Esempio n. 1
def test_order_blueprint(client):
    # In the case that an order fails, the test writer should be able to run the output
    # of the BP_PAYLOAD in Admin > API Browser > Orders.
    set_progress("Ordering for the API using the following BP_PAYLOAD:")
    order = json.loads("/api/v2/orders/", body=BP_PAYLOAD))
    order_href = order["_links"]["self"]["href"]
    order_id = get_id_from_href(order_href)
    set_progress("Current Running order: {}".format(order_id))
    result = wait_for_order_completion(client, order_id, 180, 10)
    order_object = Order.objects.filter(id=order_id).first()
    job_list = order_object.list_of_jobs()
    job_object = job_list[0]
    resource = job_object.get_resource()

    if not result == 0 and (not resource
                            or resource.lifecycle == "PROVFAILED"):
        test_delete_resource(client, resource)
        raise CloudBoltException(
            "Blueprint Deployment order {} did not succeed.".format(order_id))

        "Blueprint deployment order {} completed successfully.".format(

    return resource
def test_order_blueprint(client):
    order = json.loads('/api/v2/orders/', body=BP_PAYLOAD))
    order_href = order['_links']['self']['href']
    order_id = get_order_id_from_href(order_href)
    result = wait_for_order_completion(client, order_id, 180, 10)
    if result != 0:
        raise CloudBoltException("Blueprint Deployment order {} did not succeed.".format(order_id))
    set_progress("Blueprint deployment order {} completed successfully.".format(order_id))
Esempio n. 3
def test_order_blueprint(client):
    order = json.loads("/api/v2/orders/", body=BP_PAYLOAD))
    order_href = order["_links"]["self"]["href"]
    order_id = get_order_id_from_href(order_href)
    result = wait_for_order_completion(client, order_id, 180, 10)
    if result != 0:
        raise CloudBoltException(
            "Blueprint Deployment order {} did not succeed. Please verify that the Azure Lab has not met it's limit for Web Applications"
        "Blueprint deployment order {} completed successfully.".format(
Esempio n. 4
def test_order_blueprint(client):
    # In the case that an order fails, the test writer should be able to run the output
    # of the BP_PAYLOAD in Admin > API Browser > Orders.
    set_progress("Ordering for the API using the following BP_PAYLOAD:")
    order = json.loads("/api/v2/orders/", body=BP_PAYLOAD))
    order_href = order["_links"]["self"]["href"]
    order_id = get_order_id_from_href(order_href)
    result = wait_for_order_completion(client, order_id, 600, 10)
    if result != 0:
        raise CloudBoltException(
            "Blueprint Deployment order {} did not succeed.".format(order_id))
        "Blueprint deployment order {} completed successfully.".format(
Esempio n. 5
def test_order_blueprint(client):
    order = json.loads('/api/v2/orders/', body=BP_PAYLOAD))
    order_href = order['_links']['self']['href']
    order_id = get_order_id_from_href(order_href)
    result = wait_for_order_completion(client, order_id, 1800, 10)
    if result != 0:
        raise CloudBoltException(
            "Blueprint Deployment order {} did not succeed.".format(order_id))
        "Blueprint deployment order {} completed successfully.".format(
    # Since this resource has no unique name supplied by the user, return the resource created by FSx
    order = Order.objects.get(id=order_id)
    order_item = order.orderitem_set.first()
    return order_item.get_resource()
Esempio n. 6
def test_order_blueprint(client):
    order = json.loads('/api/v2/orders/', body=BP_PAYLOAD))
    order_href = order['_links']['self']['href']
    order_id = get_id_from_href(order_href)
    set_progress("Current Running order: {}".format(order_id))
    result = wait_for_order_completion(client, order_id, 180, 10)
    order_object = Order.objects.filter(id=order_id).first()
    job_list = order_object.list_of_jobs()
    job_object = job_list[0]
    resource = job_object.get_resource()

    if not result == 0 and (not resource
                            or resource.lifecycle == 'PROVFAILED'):
        raise CloudBoltException(
            "Blueprint Deployment order {} did not succeed.".format(order_id))
        "Blueprint deployment order {} completed successfully.".format(

    return resource
def test_order_blueprint(client):
        # In the case that an order fails, the test writer should be able to run the output
        # of the BP_PAYLOAD in Admin > API Browser > Orders.
        set_progress("Ordering for the API using the following BP_PAYLOAD:")
        order = json.loads("/api/v2/orders/", body=BP_PAYLOAD))
    except requests.HTTPError as err:
        raise CloudBoltException(
            "The order failed. Please review that the Resource Group is available in the Azure lab to deploy this test."
        ) from err
    order_href = order["_links"]["self"]["href"]
    order_id = get_order_id_from_href(order_href)
    result = wait_for_order_completion(client, order_id, 600, 10)
    if result != 0:
        raise CloudBoltException(
            "Blueprint Deployment order {} did not succeed.".format(order_id))
        "Blueprint deployment order {} completed successfully.".format(