class Person(Collection): __collection__ = 'persons' _allow_extra_fields = False _index = [{'type': 'hash', 'unique': False, 'fields': ['name']}] _allow_extra_fields = False # prevent extra properties from saving into DB _key = String(required=True) name = String(required=True, allow_none=False) age = Integer(missing=None) dob = Date() is_staff = Boolean(default=False) cars = relationship(__name__ + ".Car", '_key', target_field='owner_key') @property def is_adult(self): return self.age and self.age >= 18 @lazy_property def lazy_is_adult(self): return self.age and self.age >= 18 def __str__(self): return "<Person(" + + ")>"
class Student(Collection): __collection__ = 'students' _key = String(required=True) # registration number name = String(required=True, allow_none=False) age = Integer()
class Person(Collection): __collection__ = "persons" _allow_extra_fields = False _index = [{"type": "hash", "unique": False, "fields": ["name"]}] _allow_extra_fields = False # prevent extra properties from saving into DB _key = String() name = String(required=True, allow_none=False) age = Integer(allow_none=True, missing=None) dob = Date(allow_none=True, missing=None) is_staff = Boolean(default=False) cars = relationship(__name__ + ".Car", "_key", target_field="owner_key") @property def is_adult(self): return self.age and self.age >= 18 @lazy_property def lazy_is_adult(self): return self.age and self.age >= 18 def __str__(self): return "<Person(" + + ")>"
class Book(Collection): """Class for Book node""" __collection__ = "books" _key = String(required=True) # book_id authors = String(required=True) year = Integer(required=True) title = String(required=True) language = String(required=True) def __init__(self, book_id=None, authors=None, year=None, title=None, language=None): super(Book, self).__init__() self._key = book_id self.authors = authors self.year = year self.title = title self.language = language def insert(self): """Inserting book node to graph""" db.add(self) def find_by_id(self): book = db.query(Book).by_key(self._key) return book def linked_tags(self): """Return list of tags for specific book""" book = db.query(Book).by_key(self._key) graph.expand(book, depth=1, direction='any') tags = [tag._object_from.tag_name for tag in book._relations["tagged_to"]] return tags def link_to_tag(self, tag_id): """Create relationship (Book)-[:TAGGED_TO]->(Tag) """ if self.find_by_id(): tag = db.query(Tag).by_key(tag_id) db.add(graph.relation(self, Relation("tagged_to"), tag)) @staticmethod def books(): """Return list of all books""" books = db.query(Book).all() return books @staticmethod def most_popular_books(): """ Returns books which are read by most amount of users """ query = """ FOR user IN users FOR book IN INBOUND user reads COLLECT book_doc=book WITH COUNT INTO amount SORT book_doc, amount ASC RETURN {"book":book_doc, "count":amount} """ return graph.aql(query)
class Student(Collection): __collection__ = "students" _key = String(required=True) # registration number name = String(required=True, allow_none=False) age = Integer(allow_none=True, missing=None) def __str__(self): return "<Student({})>".format(
class Subject(Collection): __collection__ = "subjects" _key = String(required=True) # subject code name = String(required=True) credit_hours = Integer(allow_none=True, missing=None) has_labs = Boolean(missing=True) def __str__(self): return "<Subject({})>".format(
class Car(Collection): __collection__ = "cars" _allow_extra_fields = True make = String(required=True) model = String(required=True) year = Integer(required=True) owner_key = String(allow_none=True, missing=None) owner = relationship(Person, "owner_key") def __str__(self): return "<Car({} - {} - {})>".format(self.make, self.model, self.year)
class Car(Collection): __collection__ = 'cars' _allow_extra_fields = True make = String(required=True) model = String(required=True) year = Integer(required=True) owner_key = String() owner = relationship(Person, 'owner_key') def __str__(self): return "<Car({} - {} - {})>".format(self.make, self.model, self.year)
class MyModel(Collection): __collection__ = "MyCollection" _key = String() integer = Integer() datetime = DateTime() url = Url() bool_val = Boolean() str_list = List(String) floater = Float() date = Date() timedelta = TimeDelta() email = Email() number = Number() uuid = UUID() d = Dict()
class MyModel(Collection): __collection__ = "MyCollection" _key = String(allow_none=True) integer = Integer(allow_none=True) datetime = DateTime(allow_none=True) url = Url(allow_none=True) bool_val = Boolean(allow_none=True) str_list = List(String, allow_none=True) floater = Float(allow_none=True) date = Date(allow_none=True) timedelta = TimeDelta(allow_none=True) email = Email(allow_none=True) number = Number(allow_none=True) uuid = UUID(allow_none=True) d = Dict(allow_none=True)
class Person(Collection): class Hobby(Collection): class Equipment(Collection): name = String(required=False, allow_none=True) price = Number(required=False, allow_none=True) name = String(required=False, allow_none=True) type = String(required=True, allow_none=False) equipment = List(Nested(Equipment.schema()), required=False, allow_none=True, default=None) __collection__ = "persons" _allow_extra_fields = False _index = [{"type": "hash", "unique": False, "fields": ["name"]}] _allow_extra_fields = False # prevent extra properties from saving into DB _key = String() name = String(required=True, allow_none=False) age = Integer(allow_none=True, missing=None) dob = Date(allow_none=True, missing=None) is_staff = Boolean(default=False) favorite_hobby = Nested(Hobby.schema(), required=False, allow_none=True, default=None) hobby = List(Nested(Hobby.schema()), required=False, allow_none=True, default=None) cars = relationship(__name__ + ".Car", "_key", target_field="owner_key") @property def is_adult(self): return self.age and self.age >= 18 @lazy_property def lazy_is_adult(self): return self.age and self.age >= 18 def __str__(self): return "<Person(" + + ")>"
class Follows(Relation): __collection__ = "follows" _key = Integer(required=True)
class Reads(Relation): __collection__ = "reads" _key = Integer(required=True)
class TaggedTo(Relation): __collection__ = "tagged_to" _key = Integer(required=True)
class _Schema(Schema): _key = String(required=True) # subject code name = String(required=True) credit_hours = Integer() has_labs = Boolean(missing=True)
class _Schema(Schema): _key = String(required=True) # registration number name = String(required=True, allow_none=False) age = Integer()
class Person(Collection): __collection__ = "persons" _key_field = "name" name = String(required=True, allow_none=False) age = Integer(allow_none=True, missing=None)
class Likes(Relation): __collection__ = "likes" _key = Integer(required=True)