Esempio n. 1
    def get(self):
        test_file = self.request.get("url")
        test = True

        if test_file == "":
            self.response.write("No url for test file given. Set it in ?url=")
            content = urlfetch.fetch(test_file)
            filename = test_file.split("/")[-1].replace(".json", "")

            # Test if the file exists at all.
            if not content.status_code == 200:
                test = False
                self.response.write("The file could not be found.")
                # Load content if it exists.
                content = json.loads(content.content)

            # Check if project name and file name is the same. They should be.
            if test:
                if not content["project"] == filename:
                    test = False
                    self.response.write("The name of the project and the name of the .json file does not match.")

            # Test if the specified handler exists.
            if test:
                if not testHandler(content["handler"]["handler"])[0]:
                    test = False
                    self.response.write("The handler was either not specified or valid.")

            if test:
                self.response.write("Test passed")
Esempio n. 2
def parseYamlFile(url):
    response = []
    # Get yaml file
    rawfile = urlfetch.fetch(url).content
    rawfile = yaml.load(rawfile)
    # Validate each yaml object
    for project in rawfile:
        data = defaultdict()


            data['project'] = project
            data['name'] = rawfile[project]['name']
            data['website'] = rawfile[project]['website']
            data['handler'] = rawfile[project]['handler']
            data['handler_valid'] = testHandler(data['handler']['type'])[0]


        except KeyError:
            raise Exception('Invalid file: ' + url)

    return response