def connectSource(self, source, pipeline): """Try and open video source, attach texture sink""" # First, create pipeline. (Which presumably is open-ended) if pipeline is None: pipeline = gstvideo.defaultPipeline(source) # Apply any gltexturesink params and create pipeline pipeline = gstvideo.configSink(self.sink, pipeline) = gstvideo.createPipeline(source, pipeline) # Get last element if isinstance(, gst.Bin): chain = [e for e in] src = chain[0] else: src = # And try and attach to end of it try: except: wx.MessageBox(_("Unable to link GLTextureSink to pipeline\n") + _("Source:") + str(source) + "\n" + _("Pipeline:") + str(pipeline) + "\n", _("Error creating GST pipeline"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR, None) raise RuntimeError("Unable to link GLTextureSink to pipeline") # We're good
def build_dlg(self): self.var_corners = IntVar( self.var_corners.set(10) label = Label(, text=_("Corners")) label.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=E) entry = Entry(, width=15, textvariable=self.var_corners) entry.grid(column=1, row=0) self.var_outer_radius = StringVar( self.var_outer_radius.set("100pt") label = Label(, text=_("Outer Radius")) label.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=E) entry = Entry(, width=15, textvariable=self.var_outer_radius) entry.grid(column=1, row=1) self.var_inner_radius = StringVar( self.var_inner_radius.set("75pt") label = Label(, text=_("Inner Radius")) label.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=E) entry = Entry(, width=15, textvariable=self.var_inner_radius) entry.grid(column=1, row=2) button = Button(, text=_("OK"), command=self.ok) button.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=W) button = Button(, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.cancel) button.grid(column=1, row=3, sticky=E)
def build_dlg(self): root = TFrame(, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth = 10) root.pack(side = TOP, fill = BOTH, expand = 1) middle = TFrame(root, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth = 5) middle.pack(side = TOP, fill = X, expand = 1) label = TLabel(middle, text = _("Delete page No.:")+" ", style='FlatLabel') label.pack(side = LEFT) self.pagenum_spin = TSpinbox(middle,, vartype=0, textvariable = self.pagenum, min = 1, max = len(, step = 1, width = 6, command = self.ok) self.pagenum_spin.pack(side = LEFT) if len( self.pagenum_spin.set_state('disabled') bottom = TFrame(root, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth = 5) bottom.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill = X, expand = 1) cancel = TButton(bottom, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.cancel) cancel.pack(side = RIGHT) label = TLabel(bottom, text = ' ', style='FlatLabel') label.pack(side = RIGHT) ok = TButton(bottom, text=_("OK"), command=self.ok) ok.pack(side = RIGHT) self.focus_widget = ok'<Escape>', self.cancel)'WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.cancel) (width=0, height=0)
def build_dlg(self): if not self.builded: cmds = b = ToolbarButton(self.panel, command=cmds.Convert_to_CMYK, style='Toolbutton', image='context_image_cmyk') tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Convert to CMYK')) b.pack(side=LEFT) b = ToolbarButton(self.panel, command=cmds.Convert_to_RGB, style='Toolbutton', image='context_image_rgb') tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Convert to RGB')) b.pack(side=LEFT) b = ToolbarButton(self.panel, command=cmds.Convert_to_Grayscale, style='Toolbutton', image='context_image_gray') tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Convert to Grayscale')) b.pack(side=LEFT) b = ToolbarButton(self.panel, command=cmds.Convert_to_BW, style='Toolbutton', image='context_image_bw') tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Convert to B&W')) b.pack(side=LEFT) self.builded = 1
def ColorInfo(): if len(self.document.selection) != 1 or self.document.CanUngroup(): fill_frame["style"] = 'ColorWatchDisabled' outline_frame["style"] = 'ColorWatchDisabled' fill_frame['background'] = outline_frame['background'] = return "" properties = self.document.CurrentProperties() filltxt = '' outlinetxt = '' try: fill_frame["style"] = 'ColorWatchNormal' fillcolor = rgb_to_tk(properties.fill_pattern.Color().RGB()) fill_frame["background"] = fillcolor filltxt = _('Fill:') + ' ' + properties.fill_pattern.Color().toString() except: fill_frame["style"] = 'ColorWatchTransp' filltxt = _('Fill: None') try: outline_frame["style"] = 'ColorWatchNormal' outline_frame["background"] = rgb_to_tk(properties.line_pattern.Color().RGB()) outlinetxt = _('Outline:') + ' ' + str(math.ceil(math.floor(10 ** 4 * properties.line_width / 2.83465) / 10) / 1000) + ' mm' except: outline_frame["style"] = 'ColorWatchTransp' outlinetxt = _('Outline: None') return filltxt + "\n" + outlinetxt
class ColorManagementPanel(PrefPanel): name = 'color_management' title = _('Color Management') icon = 'enable_cms' category = 'root' category_name = _('root') def build(self): label = TLabel(self,, font=config.preferences.large_font, justify=LEFT) label.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) def init_vars(self): pass def apply(self): pass def restore(self): # defaults = Preferences.__dict__ # items = self.__dict__.items() pass
def __init__(self): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, None, wx.ID_ANY, _("Source Chooser"), pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize) # From top to bottom, two video sources; GStreamer pipeline; button vert = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # row = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.left, w = self.makeSource(_("Left eye"), "Left eye", self.setLeftToFile) row.Add(w, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.EXPAND) self.right, w = self.makeSource(_("Right eye"), "Right eye", self.setRightToFile) row.Add(w, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.EXPAND) vert.Add(row, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 32) # w = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, _("GStreamer pipeline")) vert.Add(w, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE) previous = self.getStoredList("pipeline") currPipe = "" if len(previous) == 0: previous = gstvideo.defaultPipes() self.storeList("pipeline", previous) else: idx = self.getStoredInt("pipeline") if isinstance(idx, int): currPipe = previous[idx] self.pipeline = wx.ComboBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, choices=previous) self.pipeline.SetValue(currPipe) vert.Add(self.pipeline, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT, 32) # self.ok = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, "OK") self.ok.SetDefault() vert.Add(self.ok, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE | wx.ALL, 32) # self.SetSizer(vert) self.Fit()
class RendererOptionsPanel(PrefPanel): name = 'renderer' title = _('Cairo Renderer') icon = 'toolbar_cairo' category = 'root' category_name = _('root') def build(self): label = TLabel(self,, font=config.preferences.large_font, justify=LEFT) label.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) def init_vars(self): pass def apply(self): pass def restore(self): # defaults = Preferences.__dict__ # items = self.__dict__.items() pass
def InfoText(self): # Return a string describing the selected object(s) result = _("No Selection") if self.objects: sel_info = self.objects br = self.coord_rect hor_sel=round((br.right - br.left)/.283465)/10 ver_sel=round(( - br.bottom)/.283465)/10 # hor_sel=ceil(floor(10**3*(br.right - br.left)/2.83465)/10)/100 # ver_sel=ceil(floor(10**3*( - br.bottom)/2.83465)/10)/100 document = sel_info[0][1].document if len(sel_info) == 1: path, obj = sel_info[0] dict = {'layer': document[path[0]].Name()} info = obj.Info() if type(info) == TupleType: dict.update(info[1]) # the %% is correct here. The result has to be a # %-template itself. text = _("%s on `%%(layer)s'") % info[0]+"\n Selection size: "+str(hor_sel)+" x "+str(ver_sel) +" mm"### else: dict['object'] = info text = _("%(object)s on `%(layer)s'")+"\n Selection size: "+str(hor_sel)+" x "+str(ver_sel) +" mm" ### result = text, dict else: layer = sel_info[0][0][0] if layer == sel_info[-1][0][0]: # a single layer layer_name = document.layers[layer].Name() result = _("%(number)d objects on `%(layer)s'") \ % {'number':len(sel_info), 'layer':layer_name} result = result + "\n Selection size: "+str(hor_sel)+" x "+str(ver_sel) +" mm" else: result = _("%d objects on several layers") % len(sel_info)+"\n Selection size: "+str(hor_sel)+" x "+str(ver_sel) +" mm" ### return result
def build_tab_about(self): panel = TFrame(self.root, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth=10) self.nb.add(panel, text=_('About application')) subpanel = TFrame(panel, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth=0) subpanel.pack(side=TOP, fill=Y, expand=1) subpanel = TFrame(subpanel, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth=5) subpanel.pack(side=LEFT, anchor='center') text = TLabel(subpanel, style='FlatLabel', text=_("Illustration program for prepress")) text.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, pady=10) from time import gmtime, strftime year = strftime("%Y", gmtime()) text = TLabel(subpanel, style='FlatLabel', text="(c)2003-%s sK1 Team" % (year)) text.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, pady=10) text = TLabel(subpanel, style='FlatLabel', text='', foreground='blue', underline=20, cursor='hand2') text.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) text.bind('<Button-1>', self.goToSite)
class FontsPanel(PrefPanel): name = 'fonts' title = _('Application fonts') icon = 'context_font_name' category = 'root' category_name = _('root') def build(self): label = TLabel(self,, font=config.preferences.large_font, justify=LEFT) label.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) def init_vars(self): pass def apply(self): pass def restore(self): # defaults = Preferences.__dict__ # items = self.__dict__.items() pass
def ImportVector(self, filename=None): was_exception = False if not filename: directory = config.preferences.dir_for_vector_import if directory == "~": directory = fs.gethome() if not os.path.isdir(directory): directory = fs.gethome() filename, sysfilename = dialogman.getImportFilename(initialdir=directory, initialfile=filename) if not filename: return try: if not os.path.isabs(filename): filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename) ############---> dlg = ProgressDialog(, "File importing") doc = dlg.RunDialog(self.import_callback, filename) ############ <--- doc = load.load_drawing(filename) except SketchError, value: dlg.close_dlg() group = None msgDialog(, title=_("Import vector"), message=_("An error occurred:") + " " + str(value)) was_exception = True
def import_callback(self, arg): app.updateInfo(inf1=_("File importing"), inf2=_("Start file parsing"), inf3=3) filename = arg[0] doc = load.load_drawing(filename) app.updateInfo(inf1=_("File importing"), inf2=_("File has been imported"), inf3=100) time.sleep(0.1) return doc
def init(self, master): PluginPanel.init(self, master) top = TFrame(self.panel, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth=7) top.pack(side = TOP, fill=BOTH) sign = TFrame(top, style='RoundedFrame', borderwidth=5) sign.pack(side=TOP) self.sign = TLabel(sign, image='color_converter') self.sign.pack(side=TOP) self.cs_name = StringVar(top) self.cs_name.set(RGB) label = TLabel(top, text=_("Colorspace:")+" ") label.pack(side = TOP, anchor=W) self.colorspaces = TCombobox(top, state='readonly', postcommand = self.set_cs, values=self.make_cs_list(), width=14, style='ComboNormal', textvariable=self.cs_name) self.colorspaces.pack(side = TOP, fill=X, pady=3) button = UpdatedButton(top, text = _("Apply"), command = self.apply_colorspace, sensitivecb = self.is_selection) button.pack(side = BOTTOM, expand = 1, fill = X, pady=3) self.Subscribe(SELECTION, button.Update) self.init_from_doc() self.subscribe_receivers()
async def register_chat(message: types.Message): chat_id = admins = await for admin in admins: if chat_id == await message.reply(_("🏡 Добро пожаловать Домой!\n" "🏛 Перейдите пожалуйста в ЛС и укажите Ваше расположение\n")) exists = add_chat( if exists: text = _("🏛 Ваше расположение уже было зарегистрировано. " "Создайте новое расположение Вашего 🏡чата/канала\n" "Для этого выберите язык чата из списка") else: text = _("🏛 Поздравляем! Ваш 🏡чат/канал ⚡️связан с ☀️Атлантидой. " "Создайте расположение Вашего 🏡чата/канала\n" "Для этого выберите язык чата из списка") language_keyboard = ListOfButtons( text=["English", "Русский", "Українська"], callback=["en"),"ru"),"uk")] ).inline_keyboard await bot.send_message(chat_id, text, reply_markup=language_keyboard) await dp.current_state(chat=chat_id, user=chat_id).set_state(Registration.Language) await dp.current_state(chat=chat_id, user=chat_id).update_data( break else: await message.answer(_("🏛 Приносим извинения за временные неудобства. \n" "В данный момент принимаются только администраторы чатов/каналов"))"User is not an admin")
def build(self): text = _('sK1 generates PDF file as a printing output. So as a printing target you can use any application \ which accepts PDF file on input: evince, kprinter, acroread etc. \ Printing command should contain %f symbols replaced by \ temporal PDF file name during printing.') label = Text(self, height=5, wrap=WORD) label.pack(side=TOP, anchor='nw') label.insert(END, text) frame = FlatFrame(self) frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, expand=1, pady=10) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text=_('Printing command:'), justify=LEFT) label.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='w') combo = TCombobox(frame, state='normal', values=self.prn_commandrs, style='ComboNormal', textvariable=self.var_print_command)#, width=30) combo.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='we', pady=5, padx=10) label = Label(frame, text=_('Output PDF level:'), justify=LEFT) label.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='w') combo = TCombobox(frame, state='readonly', values=self.levels, style='ComboNormal', width=10, textvariable=self.var_pdf_level) combo.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky='w', pady=5, padx=10)
def OpenDocument(self, filename=None, directory=None): if type(filename) == type(0): filename = config.preferences.mru_files[filename] if not filename: if not directory: directory = if not directory: directory = config.preferences.dir_for_open if directory == "~": directory = fs.gethome() if not os.path.isdir(directory): directory = fs.gethome() filename, sysfilename = dialogman.getOpenFilename(initialdir=directory, initialfile=filename) if filename == "": return try: if not os.path.isabs(filename): filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename) config.preferences.dir_for_open = os.path.dirname(filename) ############---> dlg = ProgressDialog(, "File opening") doc = dlg.RunDialog(self.open_callback, filename) ############ <--- doc.meta.view = None self.SetActiveDocument(doc) if self.tabspanel: self.tabspanel.addNewTab(self.activedoc) except Exception, value: dlg.CloseDialog() msgDialog(, title=_("Open"), message=_("\nAn error occurred:\n\n") + str(value) + "\n")
def create_std_buttons(self, master, update_from=1): button_frame = Frame(master) button = Checkbutton(button_frame, text=_("Auto Update"), variable=self.var_auto_update) button.pack(side=TOP, expand=1, fill=X) if update_from: button = UpdatedButton(button_frame, text=_("Update From..."), command=self.update_from_object) button.pack(side=TOP, expand=1, fill=X) button = UpdatedButton(button_frame, text=_("Apply"), command=self.do_apply, sensitivecb=self.can_apply) button.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1, fill=X) self.Subscribe(SELECTION, button.Update) button = UpdatedButton(button_frame, text=_("Close"), command=self.close_dlg) button.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=1, fill=X) return button_frame
def open_callback(self, arg): app.updateInfo(inf1=_("Document parsing"), inf2=_("Start document processing"), inf3=3) filename = arg[0] doc = load.load_drawing(filename) app.updateInfo(inf1=_("Document parsing"), inf2=_("Document has been loaded"), inf3=100) time.sleep(0.1) return doc
def __init__(self, parent): CtxSubPanel.__init__(self, parent) self.var_reference = StringVar(, 'left') self.var_stub = StringVar( radio = UpdatedRadiobutton(self.panel, value='left', image='context_text_left', command=self.applyProperties, variable=self.var_reference, style='ToolbarRadiobutton') radio.pack(side=LEFT) tooltips.AddDescription(radio, _('Left alignment')) radio = UpdatedRadiobutton(self.panel, value='center', image='context_text_center', command=self.applyProperties, variable=self.var_reference, style='ToolbarRadiobutton') radio.pack(side=LEFT) tooltips.AddDescription(radio, _('Center alignment')) radio = UpdatedRadiobutton(self.panel, value='right', image='context_text_right', command=self.applyProperties, variable=self.var_reference, style='ToolbarRadiobutton') radio.pack(side=LEFT) tooltips.AddDescription(radio, _('Right alignment')) # radio = UpdatedRadiobutton(self.panel, value = 'justify', image='context_text_justify_disabled', # command=self.applyProperties, variable = self.var_stub, style='ToolbarRadiobutton', state='disabled') # radio.pack(side=LEFT) # tooltips.AddDescription(radio, _('Justify')) self.ReSubscribe()
def build(self): text = _( 'sK1 generates PDF file as a printing output. So as a printing target you can use any application \ which accepts PDF file on input: evince, kprinter, acroread etc. \ Printing command should contain %f symbols replaced by \ temporal PDF file name during printing.') label = Text(self, height=5, wrap=WORD) label.pack(side=TOP, anchor='nw') label.insert(END, text) frame = FlatFrame(self) frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, expand=1, pady=10) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) label = Label(frame, text=_('Printing command:'), justify=LEFT) label.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='w') combo = TCombobox(frame, state='normal', values=self.prn_commandrs, style='ComboNormal', textvariable=self.var_print_command) #, width=30) combo.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='we', pady=5, padx=10) label = Label(frame, text=_('Output PDF level:'), justify=LEFT) label.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='w') combo = TCombobox(frame, state='readonly', values=self.levels, style='ComboNormal', width=10, textvariable=self.var_pdf_level) combo.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky='w', pady=5, padx=10)
def build_dlg(self): root = TFrame(, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth = 10) root.pack(side = TOP, fill = BOTH, expand = 1) middle = TFrame(root, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth = 5) middle.pack(side = TOP, fill = X, expand = 1) label = TLabel(middle, text = _("Go to page No.:")+" ", style='FlatLabel') label.pack(side = LEFT) self.pagenum_spin = TSpinbox(middle,, vartype=0, textvariable = self.pagenum, min = 1, max = len(, step = 1, width = 6, command = self.ok) self.pagenum_spin.pack(side = LEFT) if len( self.pagenum_spin.set_state('disabled') bottom = TFrame(root, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth = 5) bottom.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill = X, expand = 1) cancel = TButton(bottom, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.cancel) cancel.pack(side = RIGHT) label = TLabel(bottom, text = ' ', style='FlatLabel') label.pack(side = RIGHT) ok = TButton(bottom, text=_("OK"), command=self.ok) ok.pack(side = RIGHT) self.focus_widget = ok'<Escape>', self.cancel)'WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.cancel) (width=0, height=0)
def CreateImage(self, sysfilename=None): if not sysfilename: initialdir = config.preferences.dir_for_bitmap_import filename, sysfilename = dialogman.getImportBMFilename( initialdir=initialdir, initialfile='') if sysfilename: try: self.canvas.commands.ForceRedraw fileptr = open(sysfilename, 'r') is_eps = eps.IsEpsFileStart( fileptr.close() dir, name = os.path.split(filename) config.preferences.dir_for_bitmap_import = dir if is_eps: imageobj = eps.EpsImage(filename=sysfilename) else: imageobj = image.Image(imagefile=sysfilename) self.canvas.PlaceObject(imageobj) except IOError, value: if type(value) == TupleType: value = value[1] self.application.MessageBox(title=_("Load Image"), message=_("Cannot load %(filename)s:\n" "%(message)s") \ % {'filename':`os.path.split(filename)[1]`, 'message':value})
def init(self, master): PluginPanel.init(self, master) top = TFrame(self.panel, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth=5) top.pack(side = TOP, fill=BOTH) sign = TFrame(top, style='RoundedFrame', borderwidth=5) sign.pack(side = TOP) self.sign=TLabel(sign, image='shaping_divide') self.sign.pack(side=TOP) button = UpdatedButton(top, text = _("Apply"), command = self.apply_action, sensitivecb = self.is_correct_selection) button.pack(side = BOTTOM, expand = 1, fill = X) self.Subscribe(SELECTION, button.Update) button_frame = TFrame(top, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth=1) button_frame.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill=X, pady=5) self.var_originals = IntVar(top) self.var_originals.set(1) self.autoupdate_check = TCheckbutton(button_frame, text = _("Leave originals"), variable = self.var_originals) self.autoupdate_check.pack(side = LEFT, anchor=W, padx=10) self.init_from_doc() self.subscribe_receivers()
def ok(self, *arg): if not 0 <= self.pagenum_spin.get_value()-1 < len( msgDialog(, title = _("Error"), message = _('Incorrect page number!')) self.pagenum_spin.entry.focus_set() return self.close_dlg()
def build_dlg(self): self.var_ppi = IntVar( self.var_ppi.set(72) label = Label(, text=_("ppi")) label.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=E) entry = Entry(, width=15, textvariable=self.var_ppi) entry.grid(column=1, row=0) self.var_alpha = BooleanVar( self.var_alpha.set(1) label = Label(, text=_("w. Transparency")) label.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=E) entry = Checkbutton(, variable=self.var_alpha) entry.grid(column=1, row=1) self.var_use_bbox = BooleanVar( self.var_use_bbox.set(0) label = Label(, text=_("use BB information")) label.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=E) entry = Checkbutton(, variable=self.var_use_bbox) entry.grid(column=1, row=2) button = Button(, text=_("OK"), command=self.ok) button.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=W) button = Button(, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.cancel) button.grid(column=1, row=3, sticky=E)
def init(self, master): PluginPanel.init(self, master) top = self.panel grid_top = TFrame(top, borderwidth=2, style='FlatFrame') grid_top.pack(side=TOP, expand=1, fill=X) button_frame = self.create_std_buttons(top) button_frame.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH, expand=1) # =========================================================== do_apply = self.do_apply label = TLabel(top, text=" " + _("Grid origin") + " ", style="FlatLabel") label.pack() frame = TLabelframe(top, labelwidget=label, style='Labelframe', borderwidth=4) frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, pady=4, padx=2) f = TFrame(frame, style='FlatFrame') self.var_xorig = create_length_entry(top, f, do_apply) label = TLabel(f, text="X: ", anchor=E) label.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=X) f.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, pady=2) f = TFrame(frame, style='FlatFrame') self.var_yorig = create_length_entry(top, f, do_apply) label = TLabel(f, text="Y: ", anchor=E) label.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=X) f.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, pady=2) # =========================================================== label = TLabel(top, text=" " + _("Grid size") + " ", style="FlatLabel") label.pack() frame = TLabelframe(top, labelwidget=label, style='Labelframe', borderwidth=4) frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, pady=4, padx=2) f = TFrame(frame, style='FlatFrame') self.var_xwidth = create_length_entry(top, f, do_apply) label = TLabel(f, text="ΔX: ", anchor=E) label.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=X) f.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, pady=2) f = TFrame(frame, style='FlatFrame') self.var_ywidth = create_length_entry(top, f, do_apply) label = TLabel(f, text="ΔY: ") label.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=X) f.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, pady=2), self.init_from_doc), self.init_from_doc) self.init_from_doc()
def init(self, master): PluginPanel.init(self, master) top = TFrame(self.panel, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth=5) top.pack(side = TOP, fill=BOTH) sign = TFrame(top, style='RoundedFrame', borderwidth=5) sign.pack(side = TOP) self.sign=TLabel(sign, image='shaping_trim') self.sign.pack(side=TOP) button = UpdatedButton(top, text = _("Apply"), command = self.apply_action, sensitivecb = self.is_correct_selection) button.pack(side = BOTTOM, expand = 1, fill = X) self.Subscribe(SELECTION, button.Update) button_frame = TFrame(top, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth=1) button_frame.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill=X, pady=5) self.var_originals = IntVar(top) self.var_originals.set(0) self.autoupdate_check = TCheckbutton(button_frame, text = _("Leave originals"), variable = self.var_originals) self.autoupdate_check.pack(side = LEFT, anchor=W, padx=10) self.init_from_doc() self.subscribe_receivers()
def CurrentInfoText(self): t = self.trafo data = {} if type(t) == TrafoType: x = t.m11 y = t.m22 #if round(x, 3) == round(y, 3): # text = _("Uniform Scale %(factor)[factor]") # data['factor'] = x #else: br = self.coord_rect hor_sel = ceil( floor(10**3 * x * (br.right - br.left) / 2.83465) / 10) / 100 ver_sel = ceil( floor(10**3 * y * ( - br.bottom) / 2.83465) / 10) / 100 text = _("Scale %(factorx)[factor], %(factory)[factor]") text = text + "\n Changing size to: " + str(hor_sel) + " x " + str( ver_sel) + " mm" data['factorx'] = x data['factory'] = y else: text = _("Move %(x)[length], %(y)[length]") data['x'] = t.x data['y'] = t.y return text, data
def ImportVector(self, filename=None): was_exception = False if not filename: directory = config.preferences.dir_for_vector_import if directory == '~': directory = fs.gethome() if not os.path.isdir(directory): directory = fs.gethome() filename, sysfilename = dialogman.getImportFilename( initialdir=directory, initialfile=filename) if not filename: return try: if not os.path.isabs(filename): filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename) ############---> dlg = ProgressDialog(, 'File importing') doc = dlg.RunDialog(self.import_callback, filename) ############ <--- doc = load.load_drawing(filename) except SketchError, value: dlg.close_dlg() group = None msgDialog(, title=_("Import vector"), message=_("An error occurred:") + " " + str(value)) was_exception = True
def PrintDocument(self, document, tofile=0): bbox = document.BoundingRect(visible=0, printable=1) if bbox is None: msgDialog(, title=_("Printing"), message=_( "The document doesn't have \n any printable layers!\n")) return ############ ---> if tofile: directory = config.preferences.dir_for_vector_export filename = document.meta.filename[:-4] + '.pdf' filename, pdffile = dialogman.getGenericSaveFilename( _("Print into PDF file"), pdf_types, initialdir=directory, initialfile=filename) if filename == '': return dlg = ProgressDialog(, 'PDF generation') dlg.RunDialog(self.print_tofile_callback, document, pdffile) else: dlg = ProgressDialog(, 'PDF generation') command, pdffile = dlg.RunDialog(self.print_callback, document) os.system(command)
def CurrentInfoText(self): if self.horizontal: text = _("Horizontal Guide Line at %(coord)[length]") dict = {'coord': self.drag_cur.y} else: text = _("Vertical Guide Line at %(coord)[length]") dict = {'coord': self.drag_cur.x} return text, dict
def RedoText(self): # Return a string to describe the operation that would be redone # next, in a format suitable for a menu entry. if self.redoinfo: redolabel = self.redoinfo[0][0] if type(redolabel) == StringType: return _("Redo %s") % redolabel return _("Redo")
def save_callback(self, arg): app.updateInfo(inf1=_('Document saving/exporting'), inf2=_('Start document processing'), inf3=3) self.SaveToFile(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4]) app.updateInfo(inf2=_('Finish document processing'), inf3=100) time.sleep(.1) return None
def save(document, file, filename, options={}): app.updateInfo(inf1=_('PDF generation.'), inf2=_('Start document composing'), inf3=3) saver = PDFGenSaver(file, filename, document, options) saver.Save() saver.close() app.updateInfo(inf2=_('Document generation is finished'), inf3=100)
def Info(self): width, height = x, y = self.trafo.offset() if self.IsEmbedded(): return _("Embedded Image %(width)d x %(height)d " "at (%(x)d, %(y)d)") % locals() else: filename = os.path.basename( return _("Linked Image `%(filename)s' %(width)d x %(height)d " "at (%(x)d, %(y)d)") % locals()
def init(self, master): PluginPanel.init(self, master) self.initial_color = self.default_color self.current_color = copy.copy(self.initial_color) top = TFrame(self.panel, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth=5) top.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH) self.selector = ColorSpaceSelector(top, self.refresh_widgets, self.current_color, self.sign) self.selector.pack(side=TOP, expand=1, fill=X) self.picker = ColorChooserWidget(top, self.refresh_widgets, self.current_color) self.picker.pack(side=TOP, expand=1, fill=X) self.digitizer = ColorDigitizer(top, self.refresh_widgets, self.current_color) self.digitizer.pack(side=TOP, expand=1, fill=X) button = UpdatedButton(top, text=_("Apply"), command=self.apply_pattern, sensitivecb=self.is_selection) button.pack(side=BOTTOM, expand=1, fill=X) self.Subscribe(SELECTION, button.Update) button_frame = TFrame(top, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth=1) button_frame.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X, pady=5) button = TButton(button_frame, style='TSmallbutton', text=' ', image='small_colorpicker', command=self.copy_from) button.pack(side=LEFT) tooltips.AddDescription(button, _("Copy From...")) button = TButton(button_frame, style='TSmallbutton', text=' ', image='restore_color', command=self.restore_color) button.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5) tooltips.AddDescription(button, _("Restore color")) self.var_autoupdate = IntVar(top) self.var_autoupdate.set(1) self.autoupdate_check = TCheckbutton(button_frame, text=_("Auto Update"), variable=self.var_autoupdate, command=self.init_from_doc) self.autoupdate_check.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=W, padx=10) self.init_from_doc() self.subscribe_receivers()
def save_doc_if_edited(self, document, title=_("sK1 - Save Document...")): if document is not None and document.WasEdited(): message = _("\nFile: <%s> has been changed ! \n\nDo you want to save it?\n") % document.meta.filename result = msgDialog(, title=title, message=message, buttons=msgdialog.SaveDontSaveCancel) if result == msgdialog.Save: self.SaveDocument(document) return result return msgdialog.No
def __init__(self, parent): CtxSubPanel.__init__(self, parent) b = TButton(self.panel, command=self.flip, style='Toolbutton', image='context_hflip') tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Flip Horizontal')) b.pack(side = LEFT) b = TButton(self.panel, command=self.flop, style='Toolbutton', image='context_vflip') tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Flip Vertical')) b.pack(side = LEFT)
def __init__(self, master, dialog, **kw): self.dialog = dialog apply(TFrame.__init__, (self, master), kw) cancel_bt = TButton(self, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.dialog.cancel) cancel_bt.pack(side=RIGHT) ok_bt = TButton(self, text=_("OK"), command=self.dialog.ok) ok_bt.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=5)
def no_pattern(self, category): from sk1.dialogs import styledlg if category == 'fill': title = _("No Fill") prop = 'fill_pattern' else: title = _("No Line") prop = 'line_pattern' styledlg.set_properties(self.root, self.document, title, category, {prop: EmptyPattern})
def Info(self): trafo = self.trafo w = hypot(trafo.m11, trafo.m21) h = hypot(trafo.m12, trafo.m22) dict = {"center": trafo.offset(), "radius": w, "axes": (w, h)} if w == h: text = _("Circle radius %(radius)[length], " "center %(center)[position]") else: text = _("Ellipse axes %(axes)[size], center %(center)[position]") return text, dict
def __init__(self, parent): CtxSubPanel.__init__(self, parent) b = TCommandButton(self.panel,, style='Toolbutton', image='context_combine') b.pack(side = LEFT) tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Combine')) b = TCommandButton(self.panel,, style='Toolbutton', image='context_split') b.pack(side = LEFT) tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Split'))
def build_dlg(self): if not self.builded: cmds = b = TButton(self.panel, command=cmds.InsertNodes.Invoke, style='Toolbutton', image='context_node_add') tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Insert node')) b.pack(side = LEFT) b = TButton(self.panel, command=cmds.DeleteNodes.Invoke, style='Toolbutton', image='context_node_remove') tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Remove nodes')) b.pack(side = LEFT) ############# b = TLabel(self.panel, image = "toolbar_sep") b.pack(side = LEFT) b = TButton(self.panel, command=cmds.CloseNodes.Invoke, style='Toolbutton', image='context_node_join') tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Join selected nodes')) b.pack(side = LEFT) b = TButton(self.panel, command=cmds.OpenNodes.Invoke, style='Toolbutton', image='context_node_break') tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Break path at selected nodes')) b.pack(side = LEFT) ############# b = TLabel(self.panel, image = "toolbar_sep") b.pack(side = LEFT) b = TButton(self.panel, command=cmds.ContAngle.Invoke, style='Toolbutton', image='context_node_corner') tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Make selected nodes corner')) b.pack(side = LEFT) b = TButton(self.panel, command=cmds.ContSmooth.Invoke, style='Toolbutton', image='context_node_smooth') tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Make selected nodes smooth')) b.pack(side = LEFT) b = TButton(self.panel, command=cmds.ContSymmetrical.Invoke, style='Toolbutton', image='context_node_symm') tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Make selected nodes symmetric')) b.pack(side = LEFT) ############# b = TLabel(self.panel, image = "toolbar_sep") b.pack(side = LEFT) b = TButton(self.panel, command=cmds.SegmentsToLines.Invoke, style='Toolbutton', image='context_node_line') tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Make selected segments lines')) b.pack(side = LEFT) b = TButton(self.panel, command=cmds.SegmentsToCurve.Invoke, style='Toolbutton', image='context_node_curve') tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Make selected segments curves')) b.pack(side = LEFT) ############# b = TLabel(self.panel, image = "toolbar_sep") b.pack(side = LEFT) b = TButton(self.panel, command=cmds.SelectAllNodes.Invoke, style='Toolbutton', image='context_node_all') tooltips.AddDescription(b, _('Select all nodes in path')) b.pack(side = LEFT) self.builded=1
def init(self, master): PluginPanel.init(self, master) top = TFrame(self.panel, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth=5) top.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH) sign = TFrame(top, style='RoundedFrame', borderwidth=5) sign.pack(side=TOP) self.sign = TLabel(sign, image='effects_blend') self.sign.pack(side=TOP) button_frame = TFrame(top, style='FlatFrame') button_frame.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.update_buttons = [] button = UpdatedButton(top, text=_("Apply"), command=self.apply_blend, sensitivecb=self.doc_can_blend) button.pack(in_=button_frame, side=LEFT, expand=1, fill=X) self.document.Subscribe(SELECTION, button.Update) self.update_buttons.append(button) steps_frame = TFrame(top, style='FlatFrame', borderwidth=15) steps_frame.pack(side=TOP) label = TLabel(steps_frame, text=" " + _("Steps:") + " ") label.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=E) self.var_steps = IntVar(top) self.var_steps.set(config.preferences.blend_panel_default_steps) self.entry = TSpinbox(steps_frame, var=10, vartype=0, textvariable=self.var_steps, min=1, max=100000, step=1, width=6, command=self.apply_blend) self.entry.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=E) button = UpdatedButton(top, text=_("Select Start"), sensitivecb=self.can_select, command=self.select_control, args=SelectStart) button.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X, expand=1, pady=3) self.document.Subscribe(SELECTION, button.Update) self.update_buttons.append(button) button = UpdatedButton(top, text=_("Select End"), sensitivecb=self.can_select, command=self.select_control, args=SelectEnd) button.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X, expand=1) self.document.Subscribe(SELECTION, button.Update) self.update_buttons.append(button) self.init_from_doc() self.subscribe_receivers()
def build_dlg(self): root = top = TFrame(root, borderwidth=5, style='FlatFrame') top.pack(side=TOP, expand=0, fill=BOTH) top2 = TFrame(top, style='FlatFrame') top2.pack(side=TOP, expand=0, fill=X) format_label = TLabel(top2, text=_('Style name:'), borderwidth=0) format_label.pack(side=LEFT, pady=3) self.entry_name = TEntrybox(top, command=self.ok, width=15) self.entry_name.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) top2 = TFrame(top, height=5, style='FlatFrame') top2.pack(side=TOP, expand=0, fill=X) prop_cont = TLabelframe(top, text=_('Style properties'), padding=10) prop_cont.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) properties = self.object.Properties() self.flags = {} for prop in property_names: type = property_types[prop] if type == FillProperty: state = self.object.has_fill and NORMAL or DISABLED elif type == LineProperty: state = self.object.has_line and NORMAL or DISABLED elif type == FontProperty: state = self.object.has_font and NORMAL or DISABLED else: # unknown property type! continue long, short = property_titles[prop] self.flags[prop] = var = IntVar(root) var.set(state == NORMAL) radio = TCheckbutton(prop_cont, text=long, state=state, variable=var) radio.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) top2 = TFrame(top, height=3, style='FlatFrame') top2.pack(side=TOP, expand=0, fill=X) but_frame = Frame(top) but_frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) button = TButton(but_frame, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.cancel) button.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=5) button = TButton(but_frame, text=_("OK"), command=self.ok) button.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=5) root.resizable (width=0, height=0) self.entry_name.set_focus()
def CurrentInfoText(self): t = self.trafo data = {} if abs(round(t.m11, 2)) == abs(round(t.m22, 2)): text = _("Circle %(radius)[length], center %(center)[position]") data["radius"] = t.m11 else: text = _("Ellipse %(size)[size], center %(center)[position]") data["size"] = (abs(t.m11), abs(t.m22)) data["center"] = t.offset() return text, data