Esempio n. 1
def getRoutes(refresh):

    if refresh is False:
        # do we already have it in the datastore?
        api = db.GqlQuery('select * from StaticAPIs where method = :1', utils.GETROUTES).get()
        if api is not None:
            logging.debug('---> datastore hit');
            return api.json

    logging.debug('---> datastore lookup starting!')
    offset = 0
    q = RouteListing.all()
    routes = q.fetch(1000)

    hits = {}
    response_dict = {'status':0,'timestamp':utils.getLocalTimestamp()}
    while len(routes) > 0:
        offset += len(routes)

        ## stopped here trying to create a map of unique routes and endpoints
        for r in routes:
            # are we tracking this route/direction pair?
            key = r.route + ':' + r.direction
            hits[key] = hits.get(key,0) + 1

        # get more routes
        routes = q.fetch(1000,offset)
    routeMap = {}        
    for k,v in hits.iteritems():
        key = k.split(':')
        routeID = key[0]
        direction = key[1]
        directionLabel = utils.getDirectionLabel(direction)
        logging.debug('adding direction %s to route %s' % (directionLabel,routeID))
        if routeID in routeMap:
            routeMap[routeID] = list()
    route_results = []
    for k,v in routeMap.iteritems():
    # add the populated route details to the response
    json = simplejson.dumps(response_dict)
    static = StaticAPIs()
    static.method = utils.GETROUTES
    static.json = json

    return json
Esempio n. 2
def handle_result(rpc, stopID, routeID, sid, directionID):
    routes = None
    result = None
        # go fetch the webpage for this route/stop!
        result = rpc.get_result()
        done = True
    except urlfetch.DownloadError:
        logging.error("API: Error loading page. route %s, stop %s" % (routeID, stopID))
        if result:
            logging.error("API: Error status: %s" % result.status_code)
            logging.error("API: Error header: %s" % result.headers)
            logging.error("API: Error content: %s" % result.content)

    directionLabel = utils.getDirectionLabel(directionID)
    arrival = "0"
    textBody = "unknown"
    valid = False
    if result is None or result.status_code != 200:
        logging.error("API: Exiting early: error fetching URL: ")
        textBody = "error " + routeID + " (missing data)"
        soup = BeautifulSoup(result.content)
        for slot in soup.html.body.findAll("a", "ada"):
            # only take the first time entry
            if slot["title"].split(":")[0].isdigit():
                arrival = slot["title"]
                textBody = arrival.replace("P.M.", "pm").replace("A.M.", "am")
                valid = True

                # the original implementaiton leveraged the datastore to store and
                # ultimately sort the results when we got all of the routes back.
                # we'll continute to use the model definition, but never actually store
                # the results in the datastore.
                stop = BusStopAggregation()
                stop.stopID = stopID
                stop.routeID = routeID
                stop.sid = sid
                stop.arrivalTime = textBody
                stop.destination = directionLabel

                # turn the arrival time into absolute minutes
                hours = int(arrival.split(":")[0])
                if arrival.find("P.M.") > 0 and int(hours) < 12:
                    hours += 12
                minutes = int(arrival.split(":")[1].split()[0])
                arrivalMinutes = (hours * 60) + minutes
                stop.time = arrivalMinutes

                stop.text = textBody + " toward %s" % directionLabel

                # instead of shoving this in the datastore, we're going to shove
                # it in a local variable and retrieve it with the sid later
                # old implementation --> stop.put()
                insert_result(sid, stop)

    # create the task that glues all the messages together when
    # we've finished the fetch tasks
    counter = memcache.decr(sid)
    if counter == 0:
        # put them all together
        # routes = aggregateAsynchResults(sid)

    return routes