Esempio n. 1
def download(key):
    Downloads a file from S3 based on the key in the path
    logger = DynamoAccessLogger('facgov_download')
    current_user = User()

    # Check access, no access if an empty list is returned from a User class
    if current_user.has_facgov_access():

        client = current_app.config['S3_RESOURCE']
        bucket = client.Bucket(current_app.config['FACGOV_BUCKET'])

        # Redirect to base url for keys that end with '/' which are valid S3 keys but are not files
        if key.endswith('/'):
            return redirect(bp.url_prefix)

            file_obj = bucket.Object(key).get()
        except client.meta.client.exceptions.NoSuchKey:  # per boto3 docs
            logger.log_access(has_access=False, downloaded_object=key)
            raise NotFoundError(f'File {file_name(key)} not found.')

        logger.log_access(has_access=True, downloaded_object=key)
        return Response(file_obj['Body'].read(),
                            "inline; filename={}".format(file_name(key))


        logger.log_access(has_access=False, downloaded_object=key)
        raise ForbiddenError('You do not have access to this page. \
                              Please reach out to Timur Gulyamov (tg2648) to get access.'