Esempio n. 1
    def test_tv_search_one(self):
        book = API_functions.request_book("The Handmaid's Tale")
        result = API_functions.request_tv_show(book["name"],
                                               book["author_name_clean"], 0)

        # since this is a tv show that exists, we can assert that there will be 1 result
        self.assertTrue(result["total_results"] == 1)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_tv_search_zero(self):
        book = API_functions.request_book("The Way Of Kings")
        result = API_functions.request_tv_show(book["name"],
                                               book["author_name_clean"], 0)

        # since this is a tv show that does not exist, we can assert that there will be 0 results
        self.assertTrue(result["total_results"] == 0)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_movie_search_one(self):
        book = API_functions.request_book("The Great Gatsby")
        result = API_functions.request_movie(book["name"],
                                             book["author_name_clean"], 0)

        # since this is a movie that exists, we can assert that there will be 1 result
        self.assertTrue(result["total_results"] == 1)
Esempio n. 4
    def test_movie_search_zero(self):
        book = API_functions.request_book("I Let you go")
        result = API_functions.request_movie(book["name"],
                                             book["author_name_clean"], 0)

        # since this is a movie that does not exist, we can assert that there will be 0 results
        self.assertTrue(result["total_results"] == 0)
Esempio n. 5
    def test_validate_writer(self):
        book = API_functions.request_book("The Handmaid's Tale")
        result = API_functions.request_tv_show(book["name"],
                                               book["author_name_clean"], 0)
        validate = data_functions.validate_writer(result["credits"],

        # since the writer of the book is credited as a writer in the tv show, we can assert
        # validate writer will return true
Esempio n. 6
def api_book_title():
    # get the title of the book to search for from the url
    search_term = request.args.get('title')

    # Goodreads API functions
    gr_result = API_functions.request_book(
        search_term)  # use function in

    # if no book is found, return a json file stating so
    if gr_result["total"] == 0:
        return jsonify({"total_results": 0, "message": "No book found."})

    # TheMovieDB functions
    movie_result = {}  # empty dictionary
    tv_result = {}  # empty dictionary
    if gr_result["total"] != 0:  # only continue if there is a book found
        # search for movie
        # use function in
        movie_result = API_functions.request_movie(
            gr_result["name_split"], gr_result["author_name_clean"], 0)

        if movie_result[
                "total_results"] == 0:  # if no movie is found, return no result for movie
            movie_result = {"total_results": 0}

        # search for TV show
        # use function in
        tv_result = API_functions.request_tv_show(
            gr_result["name_split"], gr_result["author_name_clean"], 0)

        if tv_result[
                "total_results"] == 0:  # if no tv show is found, return no result for tv show
            tv_result = {"total_results": 0}

    final_data = {
        "book": gr_result,
        "movie": movie_result,
        "tv_show": tv_result

    return jsonify(final_data)
Esempio n. 7
def get_random_book():
    """This function uses the 'books_with_movies.json' file to find a random book to search for.



        search_term: A random book title to search adaptations for.

    books_list = json_functions.read_data("app_files/static/books_with_movies.json")
    matched = 0
    search_term = ""
    while matched != 1:
        # keep changing the random number until an actual book and tv show match is found
        rand_num = random.randint(0, 487)
        for item in books_list:
            if item["num"] == rand_num:
                search_term = item["title"]

                movie_result = API_functions.request_movie(search_term, item["author"],
                                                           0)  # use function in
                tv_result = API_functions.request_tv_show(search_term, item["author"], 0)
                # match book author to movie or tv show credits
                if (movie_result["total_results"] != 0 and
                    validate_writer(API_functions.request_movie_credits(movie_result["id"]), item["author"])) \
                        or (tv_result["total_results"] != 0 and
                            validate_writer(API_functions.request_tv_credits(tv_result["id"]), item["author"])):
                    search_term = item["title"]
                    matched = 1
                    matched = 0
    return search_term
Esempio n. 8
    def test_book_search_zero(self):
        result = API_functions.request_book("poaskk oewrof kl")

        # since this is not a title for any book that exists in Goodreads, we can assert that the total result is 0
        self.assertTrue(result["total"] == 0)
Esempio n. 9
    def test_book_search_zero_one(self):
        result = API_functions.request_book(
            "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire")

        # since this is a book that exists, we can assert that the total result is 1
        self.assertTrue(result["total"] == 1)
Esempio n. 10
def search_for_adaptation():
    """This method is called when navigating to the root '/' of the website with a POST request.

    If there is an 'random' argument in the url and it is set to '1', then a random book is requested by using the
    get_random_book() method from data_functions import.

    Else, this method uses the user input search request. Using this input, a search is made to the Goodreads API
    to find a matching book. With the matching book, a matching movie and tv show is located.

    Once the three searches (book, movie, tv show) are complete, 'index.html' is again rendered with updated data.

    The 'status_msg' and 'status_num' variables are used to indicate the current status of the search.
    0 = no error, 1 = no book found, 2 = no movie found, 3 = no tv show found, 4 = no adaptation found.

    If a matching adaptation is found for the book, then the search term is appended to the previous_search deque.



        render_template using the 'index.html' and populating it with found book, movie, and tv show data or a status
        message, if required.

    book_id = 0
    # variables for status results; 0 for no error, 1 for no book found, 2 for no movie found,
    # 3 for no tv show found, 4 for no tv show and movie found
    status_msg = ""
    status_num = 0

    # if the Random Book button is chosen, then select a random book from the list
    # try to match the book with a movie or tv show until one is found
    if request.args.get('random') == "1":
        search_term = data_functions.get_random_book()
        # if search input is used, then get the search term
        search_term = request.form['search']  # get search term from input box

    # Goodreads API functions
    gr_result = API_functions.request_book(search_term)  # use function in

    # if no book is found, generate status code
    if gr_result["total"] == 0:
        status_msg = "No matching book found for {0}. Try another.".format(search_term)
        status_num = 1

    # TheMovieDB functions
    movie_result = {}  # empty dictionary
    tv_result = {}  # empty dictionary
    if status_num == 0:  # only continue if there is a book found
        # search for movie
        # use function in
        movie_result = API_functions.request_movie(gr_result["name_split"], gr_result["author_name_clean"], 0)

        if movie_result["total_results"] != 0:  # if a movie is found, save some of its data
            movie_id = movie_result["id"]  # save movie ID

        else:  # if no movie is found, generate status message
            status_msg = "No movie found. Try another."
            status_num = 2

        # search for TV show
        # use function in
        tv_result = API_functions.request_tv_show(gr_result["name_split"], gr_result["author_name_clean"], 0)

        if tv_result["total_results"] != 0:  # if a tv show is found, save some of its data
            tv_id = tv_result["id"]  # save tv ID

        else:  # if no tv show is found, generate status message
            status_msg = "No TV Show found. Try another."
            status_num = 3

        if movie_result["total_results"] == 0 and tv_result["total_results"] == 0:
            # if no movie and tv show found, generate status message.
            # in the case they are found, but not based on the book, generate the same message
            status_msg = "No adaptation found for {0}. Try another.".format(search_term)
            status_num = 4

        if previous_searches.count(
                gr_result["name_split"]) == 0 and status_num != 4:  # only add if book name is not in deque
            if len(previous_searches) == 5:  # keep the deque at only five most recent searches
                previous_searches.pop()  # remove one if there is already five
            previous_searches.appendleft(gr_result["name_split"])  # add recent search to beginning of deque
    # render the page again with updated information, pass all data to render_template method
    return render_template("index.html", book_id=book_id, book_data=gr_result, movie_data=movie_result,
                           tv_data=tv_result, app_name=app_name, search=search_term, status_msg=status_msg,
                           status_num=status_num, previous_searches=previous_searches)
Esempio n. 11
def gr_result():
    """This function is called after the user is redirected to the 'gr_result' route.

    After the user is authenticated using Goodreads OAuth, the cookies previous set are retrieved and used as
    the current session to the user. Using Goodreads API methods, the users Goodreads ID is retrieved and used
    to search for the users Read books by using the 'get_users_books' method from API_functions import.

    After the books and adaptations list is obtained, it is rendered using the 'gr_result.html' page.

    The status message number 6 is used in case the users Read books have no adaptations.



        render_template using the 'gr_result.html' and populating it with the book and adaptations results from the
        users Goodreads Read list

    status_msg = ""
    status_num = 0
    user_id = 0
    users_books = []

    # Get a real consumer key & secret from:
    if request.args.get("authorize") == "1":  # if user authorized the connection
            # use cookies to get session tokens
            session = goodreads.get_auth_session(request.cookies.get('rt'),
                                                 request.cookies.get('rts'))  # get the current session
        except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e:
            return redirect(url_for('gr_init'))  # redirect to gr_init to try again

        # session information
        access_token = session.access_token
        access_token_secret = session.access_token_secret

        consumer = oauth.Consumer(key=CONSUMER_KEY,
        token = oauth.Token(access_token,

        client = oauth.Client(consumer, token)
        url = ''
        response, content = client.request('%s/api/auth_user' % url, 'GET')  # get the users goodreads ID
        if response['status'] != '200':
            raise Exception('Cannot fetch resource: %s' % response['status'])

        userxml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(content)
        user_id = userxml.getElementsByTagName('user')[0].attributes['id'].value  # variable for user ID from Goodreads

        users_books = API_functions.get_users_books(user_id, client)  # use page to paginate results
        if len(users_books) == 1:  # check if adaptations were found for any books on users read list
            status_num = 6
            status_msg = "No adaptations found on your books list."
    else:  # if user did not authorize connection, generate a message
        status_msg = "Goodreads authentication required."
        status_num = 6  # number to identify an authentication requirement

    return render_template("gr_result.html", search=None, app_name=app_name, user_id=user_id, status_msg=status_msg,
                           status_num=status_num, users_books=users_books, previous_searches=previous_searches)
Esempio n. 12
# script just to get name of book and rating from a list of books with movies from Goodreads
# will be used for random book search and also based on rating
# will be used for auto suggestion when searching
# only saving books with adaptation result
page = 1
books = []
num = 0
for full in range(15):
    URL = "{0}".format(page)
    r = requests.get(URL)

    text = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html5lib')
    for item in text.findAll('tr', attrs={'itemtype': ''}):
        search_term = item.find('div', attrs={'data-resource-type': 'Book'}).a['title']
        movie_result = API_functions.request_movie(search_term,
                                                   0)  # use function in
        tv_result = API_functions.request_tv_show(search_term, 0)

        if (movie_result["total_results"] != 0 and
                                           item.find('span', attrs={'itemprop': 'author'}).find('span', attrs={
                                               'itemprop': 'name'}).text.replace(" ", ""),)) \
                or (tv_result["total_results"] != 0 and
                                                   item.find('span', attrs={'itemprop': 'author'}).find('span',
                                                                                                            'itemprop': 'name'}).text.replace(
                                                       " ", ""),)):
            books.append({'num': num, 'title': item.find('div', attrs={'data-resource-type': 'Book'}).a['title'],
                          'author': item.find('span', attrs={'itemprop': 'author'}).find('span', attrs={
                              'itemprop': 'name'}).text.replace(" ", ""),