def part_prj_vpgraph(PrjId,offset): Prj=GetAll("""select pp.* from part_projects pp where pprojid=%s""",(PrjId,)) if len(Prj)!=1: return PrintInCharte(ErrorFormat("Project doesn't exists")) Prj=Prj[0] if Prj['ownerid']! and not current_user.has_role(database.AdministratorLabel): return PrintInCharte(ErrorFormat("Access Denied")) g.headcenter="<h4>Particle Project %s : %s</h4><a href='/part/prj/%s'>Project home</a>"%(Prj['projid'],Prj['ptitle'],Prj['pprojid'],) dbsample = database.GetAll("""select psampleid,filename from part_samples s where pprojid=%s ORDER BY filename desc limit 50 OFFSET %s """ % (PrjId,offset)) txt="""<style> .idepth,.ipart {height: auto} </style> <button class='btn' onclick='dozoom(50);'>50%</button> <button class='btn' onclick='dozoom(75);'>75%</button> <button class='btn' onclick='dozoom(100);'>100%</button> <script> function dozoom(z) { $('.idepth').css('width',(800*z/100).toFixed().toString()+"px"); $('.ipart').css('width',(1600*z/100).toFixed().toString()+"px"); } </script> """ for s in dbsample: txt+="""<p class='ghead'>Graph for {psampleid} - {filename} - </p> <img src='/vault/{idepth}' class='idepth'> <img src='/vault/{ipart}' class='ipart'> """.format(psampleid=s['psampleid'],filename=s['filename'] ,idepth=uvp_sample_import.GetPathForImportGraph(s['psampleid'],'depth',True) ,ipart =uvp_sample_import.GetPathForImportGraph(s['psampleid'],'particle',True)) return PrintInCharte(txt)
def part_prj_main(PrjId): # Prj = partdatabase.part_projects.query.filter_by(pprojid=PrjId).first() Prj=GetAll("""select pp.* ,oldestsampledate+make_interval(0,public_visibility_deferral_month) visibility_date ,oldestsampledate+make_interval(0,public_partexport_deferral_month) partexport_date ,oldestsampledate+make_interval(0,public_zooexport_deferral_month) zooexport_date from part_projects pp where pprojid=%s""",(PrjId,)) if len(Prj)!=1: return PrintInCharte(ErrorFormat("Project doesn't exists")) Prj=Prj[0] if Prj['ownerid']! and not current_user.has_role(database.AdministratorLabel): return PrintInCharte(ErrorFormat("Access Denied")) g.headcenter="<h4>Particle Project %s : %s</h4><a href='/part/'>Particle Module Home</a>"%(Prj['projid'],Prj['ptitle']) dbsample = database.GetAll("""select profileid,psampleid,filename,stationid,firstimage,lastimg,lastimgused,sampleid ,histobrutavailable,comment,daterecalculhistotaxo,ctd_import_datetime,sampledate,imp_descent_filtered_row,imp_removed_empty_slice ,(select count(*) from part_histopart_det where psampleid=s.psampleid) nbrlinedet ,(select count(*) from part_histopart_reduit where psampleid=s.psampleid) nbrlinereduit ,(select count(*) from part_histocat where psampleid=s.psampleid) nbrlinetaxo ,(select count(*) from part_ctd where psampleid=s.psampleid) nbrlinectd from part_samples s where pprojid=%s ORDER BY filename desc """ % (PrjId)) MinSampleDate=Prj['oldestsampledate'] VisibilityText="" if MinSampleDate is not None : VisibilityText +="""<br> Oldest sample date is {0:%Y-%m-%d}, Visibility date is {1} , Particule export date is {2}, Zooplankton classification export date is {3} """.format(MinSampleDate , "Not Defined" if Prj['visibility_date'] is None else Prj['visibility_date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") , "Not Defined" if Prj['partexport_date'] is None else Prj['partexport_date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") , "Not Defined" if Prj['zooexport_date'] is None else Prj['zooexport_date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") ) return PrintInCharte( render_template('part/prj_index.html', PrjId=PrjId, dbsample=dbsample, Prj=Prj,VisibilityText=VisibilityText))
def PrjEditPriv(PrjId): Prj=database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=PrjId).first() g.headcenter="<h4><a href='/prj/{0}'>{1}</a></h4>".format(Prj.projid,XSSEscape(Prj.title)) if Prj is None: flash("Project doesn't exists",'error') return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>") if not Prj.CheckRight(2): # Level 0 = Read, 1 = Annotate, 2 = Admin flash('You cannot edit settings for this project','error') return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>") if gvp('save')=="Y": # print(request.form) for m in Prj.projmembers: if gvp('priv_%s_delete''Y': db.session.delete(m) elif gvp('priv_%s_member'!='': # si pas delete c'est update m.member=int(gvp('priv_%s_member' m.privilege=gvp('priv_%s_privilege' if gvp('priv_new_member')!='': new=database.ProjectsPriv(member=int(gvp('priv_new_member')),privilege=gvp('priv_new_privilege'),projid=PrjId) db.session.add(new) try: db.session.commit() flash("Project settings Saved successfuly","success") except Exception as E: flash("Database exception : %s"%E,"error") db.session.rollback() g.users=GetAssoc2Col("select id,name from users order by lower(name)",dicttype=collections.OrderedDict) return render_template('project/editprojectpriv.html',data=Prj)
def PrjEdit(PrjId): g.useselect4 = True Prj = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=PrjId).first() g.headcenter = "<h4><a href='/prj/{0}'>{1}</a></h4>".format( Prj.projid, XSSEscape(Prj.title)) if Prj is None: flash("Project doesn't exists", 'error') return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>") if not Prj.CheckRight(2): # Level 0 = Read, 1 = Annotate, 2 = Admin flash('You cannot edit settings for this project', 'error') return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>") if gvp('save') == "Y": PreviousCNN = Prj.cnn_network_id for f in request.form: if f in dir(Prj): setattr(Prj, f, gvp(f)) if PreviousCNN != Prj.cnn_network_id: database.ExecSQL( "delete from obj_cnn_features where objcnnid in (select objid from obj_head where projid=%s)", [PrjId]) flash("SCN features erased", "success") Prj.visible = True if gvp('visible') == 'Y' else False # print(request.form) for m in Prj.projmembers: if gvp('priv_%s_delete' % == 'Y': db.session.delete(m) elif gvp('priv_%s_member' % != '': # si pas delete c'est update m.member = int(gvp('priv_%s_member' % m.privilege = gvp('priv_%s_privilege' % if gvp('priv_new_member') != '': new = database.ProjectsPriv(member=int(gvp('priv_new_member')), privilege=gvp('priv_new_privilege'), projid=PrjId) db.session.add(new) try: db.session.commit() flash("Project settings Saved successfuly", "success") except Exception as E: flash("Database exception : %s" % E, "error") db.session.rollback() if Prj.initclassiflist is None: lst = [] else: lst = [int(x) for x in Prj.initclassiflist.split(",") if x.isdigit()] g.predeftaxo = GetAll( """select,t.display_name as name from taxonomy t left join taxonomy t2 on where any(%s) order by upper(t.display_name) """, (lst, )) g.users = GetAssoc2Col("select id,name from users order by lower(name)", dicttype=collections.OrderedDict) g.maplist = [ 'objtime', 'objdate', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'depth_min', 'depth_max' ] + sorted(DecodeEqualList(Prj.mappingobj).values()) g.scn = GetSCNNetworks() return render_template('project/editproject.html', data=Prj)
def routetaxobrowse(): BackProjectBtn = '' if gvp('updatestat') == 'Y': # DoSyncStatUpdate() DoFullSync() if gvg('fromprj'): BackProjectBtn = "<a href='/prj/{}' class='btn btn-default btn-primary'>{} Back to project</a> ".format( int(gvg('fromprj')), FAIcon('arrow-left')) if gvg('fromtask'): BackProjectBtn = "<a href='/Task/Question/{}' class='btn btn-default btn-primary'>{} Back to importation task</a> ".format( int(gvg('fromtask')), FAIcon('arrow-left')) if not (current_user.has_role(database.AdministratorLabel) or current_user.has_role(database.ProjectCreatorLabel)): # /prj/653 txt = "You cannot create tanonomy category, you must request to your project manager (check project page)" if gvg('fromprj'): txt += "<br>" + BackProjectBtn return PrintInCharte(FormatError(txt, DoNotEscape=True)) g.taxoserver_url = app.config.get('TAXOSERVER_URL') if current_user.has_role(database.AdministratorLabel): ExtraWehereClause = "" else: ExtraWehereClause = "and t.creator_email='{}'".format( lst = GetAll( """select,t.parent_id,t.display_name as name,case t.taxotype when 'M' then 'Morpho' when 'P' then 'Phylo' else t.taxotype end taxotype,t.taxostatus,t.creator_email,t.id_source ,to_char(t.creation_datetime,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi') creation_datetime,to_char(t.lastupdate_datetime,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi') lastupdate_datetime,{} from taxonomy t {} where t.id_instance ={} {} order by case t.taxostatus when 'N' then 1 else 2 end, LIMIT 400 """.format(SQLTreeSelect, SQLTreeJoin, app.config.get('TAXOSERVER_INSTANCE_ID'), ExtraWehereClause)) for lstitem in lst: # lstitem['tree']=PackTreeTxt(lstitem['tree']) #evite les problèmes de safe if lstitem['parent_id'] is None: lstitem['parent_id'] = "" # nbrtaxon=GetAll("select count(*) from taxonomy")[0][0] # return render_template('browsetaxo.html',lst=lst,nbrtaxon=nbrtaxon) return PrintInCharte( render_template('taxonomy/browse.html', lst=lst, BackProjectBtn=BackProjectBtn))
def dbadmin_viewsizes(): g.headcenter = "Database objects size (public schema only)<br><a href=/admin/>Back to admin home</a>" sql = """SELECT c.relname, c.relkind, CASE WHEN c.relkind='i' THEN c2.tablename ELSE c.relname END fromtable,pg_relation_size(('"' || c.relname || '"')::regclass)/(1024*1024) szMB FROM pg_namespace ns, pg_class c LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_indexes c2 ON c.relname = c2.indexname WHERE c.relnamespace = ns.oid AND ns.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r' ,'i') ORDER BY c.relkind DESC, pg_relation_size(('"' || c.relname || '"')::regclass) DESC """ res = GetAll(sql) #,debug=True txt = """<table class='table table-bordered table-condensed table-hover' style="width:500px;"> <tr><th width=200>Object</td><th witdth=200>Table</td><th width=100>Size (Mb)</td></tr>""" for r in res: txt += """<tr><td>{0}</td> <td>{2}</td> <td>{3}</td> </tr>""".format(*r) txt += "</table>" return PrintInCharte(txt)
def part_prj(): params={} sql="""select pprojid,ptitle,up.ownerid,,,rawfolder,instrumtype,ep.title ,(select count(*) from part_samples where pprojid=up.pprojid) samplecount from part_projects up left JOIN projects ep on up.projid=ep.projid LEFT JOIN users u on """ sql += " where 1=1 " if not current_user.has_role(database.AdministratorLabel): sql+=" and ownerid=%d"%(,) if gvg('filt_title','')!='': sql +=" and ( up.ptitle ilike '%%'||%(title)s ||'%%' or to_char(up.pprojid,'999999') like '%%'||%(title)s or ep.title ilike '%%'||%(title)s ||'%%' or to_char(ep.projid,'999999') like '%%'||%(title)s) " params['title']=gvg('filt_title') if gvg('filt_instrum','')!='': sql +=" and up.instrumtype ilike '%%'||%(filt_instrum)s ||'%%' " params['filt_instrum']=gvg('filt_instrum') sql+=" order by lower(ep.title),lower(ptitle)" res = GetAll(sql,params) #,debug=True #"res=%s",res) CanCreate=False if current_user.has_role(database.AdministratorLabel) or current_user.has_role(database.ProjectCreatorLabel): CanCreate=True g.headcenter = "<h4>Particle Projects management</h4><a href='/part/'>Particle Module Home</a>" return PrintInCharte( render_template('part/list.html', PrjList=res, CanCreate=CanCreate, AppManagerMailto=appli.GetAppManagerMailto() , filt_title=gvg('filt_title'), filt_subset=gvg('filt_subset'), filt_instrum=gvg('filt_instrum')))
def QuestionProcess(self): txt = "<h1>Test Task</h1>" if self.task.taskstep == 0: txt += "<h3>Task Creation</h3>" if gvp('starttask') == "Y": for k, v in self.param.__dict__.items(): setattr(self.param, k, gvp(k)) # Verifier la coherence des données if (len(self.param.InData) < 5): flash("Champ In Data trop court", "error") else: return self.StartTask(self.param) return render_template('task/testcreate.html', header=txt, data=self.param) if self.task.taskstep == 1: txt += "<h3>Task Question 1</h3>" if gvp('starttask') == "Y": self.param.InData2 = gvp("InData2") # Verifier la coherence des données if (len(self.param.InData2) < 5): flash("Champ In Data 2 trop court", "error") else: return self.StartTask(self.param, step=2) return render_template('task/testquestion1.html', header=txt, data=self.param) return PrintInCharte(txt)
def admin_edithomemessage(): g.headcenter = "Edit home page message<br><a href='/admin/'>Back to admin home</a>" txt = "<script src='//'></script>" message = "" NomFichier = 'appli/static/home/appmanagermsg.html' if gvp("msg", None) is not None: with open(NomFichier, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as f: f.write(gvp("msg")) if os.path.exists(NomFichier): with open(NomFichier, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: message = txt += """<form action=? method=post> Enter bellow the message you want display : <button type=button class='btn btn-default btn-sm' onclick='EnableCK()'>Enable HTML Editor</button><br> <textarea name=msg style='width:1000px;height:200px;'>{0}</textarea> <br><button type=submit class='btn btn-primary'>Save</button> </form> <script> function EnableCK() {{ CKEDITOR.replace( 'msg' ); }} </script> """.format(message) return PrintInCharte(txt)
def part_sampleedit(psampleid): model = partdatabase.part_samples.query.filter_by( psampleid=psampleid).first() form = UvpSampleForm(request.form, model) if gvp('delete') == 'Y': delete_sample(psampleid) return redirect("/part/prj/" + str(model.pprojid)) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): for k, v in setattr(model, k, v) db.session.commit() if gvp('forcerecalc') == 'Y': appli.part.prj.ComputeHistoDet(model.psampleid, model.project.instrumtype) appli.part.prj.ComputeHistoRed(model.psampleid, model.project.instrumtype) appli.part.prj.ComputeZooMatch(model.psampleid, model.project.projid) flash("Histograms have been recomputed", "success") return redirect("/part/prj/" + str(model.pprojid)) return PrintInCharte( render_template("part/sampleedit.html", form=form, prjid=model.pprojid, psampleid=model.psampleid))
def dbadmin_console(): sql = gvp("sql") if len( request.form ) > 0 and request.referrer != request.url: # si post doit venir de cette page return PrintInCharte("Invalid referer") g.headcenter = "<font color=red style='font-size:18px;'>Warning : This screen must be used only by experts</font><br><a href=/admin/>Back to admin home</a>" txt = "<form method=post>SQL : <textarea name=sql rows=15 cols=100>%s</textarea><br>" % escape( sql) txt += """<input type=submit class='btn btn-primary' name=doselect value='Execute Select'> <input type=submit class='btn btn-primary' name=dodml value='Execute DML'> Note : For DML ; can be used, but only the result of the last query displayed </form>""" if gvp("doselect"): txt += "<br>Select Result :" cur = db.engine.raw_connection().cursor() try: cur.execute(sql) txt += "<table class='table table-condensed table-bordered'>" for c in cur.description: txt += "<td>%s</td>" % c[0] for r in cur: s = "<tr>" for c in r: s += "<td>%s</td>" % c txt += s + "</tr>" txt += "</table>" except Exception as e: txt += "<br>Error = %s" % e cur.connection.rollback() finally: cur.close() if gvp("dodml"): txt += "<br>DML Result :" cur = db.engine.raw_connection().cursor() try: cur.execute(sql) txt += "%s rows impacted" % cur.rowcount cur.connection.commit() except Exception as e: txt += "<br>Error = %s" % e cur.connection.rollback() finally: cur.close() return PrintInCharte(txt)
def part_prjcalc(PrjId): Prj = partdatabase.part_projects.query.filter_by(pprojid=PrjId).first() if Prj.ownerid! and not current_user.has_role(database.AdministratorLabel): return PrintInCharte(ErrorFormat("Access Denied")) txt="" CheckedSampleList=[] for f in request.form: if f[0:2] == "s_" and request.form.get(f)=='Y': CheckedSampleList.append(int(f[2:]))"request.form=%s", request.form)"CheckedSampleList=%s", CheckedSampleList)"dohistodet=%s,domatchecotaxa=%s,dohistotaxo=%s", gvp('dohistodet'), gvp('domatchecotaxa'), gvp('dohistotaxo')) dbsample = database.GetAll("""select profileid,psampleid,filename,sampleid,histobrutavailable ,(select count(*) from part_histopart_det where psampleid=s.psampleid) nbrlinedet from part_samples s where pprojid=%s and psampleid = any (%s)""" , (PrjId,CheckedSampleList)) for S in dbsample: prefix="<br>{profileid} :".format(**S) if gvp('delete') == 'Y': sampleedit.delete_sample(S['psampleid']) txt += prefix + " deleted" continue if gvp('dohistodet')=='Y': txt += prefix + ComputeHistoDet(S['psampleid'], Prj.instrumtype) if gvp('dohistored')=='Y': txt += prefix + ComputeHistoRed(S['psampleid'], Prj.instrumtype) if gvp('domatchecotaxa') == 'Y': txt += prefix +ComputeZooMatch(S['psampleid'],Prj.projid) if gvp('dohistotaxo') == 'Y': txt += prefix + ComputeZooHisto(S['psampleid']) # try: # uvp_sample_import.GenerateTaxonomyHistogram(S['psampleid']) # txt += prefix + " Taxonomy Histogram computed" # except Exception as E: # txt += prefix + " <span style='color: red;'>Taxonomy Histogram can't be computed : %s </span>"%(E) if gvp('doctdimport') == 'Y': if common_import.ImportCTD(S['psampleid'],, txt += prefix + " CTD imported" else: txt += prefix + " <span style='color: red;'>CTD No file</span>" # # txt+="CheckedSampleList=%s"%(CheckedSampleList) # txt+="<br>dbsample = %s"%(dbsample) txt += "<br><br><a href=/part/prj/%s class='btn btn-primary'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left'></span> Back to project samples list</a>"%PrjId return PrintInCharte(txt)
def ShowCustomDetails(self): txt = "<h3>Import Task details view</h3>" txt = "<p><u>Used mapping, usable for next import</u></p>" taxo = database.GetAssoc2Col( "select id,name from taxonomy where id = any(%s)", (list(set(self.param.TaxoFound.values())), )) for k, v in self.param.TaxoFound.items(): if v in taxo: txt += "{0}={1}<br>".format(k, taxo[v]) return PrintInCharte(txt)
def TaskMonitor(TaskID): AddTaskSummaryForTemplate() try: task = LoadTask(TaskID) ProjectID = getattr(task.param, 'ProjectId', None) if ProjectID: Prj = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=ProjectID).first() g.headcenter = "<h4>Project : <a href='/prj/{0}'>{1}</a></h4>".format( Prj.projid, XSSEscape(Prj.title)) return render_template('task/monitor.html', except: return PrintInCharte( "This task doesn't exists anymore, peraphs it was automaticaly purged" )
def TaskClean(TaskID): AddTaskSummaryForTemplate() if gvg('thengotoproject') == 'Y': task = LoadTask(TaskID) ProjectID = getattr(task.param, 'ProjectId', None) else: ProjectID = '' Msg = DoTaskClean(TaskID) Msg += '<br><a href="/Task/listall"><span class="label label-info"> Back to Task List</span></a>' if ProjectID: Msg += """"<script> window.location.href = "/prj/%s" </script>""" % (ProjectID, ) return PrintInCharte(Msg)
def QuestionProcess(self): g.headcenter = "<h3>TAXONOMY IMPORTATION</h3><a href='/admin'/>Back to admin home</a>" txt = "<h1>Taxonomy Text File Importation Task</h1>" errors = [] if self.task.taskstep == 0: # txt+="<h3>Task Creation</h3>" if not current_user.has_role(database.AdministratorLabel): return PrintInCharte( "ACCESS DENIED reserved to administrators") if gvp('starttask') == "Y": FileToSave = None FileToSaveFileName = None # Verifier la coherence des données uploadfile = request.files.get("uploadfile") if uploadfile is not None and uploadfile.filename != '': # import d'un fichier par HTTP FileToSave = uploadfile # La copie est faite plus tard, car à ce moment là, le repertoire de la tache n'est pas encore créé FileToSaveFileName = "uploaded.txt" self.param.InData = "uploaded.txt" else: errors.append("txt file is missing") if len(errors) > 0: for e in errors: flash(e, "error") else: return self.StartTask( self.param, FileToSave=FileToSave, FileToSaveFileName=FileToSaveFileName) else: # valeurs par default pass return render_template('task/taxoimport_create.html', header=txt, data=self.param, ServerPath=gvp("ServerPath"), TxtTaxoMap=gvp("TxtTaxoMap")) return PrintInCharte(txt)
def dbadmin_viewtaxoerror(): g.headcenter="Database Taxonomy errors<br><a href=/admin/>Back to admin home</a>" sql="""Select 'Missing parent' reason,,t.parent_id,,t.id_source from taxonomy t where parent_id not in (select id from taxonomy); """ cur = db.engine.raw_connection().cursor() try: txt="<table class='table table-bordered table-condensed table-hover'>" cur.execute(sql) txt+="<tr><td>"+("</td><td>".join([x[0] for x in cur.description]))+"</td></tr>" for r in cur: txt+="<tr><td>"+("</td><td>".join([str(x) for x in r]))+"</td></tr>" txt+="</table>" finally: cur.close() return PrintInCharte(txt)
def dbadmin_merge2taxon(): if gvg("src","")=="" or gvg("dest","")=="": txt="Select source Taxon (will be deleted after merge) :" txt+="<br>Select Target Taxon :" return render_template('search/merge2taxo.html') TaxoSrc=database.Taxonomy.query.filter_by(id=int(gvg("src",""))).first() TaxoDest=database.Taxonomy.query.filter_by(id=int(gvg("dest",""))).first() N1=ExecSQL("update obj_head set classif_id=%(dest)s where classif_id=%(src)s",{"src","dest"}) N2=ExecSQL("update obj_head set classif_auto_id=%(dest)s where classif_auto_id=%(src)s",{"src","dest"}) N3=ExecSQL("update objectsclassifhisto set classif_id=%(dest)s where classif_id=%(src)s",{"src","dest"}) N4=ExecSQL("update taxonomy set parent_id=%(dest)s where parent_id=%(src)s",{"src","dest"}) N5=ExecSQL("delete from taxonomy where id=%(src)s",{"src","dest"}) return PrintInCharte("""Merge of '%s' in '%s' done <br>%d Objects Manuel classification updated <br>%d Objects Automatic classification updated <br>%d Objects classification historical updated <br>%d Taxonomy child updated <br>%d Taxonomy Node deleted """%(,,N1,N2,N3,N4,N5))
def index(): txt = """<div style='margin:5px;'><div id="homeText"'>""" #lecture du message de l'application manager NomFichier = 'appli/static/home/appmanagermsg.html' if os.path.exists(NomFichier): with open(NomFichier, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: message = if len(message) > 5: txt += """ <div class="alert alert-warning alert-dismissable" role="alert"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button> <p><strong>Message from the application manager</strong></p>{0} </div> """.format(message) # Lecture de la partie Haute NomFichier = 'appli/static/home/home.html' if not os.path.exists(NomFichier): NomFichier = 'appli/static/home/home-model.html' with open(NomFichier, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: txt += txt += """ </div> <div class="row" id="homeSelectors" style="margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <a href="/explore/" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block">Explore images</a> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> <a href="/prj/" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block">Contribute to a project</a> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> <a href="/part/" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block">Particle module</a> </div> </div> """ NomFichier = 'appli/static/home/homebottom.html' if not os.path.exists(NomFichier): NomFichier = 'appli/static/home/homebottom-model.html' txt += """<div class="row" id="homeLegal"><div class="col-sm-12">""" with open(NomFichier, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: txt += txt += """<br><a href='/privacy'>Privacy</a></div></div></div>""" return PrintInCharte(txt)
def QuestionProcess(self): txt = "<h1>Taxonomy Import Task</h1>" if self.task.taskstep == 0: txt += "<h3>Task Creation</h3>" if gvp('starttask') == "Y": for k, v in self.param.__dict__.items(): setattr(self.param, k, gvp(k)) if len( < 7: flash("Host Field Too short", "error") elif len(self.param.port) < 2: flash("Port Field Too short", "error") elif len(self.param.database) < 2: flash("database Field Too short", "error") else: return self.StartTask(self.param) return render_template('task/taxosynccreate.html', header=txt, data=self.param) return PrintInCharte(txt)
def index(): txt = """<div style='margin:5px;'><div id="homeText"'>""" #lecture du message de l'application manager NomFichier = 'appli/static/home/appmanagermsg.html' if os.path.exists(NomFichier): with open(NomFichier, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: message = if len(message) > 5: txt += """ <div class="alert alert-warning alert-dismissable" role="alert"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button> <p><strong>Message from the application manager</strong></p>{0} </div> """.format(message) # Lecture de la partie Haute NomFichier = 'appli/static/home/home.html' if not os.path.exists(NomFichier): NomFichier = 'appli/static/home/home-model.html' with open(NomFichier, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: txt += # txt+="""<br><a href='/privacy'>Privacy</a></div></div></div>""" return PrintInCharte(txt)
def indexPart(): class FiltForm(Form): filt_proj = SelectMultipleField(choices=[['', '']] + database.GetAll( "SELECT projid,concat(title,' (',cast(projid AS VARCHAR),')') FROM projects where projid in (select projid from part_projects) ORDER BY lower(title)" )) filt_uproj = SelectMultipleField(choices=[['', '']] + database.GetAll( "SELECT pprojid,concat(ptitle,' (',cast(pprojid AS VARCHAR),')') FROM part_projects ORDER BY lower(ptitle)" )) gpr = SelectMultipleField( choices=[("cl%d" % i, "# l-1 %02d : " % i + GetClassLimitTxt(PartRedClassLimit, i)) for i in range(1, 16)] + [("bv%d" % i, "BV %02d : " % i + GetClassLimitTxt(PartRedClassLimit, i)) for i in range(1, 16)]) gpd = SelectMultipleField( choices=[("cl%d" % i, "# l-1 %02d : " % i + GetClassLimitTxt(PartDetClassLimit, i)) for i in range(1, 46)] + [("bv%d" % i, "BV %02d : " % i + GetClassLimitTxt(PartDetClassLimit, i)) for i in range(1, 46)]) ctd = SelectMultipleField( choices=sorted([(k, v) for v, k in CTDFixedCol.items()], key=operator.itemgetter(1))) filt_proftype = SelectField( choices=[['', 'All'], ['V', 'Vertical'], ['H', 'Horizontal']]) filt_data = request.args form = FiltForm(filt_data) g.headcenter = """<h1 style='text-align: center;cursor: pointer;' > <span onclick="$('#particleinfodiv').toggle()"><b>PARTICLE</b> module <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign'></span> </span> <a href='/' style='font-size:medium;margin-left: 50px;'>Go to Ecotaxa</a></h2>""" g.useselect4 = True return PrintInCharte( render_template('part/index.html', form=form, LocalGIS=app.config.get("LOCALGIS", False), reqfields=request.args))
def TaskShow(TaskID): AddTaskSummaryForTemplate() try: task = LoadTask(TaskID) except: return PrintInCharte( "This task doesn't exists anymore, peraphs it was automaticaly purged" ) txt = "" if gvg('log') == "Y": WorkingDir = task.GetWorkingDir() # app.send_static_file(os.path.join(WorkingDir,"TaskLog.txt")) return flask.send_from_directory(WorkingDir, "TaskLog.txt") if gvg('CustomDetails') == "Y": return task.ShowCustomDetails() if "GetResultFile" in dir(task): f = task.GetResultFile() if f is None: txt += "Error, final file not available" else: txt += "<a href='/Task/GetFile/%d/%s' class='btn btn-primary btn-sm ' role='button'>Get file %s</a>" % ( TaskID, f, f) CustomDetailsAvail = "ShowCustomDetails" in dir(task) try: decodedsteperrors = json.loads(task.task.inputparam).get("steperrors") except: decodedsteperrors = ["Task Decoding Error"] ProjectID = getattr(task.param, 'ProjectId', None) if ProjectID: Prj = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=ProjectID).first() g.headcenter = "<h4>Project : <a href='/prj/{0}'>{1}</a></h4>".format( Prj.projid, XSSEscape(Prj.title)) return render_template('task/show.html', task=task.task, steperror=decodedsteperrors, CustomDetailsAvail=CustomDetailsAvail, extratext=txt)
def QuestionProcess(self): ServerRoot = Path(app.config['SERVERLOADAREA']) txt = "<h1>Text File Importation Task</h1>" errors = [] if self.task.taskstep == 0: txt += "<h3>Task Creation</h3>" Prj = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=gvg("p")).first() g.prjtitle = Prj.title g.prjprojid = Prj.projid g.prjmanagermailto = Prj.GetFirstManagerMailto() txt = "" if Prj.CheckRight(2) == False: return PrintInCharte("ACCESS DENIED for this project") if gvp('starttask') == "Y": FileToSave = None FileToSaveFileName = None self.param.ProjectId = gvg("p") self.param.updateclassif = gvp("updateclassif") TaxoMap = {} for l in gvp('TxtTaxoMap').splitlines(): ls = l.split('=', 1) if len(ls) != 2: errors.append( "Taxonomy Mapping : Invalid format for line %s" % (l)) else: TaxoMap[ls[0].strip().lower()] = ls[1].strip().lower() # Verifier la coherence des données uploadfile = request.files.get("uploadfile") if uploadfile is not None and uploadfile.filename != '': # import d'un fichier par HTTP FileToSave = uploadfile # La copie est faite plus tard, car à ce moment là, le repertoire de la tache n'est pas encore créé FileToSaveFileName = "" self.param.InData = "" elif len(gvp("ServerPath")) < 2: errors.append("Input Folder/File Too Short") else: sp = ServerRoot.joinpath(Path(gvp("ServerPath"))) if not sp.exists(): #verifie que le repertoire existe errors.append("Input Folder/File Invalid") else: self.param.InData = sp.as_posix() if len(errors) > 0: for e in errors: flash(e, "error") else: self.param.TaxoMap = TaxoMap # on stocke le dictionnaire et pas la chaine return self.StartTask( self.param, FileToSave=FileToSave, FileToSaveFileName=FileToSaveFileName) else: # valeurs par default self.param.ProjectId = gvg("p") return render_template('task/importupdate_create.html', header=txt, data=self.param, ServerPath=gvp("ServerPath"), TxtTaxoMap=gvp("TxtTaxoMap")) if self.task.taskstep == 1: PrjId = self.param.ProjectId Prj = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=PrjId).first() g.prjtitle = Prj.title g.appmanagermailto = GetAppManagerMailto() # self.param.TaxoFound['agreia pratensis']=None #Pour TEST A EFFACER NotFoundTaxo = [ k for k, v in self.param.TaxoFound.items() if v == None ] NotFoundUsers = [ k for k, v in self.param.UserFound.items() if v.get('id') == None ]"Pending Taxo Not Found = %s", NotFoundTaxo)"Pending Users Not Found = %s", NotFoundUsers) if gvp('starttask') == "Y":"Form Data = %s", request.form) for i in range(1, 1 + len(NotFoundTaxo)): orig = gvp( "orig%d" % (i) ) #Le nom original est dans origXX et la nouvelle valeur dans taxolbXX newvalue = gvp("taxolb%d" % (i)) if orig in NotFoundTaxo and newvalue != "": t = database.Taxonomy.query.filter( == int(newvalue)).first() + " associated to " + self.param.TaxoFound[orig] = else: errors.append( "Taxonomy Manual Mapping : Invalid value '%s' for '%s'" % (newvalue, orig)) for i in range(1, 1 + len(NotFoundUsers)): orig = gvp( "origuser%d" % (i) ) #Le nom original est dans origXX et la nouvelle valeur dans taxolbXX newvalue = gvp("userlb%d" % (i)) if orig in NotFoundUsers and newvalue != "": t = database.users.query.filter( == int(newvalue)).first()"User " + orig + " associated to " + self.param.UserFound[orig]['id'] = else: errors.append( "User Manual Mapping : Invalid value '%s' for '%s'" % (newvalue, orig))"Final Taxofound = %s", self.param.TaxoFound) self.UpdateParam() # On met à jour ce qui à été accepté # Verifier la coherence des données if len(errors) == 0: return self.StartTask(self.param, step=2) for e in errors: flash(e, "error") NotFoundTaxo = [ k for k, v in self.param.TaxoFound.items() if v == None ] NotFoundUsers = [ k for k, v in self.param.UserFound.items() if v.get('id') == None ] return render_template('task/import_question1.html', header=txt, taxo=NotFoundTaxo, users=NotFoundUsers, task=self.task) return PrintInCharte(txt)
def PrjMerge(PrjId): Prj = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=PrjId).first() if Prj is None: flash("Project doesn't exists", 'error') return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>") if not Prj.CheckRight(2): # Level 0 = Read, 1 = Annotate, 2 = Admin flash('You cannot edit settings for this project', 'error') return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>") g.headcenter = "<h4><a href='/prj/{0}'>{1}</a></h4>".format( Prj.projid, XSSEscape(Prj.title)) txt = "<h3>Project Merge / Fusion </h3>" if not gvg('src'): txt += """<ul><li>You are allowed to merge projects that you are allowed to manage <li>User privileges from both projects will be added <li>This tool allow to merge two projects in a single projet (called Current project). The added project will then be automatically deleted. If object data are not consistent between both projects : <ul><li>New data fields are added to the Current project <li>The resulting project will thus contain partially documented datafields. </ul><li>Note : Next screen will indicate compatibility issues (if exists) and allow you to Confirm the merging operation. </ul> """ sql = "select p.projid,title,status,coalesce(objcount,0) objcount,coalesce(pctvalidated,0) pctvalidated,coalesce(pctclassified,0) pctclassified from projects p" if not current_user.has_role(database.AdministratorLabel): sql += " Join projectspriv pp on p.projid = pp.projid and pp.member=%d" % (, ) sql += " where p.projid!=%d order by title" % Prj.projid res = GetAll(sql, doXSSEscape=True) #,debug=True txt += """<table class='table table-bordered table-hover table-verycondensed'> <tr><th width=120>ID</td><th>Title</td><th width=100>Status</th><th width=100>Nbr Obj</th> <th width=100>% Validated</th><th width=100>% Classified</th></tr>""" for r in res: txt += """<tr><td><a class="btn btn-primary" href='/prj/merge/{activeproject}?src={projid}'>Select</a> {projid}</td> <td>{title}</td> <td>{status}</td> <td>{objcount:0.0f}</td> <td>{pctvalidated:0.2f}</td> <td>{pctclassified:0.2f}</td> </tr>""".format(activeproject=Prj.projid, **r) txt += "</table>" return PrintInCharte(txt) PrjSrc = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=int(gvg('src'))).first() if PrjSrc is None: flash("Source project doesn't exists", 'error') return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>") if not PrjSrc.CheckRight(2): # Level 0 = Read, 1 = Annotate, 2 = Admin flash('You cannot merge for this project', 'error') return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>") txt += """<h4>Source Project : {0} - {1} (This project will be destroyed)</h4> """.format(PrjSrc.projid, XSSEscape(PrjSrc.title)) if not gvg('merge'): # Ici la src à été choisie et vérifiée if PrjSrc.mappingobj != Prj.mappingobj: flash("Object mapping differ With source project ", "warning") if PrjSrc.mappingsample != Prj.mappingsample: flash("Sample mapping differ With source project ", "warning") if PrjSrc.mappingacq != Prj.mappingacq: flash("Acquisition mapping differ With source project ", "warning") if PrjSrc.mappingprocess != Prj.mappingprocess: flash("Process mapping differ With source project ", "warning") txt += FormatError( """ <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign'></span> Warning project {1} - {2}<br> Will be destroyed, its content will be transfered in the target project.<br> This operation is irreversible</p> <br><a class='btn btn-lg btn-warning' href='/prj/merge/{0}?src={1}&merge=Y'>Start Project Fusion</a> """, Prj.projid, PrjSrc.projid, XSSEscape(PrjSrc.title), DoNotEscape=True) return PrintInCharte(txt) if gvg('merge') == 'Y': ExecSQL("update acquisitions set projid={0} where projid={1}".format( Prj.projid, PrjSrc.projid)) ExecSQL("update process set projid={0} where projid={1}".format( Prj.projid, PrjSrc.projid)) ExecSQL("update samples set projid={0} where projid={1}".format( Prj.projid, PrjSrc.projid)) ExecSQL("update obj_head set projid={0} where projid={1}".format( Prj.projid, PrjSrc.projid)) ExecSQL("update part_projects set projid={0} where projid={1}".format( Prj.projid, PrjSrc.projid)) # garde le privilege le plus elevé des 2 projets ExecSQL("""UPDATE projectspriv ppdst set privilege=case when 'Manage' in (ppsrc.privilege,ppdst.privilege) then 'Manage' when 'Annotate' in (ppsrc.privilege,ppdst.privilege) then 'Annotate' else 'View' end from projectspriv ppsrc where ppsrc.projid={1} and ppdst.projid={0} and ppsrc.member=ppdst.member""" .format(Prj.projid, PrjSrc.projid), debug=True) # Transfere les privilege depuis le projet source ExecSQL("""update projectspriv set projid={0} where projid={1} and member not in (select member from projectspriv where projid={0})""" .format(Prj.projid, PrjSrc.projid)) # Efface ceux qui etait des 2 cotés ExecSQL("delete from projectspriv where projid={0}".format( PrjSrc.projid)) ExecSQL("delete from projects where projid={0}".format(PrjSrc.projid)) appli.project.main.RecalcProjectTaxoStat(Prj.projid) appli.project.main.UpdateProjectStat(Prj.projid) txt += "<div class='alert alert-success' role='alert'>Fusion Done successfully</div>" txt += "<br><a class='btn btn-lg btn-primary' href='/prj/%s'>Back to target project</a>" % Prj.projid return PrintInCharte(txt)
def doimporttext(): # test avec D:\temp\Downloads\taxoexport_20181228_101007.tsv txt="" uploadfile = request.files.get("uploadfile") if uploadfile is None: return PrintInCharte(FormatError("You must send a file")) Desctxt="{0} on {1:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} ".format(uploadfile.filename,'Load file {} by {}'.format(uploadfile.filename,current_user)) #creation d'un fichier temporaire qui s'efface automatiquement tmpfile =tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+b') #'TMP file is {}'.format( # on copie le contenu dedants # on se remet au debut fichier= TextIOWrapper(tmpfile, encoding = 'latin_1', errors = 'replace') # conversion du format binaire au format texte"Analyzing file %s" % (fichier)) # lecture en mode dictionnaire basé sur la premiere ligne rdr = csv.reader(fichier, delimiter='\t', quotechar='"', ) # lecture la la ligne des titre LType = rdr.__next__() # Lecture du contenu du fichier RowCount = 0 ExecSQL("truncate table temp_taxo") sqlinsert = "INSERT INTO temp_taxo(idparent,idtaxo,name,status,typetaxo) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" for lig in rdr: if lig[0].strip() == '': # Ligne vide continue database.ExecSQL(sqlinsert, ( lig[0].strip(), lig[1].strip(), lig[2].replace('+', ' ').replace('_', ' ').strip(), lig[3].strip(), lig[4].strip())) if RowCount > 0 and RowCount % 1000 == 0:"Inserted %s lines" % RowCount) RowCount += 1"count=%d" % RowCount) # # if len(UpdatedTaxon)>0: # ComputeDisplayName(UpdatedTaxon) txt+="<p style='color: green'> %s taxon loaded </p> "%(RowCount) # MAJ des IDFinal dans la table temp pour tout ce qui existe. n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE temp_taxo tt set from taxonomy tf where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo or (lower( and tf.id_source is null)""")"%d Nodes already exists " % n) TSVal="to_timestamp('{}','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) TSUpdate="lastupdate_datetime="+TSVal # insertion des nouveaux noeud racines n = ExecSQL("""INSERT INTO taxonomy (id, parent_id, name, id_source,lastupdate_datetime,source_desc) select nextval('seq_taxonomy'),NULL,,t.idtaxo,{} ,%s from temp_taxo t where idparent='-1' and idfinal is null and status='1'""".format(TSVal),["Created by "+Desctxt])"Inserted %d Root Nodes" % n) # MAJ de la table import existante n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE temp_taxo tt set from taxonomy tf where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo and tt.idfinal is null and idparent='-1'""")"Updated %d inserted Root Nodes" % n) while True: # insertion des nouveaux noeud enfants à partir des parents deja insérés # n=ExecSQL("""INSERT INTO taxonomy (id, parent_id, name, id_source) # select nextval('seq_taxonomy'),ttp.idfinal,,tt.idtaxo from temp_taxo tt join temp_taxo ttp on tt.idparent=ttp.idtaxo # where tt.idfinal is null and ttp.idfinal is not null and status='1'""") n = ExecSQL("""INSERT INTO taxonomy (id, parent_id, name, id_source,taxotype,lastupdate_datetime,source_desc) select nextval('seq_taxonomy'),,,tt.idtaxo,case when lower(tt.typetaxo)='taxa' then 'P' else 'M' end,{},%s from temp_taxo tt join taxonomy ttp on tt.idparent=ttp.id_source where tt.idfinal is null and status='1'""".format(TSVal),["Created by "+Desctxt]) if n == 0:"No more data to import") break else:"Inserted %d Child Nodes" % n) # MAJ de la table import existante n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE temp_taxo tt set from taxonomy tf where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo and tt.idfinal is null """)"Updated %d inserted Child Nodes" % n) n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE taxonomy tf set,{},taxotype=case when lower(tt.typetaxo)='taxa' then 'P' else 'M' end ,source_desc=%s from temp_taxo tt where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo and tt.status='1' and (! or tf.taxotype!=case when lower(tt.typetaxo)='taxa' then 'P' else 'M' end ) """.format(TSUpdate),["Updated by "+Desctxt])"Updated %d Nodes names" % n) n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE taxonomy tfu set parent_id=sq.idfinal,{},source_desc=%s from (select, ttp.idfinal from taxonomy tf ,temp_taxo tt LEFT JOIN temp_taxo ttp on tt.idparent=ttp.idtaxo where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo and tt.status='1' and coalesce(tf.parent_id,-1)!=coalesce(ttp.idfinal,-1) and (ttp.idfinal is not null or tt.idparent='-1' )) sq where""".format(TSUpdate),["Updated by "+Desctxt])"Updated %d Nodes Parents" % n) # while True: # n = ExecSQL("""delete from taxonomy t # using temp_taxo tt # where and tt.status='0' # and not exists (select 1 from taxonomy where ) # and not exists (select 1 from objects where or""") # if n == 0: #"No more data to delete") # break # else: #"Deleted %d Nodes" % n) # Lst = GetAll("""select from taxonomy t,temp_taxo tt # where and tt.status='0' # and (exists (select 1 from taxonomy where ) # or exists (select 1 from objects where or""") # for r in Lst: #"Can't Delete '%s' because it's used " % r[0]) txt+="<br><a href='/browsetaxo/' class='btn btn-primary'><i class='fas fa-arrow-left'></i> Back to taxonomy</a>" LstId=[x['idfinal'] for x in GetAll("select idfinal from temp_taxo where idfinal is not null")] ComputeDisplayName(LstId)"Updated Display name" ) # if len(Errors): # txt += "<p style='color: red'> %s errors <ul> " % (len(Errors)) # txt += "\n".join("<li>%s</li>"%x for x in Errors) # txt += "</ul></p> " g.bodydivmargin="10px" return PrintInCharte(txt)
def doimportmassupdate(): # test avec D:\temp\Downloads\taxoexport_20181228_101007.tsv txt = "" uploadfile = request.files.get("fichier") if uploadfile is None: return PrintInCharte(FormatError("You must send a file"))'Load file {} by {}'.format(uploadfile.filename, current_user)) #creation d'un fichier temporaire qui s'efface automatiquement tmpfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+b') #'TMP file is {}'.format( # on copie le contenu dedants # on se remet au debut f = TextIOWrapper( tmpfile, encoding='ascii', errors='replace') # conversion du format binaire au format texte rdr = csv.DictReader( f, delimiter='\t', quotechar='"', ) # ouverture sous forme de reader dictionnaire champs = rdr.fieldnames"Loading file with this columns : %s" % str(champs)) if 'id' not in champs: return PrintInCharte(FormatError("A column named 'id' is required")) IdList = {x['id'] for x in database.GetAll("select id from taxonomy")} InstanceList = { x['id'] for x in database.GetAll("select id from ecotaxainst") } rowcount = 0 Errors = [] UpdatedTaxon = [] UpdatableCols = [ 'parent_id', 'name', 'taxotype', 'taxostatus', 'id_source', 'source_url', 'source_desc', 'creator_email', 'creation_datetime', 'id_instance', 'rename_to' ] # 'lastupdate_datetime', 'display_name', for r in rdr: rowcount += 1 id = int(r['id']) taxon = database.Taxonomy.query.filter_by(id=id).first() if taxon is None: Errors.append("id {} does not exists in the database".format(id)) continue valueschanged = False SkipRow = False for c in champs: if c in UpdatableCols: oldvalue = str(ntcv(getattr(taxon, c))).replace('\r', '') newvalue = r[c].replace("\\n", "\n").strip() if c in ('parent_id', 'rename_to') and newvalue != '': if int(newvalue) not in IdList: Errors.append( "id {} : {} {} does not exists in the database". format(id, c, newvalue)) SkipRow = True continue if c == 'taxotype': if newvalue not in ('P', 'M'): Errors.append("id {} : Invalid taxotype {} ".format( id, newvalue)) SkipRow = True continue if c == 'taxostatus': if newvalue not in database.TaxoStatus: Errors.append("id {} : Invalid status {} ".format( id, newvalue)) SkipRow = True continue if c == 'id_instance' and newvalue != '': if int(newvalue) not in InstanceList: Errors.append( "id {} : {} is not a valid instance id".format( id, newvalue)) SkipRow = True continue if oldvalue != newvalue: valueschanged = True setattr(taxon, c, newvalue)"id {} : update {} to {}".format( id, oldvalue, newvalue)) if SkipRow: continue if valueschanged: # db.session.add(taxon) UpdatedTaxon.append(id) taxon.lastupdate_datetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() db.session.commit() # if len(UpdatedTaxon) > 0: ComputeDisplayName(UpdatedTaxon) txt += "<p style='color: green'> %s taxon updated </p> " % ( len(UpdatedTaxon)) if len(Errors): txt += "<p style='color: red'> %s errors <ul> " % (len(Errors)) txt += "\n".join("<li>%s</li>" % x for x in Errors) txt += "</ul></p> " txt += "<a href='/browsetaxo/' class='btn btn-primary'><i class='fas fa-arrow-left'></i> Back to Browse Taxonomy</a>" g.bodydivmargin = "10px" return PrintInCharte(txt)
def QuestionProcess(self): ServerRoot = Path(app.config['SERVERLOADAREA']) txt = "<h1>Particle ZooScan folder Importation Task</h1>" errors = [] txt += "<h3>Task Creation</h3>" Prj = partdatabase.part_projects.query.filter_by( pprojid=gvg("p")).first() if Prj is None: return PrintInCharte(ErrorFormat("This project doesn't exists")) if Prj.instrumtype not in LstInstrumType: return PrintInCharte( ErrorFormat("Instrument type '%s' not in list : %s" % (Prj.instrumtype, ','.join(LstInstrumType)))) g.prjtitle = Prj.ptitle g.prjprojid = Prj.pprojid # DossierUVPPath = ServerRoot / Prj.rawfolder self.param.DossierUVP = DossierUVPPath.as_posix() txt = "" # TODO gestion sécurité # if Prj.CheckRight(2)==False: # return PrintInCharte("ACCESS DENIED for this project"); self.param.pprojid = gvg("p") DirName = m ="([^_]+)_(.*)", DirName) if m.lastindex != 2: return PrintInCharte( ErrorFormat("Le repertoire projet n'as pas un nom standard")) else: FichierHeader = DossierUVPPath / "meta" / ( + "_header_" + + ".txt") if not FichierHeader.exists(): return PrintInCharte( ErrorFormat("Le fichier header n'existe pas :"******"""select profileid,psampleid,filename,stationid,firstimage,lastimg,lastimgused,comment,histobrutavailable ,(select count(*) from part_histopart_det where psampleid=s.psampleid) nbrlinedet ,(select count(*) from part_histopart_reduit where psampleid=s.psampleid) nbrlinereduit ,(select count(*) from part_histocat where psampleid=s.psampleid) nbrlinetaxo from part_samples s where pprojid=%s""" % (self.param.pprojid)) # print("ouverture de " + FichierHeader) with open(FichierHeader.as_posix()) as FichierHeaderHandler: F = csv.DictReader(FichierHeaderHandler, delimiter=';') for r in F: r['psampleid'] = None if r['profileid'] in dbsample: r['psampleid'] = dbsample[ r['profileid']]['psampleid'] r['histobrutavailable'] = dbsample[ r['profileid']]['histobrutavailable'] r['nbrlinedet'] = dbsample[ r['profileid']]['nbrlinedet'] r['nbrlinereduit'] = dbsample[ r['profileid']]['nbrlinereduit'] r['nbrlinetaxo'] = dbsample[ r['profileid']]['nbrlinetaxo'] self.param.profilelistinheader.append(r) # self.param.profilelistinheader[r['profileid']]=r # Tri par 4eme colonne, profileid self.param.profilelistinheader = sorted( self.param.profilelistinheader, key=lambda r: r['profileid']) if gvp('starttask') == "Y": self.param.ProcessOnlyMetadata = (gvp('onlymeta', 'N') == 'Y') self.param.user_name = self.param.user_email = for f in request.form: self.param.profiletoprocess[request.form.get(f)] = "Y" if len(self.param.profiletoprocess) == 0: errors.append("No sample to process selected") if len(errors) > 0: for e in errors: flash(e, "error") else: return self.StartTask(self.param) else: # valeurs par default if len(self.param.profilelistinheader) == 0: return PrintInCharte( ErrorFormat("No sample available in file %s" % (FichierHeader.as_posix()))) print("%s" % (self.param.profilelistinheader)) return render_template('task/uvpzooscanimport_create.html', header=txt, data=self.param, ServerPath=gvp("ServerPath"), TxtTaxoMap=gvp("TxtTaxoMap"))
def PrjConfusionMatrix(PrjId): sql = """select lower(case when like '% %' then else concat(,'(',,')') end ) ClassifReel ,lower(case when like '% %' then else concat(,'(',,')') end) ClassifPredict from objects o join taxonomy tp on join taxonomy tr on left join taxonomy tpp on left join taxonomy trp on where projid ={} and classif_qual='V'""".format(PrjId) DBRes = np.array(GetAll(sql)) txtbacktoproject = "<a href='/prj/%d'>Back to project</a>" % PrjId Prj = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=PrjId).first() g.headcenter = "<h4><a href='/prj/{0}'>{1}</a></h4>".format( Prj.projid, XSSEscape(Prj.title)) if len(DBRes) == 0: flash("No validated objects with prediction", 'error') return PrintInCharte(txtbacktoproject) CatTrue = DBRes[:, 0] CatPred = DBRes[:, 1] CatAll = [x for x in set(CatPred) | set(CatTrue)] CatAll.sort() cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_pred=CatPred, y_true=CatTrue) # Version Division par axe des Réel (somme horiz) SommeH = cm.sum(axis=1) SommeV = cm.sum(axis=0) SommeVNoZero = cm.sum(axis=0) SommeVNoZero[SommeVNoZero == 0] = 999999 # pour eviter les division par zéro SommeHNoZero = cm.sum(axis=1) SommeHNoZero[SommeHNoZero == 0] = 999999 # pour eviter les division par zéro TotalObj = CatPred.shape[0] D = np.diag(cm) if gvg("astsv"): t = [""] #case haut gauche vide for c in CatAll: t.append("\t%s" % c) t.append("\tNb. true\t% true\tRecall") for c, cml, s, recall in zip(CatAll, cm, SommeH, 100 * D / SommeHNoZero): t.append("\n%s" % c) for v in cml: t.append("\t%s" % v) t.append("\t%s\t%0.1f\t%0.1f" % (s, 100 * s / TotalObj, recall)) # Ajoute le total & Pct de la ligne t.append("\nNb. predicted") for s in SommeV: t.append("\t%s" % (s)) # Ajoute le total de la Colonne t.append("\n% of predicted") for s in SommeV: t.append("\t%0.1f" % (100 * s / TotalObj)) # Ajoute le % de la Colonne t.append("\nPrecision") for s in 100 * D / SommeVNoZero: t.append("\t%0.1f" % (s)) # Ajoute la precision t.append("\n") return Response("".join(t), mimetype="text/tsv", headers={ "Content-Disposition": "attachment; filename=confusionmatrix_%s.tsv" % Prj.projid }) t = [ """<style> th { vertical-align: bottom !important; background-color: #ddd } .table > tbody > tr > th.rotate { height: 140px; white-space: nowrap; } .table > tbody > tr > th.row_header{ height: 140px; white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: top !important; } th.rotate > div { transform: rotate(270deg); width: 15px; } th.row_header > div { transform: translate(0px, 200px) rotate(270deg); width: 15px; } .margin { font-style: italic; } </style> <h2>Confusion matrix - <a href='?astsv=Y' style='font-size:medium' class='btn btn-primary btn-xs'>TSV Export</a> </h2> <p>This matrix is refreshed every time you access it. For more information on confusion statistics, please see the <a href=''>very well written Wikipedia page</a>.</p> <table class='table table-bordered table-hover table-condensed' style='font-size:12px;'> <tr> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th class='column_header' colspan='1000'>Predicted category</th> </tr> <tr> <th class='row_header' rowspan='1000'><div>True category</div></th> <th> </th> """ ] # ligne titre des categorie for c in CatAll: t.append("<th class='rotate'><div>%s</div></th>" % c) t.append( "<th>Nb. true</th><th>% true</th><th><a href='' target='_blank'>Recall</a></th>" ) for c, cml, s, recall in zip(CatAll, cm, SommeH, 100 * D / SommeHNoZero): t.append("</tr><tr><th>%s</th>" % c) for v in cml: t.append("<td>%s</td>" % v) t.append( "<td class='margin'>%s</td><td class='margin'>%0.1f</td class='margin'><td>%0.1f</td>" % (s, 100 * s / TotalObj, recall)) # Ajoute le total & Pct de la ligne t.append("</tr><tr><th>Nb. predicted</th>") for s in SommeV: t.append("<td class='margin'>%s</td>" % (s)) # Ajoute le total de la Colonne t.append("</tr><tr><th>% of predicted</th>") for s in SommeV: t.append("<td class='margin'>%0.1f</td>" % (100 * s / TotalObj)) # Ajoute le % de la Colonne t.append( "</tr><tr><th><a href='' target='_blank' >Precision</a></th>" ) for s in 100 * D / SommeVNoZero: t.append("<td class='margin'>%0.1f</td>" % (s)) # Ajoute la precision t.append("</tr></table>") cm_normalized = cm.astype('float') / SommeHNoZero[:, np.newaxis] FigSize = int(SommeHNoZero.shape[0] / 3) if FigSize < 8: FigSize = 8 # 800x800 px g.Fig = plt.figure(figsize=(FigSize, FigSize), dpi=100) plot_confusion_matrix(cm_normalized, CatAll) RamImage = io.BytesIO() g.Fig.savefig(RamImage, dpi=100, format='png') t.append( "<h3>Confusion matrix divided by sum of lines</h3><p>The diagonal contains the <a href='' target='_blank'>recall</a> rate.</p><img src='data:image/png;base64,{}'/>" .format(base64.encodebytes(RamImage.getvalue()).decode())) # Version division par axe des prediction pas de div pas zero possible et permet de voir ce que c'est devenu (somme Vert.) cm_normalized = cm.astype('float') / SommeVNoZero # plt.figure(figsize=(8,8), dpi=100) # 800x800 px g.Fig.clf() plot_confusion_matrix(cm_normalized, CatAll) RamImage = io.BytesIO() g.Fig.savefig(RamImage, dpi=100, format='png') t.append( "<h3>Confusion matrix divided by sum of columns</h3><p>The diagonal contains the <a href='' target='_blank'>precision</a> rate.</p><img src='data:image/png;base64,{}'/>" .format(base64.encodebytes(RamImage.getvalue()).decode())) # t.append("<br>"+txtbacktoproject) return PrintInCharte("\n".join(t))
def AutoCleanManual(): return PrintInCharte(AutoClean())