Esempio n. 1
def take(Fn, A, B):
    implement dyadic ↑

    if B.isScalar() or B.isEmptyVector():
        if A.isEmptyVector():
            return B

    if B.isVectorLike():

        Apy = confirmInteger(A.scalarToPy())

        if Apy == 0:
            return makeEmptyVector(B.prototype())

        Rpy = Fn(Apy, B.vectorToPy(), B.padFill())

        return makeVector(Rpy, abs(Apy), B.prototype())

    Apy = [confirmInteger(I) for I in A.vectorToPy()]

    assertTrue(B.dimension() == (2, 2), "WIP - MATRIX ERROR")

    assertTrue(len(Apy) == B.rank(), "LENGTH ERROR")

    Rpy = []
    for Bit in Fn(Apy[0], B.arrayByLastAxis(), B.padFill()):
        Rpy += Fn(Apy[1], Bit.vectorToPy(), Bit.padFill())

    return makeArray(Rpy, [abs(I) for I in Apy], B.prototype())
Esempio n. 2
def pick(_, A, B):
    implement dyadic ⊃

    if A.isEmptyVector():
        return B


    if B.isVector():
        IO = indexOrigin()

            for X in A.vectorToPy():
                X = confirmInteger(X)

                assertTrue(X >= IO, "INDEX ERROR")

                if isinstance(B, aplQuantity):
                    B = B.vectorToPy()[X - IO]
                    assertError("RANK ERROR")

        except IndexError:
            assertError("INDEX ERROR")

        if isinstance(B, aplQuantity):
            return B

        return makeScalar((B, ), None)
Esempio n. 3
def grade(descending, B):
    implement monadic ⍒ and ⍋
    def _sortKey(Y):
        sort key depends on type as well value
        if isinstance(Y, aplQuantity):
            return 2 * Y.tally(), Y

        if isinstance(Y, str):
            return 0, ord(Y)

        return 1, Y

    assertNotScalar(B, "DOMAIN ERROR")

    if B.isArray():
        assertTrue(B.dimension() == (2, 2), "WIP - MATRIX ERROR")

        Bpy = [Bit.vectorToPy() for Bit in B.arrayByLastAxis()]
        Key = lambda X: [_sortKey(Y) for Y in Bpy[X]]

    if B.isVector():
        Bpy = B.vectorToPy()
        Key = lambda X: _sortKey(Bpy[X])

    Len = B.tally()
    S = list(range(Len))
    S.sort(key=Key, reverse=descending)

    return makeVector(iterator.grade(S), Len)
Esempio n. 4
def encode(Fn, A, B):
    implement dyadic ⊤
    if B.isEmptyVector():
        # Simplistic
        return makeEmptyVector()

    if A.isEmptyVector():
        # Simplistic
        return makeEmptyVector()

    if B.isArray():
        if A.isScalarLike():
            Rpy = []
            Apy = A.vectorToPy()
            for Bpy in B.arrayToPy():
                Rpy.append(Fn(Apy, Bpy).__next__())

            return makeArray(Rpy, B.dimension())

        assertError("WIP - RANK ERROR")

    if B.isVector():
        assertTrue(B.tally() == 2, "WIP - LENGTH ERROR")

        if A.isArray():
            assertError("WIP - RANK ERROR")

        if A.isVector():
            assertTrue(A.tally() == 2, "WIP - LENGTH ERROR")

            Rpy, Apy = [], A.vectorToPy()
            for Bpy in B.vectorToPy():
                Rpy += Fn(Apy, Bpy)

            Rpy = monadicTranspose(Rpy, (A.tally(), B.tally()))

            return makeArray(Rpy, (A.tally(), B.tally()))

        Rpy, Apy = [], A.vectorToPy()
        for Bpy in B.vectorToPy():
            Rpy += Fn(Apy, Bpy)

    if A.isArray():
        Rpy, Bpy = [], B.scalarToPy()
        for Ait in A.arrayByFirstAxis():
            Rpy += Fn(Ait.vectorToPy(), Bpy)

        return makeArray(Rpy, A.dimension(), B.prototype())

    if A.isVector():
        Rpy = Fn(A.vectorToPy(), B.scalarToPy())

        return makeVector(Rpy, A.tally())

    Rpy = Fn(A.vectorToPy(), B.scalarToPy())

    return makeScalar(Rpy)
Esempio n. 5
def maths(Fn, A, B):
    the basic recursive map for dyadic mathematical functions
    if B.isArray():
        if A.isArray():
            # Check ranks are equal
            Rpy = iterator.maths(maths, Fn, A, B)

        elif A.isVector():
            # Check length is compatible
            Rpy = iterator.maths(maths, Fn, A.vectorIterator(), B)

            Rpy = iterator.maths(maths, Fn, A.scalarIterator(), B)

        return makeArray(Rpy, B.dimension(), B.prototype())

    if A.isArray():
        if B.isVector():
            # Check length is compatible
            Rpy = iterator.maths(maths, Fn, A, B.vectorIterator())

            Rpy = iterator.maths(maths, Fn, A, B.scalarIterator())

        return makeArray(Rpy, A.dimension(), A.prototype())

    if B.isVector():
        if A.isVector():
            if B.isEmptyVector():
                assertTrue(A.isEmptyVector(), "LENGTH ERROR")

            Rpy = iterator.maths(maths, Fn, A, B)

        elif B.isEmptyVector():
            return B

            Rpy = iterator.maths(maths, Fn, A.scalarIterator(), B)

        return makeVector(Rpy, B.dimension(), B.prototype())

    if A.isVector():
        if A.isEmptyVector():
            return A

            Rpy = iterator.maths(maths, Fn, A, B.scalarIterator())

        return makeVector(Rpy, A.dimension(), A.prototype())

    return makeScalar(iterator.maths(maths, Fn, A, B))
Esempio n. 6
def transpose(_, B):
    implement monadic ⍉
    if B.isArray():
        assertTrue(B.dimension() == (2, 2), "WIP - MATRIX ERROR")

        Rpy = monadicTranspose(B.arrayToPy(), B.dimension())

        return makeArray(Rpy, B.dimension(), None)

    return B
Esempio n. 7
def iota(Fn, B):
    implement monadic ⍳

    the operand is scalar: there is no map as such
    if B.isScalar():
        Bpy = confirmInteger(B.scalarToPy())

        assertTrue(Bpy >= 0, "DOMAIN ERROR")

        return makeVector(Fn(Bpy), Bpy)

    assertNotVector(B, "WIP - LENGTH ERROR")
Esempio n. 8
def drop(Fn, A, B):
    implement dyadic ↓

    if B.isScalar():
        if A.isEmptyVector():
            return B


        Apy = confirmInteger(A.scalarToPy())

        if Apy == 0:
            return makeVector(B.vectorToPy(), 1, B.prototype())

        return makeEmptyVector(B.prototype())

    if B.isVector():
        if A.isEmptyVector():
            Apy = 1


            Apy = confirmInteger(A.scalarToPy())

            if Apy == 0:
                return B

        Rpy = Fn(Apy, B.vectorToPy())

        return makeVector(Rpy, -1, B.prototype())

    Apy = [confirmInteger(I) for I in A.vectorToPy()]

    assertTrue(B.dimension() == (2, 2), "WIP - MATRIX ERROR")

    assertTrue(len(Apy) == B.rank(), "LENGTH ERROR")

    Rpy = []
    for Bit in Fn(Apy[0], B.arrayByLastAxis()):
        Rpy += Fn(Apy[1], Bit.vectorToPy())

    Dpy = [max(0, I[1] - abs(I[0])) for I in zip(Apy, B.dimension())]

    return makeArray(Rpy, Dpy, B.prototype())
Esempio n. 9
def reverselast(Fn, B):
    implement monadic ⌽
    if B.isArray():
        assertTrue(B.dimension() == (2, 2), "WIP - MATRIX ERROR")

        Rpy = []
        for Bit in B.arrayByLastAxis():
            Rpy += Fn(Bit.vectorToPy())

        return makeArray(Rpy, B.dimension(), None)

    if B.isVector() and not B.isEmptyVector():
        return makeVector(Fn(B.vectorToPy()), B.dimension(), None)

    return B
Esempio n. 10
def compressFirst(Fn, A, B):
    implement dyadic ⌿

    if B.isScalar() and A.isEmptyVector():
        return makeEmptyVector(B.prototype())

    if B.isVectorLike():
        Rpy = Fn(A.promoteScalarToVectorPy(), B.vectorToPy(), B.padFill())

        return makeVector(Rpy, -1, B.prototype())

    if B.isArray():
        assertTrue(B.dimension() == (2, 2), "WIP - MATRIX ERROR")

        Apy = [confirmInteger(I) for I in A.vectorToPy()]

        if A.isScalarLike():
            Lpy = abs(Apy[0]) * B.dimension()[0]
            Lpy = sum(abs(I) for I in Apy)

        Dpy = list(B.dimension())
        Dpy[0] = Lpy

        Dpy[0], Dpy[-1] = Dpy[-1], Dpy[0]

        if Lpy == 0:
            return makeArray(B.padFill(), Dpy, B.prototype())

        assertTrue(tuple(Dpy) == (2, 2), "WIP - MATRIX ERROR")

        Rpy = []
        for Bit in B.arrayByFirstAxis():
            Rpy += Fn(A.promoteScalarToVectorPy(), Bit.vectorToPy(),

        Rpy = monadicTranspose(Rpy, B.dimension())

        return makeArray(Rpy, Dpy, B.prototype())
Esempio n. 11
def transpose(_, A, B):
    implement dyadic ⍉

    if B.isArray():
        assertTrue(A.tally() == B.rank(), "LENGTH ERROR")

        IO = indexOrigin()

        Apy = [confirmInteger(I) - IO for I in A.vectorToPy()]

        high = B.rank() + 1

        assertTrue(all(x >= 0 and x <= high for x in Apy), "DOMAIN ERROR")

        assertTrue(sum(Apy) <= sum(range(B.rank())), "DOMAIN ERROR")

        Rpy = dyadicTranspose(B.arrayToPy(), Apy, B.dimension())

        def newDimensions(A, B):
            determine dimensions of the transposed result
            R = list(range(len(A)))

            for I in R:
                H = [B[X] for X in R if A[X] == I]
                if H:
                    yield min(H)

        Dpy = tuple(newDimensions(Apy, B.dimension()))

        if len(Dpy) == 1:
            return makeVector(Rpy, Dpy[0], None)

        return makeArray(Rpy, Dpy, None)

    if B.isVector():

        Apy = confirmInteger(A.scalarToPy())

        assertTrue(Apy == 1, "DOMAIN ERROR")

        return B


    return B
Esempio n. 12
    def _nextPair(self):
        fetch the next pair of values from the iterators
        OK = 0
            self._X = confirmInteger(self._A.__next__())
            if self._X > 0:
                self._T += 1
                if self._T == 0:

            elif self._X == 0:
                self._X -= 1

            OK += 1
        except StopIteration:

        if self._X < 0 and self._T < 0:

            self._Y = self._B.__next__()
            self._T -= 1

            OK += 1
        except StopIteration:

        if self._X < 0 and self._T == 0:

        if OK != 2:
            if isinstance(self._A, aplIterator):
                assertTrue(self._T == 1, "LENGTH ERROR")
                assertTrue(self._T == 0, "LENGTH ERROR")

            raise StopIteration
Esempio n. 13
def reshape(Fn, A, B):
    implement dyadic ⍴

    if A.isScalarLike():
        Apy = confirmInteger(A.scalarToPy())

        assertTrue(Apy >= 0, "DOMAIN ERROR")

        if Apy == 0:
            return makeEmptyVector(B.prototype())

        Bpy = B.castToVectorPy()

        return makeVector(Fn(Apy, Bpy), Apy, B.prototype())

    if A.isEmptyVector():
        Bpy = B.castToVectorPy()

        return makeVector(Fn(1, Bpy), 1, B.prototype())

    Apy = tuple([confirmInteger(I) for I in A.vectorToPy()])

    assertTrue(Apy == (2, 2), "WIP - MATRIX ERROR")

    for I in Apy:
        assertTrue(I >= 0, "DOMAIN ERROR")

    Bpy = B.castToVectorPy()

    return makeArray(Fn(Apy, Bpy), Apy, 2 * B.prototype())
Esempio n. 14
def rotateFirst(Fn, A, B):
    implement dyadic ⌽

    if B.isArray():
        if not A.isScalarLike():
            assertTrue(A.tally() == B.rank(), "LENGTH ERROR")

        assertTrue(B.tally() != 0, "WIP - LENGTH ERROR")

        Apy = [
            operator.mod(confirmInteger(I), B.tally()) for I in A.vectorToPy()

        if A.isScalarLike():
            Apy = Apy * B.rank()

        Rpy = []
        for Apy, Bit in zip(Apy, B.arrayByFirstAxis()):
            Rpy += Fn(Apy, Bit.vectorToPy())

        Rpy = monadicTranspose(Rpy, B.dimension())

        return makeArray(Rpy, B.dimension(), None)

    assertScalarLike(A, "RANK ERROR")

    Apy = confirmInteger(A.scalarToPy())

    if B.isEmptyVector():
        return B

    Apy = operator.mod(Apy, B.tally())

    if Apy == 0:
        return B

    return makeVector(Fn(Apy, B.vectorToPy()), B.dimension(), None)
Esempio n. 15
def partition(Fn, A, B):
    implement dyadic ⊂

    assertNotTrue(B.isScalar(), "RANK ERROR")

    if A.isEmptyVector() and B.isEmptyVector():
        return B

    if A.isScalar():
        Apy = confirmInteger(A.scalarToPy())

        if Apy == 0:
            return makeEmptyVector()

        return makeScalar((B, ), B.prototype())

    if B.isArray():
        assertTrue(B.dimension() == (2, 2), "WIP - MATRIX ERROR")

        Apy = A.vectorToPy()

        assertTrue(len(Apy) == B.rank(), "LENGTH ERROR")

        Rpy = []
        for Bit in B.arrayByLastAxis():
            Rpy += makeScalar((Fn(
            ), B.prototype()))

        Dpy = list(B.dimension())
        Dpy[-1] = 1

        return makeArray(Rpy, Dpy, None)

    return makeVector(Fn(A.vectorToPy(), B.vectorToPy()), -1, B.prototype())
Esempio n. 16
def expandFirst(Fn, A, B):
    implement dyadic ⍀

    if B.isScalar() and A.isEmptyVector():
        return makeEmptyVector(B.prototype())

    if B.isVectorLike():
        if A.isScalar():
            Apy = confirmInteger(A.scalarToPy())

            assertTrue(Apy >= 0, "LENGTH ERROR")

            if Apy == 0:
                return makeVector(B.prototype(), 1, B.prototype())

        Rpy = Fn(A.promoteScalarToVectorPy(), B.vectorToPy(), B.padFill())

        return makeVector(Rpy, -1, B.prototype())

    if B.isArray():
        assertTrue(B.dimension() == (2, 2), "WIP - MATRIX ERROR")

        Apy = [confirmInteger(I) for I in A.vectorToPy()]

        if A.isScalarLike():
            if Apy[0] < B.dimension()[0]:
                assertError("LENGTH ERROR")
                assertError("DOMAIN ERROR")
            Lpy = sum(abs(I) if I != 0 else 1 for I in Apy)

        Dpy = list(B.dimension())
        Dpy[-1] = Lpy

        assertTrue(tuple(Dpy) == (2, 2), "WIP - MATRIX ERROR")

        Rpy = []
        for Bit in B.arrayByFirstAxis():
            Rpy += Fn(A.promoteScalarToVectorPy(), Bit.vectorToPy(),

        Rpy = monadicTranspose(Rpy, Dpy)

        Dpy[0], Dpy[-1] = Dpy[-1], Dpy[0]

        return makeArray(Rpy, Dpy, B.prototype())
Esempio n. 17
def decode(Fn, A, B):
    implement dyadic ⊥
    if B.isArray():
        if A.isScalarLike():
            Rpy = []
            for Bit in B.arrayByFirstAxis():
                Rpy.append(Fn(A.promoteScalarToVectorPy(), Bit))

            return makeVector(Rpy, B.dimension()[0], B.prototype())

        if A.isVector():
            assertNotTrue(A.isEmptyVector(), "DOMAIN ERROR")
            assertTrue(A.tally() == B.dimension()[0], "LENGTH ERROR")

            Rpy = []
            for Bit in B.arrayByFirstAxis():
                Rpy.append(Fn(A.vectorToPy(), Bit))

            return makeVector(Rpy, A.dimension(), B.prototype())

        assertTrue(A.rank() == B.rank(), "WIP - RANK ERROR")

        assertTrue(A.dimension()[-1] == B.dimension()[0], "LENGTH ERROR")

        Rpy = []
        for Ait in A.arrayByLastAxis():
            for Bit in B.arrayByFirstAxis():
                Rpy.append(Fn(Ait, Bit))

        return makeArray(Rpy, A.dimension(), B.prototype())

    if B.isVector():
        if A.isEmptyVector() or B.isEmptyVector():
            return makeScalar(0)

        return makeScalar(Fn(A.promoteScalarToVectorPy(), B.vectorToPy()))

    if A.isScalar():

        return B

    return makeScalar(Fn(A.vectorToPy(), B.scalarIterator()))
Esempio n. 18
def grade(descending, A, B):
    implement dyadic ⍒ and ⍋
    def _sortKey(Y):
        return collation sequence index or 1 greater
            return Apy.index(Y)
        except ValueError:
            return Csl

    assertNotScalar(A, "RANK ERROR")

    assertTrue(A.isString(), "DOMAIN ERROR")

    assertTrue(B.isString(), "DOMAIN ERROR")

    assertNotArray(A, "RANK ERROR")

    Csl = A.dimension()
    Apy = ''.join(A.vectorToPy())

    if B.isArray():
        assertTrue(B.dimension() == (2, 2), "WIP - MATRIX ERROR")

        Bpy = [Bit.vectorToPy() for Bit in B.arrayByLastAxis()]
        Key = lambda X: [_sortKey(Y) for Y in Bpy[X]]

    if B.isVectorLike():
        Bpy = B.vectorToPy()
        Key = lambda X: _sortKey(Bpy[X])

    Len = B.tally()
    S = list(range(Len))
    S.sort(key=Key, reverse=descending)

    return makeVector(iterator.grade(S), Len)