def teardown_database_session(error):
    """Clean up the db connection at the end of request

    database_session = flask.g.pop("database_session", None)
    if database_session is not None:
Esempio n. 2
def get_team_summary_schedule(
    team_id: int, start: int, end: int, period: float
) -> List[Tuple]:
    Get statistics on the schedules for a given team, with limits on dates, and
    a period over which averages and other similar statistics are calculated.
    :param team_id: The ID for the team to search for
    :param start: Start week of the filter, inclusive, as an ordinal ISO week date
    :param end: End week of the filter, inclusive, as an ordinal ISO week date
    :returns: The summary of the schedule as a list of 3-tuples. Each tuple
        contains the average number of hours worked by a given user on a given
        project, the user ID, and the project ID.
    session = db.get_session()
    results = (
        session.query(func.sum(Schedule.hours) / period,,
        .filter(Project.team_id == team_id)
        .filter(Schedule.week >= start)
        .filter(Schedule.week <= end)
        .group_by(Schedule.user_id, Schedule.project_id)
    return results
Esempio n. 3
def add_to_team(team_id: int, join_token_str: str) -> Optional[JoinToken]:
    Adds a given join token to the team, replacing any existing join token.
    :param team_id: Team to which to add the join_token
    :param join_token_str: Join token string to add to the team.
    :return: Returns a JoinToken object if the team exists, or None otherwise.

    session = db.get_session()
    team: Team = session.query(Team).filter( == team_id).one_or_none()

    if not team:
        return None

    # This gets rid of the tokens and deletes the relationship as well
    if team.join_tokens:
        for join_token in team.join_tokens:

    join_token = JoinToken(token_str=join_token_str)
    team.join_tokens = [join_token]

    return join_token
Esempio n. 4
def set_day_off(team_id: int, date:, hours_off: int) -> bool:
    Set the number of hours off for a given day. If the number of hours off is
    set to 0, the entry is erased from the database, if already there.
    :param team_id: The ID of the team for which you're setting the day off
    :param date: Date to set
    :param hours_off: Number of hours off. Can be a number between 0 and 8
    :return: True if there were no issues. False if either the team does not
        exist, or an invalid number of hours were sent.
    session = db.get_session()

    team = session.query(Team).filter( == team_id).one_or_none()
    if not team:
        return False
    if hours_off < 0 or hours_off > 8:
        return False

    week = Week.withdate(date).toordinal()
    day_off = (
        .filter( == date)
        .filter(DayOff.team_id == team_id)
    if day_off:
        if hours_off == 0:
            day_off.hours_off = hours_off
    elif hours_off != 0:
        session.add(DayOff(team=team, date=date, hours_off=hours_off, week=week))

    return True
Esempio n. 5
def get_project_by_id(id: int) -> Optional[Project]:
    Return a project given the ID (database unique key).

    :param id: The ID to search with.
    :return: Returns Project with given ID, or None if it does not exist.
    session = db.get_session()
    return session.query(Project).filter( == id).one_or_none()
Esempio n. 6
def set_owner(team_id: int, owner_id: int) -> Optional[Team]:
    session = db.get_session()
    team = session.query(Team).filter( == team_id).one_or_none()
    owner = session.query(User).filter( == owner_id).one_or_none()

    if not team or not owner:
        return None

    team.owner = owner
    return team
Esempio n. 7
def create(name: str, owner_id: int) -> Optional[Team]:
    session = db.get_session()
    owner = session.query(User).filter( == owner_id).one_or_none()
    if not owner:
        return None

    team = Team(name=name, owner=owner, users=[owner])
    return team
Esempio n. 8
def save_token(*, user_id: int, token: str) -> bool:
    session = db.get_session()
    user = session.query(User).filter( == user_id).one_or_none()

    # If user does not exist, do not save token and return False as error
    if not user:
        return False

    session.add(Token(token_str=token, user=user))
    return True
Esempio n. 9
def get_project_schedules(project_id: int) -> Dict[WeekUser, Schedule]:
    Returns all schedules for a given project.
    :param project_id: The ID of the project for which to get schedules.
    :returns: A dictionary of the schedules of a given project, key-ed by
        user-week pairs.
    session = db.get_session()

    schedules = session.query(Schedule).filter(Schedule.project_id == project_id).all()

    return {WeekUser(sched.week, sched.user_id): sched for sched in schedules}
Esempio n. 10
def by_team_id(team_id: int) -> Optional[JoinToken]:
    Returns existing join token for a given team.
    :param team_id: ID of the team to look for a join token of.
    :return: Returns a JoinToken object if the team exists and has one, or
             None otherwise.
    session = db.get_session()
    team: Team = session.query(Team).filter( == team_id).one_or_none()
    if not team:
        return None

    return team.join_tokens[0] if team.join_tokens else None
Esempio n. 11
def verify_token(token_str: str) -> Token:
    """Looks for a token string in the database and returns the instance associated with it from the database.
    If the token was not found returns None.
        token_str {str} -- Token string to verify
        Token -- Token 
    token = (db.get_session().query(Token).filter(
        Token.token_str == token_str).one_or_none())
    return token
Esempio n. 12
def team_by_join_token(join_token_str: str) -> Optional[Team]:
    Returns the team associated with a given join token.
    :param join_token_str: The join token to search over
    :return: Returns a Team if the join token exists, or None otherwise
    session = db.get_session()
    join_token = (
        .filter(JoinToken.token_str == join_token_str)
    if not join_token:
        return None

Esempio n. 13
def get_project_week_schedule(project_id: int, week: int) -> Dict[int, Schedule]:
    Gets all the schedules of a given project for a given week any user who
    logged hours on that project for the week.
    :param project_id: The ID of the project being searched.
    :param week: The week for which to search for the schedule.
    :returns: The schedule for a given week and project, if one exists. None
    session = db.get_session()

    schedules = (
        .filter(Schedule.project_id == project_id, Schedule.week == week)

    return {sched.user_id: sched for sched in schedules}
Esempio n. 14
def add_project(name: str, team_id: int) -> Optional[Project]:
    Adds a project into the DB and returns that same project.

    :param name: Human-readable name of the project
    :param team_id: The ID of the team this project is assigned to.
    :return: The created project, or none if there was an issue.
    session = db.get_session()
    team = session.query(Team).filter( == team_id).one_or_none()

    if not team:
        return None

    project = Project(name=name, team=team)

    return project
Esempio n. 15
def get_team_schedules(team_id: int, start: int, end: int) -> List[Schedule]:
    Gets all the schedules for all the projects owned by a given team, filtered
    to fall between two weeks.
    :param team_id: The ID of the team from which schedules are being fetched.
    :param start: Start week of the filter, inclusive, as an ordinal ISO week date
    :param end: End week of the filter, inclusive, as an ordinal ISO week date
    :returns: A list of all schedules for said team.
    session = db.get_session()

    return (
        .filter(Project.team_id == team_id)
        .filter(Schedule.week >= start)
        .filter(Schedule.week <= end)
Esempio n. 16
def get_schedule(user_id: int, project_id: int, week: int) -> Optional[Schedule]:
    Returns the schedule for a given user and project in a given week, if such
    a schedule exists.
    :param user_id: ID of the user for which to fetch the schedule.
    :param project_id: ID of the project for which to fetch the schedule.
    :param week: The week for which to fetch the schedule.
    :returns: The schedule if it exists, or None if it does not exist.
    session = db.get_session()

    return (
            Schedule.user_id == user_id,
            Schedule.project_id == project_id,
            Schedule.week == week,
Esempio n. 17
def set_schedule(
    user_id: int, project_id: int, week: int, hours: int
) -> Optional[Schedule]:
    Logs the number of hours a given user plans to work on a given project for
    a given week. This will override existing values if present.
    :param user_id: The ID of the user that will be logged for these hours.
    :param project_id: The ID of the project on which the suer will work.
    :param week: The week number, where week 0 is the week staring on the 1st
        of January 1AD.
    :param hours: The number of hours to be logged for that week.
    :returns: The schedule created if none existed for that week/project
        combination, the exsting schedule if it was already present, or none if
        either the user_id or project_id did not correspond to this user, or if
        the user is not part of the project.
    session = db.get_session()
    user = session.query(User).filter( == user_id).one_or_none()
    project = session.query(Project).filter( == project_id).one_or_none()

    if not user or not project:
        return None

    if project not in
        return None

    schedule = (
        .filter(Schedule.project_id == project_id, Schedule.week == week)

    if schedule:
        return schedule

    schedule = Schedule(user=user, project=project, week=week, hours=hours)
    return schedule
Esempio n. 18
def get_days_off(
    team_id: int, start_week: Optional[int] = None, end_week: Optional[int] = None
) -> List[DayOff]:
    Returns all the hours taken off between two week ordinals, if they are
    :param team_id: ID of the team for which to fetch days off.
    :param start_week: The lower bound for the days off taken, which is ignored
        if it is none.
    :param end_week: The lower bound for the days off taken, which is ignored if
        it is none.
    :return: Returns a list of days off in the date range. Any week not included
        is assumed to have no hours off.
    session = db.get_session()

    query = session.query(DayOff).filter(DayOff.team_id == team_id)
    if start_week:
        query = query.filter(DayOff.week >= start_week)
    if end_week:
        query = query.filter(DayOff.week <= end_week)

    return query.all()
Esempio n. 19
def get_user_schedules(
    user_id: int, start: int, end: int
) -> Dict[WeekProject, Schedule]:
    Returns all the schedules for a given user by week, filtered by weeks.
    :param user_id: ID of the user for which to get schedules.
    :param start: The lower bound (inclusive) for the dates, or None if there is
        no lower bound.
    :param end: The upper bound (inclusive) for the dates, or None if there is
        no upper bound.
    :returns: A dictionary of schedules for the user in a, key-ed by
        week-project pairs, which are enforced to be unique in the API.
    session = db.get_session()

    schedules = (
        .filter(Schedule.user_id == user_id)
        .filter(Schedule.week >= start)
        .filter(Schedule.week <= end)

    return {WeekProject(sched.week, sched.project_id): sched for sched in schedules}
Esempio n. 20
def get_from_id(team_id: int) -> Optional[Team]:
    session = db.get_session()
    return session.query(Team).filter( == team_id).one_or_none()
Esempio n. 21
import logging

from app import settings, db
from .users_seeder import UsersSeeder

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Session = db.get_session(settings.DB_URI)

def database_seeder(table=None):
    """Run migrations for all tables, or specified table"""
    if table == 'users':'Seeding users table')
Esempio n. 22
def destroy_token(token: Token) -> None:
    session = db.get_session()
Esempio n. 23
 def environment_ids(self):
     return get_all_accessible_environment_ids_by_uid(,