Esempio n. 1
def delete_tenant(id):
  Delete a tenant

  return jsonify({'result':'ok'})
Esempio n. 2
def add_tenant():
  Add a new tenant to the system
  document = request.json
  return jsonify({'id':DataAccess().add_beacon(document)})
Esempio n. 3
def get_tenant(id):
  Get a tenant by id
  beacon = DataAccess().get_beacon(id)

  return jsonify(beacon);
Esempio n. 4
def query1(chrom, position, allele, reference):
    Canonical Query 1

    # TODO: Validate parameters

    beacons = DataAccess().get_beacons()

    print(beacons, file=sys.stderr)

    # TODO: These can run in parallel
    # TODO: Validate the response from these calls
    # TODO: Make this async message based
    # TODO: The hub query API will be made meta-data defined
    results = []
    for beacon in beacons:
        print(beacon['endpoint'] + request.path, file=sys.stderr)
        resp = requests.get(beacon['endpoint'] + request.path).json()
            'beacon': beacon['name'],
            'description': beacon['description'],
            'result': resp

    return jsonify(results)
Esempio n. 5
def get_tenant_list():
  Get a list of the tenants

  beacons = DataAccess().get_beacons()

  return jsonify(beacons);
Esempio n. 6
def update_tenant(id):
  Update a tenant

  document = request.json

  DataAccess().update_beacon(id, document)

  return jsonify({'result':'ok'})
Esempio n. 7
def login():
    handle oidc reponse
    client = Client(Settings.auth_client_id)

    user_jwt = jwt.decode(request.form['id_token'], verify=False)
    The user JWT looks like the following sample:
    {'exp': 1471450431,
    'oid': '775ae09f-4b24-43ab-aedf-288a75855d08',
    'sub': 'CStosuMbvdWGvY2LQ_TAsvk1t96YgWRdQ4LdT3fnCbs',
    'c_hash': '9oSWc6X5ahpiS_RcOiQhAw',
    'ver': '2.0',
    'aud': 'f123a339-be25-420f-a843-ecad0938a050',
    'nonce': 'aLXyOyz36OEQKr2n',
    'name': 'Test User',
    'preferred_username': '******',
    'iat': 1471446531,
    'nbf': 1471446531,
    'tid': '358c5b34-4387-4b88-9dc6-7feaa77483de',
    'iss': ''}

    #TODO !!!! Validate 'tid' claim and the tenant signature.
    #TODO Store the oid for the user and the name, once the user authenticates we should use this to authorize users
    # TODO Update token validation to retrieve certificate
    auth_response = client.parse_response(AuthorizationResponse,
        info = request.form,
        sformat = "dict",
        verify = False)

    response = make_response(redirect('/'))

    preferred_username = user_jwt['preferred_username']

    # verify the token is a valid user in the system
    # we can improve on this by checking status as well
    # maybe we will change this to check the tenant/role attributes instead
    username = DataAccess().get_user(preferred_username)

    # we keep a list of valide users in the database
    # ideally we would just check roles from the provider
    #      but there are some challenges managing the group and role claims in the provider right now
    #      and we may want to consider a simple authorization service or working out the claims
    if (username is None):
        if (preferred_username != Settings.admin_user):
            # TODO add the seed admin user to the authorization store

    # TODO Add expiration to the jwt and support a refresh
    encoded = jwt.encode({'userid': user_jwt['preferred_username']},

    # set the session token in a cookie
    # TODO make this HttpOnly
    response.set_cookie('session_id', encoded)

    # validate in the auth handler
    # jwt.decode(encoded, 'secret', algorithms=['HS256'])

    return response