def _internalmassconstruction(self): """Group internal walls into a ThermalMass object for this Zone""" oc = [] for surface in self.zonesurfaces(exclude=["WINDOWSHADINGCONTROL"]): # for surf_type in self.idf.idd_index['ref2names'][ # 'AllHeatTranSurfNames']: if surface.key.upper() == "INTERNALMASS": oc.append(OpaqueConstruction.from_epbunch(surface)) self.InternalMassExposedPerFloorArea = ( float(surface.Surface_Area) / self.area ) if not oc: # Todo: Create Equivalent InternalMassConstruction from # partitions. For now, creating dummy InternalMass mat = self.idf.add_object( ep_object="Material".upper(), Name="Wood 6inch", Roughness="MediumSmooth", Thickness=0.15, Conductivity=0.12, Density=540, Specific_Heat=1210, Thermal_Absorptance=0.7, Visible_Absorptance=0.7, ) cons = self.idf.add_object( ep_object="Construction".upper(), save=False, Name="InteriorFurnishings", Outside_Layer="Wood 6inch", ) internal_mass = "{}_InternalMass".format(self.Name) cons.Name = internal_mass + "_construction" new_epbunch = self.idf.add_object( ep_object="InternalMass".upper(), save=False, Name=internal_mass, Construction_Name=cons.Name, Zone_or_ZoneList_Name=self.Name, Surface_Area=1, ) oc.append(OpaqueConstruction.from_epbunch(new_epbunch, idf=self.idf)) self.InternalMassExposedPerFloorArea = 0 if self.InternalMassExposedPerFloorArea is None: self.InternalMassExposedPerFloorArea = 0 from operator import add return functools.reduce(add, oc)
def _do_slab(surf): """ Args: surf (EpBunch): """ log( 'surface "%s" assigned as a Slab' % surf.Name, lg.DEBUG,, ) oc = OpaqueConstruction.from_epbunch( surf.theidf.getobject("Construction".upper(), surf.Construction_Name) ) oc.area = surf.area oc.Surface_Type = "Slab" return oc
def _do_basement(surf): """ Args: surf (EpBunch): """ log( 'surface "%s" ignored because basement facades are not supported' % surf.Name, lg.WARNING,, ) oc = OpaqueConstruction.from_epbunch( surf.theidf.getobject("Construction".upper(), surf.Construction_Name) ) oc.area = surf.area oc.Surface_Type = "Facade" return oc
def _do_partition(surf): """ Args: surf (EpBunch): """ the_construction = surf.theidf.getobject( "Construction".upper(), surf.Construction_Name ) if the_construction: oc = OpaqueConstruction.from_epbunch(the_construction) oc.area = surf.area oc.Surface_Type = "Partition" log( 'surface "%s" assigned as a Partition' % surf.Name, lg.DEBUG,, ) return oc else: # we might be in a situation where the construction does not exist in the # file. For example, this can happen when the construction is defined as # "Air Wall", which is a construction type internal to EnergyPlus. return None
def from_zone(cls, zone): """ Args: zone (Zone): """ name = zone.Name + "_ZoneConstructionSet" # dispatch surfaces facade, ground, partition, roof, slab = [], [], [], [], [] zonesurfaces = zone._zonesurfaces for surf in zonesurfaces: for disp_surf in surface_dispatcher(surf, zone): if disp_surf: if disp_surf.Surface_Type == "Facade": facade.append(disp_surf) elif disp_surf.Surface_Type == "Ground": ground.append(disp_surf) elif disp_surf.Surface_Type == "Partition": partition.append(disp_surf) elif disp_surf.Surface_Type == "Roof": roof.append(disp_surf) elif disp_surf.Surface_Type == "Slab": slab.append(disp_surf) else: msg = ( 'Surface Type "{}" is not known, this method is not' " implemented".format(disp_surf.Surface_Type) ) raise NotImplementedError(msg) # Returning a set() for each groups of Constructions. facades = set(facade) if facades: facade = reduce(OpaqueConstruction.combine, facades) else: facade = OpaqueConstruction.generic(idf=zone.idf) grounds = set(ground) if grounds: ground = reduce(OpaqueConstruction.combine, grounds) else: ground = OpaqueConstruction.generic(idf=zone.idf) partitions = set(partition) if partitions: partition = reduce(OpaqueConstruction.combine, partitions) else: partition = OpaqueConstruction.generic(idf=zone.idf) roofs = set(roof) if roofs: roof = reduce(OpaqueConstruction.combine, roofs) else: roof = OpaqueConstruction.generic(idf=zone.idf) slabs = set(slab) if slabs: slab = reduce(OpaqueConstruction.combine, slabs) else: slab = OpaqueConstruction.generic(idf=zone.idf) z_set = cls( Facade=facade, Ground=ground, Partition=partition, Roof=roof, Slab=slab, Name=name, zone=zone, idf=zone.idf, Category=zone.idf.building_name(use_idfname=True), ) return z_set