def create_news_article(): '''This routine does one of two things: if the user has asked to create a news article (GET), it displays an empty form for the user to use to create the new article; if the user has filled and submitted the creation form (POST), it writes the (new) form contents into the database entry under a new, unique id. ''' form = News() if form.is_submitted(): if form.validate() and request.form.get('submit'): name = News.create_unit(form) return redirect(url_for('web.display_news_article', name=name)) else: return redirect(url_for('web.display_admin_news')) else: form.initialize(action='create') return display_content( form=form, title='Create Article', breadcrumbs=get_breadcrumbs('news', 'create') )
def update_news_article(name): '''This routine does one of two things: if the user has asked to edit a news article (GET), it displays an editing form for the given article id, populated with the current database content; if the user has filled and submitted the editing form (POST), it writes the (modified) form contents into the database entry for the given article id. ''' form = News() if form.is_submitted(): if form.validate() and request.form.get('submit'): News.update_unit(form) return redirect(url_for('web.display_news_article', name=name)) else: article = News.read_unit(name) if article: form.initialize(action='edit', unit=article) return display_content( form=form, title='Edit: ' + name, breadcrumbs=get_breadcrumbs('news', name, 'edit') ) return redirect(url_for('web.display_admin_news'))