def has_parent(parent, parent_id, children): """List the children of a given parent with its id""" args = get_args(request.args) if request.method == 'GET': #Something like /api/domains/<id>/virtualmachines will be equivalent to listVirtualMachines?domainid=<id> verb = "list" subject = children #If parent is 'domains' it is added into args as domainid, i.e singular[domains] + 'id' args[singular[parent] + 'id'] = parent_id return apicall(verb, subject, args)
def collection(subject): """Operations on a collection of entities, list them or add an entity to collection""" if request.method == 'GET': args = get_args(request.args) verb = "list" if request.method == 'POST': args = get_args(request.json) verb = "create" subject = singular[subject]; return apicall(verb, subject, args)
def has_id(subject, id): """Operation on an entity with given id, list its properties, update its properties, delete it""" if request.method == 'GET': args = get_args(request.args) verb = "list" args["id"] = id if request.method == 'PUT': args = get_args(request.json) verb = "update" subject = singular[subject]; args["id"] = id if request.method == 'DELETE': verb = "delete" subject = singular[subject]; return apicall(verb, subject, args);
def prepare_image(): img ="chuck.jpg", 'r') width_img, height_img = img.size imgdraw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) text = api.apicall() lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=40) y_text = 100 y_text = (height_img - y_text) / 2 font = ImageFont.truetype("JosefinSans-SemiBold.ttf", size=30) for line in lines: width, height = font.getsize(line) imgdraw.text(((width_img - width) / 2, y_text), line, font=font, fill="white", shadow=(1.0, 1.0), width=60, align="center") y_text += height"image.png")
def rawapi(command): if request.method == 'GET': return apicall(command, get_args(request.args))