Esempio n. 1
    def evaluate(individual):
        individual = individual[0]
        prod_MWsel = sum(x * y for x, y in zip(prod, individual))
        #check if the total production is witin boundaries, if not return a penalty vector
        if up_targ >= prod_MWsel >= low_targ:
            # goal 1
            mean_enerdsel = sum(x * y for x, y in zip(enerd, individual)) / sum(individual)
            # goal 2
            count_WTsel = sum(individual)
            # goal 3 (subset the input points by the WT_IDs which are in the ini pop (=1)
            WT_pop = np.column_stack((id, individual))
            WT_sel = WT_pop[WT_pop[:, [1]] == 1]
            WT_sel = WT_sel.astype(int)
            qry = '"WT_ID" IN ' + str(tuple(WT_sel))
            subset = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(all_pts, "tmp", qry)
            nn_output = arcpy.AverageNearestNeighbor_stats(subset, "EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE", "NO_REPORT", "41290790000")
            clus = float(nn_output.getOutput(0))
            res = (clus, count_WTsel, mean_enerdsel)
            ## delete the feature tmp since otherwise it will not work in a loop
            res = (10e20, 10e20, 0)
        return res

    #def feasible(individual):
        individual = individual[0]
        prod_MWsel = sum(x * y for x, y in zip(prod, individual))
        if (prod_MWsel <= up_targ and prod_MWsel >= low_targ):
            return True
        return False
Esempio n. 2
        def NearestNeighbor(fc, i, locationType):

            distanceTable = 'nnDistance'

            #Create table for output
            tableExists = arcpy.ListTables(distanceTable)

            #Check for existing table before creating
            if tableExists == []:
                arcpy.CreateTable_management(workspacePath, distanceTable)
                arcpy.AddField_management(distanceTable, 'StateName', 'TEXT')
                arcpy.AddField_management(distanceTable, 'NNdistance', 'FLOAT')

                #Location stats
                arcpy.AddField_management(distanceTable, 'LOCATION_COUNT',
                arcpy.AddField_management(distanceTable, 'LOCATION_DENSITY',

            #Table variables
            fields = ['OBJECTID', 'StateName', 'NNdistance']

            #Open cursor to distanceTable for inserting
            cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(distanceTable, fields)

            #Calculate average nearest neighbor stats
            nn_output = arcpy.AverageNearestNeighbor_stats(
                fc, "EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE", "NO_REPORT")

            #Grab observed distance and convert from meters to miles
            obsDistance = round((float(nn_output[4]) * 0.000621371), 2)

            #Add space back to name for those states that should have one (required for joining purposes);  Index of -1 returned for those not found
            if fc.find('New') != -1:
                fc = fc.replace('New', 'New ')
            elif fc.find('North') != -1:
                fc = fc.replace('North', 'North ')
            elif fc.find('South') != -1:
                fc = fc.replace('South', 'South ')
            elif fc.find('West') != -1:
                fc = fc.replace('West', 'West ')
            elif fc.find('Rhode') != -1:
                fc = fc.replace('Rhode', 'Rhode ')

            #Remove activity from stateName
            stateName = fc.replace(locationType + 'Filtered', '')

            #Add values to table
            row = [i, stateName, obsDistance]

            del cursor
Esempio n. 3
def Nearest_Neighbour_Index_Analysis(facilityName):
    To conduct Nearest Neighbour Index Analysis
    :param facilityName: feature class name to be analyzed
        nn_output = arcpy.AverageNearestNeighbor_stats(facilityName, "EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE", "GENERATE_REPORT", "#")

        # Create list of Average Nearest Neighbor output values by splitting the result object
        # print("The nearest neighbor index is: " + nn_output[0])
        # print("The z-score of the nearest neighbor index is: " + nn_output[1])
        # print("The p-value of the nearest neighbor index is: " + nn_output[2])
        # print("The expected mean distance is: " + nn_output[3])
        # print("The observed mean distance is: " + nn_output[4])
        # print("The path of the HTML report: " + nn_output[5])
        print "Complete Nearest Neighbour Analysis"
Esempio n. 4
def evaluate(individual):
    individual = individual[0]
    #first check if the production of the seleced WT's is in the range between 4.31 and 4.29 TWH
    # goal 1
    mean_enerdsel = sum(x * y
                        for x, y in zip(enerd, individual)) / sum(individual)
    # goal 2
    count_WTsel = sum(individual)
    # goal 3 (subset the input points by the WT_IDs which are in the ini pop (=1)
    WT_pop = np.column_stack((id, individual))
    WT_sel = WT_pop[WT_pop[:, [1]] == 1]
    WT_sel = WT_sel.astype(int)
    qry = '"WT_ID" IN ' + str(tuple(WT_sel))
    subset = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(all_pts, "tmp", qry)
    nn_output = arcpy.AverageNearestNeighbor_stats(subset,
                                                   "NO_REPORT", "41290790000")
    clus = float(nn_output.getOutput(0))
    res = (clus, count_WTsel, mean_enerdsel)
    ## delete the feature tmp since otherwise it will not work in a loop
    return (res)
Esempio n. 5
# print("The nearest neighbor index is: " + nn_output[0])
# print("The z-score of the nearest neighbor index is: " + nn_output[1])
# print("The p-value of the nearest neighbor index is: " + nn_output[2])
# print("The expected mean distance is: " + nn_output[3])
# print("The observed mean distance is: " + nn_output[4])
# print("The path of the HTML report: " + nn_output[5])

workPath = r"C:\Users\chenpipy\Desktop\xian"
    # Set the current workspace (to avoid having to specify the full path to the feature classes each time)
    arcpy.env.workspace = workPath
    files = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
    for file in files:
            nn_output = arcpy.AverageNearestNeighbor_stats(
                file, "EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE", "NO_REPORT", "#")
            rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(file)
            for row in rows:
                row.setValue("ave_dis", nn_output[4])
                row.setValue("exp_dis", nn_output[3])
                row.setValue("index", nn_output[0])
                row.setValue("p", nn_output[2])
                row.setValue("z", nn_output[1])
        except arcpy.ExecuteError:
except arcpy.ExecuteError:
    # If an error occurred when running the tool, print out the error message.
# JSON library lets us convert strings to and from json format
import json

# Declare the bounding rectangle area as float variable
given_bounding_rect = 1760000000.0
# From the resulting bounding rectangle when performing Nearest Neighbor Analysis in ArcMap
calc_bounding_rect = 747896332.677655


# Prints the five average nearest neighbor analysis values
# from the given bounding rectangle area
arcpy.AverageNearestNeighbor_stats(data, "EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE", "NO_REPORT",

# if no area is provided, ArcPy will calculate its own bounding rectangle area
arcpy.AverageNearestNeighbor_stats(data, "EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE")

def get_distance(p, p_list):
    :param p: reference point
    :param p_list: list of points
    :return: list of distances from that point to all other points in the list
    d_list = [
Esempio n. 7
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Created on: 2017-09-14 04:49:18.00000
#   (generated by ArcGIS/ModelBuilder)
# Usage: Cluster <Input_Feature_Class> <Output_Standard_Distance_Feature_Class> 
# Description: 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy

# Script arguments
Input_Feature_Class = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)

Output_Standard_Distance_Feature_Class = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)

# Local variables:
NNRatio = "0"
NNZScore = "0"
PValue = "0"
NNExpected = "0"
NNObserved = "0"
Report_File = ""

# Process: Average Nearest Neighbor
arcpy.AverageNearestNeighbor_stats(Input_Feature_Class, "EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE", "GENERATE_REPORT", "")

# Process: Standard Distance
arcpy.StandardDistance_stats(Input_Feature_Class, Output_Standard_Distance_Feature_Class, "1_STANDARD_DEVIATION", "", "")

def wildFireAnalysis():
        work = raw_input(r"Enter the full path of WildlandFires.gdb: ")
        if arcpy.Exists(work):
            y = raw_input ("WARNING! This file exists! Overwrite? (Y or N):")
            if y == 'N' or y!= 'Y':
                raise overwriteError('Program Ended... No Feature Class Created')
            raise existsError('Path does not exist!')
        arcpy.env.workspace = work # Set the workspace to the geodatabase
        iFile = raw_input(r"Enter the full path of wildfire text file:  ")
        if not os.path.exists(iFile):
            raise existsError('Path does not exist!')
        f = open(iFile, 'r')
        line = f.readline()
        newConfid= line.split(',')
        confidName = newConfid[2]
        setConfidVal = confidName.strip("\n")
        lstFires = f.readlines()
        featName = raw_input("Enter the name of the output feature class: ")
        if arcpy.Exists(featName):
            y = raw_input ("WARNING! This file exists! Overwrite? (Y or N):")
            if y == 'N' or y!= 'Y':
                raise overwriteError('Program Ended... No Feature Class Created')
        int_a = input("Specify the minimum confidence threshold (0-100):")
        arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(work, featName, "Point")
        arcpy.AddField_management(featName, setConfidVal, "LONG", 4)
        fields = ["SHAPE@", setConfidVal]
        cur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(featName, fields)
        cntr = 0
        counter = 0
        while True:
            int_a = int(int_a)
            if (0 <= int_a <= 100):
                # Correct number, break the while loop
            # Wrong number
            int_a = input("Warning...Threshold must be between 0 and 100...Re-enter:")

        # Here int_a is in the correct range
        fc = 'C:\Users\Thoma\Desktop\Lab5GEOG656\Lab 8 Data\WildlandFires.gdb\NationalParks'
        counter = 0 
        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, ['Name','SHAPE@']) as cursor:
            for row in cursor:
                name = row[0]
                geom = row[1]

        for fire in lstFires:
            if 'Latitude' in fire: # Skip the header
            pnt = arcpy.Point()
            pointGeom = fire.split(',')
            lstValues = pointGeom
            latitude = pointGeom[0]
            longitude = pointGeom[1]
            confidence = pointGeom[2]
            confid = int(confidence)
            pnt.X = float(longitude)
            pnt.Y = float(latitude)
            if confid > int_a:
                row = [pnt, confid]
                cntr = cntr + 1
                print "Record # " + str(cntr) + " written to feature class"
                if pnt.within(geom) is True:
                    counter = counter + 1
        print('There were {} fires in {}'.format(counter, name))
        del cur
        nn_output = arcpy.AverageNearestNeighbor_stats(featName, "EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE", "NO_REPORT", "#")
        roundZscore = (round(zScore, 2))
        if roundZscore < -1.65:
            print('The fire incidents are *significantly clustered* (z-score = {})'.format(roundZscore))
        elif roundZscore > 1.65:
            print('The fire incidents are *significantly dispersed* (z-score = {})'.format(roundZscore))
        elif roundZscore > -1.65 and roundZscore < 1.65:
            print('The fire incidents are * spatially random* (z-score = {})'.format(roundZscore))

except overwriteError as e:
    print "Error: " + str(e) # Prints Python-related errors

except existsError as e:
    print "Error: " + str(e) # Prints Python-related errors
            longitude = listValues[1]
            confid = listValues[2]
            pnt.X = longitude
            pnt.Y = latitude
            #if the point is in the polygon, insert it into new feature class and increment record count and number in polygon count
            row = [pnt, confid]
            cntr = cntr + 1
            print "Record # " + str(cntr) + " written to feature class"
            if pnt.within(polygon):
                inNationalPark +=1
    del cur, searchCurs #delete both cursors
    print 'The were {num} fires within {name}'.format(num = inNationalPark, name = name) 

    #Analyze Clustering of Fire Points
    nn_output = arcpy.AverageNearestNeighbor_stats(newOutputFeatureClass, "EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE", "NO_REPORT",'#') 
    zscoreval = round(float(nn_output[1]),2)
    if nn_output[1] < -1.65:
        print "The fire incidents are *signifiantly clustered* (z-score= ({score})".format(score=zscoreval)
    elif nn_output[1] > 1.65:
        print "The fire incidents are *significantly disperesed* (z-score= {score})".format(score=zscoreval)
        print "The fire incidents are *sptially random* (z-score= {score})".format(score=zscoreval)

except overwriteError:
    print "Program Ended... No Feature Class Created"
except existsError:
    print "Program Ended... Path Does Not Exist"
except Exception as e:
    print "Error: " + str(e) # Prints Python-related errors
    print arcpy.GetMessages() # Prints ArcPy-related errors