Esempio n. 1
def generate_key_image(public_key, secret_key):
    Key image: secret_key * H_p(pub_key)
    point = crypto.hash_to_point(public_key)
    point2 = crypto.scalarmult(point, secret_key)
    return point2
Esempio n. 2
def generate_key_image(public_key: bytes, secret_key: Sc25519) -> Ge25519:
    Key image: secret_key * H_p(pub_key)
    point = crypto.hash_to_point(public_key)
    point2 = crypto.scalarmult(point, secret_key)
    return point2
Esempio n. 3
def generate_first_c_and_key_images(message, pk, xx, kLRki, index, dsRows,
                                    rows, cols):
    MLSAG computation - the part with secret keys
    :param message: the full message to be signed (actually its hash)
    :param pk: matrix of public keys and commitments
    :param xx: input secret array composed of a private key and commitment mask
    :param kLRki: used only in multisig, currently not implemented
    :param index: specifies corresponding public key to the `xx`'s private key in the `pk` array
    :param dsRows: row number where the pubkeys "end" (and commitments follow)
    :param rows: total number of rows
    :param cols: size of ring
    II = _key_vector(dsRows)
    alpha = _key_vector(rows)

    tmp_buff = bytearray(32)
    Hi = crypto.new_point()
    aGi = crypto.new_point()
    aHPi = crypto.new_point()
    hasher = _hasher_message(message)

    for i in range(dsRows):
        # this is somewhat extra as compared to the Ring Confidential Tx paper
        # see footnote in From Zero to Monero section 3.3
        if kLRki:
            raise NotImplementedError("Multisig not implemented")
            # alpha[i] = kLRki.k
            # rv.II[i] =
            # hash_point(hasher, kLRki.L, tmp_buff)
            # hash_point(hasher, kLRki.R, tmp_buff)

            crypto.hash_to_point_into(Hi, pk[index][i])
            alpha[i] = crypto.random_scalar()
            # L = alpha_i * G
            crypto.scalarmult_base_into(aGi, alpha[i])
            # Ri = alpha_i * H(P_i)
            crypto.scalarmult_into(aHPi, Hi, alpha[i])
            # key image
            II[i] = crypto.scalarmult(Hi, xx[i])
            _hash_point(hasher, aGi, tmp_buff)
            _hash_point(hasher, aHPi, tmp_buff)

    for i in range(dsRows, rows):
        alpha[i] = crypto.random_scalar()
        # L = alpha_i * G
        crypto.scalarmult_base_into(aGi, alpha[i])
        # for some reasons we omit calculating R here, which seems
        # contrary to the paper, but it is in the Monero official client
        # see
        _hash_point(hasher, aGi, tmp_buff)

    # the first c
    c_old = hasher.digest()
    c_old = crypto.decodeint(c_old)
    return c_old, II, alpha
Esempio n. 4
def generate_sub_address_keys(view_sec, spend_pub, major, minor):
    if major == 0 and minor == 0:  # special case, Monero-defined
        return spend_pub, crypto.scalarmult_base(view_sec)

    m = get_subaddress_secret_key(view_sec, major=major, minor=minor)
    M = crypto.scalarmult_base(m)
    D = crypto.point_add(spend_pub, M)
    C = crypto.scalarmult(D, view_sec)
    return D, C
    def test_scalarmult(self):
        priv = unhexlify(
        pub = unhexlify(
        exp = unhexlify(

        res = crypto.scalarmult(crypto.decodepoint(pub), crypto.decodeint(priv))
        self.assertEqual(exp, crypto.encodepoint(res))
        self.assertTrue(crypto.point_eq(crypto.decodepoint(exp), res))
Esempio n. 6
def _check_subaddresses(state: State, outputs: list):
    Using subaddresses leads to a few poorly documented exceptions.

    Normally we set R=r*G (tx_pub), however for subaddresses this is equal to R=r*D
    to achieve the nice blockchain scanning property.

    Remember, that R is per-transaction and not per-input. It's all good if we have a
    single output or we have a single destination and the second output is our change.
    This is because although the R=r*D, we can still derive the change using our private view-key.
    In other words, calculate the one-time address as P = H(x*R)*G + Y (where X,Y is the change).

    However, this does not work for other outputs than change, because we do not have the
    recipient's view key, so we cannot use the same formula -- we need a new R.

    The solution is very straightforward -- we create additional `R`s and use the `extra`
    field to include them under the `ADDITIONAL_PUBKEYS` tag.

    from apps.monero.xmr.addresses import classify_subaddresses

    # let's first figure out what kind of destinations we have
    num_stdaddresses, num_subaddresses, single_dest_subaddress = classify_subaddresses(
        outputs, state.change_address()

    # if this is a single-destination transfer to a subaddress,
    # we set (override) the tx pubkey to R=r*D and no additional
    # tx keys are needed
    if num_stdaddresses == 0 and num_subaddresses == 1:
        state.tx_pub = crypto.scalarmult(
            crypto.decodepoint(single_dest_subaddress.spend_public_key), state.tx_priv

    # if a subaddress is used and either standard address is as well
    # or more than one subaddress is used we need to add additional tx keys
    state.need_additional_txkeys = num_subaddresses > 0 and (
        num_stdaddresses > 0 or num_subaddresses > 1
    state.mem_trace(4, True)
Esempio n. 7
def ecdh_decode(masked, receiver_sk=None, derivation=None):
    Elliptic Curve Diffie-Helman: encodes and decodes the amount b and mask a
    where C= aG + bH
    :param masked:
    :param receiver_sk:
    :param derivation:
    from apps.monero.xmr.serialize_messages.tx_ecdh import EcdhTuple

    rv = EcdhTuple()

    if derivation is None:
        derivation = crypto.scalarmult(masked.senderPk, receiver_sk)

    sharedSec1 = crypto.hash_to_scalar(derivation)
    sharedSec2 = crypto.hash_to_scalar(crypto.encodeint(sharedSec1))

    rv.mask = crypto.sc_sub(masked.mask, sharedSec1)
    rv.amount = crypto.sc_sub(masked.amount, sharedSec2)
    return rv
Esempio n. 8
def _set_out_additional_keys(state: State, dst_entr):
    If needed (decided in step 1), additional tx keys are calculated
    for this particular output.
    if not state.need_additional_txkeys:
        return None

    additional_txkey_priv = crypto.random_scalar()

    if dst_entr.is_subaddress:
        # R=r*D
        additional_txkey = crypto.scalarmult(
        # R=r*G
        additional_txkey = crypto.scalarmult_base(additional_txkey_priv)

    return additional_txkey_priv
Esempio n. 9
def generate_ring_signature(
    prefix_hash: bytes,
    image: Ge25519,
    pubs: list[Ge25519],
    sec: Sc25519,
    sec_idx: int,
    test: bool = False,
) -> Sig:
    Generates ring signature with key image.
    void crypto_ops::generate_ring_signature()
    from trezor.utils import memcpy

    if test:
        t = crypto.scalarmult_base(sec)
        if not crypto.point_eq(t, pubs[sec_idx]):
            raise ValueError("Invalid sec key")

        k_i = monero.generate_key_image(crypto.encodepoint(pubs[sec_idx]), sec)
        if not crypto.point_eq(k_i, image):
            raise ValueError("Key image invalid")
        for k in pubs:

    buff_off = len(prefix_hash)
    buff = bytearray(buff_off + 2 * 32 * len(pubs))
    memcpy(buff, 0, prefix_hash, 0, buff_off)
    mvbuff = memoryview(buff)

    sum = crypto.sc_0()
    k = crypto.sc_0()
    sig = []

    for _ in range(len(pubs)):
        sig.append([crypto.sc_0(), crypto.sc_0()])  # c, r

    for i in range(len(pubs)):
        if i == sec_idx:
            k = crypto.random_scalar()
            tmp3 = crypto.scalarmult_base(k)
            crypto.encodepoint_into(mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32], tmp3)
            buff_off += 32

            tmp3 = crypto.hash_to_point(crypto.encodepoint(pubs[i]))
            tmp2 = crypto.scalarmult(tmp3, k)
            crypto.encodepoint_into(mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32], tmp2)
            buff_off += 32

            sig[i] = [crypto.random_scalar(), crypto.random_scalar()]
            tmp3 = pubs[i]
            tmp2 = crypto.ge25519_double_scalarmult_base_vartime(
                sig[i][0], tmp3, sig[i][1])
            crypto.encodepoint_into(mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32], tmp2)
            buff_off += 32

            tmp3 = crypto.hash_to_point(crypto.encodepoint(tmp3))
            tmp2 = crypto.ge25519_double_scalarmult_vartime2(
                sig[i][1], tmp3, sig[i][0], image)
            crypto.encodepoint_into(mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32], tmp2)
            buff_off += 32

            sum = crypto.sc_add(sum, sig[i][0])

    h = crypto.hash_to_scalar(buff)
    sig[sec_idx][0] = crypto.sc_sub(h, sum)
    sig[sec_idx][1] = crypto.sc_mulsub(sig[sec_idx][0], sec, k)
    return sig
Esempio n. 10
def generate_ring_signature(prefix_hash,
    Generates ring signature with key image.
    void crypto_ops::generate_ring_signature()

    :param prefix_hash:
    :param image:
    :param pubs:
    :param sec:
    :param sec_idx:
    :param test:
    from apps.monero.xmr.common import memcpy

    if test:
        from apps.monero.xmr import monero

        t = crypto.scalarmult_base(sec)
        if not crypto.point_eq(t, pubs[sec_idx]):
            raise ValueError("Invalid sec key")

        k_i = monero.generate_key_image(crypto.encodepoint(pubs[sec_idx]), sec)
        if not crypto.point_eq(k_i, image):
            raise ValueError("Key image invalid")
        for k in pubs:

    image_unp = crypto.ge_frombytes_vartime(image)
    image_pre = crypto.ge_dsm_precomp(image_unp)

    buff_off = len(prefix_hash)
    buff = bytearray(buff_off + 2 * 32 * len(pubs))
    memcpy(buff, 0, prefix_hash, 0, buff_off)
    mvbuff = memoryview(buff)

    sum = crypto.sc_0()
    k = crypto.sc_0()
    sig = []
    for i in range(len(pubs)):
        sig.append([crypto.sc_0(), crypto.sc_0()])  # c, r

    for i in range(len(pubs)):
        if i == sec_idx:
            k = crypto.random_scalar()
            tmp3 = crypto.scalarmult_base(k)
            crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp3, mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32])
            buff_off += 32

            tmp3 = crypto.hash_to_ec(crypto.encodepoint(pubs[i]))
            tmp2 = crypto.scalarmult(tmp3, k)
            crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp2, mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32])
            buff_off += 32

            sig[i] = [crypto.random_scalar(), crypto.random_scalar()]
            tmp3 = crypto.ge_frombytes_vartime(pubs[i])
            tmp2 = crypto.ge_double_scalarmult_base_vartime(
                sig[i][0], tmp3, sig[i][1])
            crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp2, mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32])
            buff_off += 32

            tmp3 = crypto.hash_to_ec(crypto.encodepoint(tmp3))
            tmp2 = crypto.ge_double_scalarmult_precomp_vartime(
                sig[i][1], tmp3, sig[i][0], image_pre)
            crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp2, mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32])
            buff_off += 32

            sum = crypto.sc_add(sum, sig[i][0])

    h = crypto.hash_to_scalar(buff)
    sig[sec_idx][0] = crypto.sc_sub(h, sum)
    sig[sec_idx][1] = crypto.sc_mulsub(sig[sec_idx][0], sec, k)
    return sig