def test_if_return_list_with_ignored_punctuation(self): text_handler = TextHandler([ "bernardo gomes; abreu. yasmine! yasmine# yasmine% yasmine$ yasmine' yasmine& yasmine) yasmine( yasmine, yasmine; yasmine: yasmine< yasmine? yasmine> yasmine@ yasmine[ yasmine] yasmine` yasmine{ yasmine} " ]) assert text_handler.sw_vocabulary() == [ "bernardo", "gomes", "abreu", "yasmine" ]
def test_if_result_is_equal_a_document_base(self): text_handler = TextHandler([ "Falar é fácil. Mostre-me o código.", "É fácil escrever código. Difícil é escrever código que funcione.", ]) assert text_handler.sw_frequency_distribution() == { "text1": [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], "text2": [0, 1, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1], }
def test_if_return_list_when_the_params_is_multiple_texts(self): text_handler = TextHandler([ "bernardo GOMES; Abreu.", "YASMINE", "Melo", "Costa", "Leonardo Gomes Abreu" ]) assert text_handler.ng_vocabulary() == [ ("bernardo", "gomes"), ("gomes", "abreu"), ("leonardo", "gomes"), ]
def get(self): list_of_texts = [ text for text, in db.session.query(Text.text).order_by( ] text_handler = TextHandler(list_of_texts) frequency = {"frequency": text_handler.sw_frequency_distribution()} schema = FrequenceDistributionSchema() return schema.load(frequency), 200
def get(self): list_of_texts = [ text for text, in db.session.query(Text.text).order_by( ] text_handler = TextHandler(list_of_texts) vocabulary = {"vocabulary": text_handler.sw_vocabulary()} schema = IsolatedVocabularySchema() return schema.load(vocabulary), 200
def test_if_return_list_without_stop_words(self): text_handler = TextHandler([ "bernardo GOMES; de Abreu.", "YASMINE", "de", "Melo", "Costa", "Leonardo Gomes de Abreu", ]) assert text_handler.ng_vocabulary() == [ ("bernardo", "gomes"), ("gomes", "abreu"), ("leonardo", "gomes"), ]
def test_if_has_17_words_and_the_vocabulary_has_11(self): text_handler = TextHandler([ "Falar é fácil. Mostre-me o código.", "É fácil escrever código. Difícil é escrever código que funcione.", ]) assert text_handler.sw_vocabulary() == [ "falar", # "é", "fácil", "mostre", # "me", # "o", "código", "escrever", "difícil", # "que", "funcione", ]
def test_if_return_list_without_words_that_started_with_number(self): text_handler = TextHandler([ "bernardo GOMES; de Abreu.", "YASMINE", "de", "Melo", "Costa", "Leonardo Gomes de Abreu", "1Teste", ]) assert text_handler.sw_vocabulary() == [ "bernardo", "gomes", "abreu", "yasmine", "melo", "costa", "leonardo", ]
def test_if_return_list_the_frequence_of_multiples_text(self): text_handler = TextHandler([ "bernardo GOMES; Abreu. gomes abreu", "YASMINE", "Melo", "Costa", "Leonardo Gomes Abreu 1teste", ]) bernardo_gomes = 1 gomes_abreu = 2 abreu_gomes = 1 leonardo_gomes = 1 text_5_gomes_abreu = 1 assert text_handler.ng_frequency_distribution() == { "text1": [bernardo_gomes, gomes_abreu, abreu_gomes, 0], "text2": [0, 0, 0, 0], "text3": [0, 0, 0, 0], "text4": [0, 0, 0, 0], "text5": [0, text_5_gomes_abreu, 0, leonardo_gomes], }
def test_if_return_list_the_frequence_of_multiples_text(self): text_handler = TextHandler([ "bernardo GOMES; Abreu. gomes abreu", "YASMINE", "Melo", "Costa", "gomes abreu Leonardo Gomes Abreu 1teste", ]) bernardo = 1 gomes = 2 abreu = 2 yasmine = 1 melo = 1 costa = 1 leonardo = 1 assert text_handler.sw_frequency_distribution() == { "text1": [bernardo, gomes, abreu, 0, 0, 0, 0], "text2": [0, 0, 0, yasmine, 0, 0, 0], "text3": [0, 0, 0, 0, melo, 0, 0], "text4": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, costa, 0], "text5": [0, gomes, abreu, 0, 0, 0, leonardo], }
def test_it_should_be_a_class(self): text_handler = TextHandler([""]) assert isinstance(text_handler, TextHandler)
def test_if_return_list_with_ignored_case(self): text_handler = TextHandler(["bernardo GOMES; Abreu."]) assert text_handler.sw_vocabulary() == ["bernardo", "gomes", "abreu"]
def test_it_should_throw_exception_with_wrong_param(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): TextHandler("bufalo bufalo bufalo")
def test_if_return_list_with_single_words_in_order(self): text_handler = TextHandler(["bernardo gomes abreu"]) assert text_handler.sw_vocabulary() == ["bernardo", "gomes", "abreu"]
def test_if_return_list_with_single_words_and_unique_items(self): text_handler = TextHandler(["bufalo bufalo bufalo"]) assert text_handler.sw_vocabulary() == ["bufalo"]
def test_if_return_list_with_of_empty_text(self): text_handler = TextHandler([""]) assert text_handler.sw_vocabulary() == []
def test_it_should_has_a_method_ng_frequency_distribution(self): text_handler = TextHandler(["bufalo bufalo bufalo"]) assert inspect.ismethod(text_handler.ng_frequency_distribution)
def test_it_should_has_a_method_ng_vocabulary(self): text_handler = TextHandler(["bufalo bufalo bufalo"]) assert inspect.ismethod(text_handler.ng_vocabulary)
def test_it_should_throw_exception_with_wrong_child_param(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): TextHandler(["teste", None, 1, 2.3, True])
def test_if_return_list_with_ignored_punctuation(self): text_handler = TextHandler(["bernardo gomes; abreu."]) assert text_handler.ng_vocabulary() == [("bernardo", "gomes"), ("gomes", "abreu")]
def test_if_return_list_the_frequence_of_text_empty(self): text_handler = TextHandler([]) assert text_handler.ng_frequency_distribution() == {}
def test_if_return_list_the_frequence_of_list_with_unique_word(self): text_handler = TextHandler(["bufalo"]) assert text_handler.ng_frequency_distribution() == {"text1": []} text_handler = TextHandler(["bufalo bufalo bufalo"]) assert text_handler.ng_frequency_distribution() == {"text1": [2]}
def test_it_should_receive_list_of_text_by_param(self): text_handler = TextHandler(["bufalo bufalo bufalo"]) assert isinstance(text_handler.texts, list)