def test_should_return_the_sentence_without_remove_any_word(self): """ Keep all the words. """ self.assertEqual("salut", PlaceInformations("salut")._parsed_input_message) self.assertEqual( "salut+salut", PlaceInformations("SALUT SALUT")._parsed_input_message) self.assertEqual( "ca+carte+bon", PlaceInformations("ca carte bon")._parsed_input_message)
def test_should_return_the_sentence_without_elle_etait_words(self): """ Remove "elle était" word. """ self.assertEqual( "chiante", PlaceInformations("elle était chiante")._parsed_input_message)
def test_should_return_the_sentence_without_aucun_word(self): """ Remove "aucun" word. """ self.assertEqual( "homme", PlaceInformations("aucun homme")._parsed_input_message)
def test_should_return_the_sentence_without_au_word(self): """ Remove "au" word. """ self.assertEqual( "salut+garcon", PlaceInformations("salut au garcon")._parsed_input_message)
def test_get_coordinates(self): """ Test the get coordinates method it should return a dictionnary with 2 keys lng and lat. """ patched_coordinates_result = { 'results': [{ 'geometry': { 'location': { 'lat': 48.8747265, 'lng': 2.3505517 } } }], 'status': 'OK' } patched_address_result = { 'candidates': [{ 'formatted_address': '7 Cité Paradis, 75010 Paris, France' }], 'status': 'OK' } pi = PlaceInformations( "Salut GrandPy ! Est-ce que tu connais l'adresse d'OpenClassrooms ?" ) = mock.MagicMock(return_value=patched_address_result) pi.get_address() = mock.MagicMock(return_value=patched_coordinates_result) self.assertEqual(pi.get_coordinates(), { 'lat': 48.8747265, 'lng': 2.3505517 })
def ask_bot(): """ Parse the user sentence to get an address, a position and some description. """ request_data = request.get_json(force=True) place_information = PlaceInformations(request_data.get('message', '')) address = place_information.get_address() coordinates = place_information.get_coordinates() description = place_information.get_description() result = { "address": address, "position": coordinates, "description": description } time.sleep(1) response = jsonify(result) return response
def test_get_address(self): """ Test the get address method it should return a string with the address. """ patched_address_result = { 'candidates': [{ 'formatted_address': '7 Cité Paradis, 75010 Paris, France' }], 'status': 'OK' } pi = PlaceInformations( "Salut GrandPy ! Est-ce que tu connais l'adresse d'OpenClassrooms ?" ) = mock.MagicMock(return_value=patched_address_result) self.assertEqual(pi.get_address(), '7 Cité Paradis, 75010 Paris, France')
def test_get_description(self): """ Test the get description method it should return a string with a description of the address or a sentence to tell that the bot doesn't found any description for the address given. """ patched_address_result = { 'candidates': [{ 'formatted_address': '7 Cité Paradis, 75010 Paris, France' }], 'status': 'OK' } patched_coordinates_result = { 'results': [{ 'geometry': { 'location': { 'lat': 48.8747265, 'lng': 2.3505517 } } }], 'status': 'OK' } patched_wiki_pages_result = { "query": { "geosearch": [{ "pageid": 5653202, "ns": 0, "title": "Cité Paradis", "lat": 48.87409, "lon": 2.35064, "dist": 71.1, "primary": "" }, { "pageid": 438469, "ns": 0, "title": "Rue d'Hauteville", "lat": 48.874087, "lon": 2.350645, "dist": 71.4, "primary": "" }] } } patched_summary = 'La cité Paradis est une voie publique située dans le 10e arrondissement de Paris' # Init the object. pi = PlaceInformations( "Salut GrandPy ! Est-ce que tu connais l'adresse d'OpenClassrooms ?" ) # Get the address with a patched result. = mock.MagicMock(return_value=patched_address_result) pi.get_address() # Get the coordinates with a patched result. = mock.MagicMock(return_value=patched_coordinates_result) pi.get_coordinates() # Get the description with a patched result. = mock.MagicMock(return_value=patched_wiki_pages_result) pi.get_summary = mock.MagicMock(return_value=patched_summary) self.assertIn(patched_summary, pi.get_description())