First set the value of the vertices using the training set. 
     #Reset all alphas to zero 
     inds = Sampling.crossValidation(self.folds, validX.shape[0])
     for i in self.tree.getAllVertexIds(): 
     for trainInds, testInds in inds:             
         rootId = (0,)
         root = self.tree.getVertex(rootId)
         root.tempValue = numpy.mean(validY[trainInds])
         nodeStack = [(rootId, root.tempValue)]
         while len(nodeStack) != 0: 
             (nodeId, value) = nodeStack.pop()
             node = self.tree.getVertex(nodeId)
             tempTrainInds = node.getTrainInds()
             tempTestInds = node.getTestInds()
             node.setTestError(numpy.sum((validY[tempTestInds] - node.tempValue)**2) + node.getTestError())
             childIds = [self.getLeftChildId(nodeId), self.getRightChildId(nodeId)]
             for childId in childIds:                 
                 if self.tree.vertexExists(childId): 
                     child = self.tree.getVertex(childId)
                     if childId[-1] == 0: 
                         childInds = validX[tempTrainInds, node.getFeatureInd()] < node.getThreshold()
                         childInds = validX[tempTrainInds, node.getFeatureInd()] >= node.getThreshold()
                     if childInds.sum() !=0:   
                         value = numpy.mean(validY[tempTrainInds[childInds]])
                     child.tempValue = value 
                     nodeStack.append((childId, value))
                     if childId[-1] == 0: 
                         childInds = validX[tempTestInds, node.getFeatureInd()] < node.getThreshold() 
                         childInds = validX[tempTestInds, node.getFeatureInd()] >= node.getThreshold()  
Esempio n. 7
    def testBootstrap2(self):
        numExamples = 10
        folds = 2

        indices = Sampling.bootstrap2(folds, numExamples)

        for i in range(folds):
            self.assertEquals(indices[i][0].shape[0], numExamples)
            self.assertTrue(indices[i][1].shape[0] < numExamples)
            self.assertTrue((numpy.union1d(indices[0][0], indices[0][1]) == numpy.arange(numExamples)).all())
Esempio n. 8
    def generateLearner(self, X, y):
        Train using the given examples and labels, and use model selection to
        find the best parameters.
        if numpy.unique(y).shape[0] != 2:
            raise ValueError("Can only operate on binary data")

        #Do model selection first 
        if self.sampleSize == None: 
            idx = Sampling.crossValidation(self.folds, X.shape[0])
            learner, meanErrors = self.parallelModelSelect(X, y, idx, self.paramDict)
            idx = Sampling.crossValidation(self.folds, self.sampleSize)
            inds = numpy.random.permutation(X.shape[0])[0:self.sampleSize]
            learner, meanErrors = self.parallelModelSelect(X[inds, :], y[inds], idx, self.paramDict)
            learner = self.getBestLearner(meanErrors, self.paramDict, X, y)
        return learner
Esempio n. 9
    def evaluateCv(self, X, y, folds, metricMethod=Evaluator.binaryError):
        Compute the cross validation according to a given metric. 
        Parameter.checkInt(folds, 2, float('inf'))
        idx = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, y.shape[0])
        metrics = AbstractPredictor.evaluateLearn(X, y, idx, self.learnModel, self.predict, metricMethod)

        mean = numpy.mean(metrics, 0)
        var = numpy.var(metrics, 0)

        return (mean, var)
def processSimpleDataset(name, numRealisations, split, ext=".csv", delimiter=",", usecols=None, skiprows=1, converters=None):
    dataDir = PathDefaults.getDataDir() + "modelPenalisation/regression/"
    fileName = dataDir + name + ext
    print("Loading data from file " + fileName)
    outputDir = PathDefaults.getDataDir() + "modelPenalisation/regression/" + name + "/"

    XY = numpy.loadtxt(fileName, delimiter=delimiter, skiprows=skiprows, usecols=usecols, converters=converters)
    X = XY[:, :-1]
    y = XY[:, -1]
    idx = Sampling.shuffleSplit(numRealisations, X.shape[0], split)
    preprocessSave(X, y, outputDir, idx)
Esempio n. 11
    def testParallelPenaltyGrid(self): 
        folds = 3
        idx = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, self.X.shape[0])
        randomForest = RandomForest()
        trainX = self.X[0:40, :]
        trainY = self.y[0:40]
        paramDict = {} 
        paramDict["setMinSplit"] = randomForest.getMinSplits()
        paramDict["setMaxDepth"] = randomForest.getMaxDepths()      

        idealPenalties = randomForest.parallelPenaltyGrid(trainX, trainY, self.X, self.y, paramDict)
Esempio n. 12
 def testParallelModelSelect(self): 
     X = scipy.sparse.rand(10, 10, 0.5)
     X = X.tocsr()
     numExamples = X.getnnz()
     paramDict = {}
     paramDict["setK"] = numpy.array([5, 10, 20])
     folds = 3 
     idx = Sampling.randCrossValidation(folds, numExamples)
     lmbdas = numpy.array([0.1])
     softImpute = SoftImpute(lmbdas, k=10)
     learner, meanErrors = softImpute.parallelModelSelect(X, idx, paramDict)
Esempio n. 13
    def testParallelPenaltyGrid(self): 
        folds = 3
        idx = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, self.X.shape[0])
        decisionTree = DecisionTree()
        bestLearner, meanErrors = decisionTree.parallelVfcv(self.X, self.y, idx)
        trainX = self.X[0:40, :]
        trainY = self.y[0:40]
        paramDict = {} 
        paramDict["setMinSplit"] = decisionTree.getMinSplits()
        paramDict["setMaxDepth"] = decisionTree.getMaxDepths()      

        idealPenalties = decisionTree.parallelPenaltyGrid(trainX, trainY, self.X, self.y, paramDict)
Esempio n. 14
def recommend(learner): 
    Take a list of coauthors and read in the complete graph into a sparse 
    matrix X such that X_ij = k means author i has worked with j, k times. Then 
    do matrix factorisation on the resulting methods. 
    outputDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "erasm/" 
    matrixFileName = outputDir + "Toy"
    numExamples = 50 
    numFolds = 5    
    X =
    X = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(X)
    logging.debug("Loaded matrix " + str(X.shape) + " with " + str(X.getnnz()) + " non zeros")
    X = X.tocsr()
    X = X[0:numExamples ,:]
    X, maxS = preprocess(X)

    #Take out some ratings to form a training set
    rowInds, colInds = X.nonzero()
    randInds = numpy.random.permutation(rowInds.shape[0])
    indexList = Sampling.crossValidation(numFolds, rowInds.shape[0])
    paramList = [] 
    for j, (trnIdx, tstIdx) in enumerate(indexList): 
        trainInds = randInds[trnIdx]
        testInds = randInds[tstIdx]
        trainX = SparseUtils.selectMatrix(X, rowInds[trainInds], colInds[trainInds]).tocsr()
        testX = SparseUtils.selectMatrix(X, rowInds[testInds], colInds[testInds]).tocsr()
        paramList.append((trainX, testX, learner))
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count())
    results =, paramList)
    #results = map(computeTestError, paramList)
    testErrors = numpy.array(results)
    meanTestErrors = testErrors.mean()
    logging.debug("Test errors = " + str(meanTestErrors))
    errorFileName = outputDir + "results_" +
    numpy.savez(errorFileName, meanTestErrors)   
    logging.debug("Saved results as " + errorFileName)
def processParkinsonsDataset(name, numRealisations):
    dataDir = PathDefaults.getDataDir() + "modelPenalisation/regression/"
    fileName = dataDir + name + ".data"

    XY = numpy.loadtxt(fileName, delimiter=",", skiprows=1)
    inds = list(set(range(XY.shape[1])) - set([5, 6]))
    X = XY[:, inds]

    y1 = XY[:, 5]
    y2 = XY[:, 6]
    #We don't keep whole collections of patients
    split = 0.5

    idx = Sampling.shuffleSplit(numRealisations, X.shape[0], split)

    outputDir = PathDefaults.getDataDir() + "modelPenalisation/regression/" + name + "-motor/"
    preprocessSave(X, y1, outputDir, idx)
    outputDir = PathDefaults.getDataDir() + "modelPenalisation/regression/" + name + "-total/"
    preprocessSave(X, y2, outputDir, idx)
Esempio n. 16
 def run():
     for i in range(2):
         print("Iteration " + str(i))
         idx = Sampling.crossValidation(self.folds, numExamples)
         learner.parallelPen(X, Y, idx, self.paramDict, Cvs)
Esempio n. 17
 def testParallelVfcv(self): 
     folds = 3
     idx = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, self.X.shape[0])
     decisionTree = DecisionTree()
     bestLearner, meanErrors = decisionTree.parallelVfcv(self.X, self.y, idx)
 def run():
     for i in range(5):
         print("Iteration " + str(i))
         idx = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, numExamples)
         learner.parallelModelSelect(X, Y, idx, paramDict)
Esempio n. 19
    def learningRate(self, X, y, foldsSet, paramDict): 
        Find a matrix beta which has the same dimensions as the parameter grid. 
        Each value in the grid represents the learning rate with respect to 
        those particular parameters.         
        :param X: The examples as rows
        :type X: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :param y: The binary -1/+1 labels 
        :type y: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :param foldsSet: A list of folds to try. 

        :param paramDict: A dictionary index by the method name and with value as an array of values
        :type X: :class:`dict`
            from sklearn import linear_model 
        except ImportError: 
        gridSize = [] 
        gridInds = [] 
        for key in paramDict.keys(): 
        betaGrid = numpy.ones(tuple(gridSize))
        gridSize.insert(0, foldsSet.shape[0])
        penalties = numpy.zeros(tuple(gridSize))
        Cvs = numpy.array([1])
        for i in range(foldsSet.shape[0]):
            folds = foldsSet[i]
            logging.debug("Folds " + str(folds))
            idx = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, X.shape[0])
            resultsList = self.parallelPen(X, y, idx, paramDict, Cvs)
            bestLearner, trainErrors, currentPenalties = resultsList[0]
            penalties[i, :] = currentPenalties
        indexIter = itertools.product(*gridInds)

        for inds in indexIter: 
            inds2 = [slice(0, penalties.shape[0])]
            inds2 = tuple(inds2)
            tempPenalties = penalties[inds2]
            penInds = numpy.logical_and(numpy.isfinite(tempPenalties), tempPenalties>0)
            penInds = numpy.squeeze(penInds)
            tempPenalties = tempPenalties[penInds].flatten()
            tempfoldsSet = numpy.array(foldsSet, numpy.float)[penInds]  
            if tempPenalties.shape[0] > 1: 
                xp = numpy.log((tempfoldsSet-1)/tempfoldsSet*X.shape[0])
                yp = numpy.log(tempPenalties)+numpy.log(tempfoldsSet)    
                clf = linear_model.LinearRegression()
      [xp]).T, yp)
                betaGrid[inds] = clf.coef_[0]  
        return -betaGrid 
Esempio n. 20
    def runExperiment(self):
        Run the selected clustering experiments and save results
        if self.algoArgs.runSoftImpute:
            logging.debug("Running soft impute")
            for svdAlg in self.algoArgs.svdAlgs: 
                if svdAlg == "rsvd" or svdAlg == "rsvdUpdate" or svdAlg == "rsvdUpdate2": 
                    resultsFileName = self.resultsDir + "ResultsSoftImpute_alg=" + svdAlg + "_p=" + str(self.algoArgs.p)+ "_q=" + str(self.algoArgs.q) + "_updateAlg=" + self.algoArgs.updateAlg + ".npz"
                    resultsFileName = self.resultsDir + "ResultsSoftImpute_alg=" + svdAlg  + "_updateAlg=" + self.algoArgs.updateAlg + ".npz"
                fileLock = FileLock(resultsFileName)  
                if not fileLock.isLocked() and not fileLock.fileExists(): 
                        learner = IterativeSoftImpute(svdAlg=svdAlg, logStep=self.logStep, kmax=self.algoArgs.kmax, postProcess=self.algoArgs.postProcess, weighted=self.algoArgs.weighted, p=self.algoArgs.p, q=self.algoArgs.q, verbose=self.algoArgs.verbose, updateAlg=self.algoArgs.updateAlg)
                        if self.algoArgs.modelSelect: 
                            trainIterator = self.getTrainIterator()
                            #Let's find the optimal lambda using the first matrix 
                            X = 
                            logging.debug("Performing model selection, taking subsample of entries of size " + str(self.sampleSize))
                            X = SparseUtils.submatrix(X, self.sampleSize)
                            cvInds = Sampling.randCrossValidation(self.algoArgs.folds, X.nnz)
                            meanErrors, stdErrors = learner.modelSelect(X, self.algoArgs.rhos, self.algoArgs.ks, cvInds)
                            logging.debug("Mean errors = " + str(meanErrors))
                            logging.debug("Std errors = " + str(stdErrors))
                            modelSelectFileName = resultsFileName.replace("Results", "ModelSelect") 
                            numpy.savez(modelSelectFileName, meanErrors, stdErrors)
                            logging.debug("Saved model selection grid as " + modelSelectFileName)                            
                            rho = self.algoArgs.rhos[numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmin(meanErrors), meanErrors.shape)[0]]
                            k = self.algoArgs.ks[numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmin(meanErrors), meanErrors.shape)[1]]
                            rho = self.algoArgs.rhos[0]
                            k = self.algoArgs.ks[0]
                        trainIterator = self.getTrainIterator()
                        ZIter = learner.learnModel(trainIterator)
                        self.recordResults(ZIter, learner, resultsFileName)
                    logging.debug("File is locked or already computed: " + resultsFileName)
        if self.algoArgs.runSgdMf:
            logging.debug("Running SGD MF")
            resultsFileName = self.resultsDir + "ResultsSgdMf.npz"
            fileLock = FileLock(resultsFileName)  
            if not fileLock.isLocked() and not fileLock.fileExists(): 
                    learner = IterativeSGDNorm2Reg(k=self.algoArgs.ks[0], lmbda=self.algoArgs.lmbdas[0], gamma=self.algoArgs.gammas[0], eps=self.algoArgs.eps)               

                    if self.algoArgs.modelSelect:
                        # Let's find optimal parameters using the first matrix 
                        learner.modelSelect(self.getTrainIterator().next(), self.algoArgs.ks, self.algoArgs.lmbdas, self.algoArgs.gammas, self.algoArgs.folds)
                        trainIterator = self.getTrainIterator()

                    trainIterator = self.getTrainIterator()
                    ZIter = learner.learnModel(trainIterator)
                    self.recordResults(ZIter, learner, resultsFileName)
                logging.debug("File is locked or already computed: " + resultsFileName)            
           "All done: see you around!")
Esempio n. 21
    meanPenalties = numpy.zeros((numGammas, numEpsilons, numCs))
    meanBetaPenalties = numpy.zeros((numGammas, numEpsilons, numCs))
    meanIdealPenalities = numpy.zeros((numGammas, numEpsilons, numCs))

    for j in range(numRealisations):
        logging.debug("j=" + str(j))
        trainX, trainY, testX, testY = loadMethod(dataDir, datasetName, j)
        logging.debug("Loaded dataset with " + str(trainX.shape) +  " train and " + str(testX.shape) + " test examples")
        trainInds = numpy.random.permutation(trainX.shape[0])[0:sampleSize]
        trainX = trainX[trainInds,:]
        trainY = trainY[trainInds]
        idx = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, trainX.shape[0])

        Cvs = [(folds-1)*alpha, beta[j, sampleSizeInd, :]]    
        #Now try penalisation
        methodInd = 0
        resultsList = learner.parallelPen(trainX, trainY, idx, paramDict, Cvs)
        bestLearner, trainErrors, currentPenalties = resultsList[0]
        meanPenalties += currentPenalties
        predY = bestLearner.predict(testX)
        #Learning rate penalisation 
        methodInd = 1
        bestLearner, trainErrors, currentPenalties = resultsList[1]
        meanBetaPenalties += currentPenalties
        predY = bestLearner.predict(testX)
Esempio n. 22
def shuffleSplit90(repetitions, numExamples):
    Take two thirds of the examples to train, and the rest to test

    return Sampling.shuffleSplit(repetitions, numExamples, 0.9)
    def testModelSelect(self): 
        We test the results on some data and compare to SVR. 
        numExamples = 200
        X, y = data.make_regression(numExamples, noise=0.5)  
        X = Standardiser().standardiseArray(X)
        y = Standardiser().standardiseArray(y)
        trainX = X[0:100, :]
        trainY = y[0:100]
        testX = X[100:, :]
        testY = y[100:]
        learner = DecisionTreeLearner(maxDepth=20, minSplit=10, pruneType="REP-CV")
        paramDict = {} 
        paramDict["setGamma"] = numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 10) 
        paramDict["setPruneCV"] = numpy.arange(6, 11, 2,
        folds = 5
        idx = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, trainX.shape[0])
        bestTree, cvGrid = learner.parallelModelSelect(trainX, trainY, idx, paramDict)

        predY = bestTree.predict(testX)
        error = Evaluator.rootMeanSqError(testY, predY)
        learner = DecisionTreeLearner(maxDepth=20, minSplit=5, pruneType="CART")
        paramDict = {} 
        paramDict["setGamma"] = numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 50) 
        folds = 5
        idx = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, trainX.shape[0])
        bestTree, cvGrid = learner.parallelModelSelect(trainX, trainY, idx, paramDict)

        predY = bestTree.predict(testX)
        error = Evaluator.rootMeanSqError(testY, predY)
        #Let's compare to the SVM 
        learner2 = LibSVM(kernel='gaussian', type="Epsilon_SVR") 
        paramDict = {} 
        paramDict["setC"] = 2.0**numpy.arange(-10, 14, 2, dtype=numpy.float)
        paramDict["setGamma"] = 2.0**numpy.arange(-10, 4, 2, dtype=numpy.float)
        paramDict["setEpsilon"] = learner2.getEpsilons()
        idx = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, trainX.shape[0])
        bestSVM, cvGrid = learner2.parallelModelSelect(trainX, trainY, idx, paramDict)

        predY = bestSVM.predict(testX)
        error = Evaluator.rootMeanSqError(testY, predY)
Esempio n. 24
def repCrossValidation3(folds, numExamples): 
    return Sampling.repCrossValidation(folds, numExamples, repetitions=3)
Esempio n. 25
    idx = sampleMethod(folds, validY.shape[0])
    svmGridResults = learner.parallelPen(validX, validY, idx, paramDict, Cvs)
    for result in svmGridResults: 
        learner, trainErrors, currentPenalties = result
        print(numpy.mean(trainErrors), numpy.mean(currentPenalties))

#Figure out why the penalty is increasing 
X = trainX 
y = trainY 

for i in range(foldsSet.shape[0]): 
    folds = foldsSet[i]
    idx = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, validX.shape[0])
    penalty = 0
    fullError = 0 
    trainError = 0     
    learner.learnModel(validX, validY)
    predY = learner.predict(X)
    predValidY = learner.predict(validX)
    idealPenalty = Evaluator.rootMeanSqError(predY, y) - Evaluator.rootMeanSqError(predValidY, validY)
    for trainInds, testInds in idx:
        trainX = validX[trainInds, :]
        trainY = validY[trainInds]
Esempio n. 26
    def saveResults(self, labelIndex):
        Compute the results and save them for a particular hormone. Does so for all
        folds = 5
        if type(self.X) == numpy.ndarray:
            X = self.X[self.YList[labelIndex][1], :]
            X = self.X[labelIndex][self.YList[labelIndex][1], :]

        X = numpy.c_[X, self.ages[self.YList[labelIndex][1]]]
        Y = self.YList[labelIndex][0]
        numExamples = X.shape[0]

        logging.debug("Shape of examples: " + str(X.shape))

        standardiserX = Standardiser()
        X = standardiserX.standardiseArray(X)

        standardiserY = Standardiser()
        Y = standardiserY.standardiseArray(Y)

        #We need to include the ROC curves
        indexList = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, numExamples)
        splitFunction = lambda trainX, trainY: Sampling.crossValidation(folds, trainX.shape[0])
        #We need a metric to minimise 
        def invMeanAUC(predY, testY):
            return 1 - self.meanAUC(predY, testY, labelIndex, standardiserY)

        metricMethods = [invMeanAUC]

        #Now create a learnerIterator based on the SVM
        Cs = 2**numpy.arange(-8, 2, dtype=numpy.float)
        gammas = 2**numpy.arange(-10, 0, dtype=numpy.float)
        epsilons = 2**numpy.arange(-5, 0, dtype=numpy.float)

        fileName = self.resultsDir + self.labelNames[labelIndex] + "-svr_rbf-" + self.featuresName +  ".dat"
        learnerIterator = []

        for C in Cs:
            for gamma in gammas:
                for epsilon in epsilons:
                    learner = svm.SVR(C=C, gamma=gamma, epsilon=epsilon)
                    learner.learnModel =

        self.saveResult(X, Y, indexList, splitFunction, learnerIterator, metricMethods, fileName, labelIndex, standardiserY)

        #Try the polynomial SVM
        fileName = self.resultsDir + self.labelNames[labelIndex] + "-svr_poly-" + self.featuresName +  ".dat"
        degrees = numpy.array([2, 3])

        for C in Cs:
            for degree in degrees:
                for epsilon in epsilons:
                    learner = svm.SVR(kernel='poly', C=C, degree=degree, epsilon=epsilon)
                    learner.learnModel =

        self.saveResult(X, Y, indexList, splitFunction, learnerIterator, metricMethods, fileName, labelIndex, standardiserY)
        #Now try Lasso and ElasticNet
        fileName = self.resultsDir + self.labelNames[labelIndex] + "-lasso-" + self.featuresName +  ".dat"
        alphas = 2**numpy.arange(-9, 0, dtype=numpy.float)
        learnerIterator = []

        for alpha in alphas:
            learner = linear_model.Lasso(alpha = alpha)
            learner.learnModel =

        self.saveResult(X, Y, indexList, splitFunction, learnerIterator, metricMethods, fileName, labelIndex, standardiserY)