def __init__(self): global mw QDialog.__init__(self, mw) = mw self.form = dialog.Ui_Form() self.form.setupUi(self) self.form.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) self.form.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.form.browse.clicked.connect(self.onBrowse) self.deck = DeckChooser(, self.form.deckArea, label=False) # The path to the media directory chosen by user self.mediaDir = None # The number of fields in the note type we are using self.fieldCount = 0 self.populateModelList() self.exec_()
def __init__(self): global mw QDialog.__init__(self, mw, Qt.Window) = mw self.frm = kind2anki_ui.Ui_kind2ankiDialog() self.frm.setupUi(self) self.t = ThreadTranslate() self.t.done.connect(importToAnki) self.t.startProgress.connect(startProgressBar) b = QPushButton(_("Import")) self.frm.buttonBox.addButton(b, QDialogButtonBox.AcceptRole) self.deck = DeckChooser(, self.frm.deckArea, label=False) self.frm.importMode.setCurrentIndex('importMode', 1)) self.daysSinceLastRun = self.getDaysSinceLastRun() self.frm.importDays.setValue(self.daysSinceLastRun) self.exec_()
def setup_choosers(self) -> None: defaults = self.col.defaults_for_adding( self.notetype_chooser = NotetypeChooser(, widget=self.form.modelArea, starting_notetype_id=NotetypeId(defaults.notetype_id), on_button_activated=self.show_notetype_selector, on_notetype_changed=self.on_notetype_change, ) self.deck_chooser = DeckChooser(, self.form.deckArea, starting_deck_id=DeckId( defaults.deck_id))
class ImportSettingsDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self): global mw QDialog.__init__(self, mw) = mw self.form = dialog.Ui_Form() self.form.setupUi(self) self.form.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) self.form.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.form.browse.clicked.connect(self.onBrowse) self.deck = DeckChooser(, self.form.deckArea, label=False) # The path to the media directory chosen by user self.mediaDir = None # The number of fields in the note type we are using self.fieldCount = 0 self.populateModelList() self.exec_() def populateModelList(self): """Fill in the list of available note types to select from.""" models = mw.col.models.all() for m in models: item = QListWidgetItem(m['name']) # Put the model in the widget to conveniently fetch later item.model = m self.form.modelList.addItem(item) self.form.modelList.sortItems() self.form.modelList.currentRowChanged.connect(self.populateFieldGrid) # Triggers a selection so the fields will be populated self.form.modelList.setCurrentRow(0) def populateFieldGrid(self): """Fill in the fieldMapGrid QGridLayout. Each row in the grid contains two columns: Column 0 = QLabel with name of field Column 1 = QComboBox with selection of mappings ("actions") The first two fields will default to Media and File Name, so we have special cases for rows 0 and 1. The final row is a spacer.""" self.clearLayout(self.form.fieldMapGrid) # Add note fields to grid row = 0 for field in self.form.modelList.currentItem().model['flds']: self.createRow(field['name'], row) row += 1 # Add special fields to grid for name in SPECIAL_FIELDS: self.createRow(name, row, special=True) row += 1 self.fieldCount = row self.form.fieldMapGrid.addItem( QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Expanding), row, 0) def createRow(self, name, idx, special=False): lbl = QLabel(name) cmb = QComboBox() cmb.addItems(ACTIONS) # piggy-back the special flag on QLabel lbl.special = special self.form.fieldMapGrid.addWidget(lbl, idx, 0) self.form.fieldMapGrid.addWidget(cmb, idx, 1) if idx == 0: cmb.setCurrentIndex(1) if idx == 1: cmb.setCurrentIndex(2) def getDialogResult(self): """ 将用户在界面中保存的设置作为一个元组返回。元组包含以下内容: - 文件路径 - 卡组 - 笔记类型 - 导入信息与笔记类型各领域的对应关系 - 是否导入 """ if self.result() == QDialog.Rejected: return None, None, None, None, False model = self.form.modelList.currentItem().model # Iterate the grid rows to populate the field map fieldList = [] did = self.deck.selectedId() grid = self.form.fieldMapGrid for row in range(self.fieldCount): # QLabel with field name field = grid.itemAtPosition(row, 0).widget().text() # Piggy-backed special flag special = grid.itemAtPosition(row, 0).widget().special # QComboBox with index from the action list actionIdx = grid.itemAtPosition(row, 1).widget().currentIndex() fieldList.append((field, actionIdx, special)) return self.mediaDir, did, model, fieldList, True def onBrowse(self): """ Show the directory selection dialog. """ path = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(mw, caption = '导入文件', filter = '文本文件 (*.html *.md)')[0] if not path: return self.mediaDir = path self.form.mediaDir.setText(self.mediaDir) self.form.mediaDir.setStyleSheet("") def accept(self): """ 如果用户没有选择就导入,那么不接受此消息并将文件名的边框设为红色。 """ if not self.mediaDir: self.form.mediaDir.setStyleSheet("border: 1px solid red") return QDialog.accept(self) def clearLayout(self, layout): """ Convenience method to remove child widgets from a layout. """ while layout.count(): child = layout.takeAt(0) if child.widget() is not None: child.widget().deleteLater() elif child.layout() is not None: self.clearLayout(child.layout())
class Kind2AnkiDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self): global mw QDialog.__init__(self, mw, Qt.Window) = mw self.frm = kind2anki_ui.Ui_kind2ankiDialog() self.frm.setupUi(self) self.t = ThreadTranslate() self.t.done.connect(importToAnki) self.t.startProgress.connect(startProgressBar) b = QPushButton(_("Import")) self.frm.buttonBox.addButton(b, QDialogButtonBox.AcceptRole) self.deck = DeckChooser(, self.frm.deckArea, label=False) self.frm.importMode.setCurrentIndex('importMode', 1)) self.daysSinceLastRun = self.getDaysSinceLastRun() self.frm.importDays.setValue(self.daysSinceLastRun) self.exec_() def accept(self): try: db_path = getDBPath() self.writeCurrentTimestampToFile() # update lastRun timestamp target_language = self.frm.languageSelect.currentText() includeUsage = self.frm.includeUsage.isChecked() doTranslate = self.frm.doTranslate.isChecked() importDays = self.frm.importDays.value() #if doTranslate: # showInfo("Translating words from database, it can take a while...") #else: # showInfo("Fetching words from database, it can take a while...") self.t.dialog = self self.t.args = (db_path, target_language, includeUsage, doTranslate, importDays) self.t.start() except urllib.error.URLError: showInfo("Cannot connect") except IOError: showInfo("DB file not selected, exiting") except sqlite3.DatabaseError: showInfo("Selected file is not a DB") finally: self.close() def setupImporter(self, temp_file_path): self.importer = TextImporter(, str(temp_file_path)) self.importer.initMapping() self.importer.allowHTML = True self.importer.importMode = self.frm.importMode.currentIndex()['importMode'] = self.importer.importMode self.importer.delimiter = ';' def selectDeck(self): did = self.deck.selectedId() if did != self.importer.model['did']: self.importer.model['did'] = did def getDaysSinceLastRun(self): path = self.getLastRunFilePath() if os.path.isfile(path): with open(path, "r") as f: timestamp = int( days = self.getDaysSinceTimestamp(timestamp) + 1 # round up else: days = 10 return days def getDaysSinceTimestamp(self, timestamp): now = previous = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) return (now - previous).days def writeCurrentTimestampToFile(self): path = self.getLastRunFilePath() now = with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(str(int(time.mktime(now.timetuple())))) def getLastRunFilePath(self): dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) return os.path.join(dir_path, "lastRun.txt")