Esempio n. 1
 def setUp(self):
     self.loader1 = loaders.SentenceMessageLoader(
             settings, num_processes=2, review_ids=[1259853004]
     self.loader2 = loaders.SentenceCommentLoader(
             settings, num_processes=2, review_ids=[1259853004]
Esempio n. 2
    def setUp(self):
        loader = loaders.ReviewLoader(settings, num_processes=2)
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.MessageLoader(
                settings, num_processes=2, review_ids=[1259853004]
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.SentenceMessageLoader(
                settings, num_processes=2, review_ids=[1259853004]
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.CommentLoader(
                settings, num_processes=2, review_ids=[1259853004]
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.SentenceCommentLoader(
                settings, num_processes=2, review_ids=[1259853004]
        _ = loader.load()

        connections.close_all()  # Hack

        q1 = Q(message__review_id=1259853004)
        q2 = Q(comment__patch__patchset__review_id=1259853004)
        sentObjects = Sentence.objects.filter(q1 | q2)
        self.tagger = taggers.SentimentTagger(
                settings, num_processes=2, sentObjects=sentObjects
Esempio n. 3
    def setUp(self):
        loader = loaders.ReviewLoader(settings, num_processes=2)
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.MessageLoader(
                settings, num_processes=2, review_ids=[1259853004]
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.SentenceMessageLoader(
                settings, num_processes=2, review_ids=[1259853004]
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.CommentLoader(
                settings, num_processes=2, review_ids=[1259853004]
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.SentenceCommentLoader(
                settings, num_processes=2, review_ids=[1259853004]
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.TokenLoader(
                settings, num_processes=2, review_ids=[1259853004]
        _ = loader.load()

        connections.close_all()  # Hack

        q1 = Q(message__review_id=1259853004)
        q2 = Q(comment__patch__patchset__review_id=1259853004)
        sentObjects = Sentence.objects.filter(q1 | q2)
        self.tagger = taggers.MetricsTagger(
                settings, num_processes=2, sentenceObjects=sentObjects,
                metrics=['formality', 'informativeness', 'implicature']
Esempio n. 4
 def setUpTestData(cls):
     loader = loaders.ReviewLoader(settings, num_processes=2)
     _ = loader.load()
     loader = loaders.MessageLoader(
             settings, num_processes=2, review_ids=[1259853004]
     _ = loader.load()
     loader = loaders.SentenceMessageLoader(
             settings, num_processes=2, review_ids=[1259853004]
     _ = loader.load()
     loader = loaders.CommentLoader(
             settings, num_processes=2, review_ids=[1259853004]
     _ = loader.load()
     loader = loaders.SentenceCommentLoader(
             settings, num_processes=2, review_ids=[1259853004]
     _ = loader.load()
Esempio n. 5
    def setUp(self):
        loader = loaders.ReviewLoader(settings, num_processes=2)
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.MessageLoader(settings,
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.SentenceMessageLoader(settings,
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.CommentLoader(settings,
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.SentenceCommentLoader(settings,
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.TokenLoader(settings,
        _ = loader.load()

        connections.close_all()  # Hack

        q1 = Q(message__review_id=1259853004)
        q2 = Q(comment__patch__patchset__review_id=1259853004)
        sentObjects = Sentence.objects.filter(q1 | q2)
        self.tagger = taggers.BaselinesTagger(
                'sent_length', 'type_token_ratio', 'pronoun_density',
                'flesch_kincaid', 'stop_word_ratio', 'question_ratio',
Esempio n. 6
    def setUp(self):
        loader = loaders.ReviewLoader(settings, num_processes=2)
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.MessageLoader(settings,
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.SentenceMessageLoader(settings,
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.CommentLoader(settings,
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.SentenceCommentLoader(settings,
        _ = loader.load()

        q1 = Q(message__review_id=1318783003)
        q2 = Q(comment__patch__patchset__review_id=1318783003)
        sentObjects = Sentence.objects.filter(q1 | q2)

        tagger = taggers.SentenceParseTagger(settings,
        _ = tagger.tag()

        connections.close_all()  # Hack

        #        commObjects = Comment.objects.filter(patch__patchset__review_id=1259853004)
        commObjects = Comment.objects.all()

        self.tagger = taggers.CommentLevelTagger(settings,
Esempio n. 7
    def setUp(self):  # pragma: no cover
        loader = loaders.ReviewLoader(settings, num_processes=2)
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.MessageLoader(settings,
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.SentenceMessageLoader(settings,
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.CommentLoader(settings,
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.SentenceCommentLoader(settings,
        _ = loader.load()
        loader = loaders.TokenLoader(settings,
        _ = loader.load()

        q1 = Q(message__review_id=1259853004)
        q2 = Q(comment__patch__patchset__review_id=1259853004)
        self.sentObjects = Sentence.objects.filter(q1 | q2)

        self.expectedFormality = [
            ('Code to disconnect the DevTools in kiosk mode.', {
                'formal': 0.8133996729254985,
                'informal': 0.18660032707450147
            ('Did you have any place in mind where we can set the policy?', {
                'formal': 0.9578748126664057,
                'informal': 0.04212518733359427
            ("Don't you think that it could make it more difficult", {
                'formal': 0.9144682647190996,
                'informal': 0.08553173528090041
            ('Done.', {
                'formal': 0.9560280075705169,
                'informal': 0.04397199242948313
            ('Done.', {
                'formal': 0.9560280075705169,
                'informal': 0.04397199242948313
            ('I have put it there because it is the central place for the Devtools creation and as such cover all possible case.',
                 'formal': 0.010657033433948061,
                 'informal': 0.9893429665660519
            ('I looked all over the code and I did not saw any place that looked good to set',
                 'formal': 0.9465330119933556,
                 'informal': 0.0534669880066444
            ('I removed the comment and merged the two conditions.', {
                'formal': 0.4907094516421489,
                'informal': 0.5092905483578511
            ('I though that it will fit in chrome/browser/prefs, but all the policies',
                 'formal': 0.9639167742574419,
                 'informal': 0.03608322574255807
            ('I would not try to set that pref in kiosk mode.', {
                'formal': 0.9866015552582938,
                'informal': 0.01339844474170615
            ('Is it possible to set the policy |prefs::kDevToolsDisabled| instead in kiosk mode?',
                 'formal': 0.9070844366402679,
                 'informal': 0.09291556335973206
            ('It work for all OS (Tested it on Win,Osx,Linux) and there are already code to disable the Devtools at this place.',
                 'formal': 0.9514776006037199,
                 'informal': 0.048522399396280114
            ('LGTM', {
                'formal': 0.9285427839666966,
                'informal': 0.07145721603330335
            ('Looks like you need LGTM from a devtools owner.', {
                'formal': 0.7236392495196992,
                'informal': 0.27636075048030084
            ('Nit: Just combine this conditional with the one below.', {
                'formal': 0.8324767352560595,
                'informal': 0.16752326474394053
            ('Nit: No blank line here', {
                'formal': 0.9747818625399854,
                'informal': 0.025218137460014556
            ("There's no real win from doing so (we save one conditional in one place but have to add code to set the pref elsewhere) and it would make subsequent non-kiosk runs still disable the dev tools unless we added even more code to distinguish why the pref was originally set and then unset it.",
                 'formal': 0.077391311892486,
                 'informal': 0.922608688107514
            ("You can probably nuke the comment on that since it's just restating the code, rather than trying to expand it.",
                 'formal': 0.9282941109660318,
                 'informal': 0.07170588903396824
            ('are a copy of input flags.', {
                'formal': 0.7587524581525787,
                'informal': 0.24124754184742125
            ('lgtm', {
                'formal': 0.9554786484216474,
                'informal': 0.044521351578352575
            ('lgtm', {
                'formal': 0.9554786484216474,
                'informal': 0.044521351578352575
            ('policies.', {
                'formal': 0.8759002711822014,
                'informal': 0.12409972881779863
            ('policy far from the DevTools creation?', {
                'formal': 0.8047949436225111,
                'informal': 0.19520505637748886
            ('to associate the disconnection of the Devtools with the kiosk mode if we set this',
                 'formal': 0.9486603128100037,
                 'informal': 0.051339687189996264
        self.expectedFormality = sorted(self.expectedFormality)
        self.expectedInformativeness = [
            ('Code to disconnect the DevTools in kiosk mode.', {
                'informative': 0.01928570933433253,
                'uninformative': 0.9807142906656675
            ('Did you have any place in mind where we can set the policy?', {
                'informative': 0.9943710553240368,
                'uninformative': 0.005628944675963199
            ("Don't you think that it could make it more difficult", {
                'informative': 0.9765919663093432,
                'uninformative': 0.023408033690656804
            ('Done.', {
                'informative': 0.9584298402686305,
                'uninformative': 0.04157015973136946
            ('Done.', {
                'informative': 0.9584298402686305,
                'uninformative': 0.04157015973136946
            ('I have put it there because it is the central place for the Devtools creation and as such cover all possible case.',
                 'informative': 0.000113915393563202,
                 'uninformative': 0.9998860846064368
            ('I looked all over the code and I did not saw any place that looked good to set',
                 'informative': 0.8071936655298996,
                 'uninformative': 0.19280633447010043
            ('I removed the comment and merged the two conditions.', {
                'informative': 0.18404862421776477,
                'uninformative': 0.8159513757822352
            ('I though that it will fit in chrome/browser/prefs, but all the policies',
                 'informative': 0.40187787296786126,
                 'uninformative': 0.5981221270321387
            ('I would not try to set that pref in kiosk mode.', {
                'informative': 0.8270210951922724,
                'uninformative': 0.1729789048077276
            ('Is it possible to set the policy |prefs::kDevToolsDisabled| instead in kiosk mode?',
                 'informative': 0.9663068414179109,
                 'uninformative': 0.0336931585820891
            ('It work for all OS (Tested it on Win,Osx,Linux) and there are already code to disable the Devtools at this place.',
                 'informative': 0.01380055592148155,
                 'uninformative': 0.9861994440785185
            ('LGTM', {
                'informative': 0.8581510193910051,
                'uninformative': 0.14184898060899487
            ('Looks like you need LGTM from a devtools owner.', {
                'informative': 0.0837672060862477,
                'uninformative': 0.9162327939137523
            ('Nit: Just combine this conditional with the one below.', {
                'informative': 0.279843634053512,
                'uninformative': 0.720156365946488
            ('Nit: No blank line here', {
                'informative': 0.98278184552223,
                'uninformative': 0.017218154477769976
            ("There's no real win from doing so (we save one conditional in one place but have to add code to set the pref elsewhere) and it would make subsequent non-kiosk runs still disable the dev tools unless we added even more code to distinguish why the pref was originally set and then unset it.",
                 'informative': 1.0618471403402066e-05,
                 'uninformative': 0.9999893815285966
            ("You can probably nuke the comment on that since it's just restating the code, rather than trying to expand it.",
                 'informative': 0.09255934177647841,
                 'uninformative': 0.9074406582235216
            ('are a copy of input flags.', {
                'informative': 0.13267751340537393,
                'uninformative': 0.8673224865946261
            ('lgtm', {
                'informative': 0.9044983523150818,
                'uninformative': 0.0955016476849182
            ('lgtm', {
                'informative': 0.9044983523150818,
                'uninformative': 0.0955016476849182
            ('policies.', {
                'informative': 0.9178244259879967,
                'uninformative': 0.08217557401200326
            ('policy far from the DevTools creation?', {
                'informative': 0.9929333124240544,
                'uninformative': 0.0070666875759456405
            ('to associate the disconnection of the Devtools with the kiosk mode if we set this',
                 'informative': 0.006678405478473386,
                 'uninformative': 0.9933215945215266
        self.expectedInformativeness = sorted(self.expectedInformativeness)
        self.expectedImplicature = [
            ('Code to disconnect the DevTools in kiosk mode.', {
                'unimplicative': 0.16831943620263523,
                'implicative': 0.8316805637973648
            ('Did you have any place in mind where we can set the policy?', {
                'unimplicative': 0.935002113821984,
                'implicative': 0.06499788617801609
            ("Don't you think that it could make it more difficult", {
                'unimplicative': 0.9534186604863716,
                'implicative': 0.04658133951362846
            ('Done.', {
                'unimplicative': 0.17913543741586524,
                'implicative': 0.8208645625841348
            ('Done.', {
                'unimplicative': 0.17913543741586524,
                'implicative': 0.8208645625841348
            ('I have put it there because it is the central place for the Devtools creation and as such cover all possible case.',
                 'unimplicative': 0.17943142822265745,
                 'implicative': 0.8205685717773425
            ('I looked all over the code and I did not saw any place that looked good to set',
                 'unimplicative': 0.9834895233648248,
                 'implicative': 0.0165104766351752
            ('I removed the comment and merged the two conditions.', {
                'unimplicative': 0.40866411018172843,
                'implicative': 0.5913358898182716
            ('I though that it will fit in chrome/browser/prefs, but all the policies',
                 'unimplicative': 0.10484345154168517,
                 'implicative': 0.8951565484583148
            ('I would not try to set that pref in kiosk mode.', {
                'unimplicative': 0.8993074609313083,
                'implicative': 0.1006925390686917
            ('Is it possible to set the policy |prefs::kDevToolsDisabled| instead in kiosk mode?',
                 'unimplicative': 0.6678448199566183,
                 'implicative': 0.3321551800433818
            ('It work for all OS (Tested it on Win,Osx,Linux) and there are already code to disable the Devtools at this place.',
                 'unimplicative': 0.5920308854330008,
                 'implicative': 0.4079691145669992
            ('LGTM', {
                'unimplicative': 0.2843028313513084,
                'implicative': 0.7156971686486916
            ('Looks like you need LGTM from a devtools owner.', {
                'unimplicative': 0.5325648677846784,
                'implicative': 0.4674351322153217
            ('Nit: Just combine this conditional with the one below.', {
                'unimplicative': 0.5137552416726234,
                'implicative': 0.4862447583273765
            ('Nit: No blank line here', {
                'unimplicative': 0.7895862275605918,
                'implicative': 0.21041377243940823
            ("There's no real win from doing so (we save one conditional in one place but have to add code to set the pref elsewhere) and it would make subsequent non-kiosk runs still disable the dev tools unless we added even more code to distinguish why the pref was originally set and then unset it.",
                 'unimplicative': 0.14697334727546862,
                 'implicative': 0.8530266527245314
            ("You can probably nuke the comment on that since it's just restating the code, rather than trying to expand it.",
                 'unimplicative': 0.917784039367348,
                 'implicative': 0.08221596063265199
            ('are a copy of input flags.', {
                'unimplicative': 0.5944975595371269,
                'implicative': 0.40550244046287315
            ('lgtm', {
                'unimplicative': 0.2798707615220236,
                'implicative': 0.7201292384779764
            ('lgtm', {
                'unimplicative': 0.2798707615220236,
                'implicative': 0.7201292384779764
            ('policies.', {
                'unimplicative': 0.22278433058709457,
                'implicative': 0.7772156694129054
            ('policy far from the DevTools creation?', {
                'unimplicative': 0.69174193094706,
                'implicative': 0.30825806905293995
            ('to associate the disconnection of the Devtools with the kiosk mode if we set this',
                 'unimplicative': 0.40513914728341704,
                 'implicative': 0.594860852716583
        self.expectedImplicature = sorted(self.expectedImplicature)
Esempio n. 8
    def handle(self, *args, **options):

        processes = options['processes']
        year = options['year']
        begin =
            info('loaddb Command')
            info('  Years: {}'.format(settings.YEARS))

            if year != 0:
                settings.YEARS = [year]

            loader = loaders.BugLoader(settings, processes)
            count = loader.load()
            info('  {:,} bugs loaded'.format(count))

            loader = loaders.VulnerabilityLoader(settings, processes)
            count = loader.load()
            info('  {:,} vulnerabilities loaded'.format(count))

            loader = loaders.ReviewLoader(settings, processes)
            count = loader.load()
            info('  {:,} reviews loaded'.format(count))

            tagger = taggers.MissedVulnerabilityTagger(settings, processes)
            count = tagger.tag()
            info('  {:,} reviews missed a vulnerability'.format(count))

            if year != 0:
                ids = qs.query_by_year(year, 'review', True)
                ids = qs.query_all('review', True)
            connections.close_all()  # Hack

            # Comments
            loader = loaders.CommentLoader(settings, processes, ids)
            count = loader.load()
            info('  {:,} comments loaded'.format(count))
            connections.close_all()  # Hack
            loader = loaders.SentenceCommentLoader(settings, processes, ids)
            count = loader.load()
            info('  {:,} sentences loaded'.format(count))
            connections.close_all()  # Hack

            tagger = taggers.UsefulCommentTagger(settings, processes, ids)
            count = tagger.tag()
            info('  {:,} comments were useful'.format(count))

            # Messages
            connections.close_all()  # Hack
            loader = loaders.MessageLoader(settings, processes, ids)
            count = loader.load()
            info('  {:,} messages loaded'.format(count))
            connections.close_all()  # Hack
            loader = loaders.SentenceMessageLoader(settings, processes, ids)
            count = loader.load()
            info('  {:,} sentences loaded'.format(count))
            connections.close_all()  # Hack

            # Tokens
            loader = loaders.TokenLoader(settings, processes, ids)
            count = loader.load()
            info('  {:,} tokens loaded'.format(count))

            with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                    'REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW {};'.format('vw_review_token'))
                    'REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW {};'.format('vw_review_lemma'))
        except KeyboardInterrupt:  # pragma: no cover
            warning('Attempting to abort.')
            info('Time: {:.2f} mins'.format(get_elapsed(begin,