class ColorDemo(Application): generators = [gen_random_flashing, gen_sweep_async, gen_sweep_rand, ] def __init__(self, parser, animations): Application.__init__(self, parser) config = animations[self.args.type] self.durations = [int(config['dur_min']*config['rate']), int(config['dur_max']*config['rate'])] self.rate = Rate(config['rate']) self.colors = config['colors'] self.generator = self.generators[config['generator_id']] def run(self): # Construct all pixel generators generators = [] for h in xrange(self.height): line = [] for w in xrange(self.width): duration = random.randrange(0, self.durations[1]-self.durations[0]) line.append(self.generator(self.durations[0], int(2./self.rate.sleep_dur), duration, self.colors)) generators.append(line) # Browse all pixel generators at each time while True: with self.model: for h in xrange(self.height): for w in xrange(self.width): try: color = next(generators[h][w]) except StopIteration: pass else: self.model.set_pixel(h, w, color) self.rate.sleep()
def run(self): pa = pyaudio.PyAudio() num_bands = self.width if self.args.vertical else self.height num_bins = self.height if self.args.vertical else self.width self.renderer = Renderer(self.model, self.height, self.width, num_bins, num_bands, self.args.vertical) input_device_info = pa.get_default_input_device_info() self.framerate = int(input_device_info['defaultSampleRate']) stream =, channels=1, rate=self.framerate, output=False, input=True, stream_callback=self.callback) stream.start_stream() if self.args.scan_devices: files = [] self.get_playable_files('/media/', files) print("{} playable files found.".format(len(files))) if len(files) > 0: self.subprocess = Popen(['mplayer', choice(files), '-novideo']) signal(SIGINT, self.signal_handler) self.subprocess.wait() else: rate = Rate(5) while stream.is_active(): rate.sleep() stream.close() pa.terminate()
def run(self): # Update the screen every second. rate = Rate(1.0) tick_second = False while True: with self.model: # Get the current time. now = hour = now.hour minute = now.minute # Extract the digits of each number in order to draw them # separately. hour_digits = self.extract_digits(hour) minute_digits = self.extract_digits(minute) # Display digits on the screen. self.draw_row(0, hour_digits) self.draw_row(1, minute_digits) # Flash the separator every two seconds. self.flash_separator(tick_second) tick_second = not tick_second rate.sleep()
def run(self): rate = Rate(self.rate) self.model.set_all(self.BG_COLOR) self.model.set_pixel(self.HEAD[0], self.HEAD[1], self.PIXEL_COLOR) self.spawn_food(self.start_food) for x, y in self.FOOD_POSITIONS: self.model.set_pixel(x, y, self.FOOD_COLOR) while True: rate.sleep_dur = 1.0 / self.rate with self.model: self.process_events() new_pos = ((self.HEAD[0] + self.DIRECTION[0]) % self.height, (self.HEAD[1] + self.DIRECTION[1]) % self.width) #check if new_pos in self.queue: break self.HEAD = new_pos self.model.set_pixel(new_pos[0], new_pos[1], self.PIXEL_COLOR) self.queue.append(new_pos) if new_pos not in self.FOOD_POSITIONS: x, y = self.queue.pop(0) self.model.set_pixel(x, y, self.BG_COLOR) self.process_extras(x, y) else: del self.FOOD_POSITIONS[new_pos] self.spawn_food(1) self.rate += self.rate_increase self.process_extras() rate.sleep() self.game_over() exit()
def run(self): rate = Rate(self.rate) self.model.set_all(self.BG_COLOR) self.model.set_pixel(self.HEAD[0],self.HEAD[1],self.PIXEL_COLOR) self.spawn_food(self.start_food) for x,y in self.FOOD_POSITIONS: self.model.set_pixel(x, y, self.FOOD_COLOR) while True: rate.sleep_dur=1.0/self.rate with self.model: self.process_events() new_pos=((self.HEAD[0]+self.DIRECTION[0])%self.height, (self.HEAD[1]+self.DIRECTION[1])%self.width) #check if new_pos in self.queue: break self.HEAD=new_pos self.model.set_pixel(new_pos[0],new_pos[1],self.PIXEL_COLOR) self.queue.append(new_pos) if new_pos not in self.FOOD_POSITIONS: x, y=self.queue.pop(0) self.model.set_pixel(x, y, self.BG_COLOR) self.process_extras(x, y) else: del self.FOOD_POSITIONS[new_pos] self.spawn_food(1) self.rate+=self.rate_increase self.process_extras() rate.sleep() self.game_over() exit()
def run(self): # Update the screen every second. rate = Rate(2.0) for w in range(self.width): for h in range(self.height): with self.model: self.model.set_pixel(h, w, self.colors[self.color_index]) rate.sleep() self.color_index = (self.color_index +1) % len(self.colors)
def run(self): rate = Rate(self.rate) self.model.set_all(self.BG_COLOR) self.model.set_pixel(self.HEAD1[0],self.HEAD1[1],self.P1COLOR) self.model.set_pixel(self.HEAD2[0],self.HEAD2[1],self.P2COLOR) self.spawn_food(self.start_food) for x,y in self.FOOD_POSITIONS: self.model.set_pixel(x, y, self.FOOD_COLOR) while True: rate.sleep_dur=1.0/self.rate with self.model: self.process_events() new_pos=((self.HEAD1[0]+self.DIRECTION1[0])%self.height, (self.HEAD1[1]+self.DIRECTION1[1])%self.width) new_pos2=((self.HEAD2[0]+self.DIRECTION2[0])%self.height, (self.HEAD2[1]+self.DIRECTION2[1])%self.width) #check if new_pos in self.queue1 or new_pos in self.queue2: gagnant="J2" break if new_pos2 in self.queue2 or new_pos2 in self.queue1: gagnant="J1" break self.HEAD1=new_pos self.HEAD2=new_pos2 self.model.set_pixel(new_pos[0],new_pos[1],self.P1COLOR) self.model.set_pixel(new_pos2[0],new_pos2[1],self.P2COLOR) self.queue1.append(new_pos) self.queue2.append(new_pos2) if new_pos not in self.FOOD_POSITIONS: x, y=self.queue1.pop(0) self.model.set_pixel(x, y, self.BG_COLOR) self.process_extras(x, y) else: del self.FOOD_POSITIONS[new_pos] self.spawn_food(1) self.rate+=self.rate_increase self.process_extras() if new_pos2 not in self.FOOD_POSITIONS: x, y=self.queue2.pop(0) self.model.set_pixel(x, y, self.BG_COLOR) self.process_extras(x, y) else: del self.FOOD_POSITIONS[new_pos2] self.spawn_food(1) self.rate+=self.rate_increase self.process_extras() rate.sleep() self.game_over(gagnant) exit()
def run(self): # Update the screen every second. rate = Rate(2.0) for w in range(self.width): for h in range(self.height): with self.model: self.model.set_pixel(h, w, self.colors[self.color_index]) rate.sleep() self.color_index = (self.color_index + 1) % len(self.colors)
class Bounces(Application): def __init__(self, parser, rate): Application.__init__(self, parser) self.balls = [] self.rate = Rate(rate) def rand(): return choice([-1, 1]) * uniform(1. / rate, 10. / rate) for ball in range(4): self.balls.append( Ball(ball, randint(0, self.height - 1), randint(0, self.width - 1), self.height, self.width, Ball.colors[ball % len(Ball.colors)], rand(), rand())) # Motion control via Leap Motion self.swipe = [None] self.swipe_lock = RLock() if leapmotion: self.leap_listener = SampleListener(self.swipe, self.swipe_lock) self.controller = Controller() self.controller.add_listener(self.leap_listener) def close(self, reason='unknown'): Application.close(self, reason) if leapmotion: self.controller.remove_listener(self.leap_listener) def render(self): with self.model: self.model.set_all('black') with self.swipe_lock: for ball in self.balls: self.model.set_pixel(ball.x, ball.y, ball.color) if self.swipe[0] is not None: # mapping axes (height, width) of Arbalet on axes (x, z) of Leap Motion x_speed_boost = self.swipe[0].direction[ 0] * self.swipe[0].speed / 500. y_speed_boost = self.swipe[0].direction[ 2] * self.swipe[0].speed / 500. ball.x_speed += x_speed_boost ball.y_speed += y_speed_boost self.swipe[0] = None def run(self): while True: for ball in self.balls: ball.step_forward() self.render() self.rate.sleep()
class Bounces(Application): def __init__(self, parser, rate): Application.__init__(self, parser) self.balls = [] self.rate = Rate(rate) def rand(): return choice([-1, 1])*uniform(1./rate, 10./rate) for ball in range(4): self.balls.append(Ball(ball, randint(0, self.height-1), randint(0, self.width-1), self.height, self.width, Ball.colors[ball%len(Ball.colors)], rand(), rand())) # Motion control via Leap Motion self.swipe = [None] self.swipe_lock = RLock() if leapmotion: self.leap_listener = SampleListener(self.swipe, self.swipe_lock) self.controller = Controller() self.controller.add_listener(self.leap_listener) def close(self, reason='unknown'): Application.close(self, reason) if leapmotion: self.controller.remove_listener(self.leap_listener) def render(self): with self.model: self.model.set_all('black') with self.swipe_lock: for ball in self.balls: self.model.set_pixel(ball.x, ball.y, ball.color) if self.swipe[0] is not None: # mapping axes (height, width) of Arbalet on axes (x, z) of Leap Motion x_speed_boost = self.swipe[0].direction[0] * self.swipe[0].speed / 500. y_speed_boost = self.swipe[0].direction[2] * self.swipe[0].speed / 500. ball.x_speed += x_speed_boost ball.y_speed += y_speed_boost self.swipe[0] = None def run(self): while True: for ball in self.balls: ball.step_forward() self.render() self.rate.sleep()
class Life(Application): def __init__(self, parser, rate): Application.__init__(self, parser) self.rate = Rate(rate) self.t = Table(self.height, self.width, 3) print(self.t.table) def close(self, reason='unknown'): Application.close(self, reason) def render(self): with self.model: self.model.set_all('black') self.model.data_frame for y in range(0, self.height): for x in range(0, self.width): if (self.t.table[y][x] == 1): self.model.set_pixel( y, x, array((uniform(0, 1), uniform(0, 1), uniform(0, 1)))) def turn(self): """Turn""" nt = copy.deepcopy(self.t.table) with self.model: self.model.set_all('black') self.model.data_frame for y in range(0, self.height): for x in range(0, self.width): neighbours = self.t.liveNeighbours(y, x) if self.t.table[y][x] == 0: if neighbours == 3: nt[y][x] = 1 else: if (neighbours < 2) or (neighbours > 3): nt[y][x] = 0 self.t.table = nt def run(self): while True: self.turn() self.render() for i in range(10): self.rate.sleep()
class ColorDemo(Application): generators = [ gen_random_flashing, gen_sweep_async, gen_sweep_rand, ] def __init__(self, parser, animations): Application.__init__(self, parser) config = animations[self.args.type] self.durations = [ int(config['dur_min'] * config['rate']), int(config['dur_max'] * config['rate']) ] self.rate = Rate(config['rate']) self.colors = config['colors'] self.generator = self.generators[config['generator_id']] def run(self): # Construct all pixel generators generators = [] for h in xrange(self.height): line = [] for w in xrange(self.width): duration = random.randrange( 0, self.durations[1] - self.durations[0]) line.append( self.generator(self.durations[0], int(2. / self.rate.sleep_dur), duration, self.colors)) generators.append(line) # Browse all pixel generators at each time while True: with self.model: for h in xrange(self.height): for w in xrange(self.width): try: color = next(generators[h][w]) except StopIteration: pass else: self.model.set_pixel(h, w, color) self.rate.sleep()
def run(self): pa = pyaudio.PyAudio() num_bands = self.width if self.args.vertical else self.height num_bins = self.height if self.args.vertical else self.width self.renderer = Renderer(self.model, self.height, self.width, num_bins, num_bands, self.args.vertical) input_device_info = pa.get_default_input_device_info() self.framerate = int(input_device_info['defaultSampleRate']) stream =, channels=1, rate=self.framerate, output=False, input=True, stream_callback=self.callback) stream.start_stream() rate = Rate(5) while stream.is_active(): rate.sleep() stream.close() pa.terminate()
class LightsHero(Application): def __init__(self, argparser, num_lanes, path, speed): Application.__init__(self, argparser, touch_mode='columns') self.arbalet.touch.set_keypad(False) self.num_lanes = num_lanes self.score = 0 self.speed = float(speed) self.rate = Rate(self.speed) self.grid = [['background']*num_lanes for h in range(self.height)] # The coming notes (last line included even if it will overwritten by the bottom bar) = ['idle']*num_lanes # The bottom bar, idle = not pressed, hit = pressed during a note, pressed = pressed outside a note # Threads creation and starting self.renderer = Renderer(self.model, self.grid,, self.height, num_lanes, self.width) self.reader = SongReader(path, num_lanes, self.args.level, speed) self.sound = SoundManager(path) self.hits = UserHits(self.num_lanes, self.arbalet, self.sound, self.args.simulate_player) def next_line(self): # Delete the last line leaving the grid # Note : The bottom bar will overwrite the last line but the latter needs to be kept to draw the bottom bar for l in range(self.height-1, 0, -1): for w in range(self.num_lanes): self.grid[l][w] = self.grid[l-1][w] # Ask for a new line to the song reader and fill the top of the grid with it new_line = for lane in range(self.num_lanes): self.grid[0][lane] = new_line[lane] def process_user_hits(self): """ Read user inputs, update the bottom bar with key states and warn the UserHits class to update the score """ for lane in range(self.num_lanes): must_press = self.grid[self.height-1][lane] == 'active' or self.grid[self.height-1][lane] == 'bump' pressed = self.hits.get_pressed_keys()[lane] if must_press and pressed: status = 'hit' elif pressed: status = 'pressed' else: status = 'idle'[lane] = status # warn the user hits class whether the note has to be played self.hits.set_note(lane, self.grid[self.height-1][lane] in ['bump', 'active']) def display_score(self): levels = [15, 40, 60, 80, 90, 101] sentences = ["did you really play?", "you need to practice...", "I'm pretty sure you can do better...", "that's a fair score!", "awesome, you're a master!", "incredible, did you cheat?"] colors = ['darkred', 'orange', 'gold', 'yellowgreen', 'green', 'white'] score = int((100.*self.hits.score)/self.hits.max_score) for i, level in enumerate(levels): if score<level: sentence = sentences[i] color = colors[i] break print("You scored", score, '% with', self.hits.score, 'hits over', self.hits.max_score) if self.hits.score>0: self.model.write("You scored {}%, {}".format(score, sentence), color) def run(self): countdown = self.height # Countdown triggered after Midi's EOF start = time() # We loop while the end countdown is not timed out # it starts decreasing only when EOF is returned by the song reader while countdown>0: self.next_line() self.process_user_hits() self.renderer.update_view() if self.reader.eof: countdown -= 1 # delayed sound playing while the first notes are reaching the bottom bar if not self.sound.started and time()-start > (self.height-2)/self.speed: self.sound.start() self.rate.sleep() self.display_score()
class LightsHero(Application): def __init__(self, argparser, num_lanes, path, speed): Application.__init__(self, argparser, touch_mode='columns') self.arbalet.touch.set_keypad(False) self.num_lanes = num_lanes self.score = 0 self.speed = float(speed) self.rate = Rate(self.speed) self.grid = [ ['background'] * num_lanes for h in range(self.height) ] # The coming notes (last line included even if it will overwritten by the bottom bar) = [ 'idle' ] * num_lanes # The bottom bar, idle = not pressed, hit = pressed during a note, pressed = pressed outside a note # Threads creation and starting self.renderer = Renderer(self.model, self.grid,, self.height, num_lanes, self.width) self.reader = SongReader(path, num_lanes, self.args.level, speed) self.sound = SoundManager(path) self.hits = UserHits(self.num_lanes, self.arbalet, self.sound, self.args.simulate_player) def next_line(self): # Delete the last line leaving the grid # Note : The bottom bar will overwrite the last line but the latter needs to be kept to draw the bottom bar for l in range(self.height - 1, 0, -1): for w in range(self.num_lanes): self.grid[l][w] = self.grid[l - 1][w] # Ask for a new line to the song reader and fill the top of the grid with it new_line = for lane in range(self.num_lanes): self.grid[0][lane] = new_line[lane] def process_user_hits(self): """ Read user inputs, update the bottom bar with key states and warn the UserHits class to update the score """ for lane in range(self.num_lanes): must_press = self.grid[self.height - 1][lane] == 'active' or self.grid[ self.height - 1][lane] == 'bump' pressed = self.hits.get_pressed_keys()[lane] if must_press and pressed: status = 'hit' elif pressed: status = 'pressed' else: status = 'idle'[lane] = status # warn the user hits class whether the note has to be played self.hits.set_note( lane, self.grid[self.height - 1][lane] in ['bump', 'active']) def display_score(self): levels = [15, 40, 60, 80, 90, 101] sentences = [ "did you really play?", "you need to practice...", "I'm pretty sure you can do better...", "that's a fair score!", "awesome, you're a master!", "incredible, did you cheat?" ] colors = ['darkred', 'orange', 'gold', 'yellowgreen', 'green', 'white'] score = int((100. * self.hits.score) / self.hits.max_score) for i, level in enumerate(levels): if score < level: sentence = sentences[i] color = colors[i] break print("You scored", score, '% with', self.hits.score, 'hits over', self.hits.max_score) if self.hits.score > 0: self.model.write("You scored {}%, {}".format(score, sentence), color) def run(self): countdown = self.height # Countdown triggered after Midi's EOF start = time() # We loop while the end countdown is not timed out # it starts decreasing only when EOF is returned by the song reader while countdown > 0: self.next_line() self.process_user_hits() self.renderer.update_view() if self.reader.eof: countdown -= 1 # delayed sound playing while the first notes are reaching the bottom bar if not self.sound.started and time() - start > (self.height - 2) / self.speed: self.sound.start() self.rate.sleep() self.display_score()