Esempio n. 1
    def onSavePassword(self, event):
        pwd = self.txtMasterPassword.GetValue()
        if pwd != self.config.data_passphrase:
            #    Password has changed. Do we have any stored backups? 
            #    If so, they should be deleted.
            runs = self.db.runs()
            num_runs = len(runs)
            if num_runs > 0:
                size = 0
                for run in runs:
                    size += run.size                
                #    Check with the user.
                msg = _("You current have {numruns} backup runs stored, " \
                        "totalling {size} of remote data.\n" \
                        "Changing the Master Password means old encrypted backups cannot be used.\n" \
                        "Note that they can be kept for disaster recovery if needed,\n" \
                        "but we suggest you simply start fresh.").format(\
                        numruns=num_runs, size=utils.readable_form(size))
                mbox = OptionDialog(self, msg, _("Delete Backup Runs"),
                                    _("Also delete all encrypted backup data stored remotely."), 
                if mbox.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK:
                delete_offsite_data = mbox.chkOption.GetValue()

                #    TODO skip if no runs
                #    We keep track of all errors
                errors = ""
                with ProgressDialog(self, _("Deleting"), _("Deleting old encrypted backup data.\nPlease wait...")):
                    for backup in self.config.backups.itervalues():
                        #    If its encrypted
                        if backup.encrypt:
                            #    If the option set - delete all offline data at the store
                            if delete_offsite_data:
                                    #    Get the list of unique stores used by runs of this backup
                                    runs = self.db.runs(
                                    stores = set([ for r in runs]) 
                                    #    Get the store and delete all data.
                                    for storename in stores:
                                        store =[storename].copy()
                                except Exception as e:
                                    errors += "\nDelete offline data for %s failed: %s" % (, str(e))
                            #    Now delete the database records of the run abd backup
                            except Exception as e:
                                errors += "\nDelete local backup information for %s failed: " % (, str(e))
                if len(errors) > 0:
                    dlg.Error(self, errors)
        if not pwd:
            self.config.data_passphrase = None
            app.show_message('Password cleared')
            self.config.data_passphrase = pwd
            app.show_message('Password set')
Esempio n. 2
 def onDropBoxClick(self, event):
     url = self.url_dropbox_create.GetURL()
     import webbrowser, new=1, autoraise=True)
     app.show_message("Opening browser to DropBox")