Esempio n. 1
def get_address(script_type: InputScriptType,
                coin: CoinInfo,
                multisig=None) -> str:

    if (script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS
            or script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG):
        if multisig:  # p2sh multisig
            pubkey = node.public_key()
            index = multisig_pubkey_index(multisig, pubkey)
            if index is None:
                raise AddressError(FailureType.ProcessError,
                                   "Public key not found")
            if coin.address_type_p2sh is None:
                raise AddressError(FailureType.ProcessError,
                                   "Multisig not enabled on this coin")

            pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(multisig)
            address = address_multisig_p2sh(pubkeys, multisig.m, coin)
            if coin.cashaddr_prefix is not None:
                address = address_to_cashaddr(address, coin)
            return address
        if script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG:
            raise AddressError(FailureType.ProcessError,
                               "Multisig details required")

        # p2pkh
        address = node.address(coin.address_type)
        if coin.cashaddr_prefix is not None:
            address = address_to_cashaddr(address, coin)
        return address

    elif script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS:  # native p2wpkh or native p2wsh
        if not coin.segwit or not coin.bech32_prefix:
            raise AddressError(FailureType.ProcessError,
                               "Segwit not enabled on this coin")
        # native p2wsh multisig
        if multisig is not None:
            pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(multisig)
            return address_multisig_p2wsh(pubkeys, multisig.m,

        # native p2wpkh
        return address_p2wpkh(node.public_key(), coin)

    elif (script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS
          ):  # p2wpkh or p2wsh nested in p2sh
        if not coin.segwit or coin.address_type_p2sh is None:
            raise AddressError(FailureType.ProcessError,
                               "Segwit not enabled on this coin")
        # p2wsh multisig nested in p2sh
        if multisig is not None:
            pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(multisig)
            return address_multisig_p2wsh_in_p2sh(pubkeys, multisig.m, coin)

        # p2wpkh nested in p2sh
        return address_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(node.public_key(), coin)

        raise AddressError(FailureType.ProcessError, "Invalid script type")
Esempio n. 2
def input_script_multisig(
    multisig: MultisigRedeemScriptType,
    signature: bytes,
    signature_index: int,
    sighash: int,
    signatures = multisig.signatures  # other signatures
    if len(signatures[signature_index]) > 0:
        raise ScriptsError("Invalid multisig parameters")
    signatures[signature_index] = signature  # our signature

    w = bytearray()
    # Starts with OP_FALSE because of an old OP_CHECKMULTISIG bug, which
    # consumes one additional item on the stack:

    for s in signatures:
        if len(s):
            append_signature(w, s, sighash)

    # redeem script
    pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(multisig)
    redeem_script = output_script_multisig(pubkeys, multisig.m)
    write_op_push(w, len(redeem_script))
    write_bytes(w, redeem_script)

    return w
Esempio n. 3
def witness_p2wsh(
    multisig: MultisigRedeemScriptType,
    signature: bytes,
    signature_index: int,
    sighash: int,
    signatures = multisig.signatures  # other signatures
    if len(signatures[signature_index]) > 0:
        raise ScriptsError("Invalid multisig parameters")
    signatures[signature_index] = signature  # our signature

    # filter empty
    signatures = [s for s in multisig.signatures if len(s) > 0]

    # witness program + signatures + redeem script
    num_of_witness_items = 1 + len(signatures) + 1

    w = bytearray()
    write_varint(w, num_of_witness_items)
    write_varint(w, 0)  # version 0 witness program

    for s in signatures:
        append_signature(w, s, sighash)  # size of the witness included

    # redeem script
    pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(multisig)
    redeem_script = output_script_multisig(pubkeys, multisig.m)
    write_varint(w, len(redeem_script))
    write_bytes(w, redeem_script)
    return w
Esempio n. 4
def input_derive_script(
    txi: TxInputType,
    coin: CoinInfo,
    hash_type: int,
    pubkey: bytes,
    signature: Optional[bytes],
) -> bytes:
    if txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS:
        # p2pkh or p2sh
        return input_script_p2pkh_or_p2sh(pubkey, signature, hash_type)

    if txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS:
        # p2wpkh or p2wsh using p2sh

        if txi.multisig:
            # p2wsh in p2sh
            pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(txi.multisig)
            witness_script_hasher = utils.HashWriter(sha256())
            write_output_script_multisig(witness_script_hasher, pubkeys, txi.multisig.m)
            witness_script_hash = witness_script_hasher.get_digest()
            return input_script_p2wsh_in_p2sh(witness_script_hash)

        # p2wpkh in p2sh
        return input_script_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(addresses.ecdsa_hash_pubkey(pubkey, coin))
    elif txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS:
        # native p2wpkh or p2wsh
        return input_script_native_p2wpkh_or_p2wsh()
    elif txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG:
        # p2sh multisig
        signature_index = multisig_pubkey_index(txi.multisig, pubkey)
        return input_script_multisig(
            txi.multisig, signature, signature_index, hash_type, coin
        raise ScriptsError(FailureType.ProcessError, "Invalid script type")
Esempio n. 5
    async def step4_serialize_inputs(self) -> None:
        writers.write_varint(self.serialized_tx, self.tx.inputs_count)

        prefix_hash = self.h_prefix.get_digest()

        for i_sign in range(self.tx.inputs_count):

            txi_sign = await helpers.request_tx_input(self.tx_req, i_sign, self.coin)


            key_sign = self.keychain.derive(txi_sign.address_n)
            key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key()

            if txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG:
                prev_pkscript = scripts.output_script_multisig(
            elif txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS:
                prev_pkscript = scripts.output_script_p2pkh(
                    addresses.ecdsa_hash_pubkey(key_sign_pub, self.coin)
                raise SigningError("Unsupported input script type")

            h_witness = self.create_hash_writer()
                h_witness, self.tx.version | DECRED_SERIALIZE_WITNESS_SIGNING
            writers.write_varint(h_witness, self.tx.inputs_count)

            for ii in range(self.tx.inputs_count):
                if ii == i_sign:
                    writers.write_bytes_prefixed(h_witness, prev_pkscript)
                    writers.write_varint(h_witness, 0)

            witness_hash = writers.get_tx_hash(
                h_witness, double=self.coin.sign_hash_double, reverse=False

            h_sign = self.create_hash_writer()
            writers.write_uint32(h_sign, DECRED_SIGHASH_ALL)
            writers.write_bytes_fixed(h_sign, prefix_hash, writers.TX_HASH_SIZE)
            writers.write_bytes_fixed(h_sign, witness_hash, writers.TX_HASH_SIZE)

            sig_hash = writers.get_tx_hash(h_sign, double=self.coin.sign_hash_double)
            signature = ecdsa_sign(key_sign, sig_hash)

            # serialize input with correct signature
            script_sig = self.input_derive_script(txi_sign, key_sign_pub, signature)
                self.serialized_tx, txi_sign, script_sig
            self.set_serialized_signature(i_sign, signature)
Esempio n. 6
def derive_script_code(txi: TxInputType, pubkeyhash: bytes) -> bytearray:

    if txi.multisig:
        return output_script_multisig(multisig_get_pubkeys(txi.multisig),

    p2pkh = txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS
    if p2pkh:
        return output_script_p2pkh(pubkeyhash)

        raise ZcashError(FailureType.DataError,
                         "Unknown input script type for zip143 script code")
Esempio n. 7
    def derive_script_code(self, txi: TxInputType, pubkeyhash: bytes) -> bytearray:

        if txi.multisig:
            return output_script_multisig(multisig_get_pubkeys(txi.multisig), txi.multisig.m)

        p2pkh = (txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS or
                 txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS or
                 txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS)
        if p2pkh:
            # for p2wpkh in p2sh or native p2wpkh
            # the scriptCode is a classic p2pkh
            return output_script_p2pkh(pubkeyhash)

            raise Bip143Error(FailureType.DataError,
                              'Unknown input script type for bip143 script code')
Esempio n. 8
def witness_p2wsh(
    multisig: MultisigRedeemScriptType,
    signature: bytes,
    signature_index: int,
    sighash: int,
) -> bytearray:
    # get other signatures, stretch with None to the number of the pubkeys
    signatures = multisig.signatures + [None] * (
        multisig_get_pubkey_count(multisig) - len(multisig.signatures)
    # fill in our signature
    if signatures[signature_index]:
        raise ScriptsError("Invalid multisig parameters")
    signatures[signature_index] = signature

    # filter empty
    signatures = [s for s in signatures if s]

    # witness program + signatures + redeem script
    num_of_witness_items = 1 + len(signatures) + 1

    # length of the redeem script
    pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(multisig)
    redeem_script_length = output_script_multisig_length(pubkeys, multisig.m)

    # length of the result
    total_length = 1 + 1  # number of items, OP_FALSE
    for s in signatures:
        total_length += 1 + len(s) + 1  # length, signature, sighash
    total_length += 1 + redeem_script_length  # length, script

    w = empty_bytearray(total_length)

    write_varint(w, num_of_witness_items)
    # Starts with OP_FALSE because of an old OP_CHECKMULTISIG bug, which
    # consumes one additional item on the stack:
    write_varint(w, 0)

    for s in signatures:
        append_signature(w, s, sighash)  # size of the witness included

    # redeem script
    write_varint(w, redeem_script_length)
    write_output_script_multisig(w, pubkeys, multisig.m)

    return w
Esempio n. 9
def witness_p2wsh(
    multisig: MultisigRedeemScriptType,
    signature: bytes,
    signature_index: int,
    sighash: int,
    # get other signatures, stretch with None to the number of the pubkeys
    signatures = multisig.signatures + [None] * (
        multisig_get_pubkey_count(multisig) - len(multisig.signatures)
    # fill in our signature
    if signatures[signature_index]:
        raise ScriptsError("Invalid multisig parameters")
    signatures[signature_index] = signature

    # filter empty
    signatures = [s for s in signatures if s]

    # witness program + signatures + redeem script
    num_of_witness_items = 1 + len(signatures) + 1

    # length of the redeem script
    pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(multisig)
    redeem_script_length = output_script_multisig_length(pubkeys, multisig.m)

    # length of the result
    total_length = 1 + 1  # number of items, version
    for s in signatures:
        total_length += 1 + len(s) + 1  # length, signature, sighash
    total_length += 1 + redeem_script_length  # length, script

    w = empty_bytearray(total_length)

    write_varint(w, num_of_witness_items)
    write_varint(w, 0)  # version 0 witness program

    for s in signatures:
        append_signature(w, s, sighash)  # size of the witness included

    # redeem script
    write_varint(w, redeem_script_length)
    output_script_multisig(pubkeys, multisig.m, w)

    return w
Esempio n. 10
def input_script_multisig(
    multisig: MultisigRedeemScriptType,
    signature: bytes,
    signature_index: int,
    sighash: int,
    coin: CoinInfo,
) -> bytearray:
    signatures = multisig.signatures  # other signatures
    if len(signatures[signature_index]) > 0:
        raise ScriptsError("Invalid multisig parameters")
    signatures[signature_index] = signature  # our signature

    # length of the redeem script
    pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(multisig)
    redeem_script_length = output_script_multisig_length(pubkeys, multisig.m)

    # length of the result
    total_length = 0
    if utils.BITCOIN_ONLY or not coin.decred:
        total_length += 1  # OP_FALSE
    for s in signatures:
        total_length += 1 + len(s) + 1  # length, signature, sighash
    total_length += 1 + redeem_script_length  # length, script

    w = empty_bytearray(total_length)

    if utils.BITCOIN_ONLY or not coin.decred:
        # Starts with OP_FALSE because of an old OP_CHECKMULTISIG bug, which
        # consumes one additional item on the stack:

    for s in signatures:
        if len(s):
            append_signature(w, s, sighash)

    # redeem script
    write_op_push(w, redeem_script_length)
    write_output_script_multisig(w, pubkeys, multisig.m)

    return w
Esempio n. 11
def input_derive_script(coin: coininfo.CoinInfo,
                        i: TxInputType,
                        pubkey: bytes,
                        signature: bytes = None) -> bytes:
    if i.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS:
        # p2pkh or p2sh
        return scripts.input_script_p2pkh_or_p2sh(pubkey, signature,

    if i.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS:
        # p2wpkh or p2wsh using p2sh

        if i.multisig:
            # p2wsh in p2sh
            pubkeys = multisig.multisig_get_pubkeys(i.multisig)
            witness_script_hasher = utils.HashWriter(sha256())
            scripts.output_script_multisig(pubkeys, i.multisig.m,
            witness_script_hash = witness_script_hasher.get_digest()
            return scripts.input_script_p2wsh_in_p2sh(witness_script_hash)

        # p2wpkh in p2sh
        return scripts.input_script_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(
            addresses.ecdsa_hash_pubkey(pubkey, coin))

    elif i.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS:
        # native p2wpkh or p2wsh
        return scripts.input_script_native_p2wpkh_or_p2wsh()

    elif i.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG:
        # p2sh multisig
        signature_index = multisig.multisig_pubkey_index(i.multisig, pubkey)
        return scripts.input_script_multisig(i.multisig, signature,
                                             get_hash_type(coin), coin)

        raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError, "Invalid script type")
Esempio n. 12
    async def sign_nonsegwit_input(self, i_sign: int) -> None:
        # hash of what we are signing with this input
        h_sign = self.create_hash_writer()
        # should come out the same as h_confirmed, checked before signing the digest
        h_check = self.create_hash_writer()

        self.write_tx_header(h_sign, self.tx, witness_marker=False)
        writers.write_varint(h_sign, self.tx.inputs_count)

        for i in range(self.tx.inputs_count):
            # STAGE_REQUEST_4_INPUT in legacy
            txi = await helpers.request_tx_input(self.tx_req, i, self.coin)
            writers.write_tx_input_check(h_check, txi)
            if i == i_sign:
                # NOTE: wallet_path is checked in write_tx_input_check()
                node = self.keychain.derive(txi.address_n, self.coin.curve_name)
                key_sign_pub = node.public_key()
                # if multisig, do a sanity check to ensure we are signing with a key that is included in the multisig
                if txi.multisig:
                    multisig.multisig_pubkey_index(txi.multisig, key_sign_pub)

                # For the signing process the previous UTXO's scriptPubKey is included in h_sign.
                if txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG:
                    script_pubkey = scripts.output_script_multisig(
                        multisig.multisig_get_pubkeys(txi.multisig), txi.multisig.m,
                elif txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS:
                    script_pubkey = scripts.output_script_p2pkh(
                        addresses.ecdsa_hash_pubkey(key_sign_pub, self.coin)
                    raise SigningError(
                        FailureType.ProcessError, "Unknown transaction type"
                txi_sign = txi
                script_pubkey = bytes()
            self.write_tx_input(h_sign, txi, script_pubkey)

        writers.write_varint(h_sign, self.tx.outputs_count)

        for i in range(self.tx.outputs_count):
            # STAGE_REQUEST_4_OUTPUT in legacy
            txo = await helpers.request_tx_output(self.tx_req, i, self.coin)
            script_pubkey = self.output_derive_script(txo)
            self.write_tx_output(h_check, txo, script_pubkey)
            self.write_tx_output(h_sign, txo, script_pubkey)

        writers.write_uint32(h_sign, self.tx.lock_time)
        writers.write_uint32(h_sign, self.get_hash_type())

        # check the control digests
        if self.h_confirmed.get_digest() != h_check.get_digest():
            raise SigningError(
                FailureType.ProcessError, "Transaction has changed during signing"

        # compute the signature from the tx digest
        signature = ecdsa_sign(
            node, writers.get_tx_hash(h_sign, double=self.coin.sign_hash_double)

        # serialize input with correct signature
        script_sig = self.input_derive_script(txi_sign, key_sign_pub, signature)
        self.write_tx_input(self.serialized_tx, txi_sign, script_sig)
        self.set_serialized_signature(i_sign, signature)
Esempio n. 13
async def sign_tx(tx: SignTx, keychain: seed.Keychain):
    tx = helpers.sanitize_sign_tx(tx)

    progress.init(tx.inputs_count, tx.outputs_count)

    # Phase 1

    h_first, hash143, segwit, authorized_in, wallet_path = await check_tx_fee(
        tx, keychain)

    # Phase 2
    # - sign inputs
    # - check that nothing changed

    coin = coins.by_name(tx.coin_name)
    tx_ser = TxRequestSerializedType()

    txo_bin = TxOutputBinType()
    tx_req = TxRequest()
    tx_req.details = TxRequestDetailsType()
    tx_req.serialized = None

    if coin.decred:
        prefix_hash = hash143.prefix_hash()

    for i_sign in range(tx.inputs_count):
        txi_sign = None
        key_sign = None
        key_sign_pub = None

        if segwit[i_sign]:
            txi_sign = await helpers.request_tx_input(tx_req, i_sign)

            if not input_is_segwit(txi_sign):
                raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
                                   "Transaction has changed during signing")
            input_check_wallet_path(txi_sign, wallet_path)

            key_sign = keychain.derive(txi_sign.address_n, coin.curve_name)
            key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key()
            txi_sign.script_sig = input_derive_script(coin, txi_sign,

            w_txi = writers.empty_bytearray(7 + len(txi_sign.prev_hash) + 4 +
                                            len(txi_sign.script_sig) + 4)
            if i_sign == 0:  # serializing first input => prepend headers
                writers.write_bytes(w_txi, get_tx_header(coin, tx, True))
            writers.write_tx_input(w_txi, txi_sign)
            tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txi
            tx_req.serialized = tx_ser

        elif coin.force_bip143 or tx.overwintered:
            txi_sign = await helpers.request_tx_input(tx_req, i_sign)
            input_check_wallet_path(txi_sign, wallet_path)

            is_bip143 = (txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS
                         or txi_sign.script_type
                         == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG)
            if not is_bip143 or txi_sign.amount > authorized_in:
                raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
                                   "Transaction has changed during signing")
            authorized_in -= txi_sign.amount

            key_sign = keychain.derive(txi_sign.address_n, coin.curve_name)
            key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key()
            hash143_hash = hash143.preimage_hash(
                addresses.ecdsa_hash_pubkey(key_sign_pub, coin),

            # if multisig, check if signing with a key that is included in multisig
            if txi_sign.multisig:
                multisig.multisig_pubkey_index(txi_sign.multisig, key_sign_pub)

            signature = ecdsa_sign(key_sign, hash143_hash)
            tx_ser.signature_index = i_sign
            tx_ser.signature = signature

            # serialize input with correct signature
            txi_sign.script_sig = input_derive_script(coin, txi_sign,
                                                      key_sign_pub, signature)
            w_txi_sign = writers.empty_bytearray(5 + len(txi_sign.prev_hash) +
                                                 4 + len(txi_sign.script_sig) +
            if i_sign == 0:  # serializing first input => prepend headers
                writers.write_bytes(w_txi_sign, get_tx_header(coin, tx))
            writers.write_tx_input(w_txi_sign, txi_sign)
            tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txi_sign

            tx_req.serialized = tx_ser

        elif coin.decred:
            txi_sign = await helpers.request_tx_input(tx_req, i_sign)

            input_check_wallet_path(txi_sign, wallet_path)

            key_sign = keychain.derive(txi_sign.address_n, coin.curve_name)
            key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key()

            if txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG:
                prev_pkscript = scripts.output_script_multisig(
            elif txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS:
                prev_pkscript = scripts.output_script_p2pkh(
                    addresses.ecdsa_hash_pubkey(key_sign_pub, coin))
                raise ValueError("Unknown input script type")

            h_witness = utils.HashWriter(blake256())
                tx.version | decred.DECRED_SERIALIZE_WITNESS_SIGNING)
            writers.write_varint(h_witness, tx.inputs_count)

            for ii in range(tx.inputs_count):
                if ii == i_sign:
                    writers.write_varint(h_witness, len(prev_pkscript))
                    writers.write_bytes(h_witness, prev_pkscript)
                    writers.write_varint(h_witness, 0)

            witness_hash = writers.get_tx_hash(h_witness,

            h_sign = utils.HashWriter(blake256())
            writers.write_uint32(h_sign, decred.DECRED_SIGHASHALL)
            writers.write_bytes(h_sign, prefix_hash)
            writers.write_bytes(h_sign, witness_hash)

            sig_hash = writers.get_tx_hash(h_sign,
            signature = ecdsa_sign(key_sign, sig_hash)
            tx_ser.signature_index = i_sign
            tx_ser.signature = signature

            # serialize input with correct signature
            txi_sign.script_sig = input_derive_script(coin, txi_sign,
                                                      key_sign_pub, signature)
            w_txi_sign = writers.empty_bytearray(
                8 + 4 +
                len(hash143.get_last_output_bytes()) if i_sign == 0 else 0 +
                16 + 4 + len(txi_sign.script_sig))

            if i_sign == 0:
                writers.write_uint32(w_txi_sign, tx.lock_time)
                writers.write_uint32(w_txi_sign, tx.expiry)
                writers.write_varint(w_txi_sign, tx.inputs_count)

            writers.write_tx_input_decred_witness(w_txi_sign, txi_sign)
            tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txi_sign
            tx_req.serialized = tx_ser

            # hash of what we are signing with this input
            h_sign = utils.HashWriter(sha256())
            # same as h_first, checked before signing the digest
            h_second = utils.HashWriter(sha256())

            if tx.overwintered:
                    h_sign, tx.version
                    | zcash.OVERWINTERED)  # nVersion | fOverwintered
                                     tx.version_group_id)  # nVersionGroupId
                writers.write_uint32(h_sign, tx.version)  # nVersion
                if tx.timestamp:
                    writers.write_uint32(h_sign, tx.timestamp)

            writers.write_varint(h_sign, tx.inputs_count)

            for i in range(tx.inputs_count):
                # STAGE_REQUEST_4_INPUT
                txi = await helpers.request_tx_input(tx_req, i)
                input_check_wallet_path(txi, wallet_path)
                writers.write_tx_input_check(h_second, txi)
                if i == i_sign:
                    txi_sign = txi
                    key_sign = keychain.derive(txi.address_n, coin.curve_name)
                    key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key()
                    # for the signing process the script_sig is equal
                    # to the previous tx's scriptPubKey (P2PKH) or a redeem script (P2SH)
                    if txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG:
                        txi_sign.script_sig = scripts.output_script_multisig(
                    elif txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS:
                        txi_sign.script_sig = scripts.output_script_p2pkh(
                            addresses.ecdsa_hash_pubkey(key_sign_pub, coin))
                        if coin.bip115:
                            txi_sign.script_sig += scripts.script_replay_protection_bip115(
                        raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
                                           "Unknown transaction type")
                    txi.script_sig = bytes()
                writers.write_tx_input(h_sign, txi)

            writers.write_varint(h_sign, tx.outputs_count)

            for o in range(tx.outputs_count):
                # STAGE_REQUEST_4_OUTPUT
                txo = await helpers.request_tx_output(tx_req, o)
                txo_bin.amount = txo.amount
                txo_bin.script_pubkey = output_derive_script(
                    txo, coin, keychain)
                writers.write_tx_output(h_second, txo_bin)
                writers.write_tx_output(h_sign, txo_bin)

            writers.write_uint32(h_sign, tx.lock_time)
            if tx.overwintered:
                writers.write_uint32(h_sign, tx.expiry)  # expiryHeight
                writers.write_varint(h_sign, 0)  # nJoinSplit

            writers.write_uint32(h_sign, get_hash_type(coin))

            # check the control digests
            if writers.get_tx_hash(h_first,
                                   False) != writers.get_tx_hash(h_second):
                raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
                                   "Transaction has changed during signing")

            # if multisig, check if signing with a key that is included in multisig
            if txi_sign.multisig:
                multisig.multisig_pubkey_index(txi_sign.multisig, key_sign_pub)

            # compute the signature from the tx digest
            signature = ecdsa_sign(
                writers.get_tx_hash(h_sign, double=coin.sign_hash_double))
            tx_ser.signature_index = i_sign
            tx_ser.signature = signature

            # serialize input with correct signature
            txi_sign.script_sig = input_derive_script(coin, txi_sign,
                                                      key_sign_pub, signature)
            w_txi_sign = writers.empty_bytearray(5 + len(txi_sign.prev_hash) +
                                                 4 + len(txi_sign.script_sig) +
            if i_sign == 0:  # serializing first input => prepend headers
                writers.write_bytes(w_txi_sign, get_tx_header(coin, tx))
            writers.write_tx_input(w_txi_sign, txi_sign)
            tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txi_sign

            tx_req.serialized = tx_ser

    if coin.decred:
        return await helpers.request_tx_finish(tx_req)

    for o in range(tx.outputs_count):
        txo = await helpers.request_tx_output(tx_req, o)
        txo_bin.amount = txo.amount
        txo_bin.script_pubkey = output_derive_script(txo, coin, keychain)

        # serialize output
        w_txo_bin = writers.empty_bytearray(5 + 8 + 5 +
                                            len(txo_bin.script_pubkey) + 4)
        if o == 0:  # serializing first output => prepend outputs count
            writers.write_varint(w_txo_bin, tx.outputs_count)
        writers.write_tx_output(w_txo_bin, txo_bin)

        tx_ser.signature_index = None
        tx_ser.signature = None
        tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txo_bin

        tx_req.serialized = tx_ser

    any_segwit = True in segwit.values()

    for i in range(tx.inputs_count):
        if segwit[i]:
            txi = await helpers.request_tx_input(tx_req, i)
            input_check_wallet_path(txi, wallet_path)

            if not input_is_segwit(txi) or txi.amount > authorized_in:
                raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
                                   "Transaction has changed during signing")
            authorized_in -= txi.amount

            key_sign = keychain.derive(txi.address_n, coin.curve_name)
            key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key()
            hash143_hash = hash143.preimage_hash(
                addresses.ecdsa_hash_pubkey(key_sign_pub, coin),

            signature = ecdsa_sign(key_sign, hash143_hash)
            if txi.multisig:
                # find out place of our signature based on the pubkey
                signature_index = multisig.multisig_pubkey_index(
                    txi.multisig, key_sign_pub)
                witness = scripts.witness_p2wsh(txi.multisig, signature,
                witness = scripts.witness_p2wpkh(signature, key_sign_pub,

            tx_ser.serialized_tx = witness
            tx_ser.signature_index = i
            tx_ser.signature = signature
        elif any_segwit:
            tx_ser.serialized_tx = bytearray(
                1)  # empty witness for non-segwit inputs
            tx_ser.signature_index = None
            tx_ser.signature = None

        tx_req.serialized = tx_ser

    writers.write_uint32(tx_ser.serialized_tx, tx.lock_time)

    if tx.overwintered:
        if tx.version == 3:
                                 tx.expiry)  # expiryHeight
            writers.write_varint(tx_ser.serialized_tx, 0)  # nJoinSplit
        elif tx.version == 4:
                                 tx.expiry)  # expiryHeight
            writers.write_uint64(tx_ser.serialized_tx, 0)  # valueBalance
            writers.write_varint(tx_ser.serialized_tx, 0)  # nShieldedSpend
            writers.write_varint(tx_ser.serialized_tx, 0)  # nShieldedOutput
            writers.write_varint(tx_ser.serialized_tx, 0)  # nJoinSplit
            raise SigningError(
                "Unsupported version for overwintered transaction",

    await helpers.request_tx_finish(tx_req)