Esempio n. 1
def draw_table_to_image(img, lines_snip, points_snip):
    orig_img_copy = img.copy()
    X, Y = [], []
    min_coords = None
        for l in lines_snip:
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = l
            cv2.line(orig_img_copy, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 0), 3)

        # Write points to output Image
        for i in points_snip:
            cx, cy = i
  , (int(cx), int(cy)), 10, (255, 255, 255),
  , (int(cx), int(cy)), 11, (0, 0, 255),
                       1)  # draw circle
            cv2.ellipse(orig_img_copy, (int(cx), int(cy)), (10, 10), 0, 0, 90,
                        (0, 0, 255), -1)
            cv2.ellipse(orig_img_copy, (int(cx), int(cy)), (10, 10), 0, 180,
                        270, (0, 0, 255), -1)
  , (int(cx), int(cy)), 1, (0, 255, 0),
                       1)  # draw center
        x_min, y_min = min(X), min(Y)
        min_coords = (x_min, y_min)
    except Exception as e:
    return orig_img_copy, min_coords
def split_image_2_table_images(img, hor_scale, vert_scale, contour_level, file_name='file1'):

    file_name = file_name + '.png'

    mask_dotted = imageop.detect_dotted_lines(img, file_name)
    gray_image = imageop.convert_to_gray(img)
    bw = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(~gray_image, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 15, -2)

    if debug_flag:
        cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_shadow_input_' + contour_level + '.png', img)
        cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_gray_image_' + contour_level+ '.png', gray_image)
        cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_bw_' + contour_level+ '.png', bw)

    bboxs = get_all_rect_bbox(bw, hor_scale, vert_scale, contour_level, file_name)
    logger.debug('Contour Count before: '+str(len(bboxs)))

    # bboxs = remove_small_bboxs(bboxs)
    unique_table_bboxs, _ = eliminate_inner_rect_bbox_thresh(bboxs)
    if debug_flag:
        cnt = 0
        img_cpy = img.copy()
        for bbox in unique_table_bboxs:
            clr = colours[cnt % 14]
            x,y,w,h = bbox
            cv2.rectangle(img_cpy,(x,y), (x+w,y+h),clr,3)
            cnt += 1
        cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_preContours_' + contour_level + '.png', img_cpy)

    character_dim_cutoffs = []
    for box in unique_table_bboxs:
        x, y, w, h = box
        orig_img_snip = np.zeros(bw.shape, dtype = 'uint8')
        orig_img_snip[y:y + h + 1, x:x + w + 1] = bw[y:y + h + 1, x:x + w + 1]
        w_cutoff, h_cutoff = imageop.get_average_character_size(orig_img_snip)
        character_dim_cutoffs.append((w_cutoff, h_cutoff))

    rois, bbox, bboxline_coords = _find_rectangle_contours_and_clean2(bw, hor_scale, vert_scale, unique_table_bboxs,
                                                                      character_dim_cutoffs,mask_dotted, contour_level,

    logger.debug('Contour Count after: '+str(len(rois)))
    if debug_flag:
        cnt = 1
        for roi in rois:
            cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_postContour_'+ contour_level + str(cnt) +'.png', roi)
            cnt += 1

    if debug_flag:
        cnt = 0
        img_cpy = img.copy()
        for bb in bbox:
            clr = colours[cnt % 14]
            x,y,w,h = bb
            cv2.rectangle(img_cpy,(x,y), (x+w,y+h),clr,3)
            cnt += 1
        cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_postContours' + contour_level + '.png', img_cpy)

    return rois, bboxline_coords, bbox
def get_image(input_dir, file):

        image = cv2.imread(input_dir + file)

    except Exception as e:
        logger.debug('Unable to extract files')

    return image
def detect_points_in_image_lines(lines):
    points_lst, new_lines_lst = [], []
    for lines in lines:
        points, new_lines = detect_points(lines)
        logger.debug('Starting Point detection for : {0}'.format(lines))
    points = points_lst
    lines = new_lines_lst
    return points, lines
def detect_points(lines):
    logger.debug('Starting Point detection for : {0}'.format(lines))
    points = []
    new_lines = []
        points, new_lines = lineop.find_points_of_intersection_and_extend_lines(
        points = remove_adjacent_points(points)
    except Exception as e:
    return points, new_lines
def slope(line):
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0, 1, 2, 3
        if line[x2] != line[x1]:
            s = abs(line[y2] - line[y1]) / abs(line[x2] - line[x1])
            s = float('inf')
    except Exception as e:
        s = float('inf')

    return s
def _find_rectangle_contours_and_clean2(bw, hor_scale, vert_scale, bboxs, character_dim_cutoffs, mask_dotted,
    if contour_level == 'all':
        vert_scale = 55
        # vert_scale -= 20
    overlap_areas, overlap_thresh_flags, overlap_bound_rects, rect_areas_img = get_overlap_area_tables(bboxs)
    counter = 0
    tot_unique_bboxs, tot_unique_rois, tot_unique_bboxline_coords = [],[],[]
    net_img = np.zeros(bw.shape, dtype=int)
    for bbox, char_dim_cutoff in zip(bboxs, character_dim_cutoffs):

        rois, bboxline_coords, bbox_out = [], [], []
        x, y, w, h = bbox

        single_table_snip = np.zeros(bw.shape, dtype=int)
        single_table_snip[y:y + h + 1, x:x + w + 1] = bw[y:y + h + 1, x:x + w + 1]
        overlap_areas_row = overlap_areas[counter]

        nonzero_cols = np.nonzero(overlap_areas_row)
        nonzero_cols = list(nonzero_cols)
        nonzero_cols = nonzero_cols[0]
        nonzero_cols = nonzero_cols.tolist()

        if len(nonzero_cols) > 0:
            rect_areas_ind = rect_areas_img[nonzero_cols+[counter]]
            max_rect_area_ind = np.max(rect_areas_ind)
            current_rect_area_ind = rect_areas_img[counter]

            if current_rect_area_ind == max_rect_area_ind:
                for col in nonzero_cols:
                    ltop_x, ltop_y, width, height = overlap_bound_rects[counter, col]
                    single_table_snip[ltop_y:ltop_y + height + 1, ltop_x:ltop_x + width + 1] = 0

        single_table_snip = single_table_snip.astype('uint8')
        snip_input_copy = single_table_snip.copy()

        if debug_flag:
            cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_snip_input_bw_'+contour_level+ str(random.randint(1, 101)) + '.png', snip_input_copy)

        horizontal = imageop.detect_horizontal(single_table_snip, scale=hor_scale)
        ## OLD
        # vertical = imageop.detect_vertical_and_clean_text(single_table_snip, char_dim_cutoff, scale=55)
        ## NEW
        vertical = imageop.detect_vertical_and_clean_text(single_table_snip, char_dim_cutoff, scale=vert_scale)
        mask = horizontal + vertical
        joints = cv2.bitwise_and(horizontal, vertical)
        _, thresh = cv2.threshold(mask, 127, 255, 0)
        final_img, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
        thresh_cpy = thresh.copy()

        if debug_flag:
            cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_maskHor_' +contour_level+ str(random.randint(1, 101)) + '.png', horizontal)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_maskVert_' +contour_level+ str(random.randint(1, 101)) + '.png', vertical)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_mask_' +contour_level+ str(random.randint(1, 101)) + '.png', mask)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_joints_' +contour_level+ '.png', joints)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_thresh_' +contour_level+ '.png', thresh)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_find_contours_' +contour_level+ '.png', final_img)
            cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_thrsh_cpy_' +contour_level+ '.png', thresh_cpy)

        if debug_flag:
            debug_contour_counter = 0

        for contour in contours:

            all_black = np.zeros((bw.shape[0], bw.shape[1]), dtype=int)
            contours_poly = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, 3, True)
            bound_rect = cv2.boundingRect(contours_poly)

            x, y, w, h = bound_rect
            roi = joints[y:y + h, x:x + w]

            if debug_flag:
                cv2.rectangle(snip_input_copy, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 3)
                row, col = np.where(joints)
                row, col = list(row), list(col)
                ind = list(zip(row, col))
                for j in ind:
                    cx, cy = j
          , (int(cy), int(cx)), 5, (0, 0, 0), -5)

            if debug_flag:
                cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_roi_' +contour_level+ str(debug_contour_counter) + '.png', roi)
                debug_contour_counter += 1

            _, thresh1 = cv2.threshold(roi, 100, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)

            img_, joints_contours, __ = cv2.findContours(thresh1, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

            if debug_flag:
                cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_find_contours_joints' + str(debug_contour_counter) + '.png', img_)

            if len(joints_contours) <= 0:

            all_black[y:y + h, x:x + w] = thresh_cpy[y:y + h, x:x + w]

            bbox_out.append((x, y, w, h))
            bboxline_coords.append([(x, y, x + w, y),
                                    (x + w, y, x + w, y + h),
                                    (x, y + h, x + w, y + h),
                                    (x, y, x, y + h)])

        # bbox_out = remove_small_bboxs(bbox_out)
        unique_bboxs, flags = eliminate_inner_rect_bbox_thresh(bbox_out)
        unique_bboxline_coords, unique_rois = [], []

        for idx, flag in enumerate(flags):
            if flag != 0:
                mask_img = rois[idx]
                [x, y, w, h] = bbox_out[idx]
                all_black = mask_dotted * 0
                pad = 5
                all_black[y - pad:y + h + pad, x - pad:x + w + pad] = mask_dotted[y - pad:y + h + pad,
                                                                                  x - pad:x + w + pad]
                mask_img += all_black
                if debug_flag:
                    cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_thrsh_cpy_' +contour_level+ str(idx) + '.png', rois[idx])

        if debug_flag:
            logger.debug('rois_unique: '+str(unique_rois))
            net = np.zeros(unique_rois[0].shape, dtype=int)
            for p in unique_rois:
                net += p
            cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_thrsh_cpy_net_' +contour_level+ str(random.randint(1, 101)) + '.png', net)
            net_img += net

        tot_unique_bboxs += unique_bboxs
        tot_unique_rois += unique_rois
        tot_unique_bboxline_coords += unique_bboxline_coords
        counter += 1

    if debug_flag:
        cv2.imwrite(debug_dir + file_name + '_thrsh_cpy_net_img_' +contour_level+ str(random.randint(1, 101)) + '.png', net_img)
    return tot_unique_rois, tot_unique_bboxs, tot_unique_bboxline_coords