def application(environ, start_response):
    output = api.mongoApi(environ)
    records = json.loads(output)["result"]
    items = []
    if type(records) in seqTypes:
        if len(records):
            items.append(str(len(records)) + " records")
            buildHeader(records[0], items)
            for rec in records:
                buildRecord(rec, items)
            items.append("no records found")
        items.append("<i>count:</i> " + str(records))
    print >>sys.stderr, "DEBUG VIEW items:", items

    template = "/template/record_tab.html"
    f = open(DOCROOT + template)
    tmpl = MarkupTemplate(f)
    stream = tmpl.generate(DOCROOT=DOCROOT, items=items)

    output = stream.render("xhtml")

    status = "200 OK"
    response_headers = [("Content-type", "text/html"), ("Content-Length", str(len(output)))]
    start_response(status, response_headers)
    return [output]
Esempio n. 2
def application(environ, start_response):
    output = api.mongoApi(environ)
    records = json.loads(output)['result']
    items = []
    if type(records) in seqTypes:
        if len(records):
            if len(records) > MAX_RECORDS:
                records = records[:MAX_RECORDS]
                items.append("<b>Exceeded max records for pretty output; showing first %s</b>" % MAX_RECORDS)
            for rec in records:
                if type(rec) in stringTypes:
                elif type(rec) in hashTypes:
                    buildRecord(rec, items)
                    print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: unknown type for buildRecord:", type(rec)
            items.append("no records found")
        items.append("<i>count:</i> " + str(records))
##    print >> sys.stderr, "DEBUG VIEW records:", records[:10]

    template = "/template/record.html"
    f = open(DOCROOT + template)
    tmpl = MarkupTemplate(f)
    stream = tmpl.generate(DOCROOT=DOCROOT, items=items, seqTypes=seqTypes)
    output = stream.render('xhtml')

    status = '200 OK'
    response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html'),
                        ('Content-Length', str(len(output)))]
    start_response(status, response_headers)
    return [output]
Esempio n. 3
def application(environ, start_response):
    colors = [
    events = []
    output = api.mongoApi(environ)
    evs = json.loads(output)['result']
    if not evs:
##        #test latlon calibration:
##        events = [
##            foo(lat=40.715, lon=-74, ms=yearMonthDay2ms(1720,1,1), color=0),
##            foo(lat=0, lon=0, ms=yearMonthDay2ms(1720,1,1), color=0),
##            foo(lat=0, lon=44, ms=yearMonthDay2ms(1720,1,1), color=1),
##            foo(lat=50, lon=0, ms=yearMonthDay2ms(1720,1,1), color=2),
##        ]
        #fake trip:
        newyork = mong.MPlace.find_one({"PlaceName":"New York"})['Coords'].split(",")
        newyork_lat, newyork_lon = float(newyork[0]), float(newyork[1])

        london = mong.MPlace.find_one({"PlaceName":"London"})['Coords'].split(",")
        london_lat, london_lon = float(london[0]), float(london[1])

        paris = mong.MPlace.find_one({"PlaceName":"Paris"})['Coords'].split(",")
        paris_lat, paris_lon = float(paris[0]), float(paris[1])

        munich = mong.MPlace.find_one({"PlaceName":"Munich"})['Coords'].split(",")
        munich_lat, munich_lon = float(munich[0]), float(munich[1])

        events = [
            foo(lat=newyork_lat, lon=newyork_lon, ms=yearMonthDay2ms(1720,1,1), color=0),
            foo(lat=london_lat, lon=london_lon, ms=yearMonthDay2ms(1721,1,1), color=0),
            foo(lat=paris_lat, lon=paris_lon, ms=yearMonthDay2ms(1722,1,1), color=0),
            foo(lat=munich_lat, lon=munich_lon, ms=yearMonthDay2ms(1722,6,1), color=0),
    print >> sys.stderr, "DEBUG evs:", evs
    for ev in evs:
        lat = None
        ms = None
        if ev['Type'] == "Arrival":
            if "MPlace" in ev and ev['MPlace']:
                place = mong.MPlace.find_one({"_id":ev['MPlace']})
                if place and "Coords" in place:
                    lat, lon = place['Coords'].split(",")
                    lat = float(lat)
                    lon = float(lon)
            if "Date" in ev and ev['Date']:
                ms = ev['Date']['ms']

        if lat and ms:
            nu = foo()
   = lat
            nu.lon = lon
   = ms
            nu.color = 0
            print >> sys.stderr, "EVENT:", events[-1]

    template = "/template/level.xml"
    f = open(DOCROOT + template)
    tmpl = MarkupTemplate(f)
    stream = tmpl.generate(colors=colors, events=events, utils=utils)
    output = stream.render('xhtml')

    status = '200 OK'
    response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html'),
                        ('Content-Length', str(len(output)))]
    start_response(status, response_headers)
    return [output]