Esempio n. 1
async def create_filing(
        filing_type: str,
        payload: NewLobbyistFiling,
        user: User = Depends(get_active_user),
        db_session: Session = Depends(get_db),

        # user must be filer
        if user.account_type != 'filer':
            raise AccountPermissionException()

        if filing_type.strip() != payload.filing_type:
            raise Http400("Filing types in params and payload dont' match!")

        if payload.amends_id is not None:
            if not is_uuid(payload.amends_id):
                raise Http400(detail="Amends ID must be UUID or null.")
            filing = await get_filing_by_id(db_session, payload.amends_id)
            if filing is None:
                raise Http400(detail="Filing to be amended not found.")

        # user must be associated with this lobbying entity id
        entity = await get_lobbying_entity_by_id(db_session,
        if entity is None:
            raise EntityNotFoundException()

        filer = await get_lobbyist_filer_user(db_session, entity, user)
        if filer is None:
            raise AccountPermissionException()

        # generate a unique id for this model

        filing_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        # at this point we have established that the account is authorized
        # further protections we need
        # no new 601/602 for a year in which a previous exists
        # no new 603/604/605 for a Q for which one exists
        # if a form belonging to a different lobbyist types is
        # filed, upon filing (not upon creating) the lobbyist becomes
        # also the new type

        res = await create_new_lobbyist_filing(db_session, filing_id, entity,
                                               filer, payload)

        return {"success": True, "filing_id": filing_id}

    except AccountPermissionException as e:
        # we don't log this

    except EntityNotFoundException as e:
        # we don't log this

    except Exception as e:
Esempio n. 2
async def put_filing(
        filing_type: str,
        filing_id: str,
        payload: UpdateFilingInProgress,
        user: User = Depends(get_active_user),
        db_session: Session = Depends(get_db),

        if not is_uuid(filing_id):
            raise Http400("Filing ID must be UUID")

        if payload.form['filing_id'] != filing_id:
            raise Http400("Filing ID mismatch.")

        if filing_type not in ['ec601', 'ec602', 'ec603', 'ec604', 'ec605']:
            raise Http400("Unknown filing type!")

        # user must be filer
        if user.account_type != 'filer':
            raise AccountPermissionException()

        filing = await get_filing_by_id(db_session, filing_id)
        if filing is None:
            raise Http400(detail="Filing not found")

        # user must be associated with this lobbying entity id
        entity = await get_lobbying_entity_by_id(db_session, filing.entity_id)
        if entity is None:
            raise EntityNotFoundException()

        filer = await get_lobbyist_filer_user(db_session, entity, user)
        if filer is None:
            raise AccountPermissionException()

        if filing.status not in ['new', 'in progress']:
            if filing.status == 'locked':
                raise Http400(detail="Filing is locked.")
                raise Http400(detail="Filing cannot be edited")

        if filing.filing_type != filing_type:
            raise Http400(detail="Filing doesn't match filing type.")

        await update_filing_in_progress(db_session, filing, payload)

        return {"success": True}

    except AccountPermissionException as e:
        # we don't log this

    except EntityNotFoundException as e:
        # we don't log this

    except Exception as e:
Esempio n. 3
async def finalize_filing(
        filing_type: str,
        filing_id: str,
        payload: UpdateFilingInProgress,
        user: User = Depends(get_active_user),
        db_session: Session = Depends(get_db),

        print("****", filing_id)
        if not is_uuid(filing_id):
            raise Http400("Filing ID must be UUID")

        if filing_id != payload.form['filing_id']:
            raise Http400("Filing IDs in route and body don't match.")

        # user must be filer
        if user.account_type != 'filer':
            raise AccountPermissionException()

        filing = await get_filing_by_id(db_session, filing_id)
        if filing is None:
            raise Http400(detail="Filing not found")

        # user must be associated with this lobbying entity id
        entity = await get_lobbying_entity_by_id(db_session, filing.entity_id)
        if entity is None:
            raise EntityNotFoundException()

        filer = await get_lobbyist_filer_user(db_session, entity, user)
        if filer is None:
            raise AccountPermissionException()

        if filing.status not in ['new', 'in progress', 'locked']:
            raise Http400(detail="Filing status invalid for this operation.")

        res = await finalize_lobbyist_filing(db_session, filing, filer,

        return {"success": res}

    except Exception as e:
Esempio n. 4
async def get_filing_fees(
        filing_type: str,
        filing_id: str,
        user: User = Depends(get_active_user),
        db_session: Session = Depends(get_db),

        if not is_uuid(filing_id):
            raise Http400("Filing ID must be UUID")

        if filing_type not in ['ec601', 'ec602']:
            raise Http400("Fees are assessed only on forms EC-601 and EC-602.")

        # user must be filer
        if user.account_type != 'filer':
            raise AccountPermissionException()

        filing = await get_filing_by_id(db_session, filing_id)
        if filing is None:
            raise Http400(detail="Filing not found")

        # user must be associated with this lobbying entity id
        entity = await get_lobbying_entity_by_id(db_session, filing.entity_id)
        if entity is None:
            raise EntityNotFoundException()

        filer = await get_lobbyist_filer_user(db_session, entity, user)
        if filer is None:
            raise AccountPermissionException()

        if filing.status not in ['new', 'in progress', 'locked']:
            raise Http400(detail="Filing status invalid for this operation.")

        res = await calculate_filing_fees(db_session, filing)

        return {"success": True, "data": res}

    except Exception as e:
Esempio n. 5
async def get_lobbying_entity_info(lobbying_entity_id: str,
                                   user: User = Depends(get_active_user),
                                   db_session: Session = Depends(get_db)):


        if not is_uuid(lobbying_entity_id):
            raise Http400("Lobbying entity ID must be UUID")

        # user must be filer
        if user.account_type != 'filer':
            raise AccountPermissionException()

        # user must be associated with this lobbying entity id
        entity = await get_lobbying_entity_by_id(db_session,
        if entity is None:
            raise EntityNotFoundException()

        filer = await get_lobbyist_filer_user(db_session, entity, user)
        if filer is None:
            raise AccountPermissionException()

        contact_info = jsonable_encoder(
        del contact_info['id']
        del contact_info['updated']
        del contact_info['created']

        lobbyist_types = [(x.lobbyist_type, LOBBYIST_TYPES[x.lobbyist_type])
                          for x in entity.lobbyist_types]

        filers = []
        for filer in entity.filers:
            cinfo = jsonable_encoder(get_most_recent_entry(
            del cinfo['id']
            del cinfo['updated']
            del cinfo['created']
            cinfo['active'] =

        filers.sort(key=lambda x: x['last_name'])

        return_dict = {
            "lobbyist_types": lobbyist_types,
            "contact_info": contact_info,
            "human_readable_id": "Not yet implemented",
            "status": [],
            "current_filings": [],
            "filers": filers

        return {"success": True, "data": return_dict}

    except (AccountPermissionException, EntityNotFoundException) as e:

    except Exception as e:
 def check_uuids(cls, v):
     if v is not None:
         if not is_uuid(v):
             raise ValueError('lobbying_entity_id,'\
                              ' amends_id must be UUID4')
     return v