# TestFastVisibilityByCircle_SingleInput.py
# Description: Test Publishable Tasks Toolbox > Fast Visibility By Circle with single input circle
# Requirements: ArcGIS Desktop Standard with Spatial Analyst Extension
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

import arcpy
import sys
import traceback
import TestUtilities
import os

class LicenseError(Exception):

    if arcpy.CheckExtension("Spatial") == "Available":
        raise LicenseError
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
    inputCircle = os.path.join(TestUtilities.inputGDB, "FVBC_InputCircle")
    inputHeightAboveSurface = 5.0
    inputElevationURL = TestUtilities.inputElevationURL
    psOutput = os.path.join(TestUtilities.outputGDB, "FVBCircle_1_vshed")
    #Testing Path Slope
    arcpy.AddMessage("Starting Test: Fast Visibility By Circle - Single input circle")
    arcpy.FastVisibilityByCircle_pubtask(inputCircle, inputHeightAboveSurface, inputElevationURL,psOutput)
Esempio n. 2
def set_value(input_source, no_flood_value, flood_elevation_value, output_raster, debug):
        # Get Attributes from User
        if debug == 0:
            # script variables
            aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject("CURRENT")
            home_directory = aprx.homeFolder
            tiff_directory = home_directory + "\\Tiffs"
            tin_directory = home_directory + "\\Tins"
            scripts_directory = aprx.homeFolder + "\\Scripts"
            rule_directory = aprx.homeFolder + "\\rule_packages"
            log_directory = aprx.homeFolder + "\\Logs"
            layer_directory = home_directory + "\\layer_files"
            project_ws = aprx.defaultGeodatabase

            enableLogging = True
            DeleteIntermediateData = True
            verbose = 0
            in_memory_switch = True
            # debug
            input_source = r'D:\Gert\Work\Esri\Solutions\3DFloodImpact\work2.1\3DFloodImpact\3DFloodImpact.gdb\c2ft_inundation_Clip'
            output_raster = r'D:\Gert\Work\Esri\Solutions\3DFloodImpact\work2.1\3DFloodImpact\Testing.gdb\RasterValue'
            no_flood_value = "0"  # value or "NoData"
            flood_elevation_value = 8
            home_directory = r'D:\Gert\Work\Esri\Solutions\3DFloodImpact\work2.1\3DFloodImpact'
            log_directory = home_directory + "\\Logs"
            layer_directory = home_directory + "\\LayerFiles"
            project_ws = home_directory + "\\Testing.gdb"

            enableLogging = False
            DeleteIntermediateData = True
            verbose = 1
            in_memory_switch = False

        scratch_ws = common_lib.create_gdb(home_directory, "Intermediate.gdb")
        arcpy.env.workspace = scratch_ws
        arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

        flood_elevation_value = float(re.sub("[,.]", ".", flood_elevation_value))

        common_lib.set_up_logging(log_directory, TOOLNAME)
        start_time = time.clock()

        if arcpy.CheckExtension("3D") == "Available":

            if arcpy.CheckExtension("Spatial") == "Available":

                arcpy.AddMessage("Processing input source: " + common_lib.get_name_from_feature_class(input_source))

                # use numeric value for determining non flooded areas: set these values to NoData. We need NoData for clippng later on
                if no_flood_value != "NoData":
                    if common_lib.is_number(no_flood_value):
                        msg_body = create_msg_body(
                            "Setting no flood value: " + no_flood_value + " to NoData in copy of " + common_lib.get_name_from_feature_class(
                                input_source) + "...", 0, 0)
                        null_for_no_flooded_areas_raster = os.path.join(scratch_ws, "null_for_flooded")
                        if arcpy.Exists(null_for_no_flooded_areas_raster):

                        whereClause = "VALUE = " + no_flood_value

                        # Execute SetNull
                        outSetNull_temp = arcpy.sa.SetNull(input_source, input_source, whereClause)

                        input_source = null_for_no_flooded_areas_raster

                        raise ValueError

                # check where there is IsNull and set the con values
                is_Null = os.path.join(scratch_ws, "is_Null")
                if arcpy.Exists(is_Null):

                is_Null_raster = arcpy.sa.IsNull(input_source)

                # Con
                if arcpy.Exists(output_raster):
                temp_con_raster = arcpy.sa.Con(is_Null, input_source, flood_elevation_value)

                msg_body = create_msg_body(
                            "Setting flood elevation value to: " + str(flood_elevation_value) + " in " + common_lib.get_name_from_feature_class(output_raster) + "...", 0, 0)

                end_time = time.clock()
                msg_body = create_msg_body("Set Flood Elevation Value for Raster completed successfully.", start_time, end_time)


                return output_raster

                raise LicenseErrorSpatial
            raise LicenseError3D



    except NotProjected:
        print("Input data needs to be in a projected coordinate system. Exiting...")
        arcpy.AddError("Input data needs to be in a projected coordinate system. Exiting...")

    except NoLayerFile:
        print("Can't find Layer file. Exiting...")
        arcpy.AddError("Can't find Layer file. Exiting...")

    except LicenseError3D:
        print("3D Analyst license is unavailable")
        arcpy.AddError("3D Analyst license is unavailable")

    except LicenseErrorSpatial:
        print("Spatial Analyst license is unavailable")
        arcpy.AddError("Spatial Analyst license is unavailable")

    except NoNoDataError:
        print("Input raster does not have NODATA values")
        arcpy.AddError("Input raster does not have NODATA values")

    except NoUnits:
        print("No units detected on input data")
        arcpy.AddError("No units detected on input data")

    except NoPolygons:
        print("Input data can only be polygon features or raster datasets.")
        arcpy.AddError("Input data can only be polygon features or raster datasets.")

    except ValueError:
        print("Input no flood value is not a number.")
        arcpy.AddError("Input no flood value is not a number.")

    except arcpy.ExecuteError:
        line, filename, synerror = trace()
        msg("Error on %s" % line, ERROR)
        msg("Error in file name:  %s" % filename, ERROR)
        msg("With error message:  %s" % synerror, ERROR)
        msg("ArcPy Error Message:  %s" % arcpy.GetMessages(2), ERROR)

    except FunctionError as f_e:
        messages = f_e.args[0]
        msg("Error in function:  %s" % messages["function"], ERROR)
        msg("Error on %s" % messages["line"], ERROR)
        msg("Error in file name:  %s" % messages["filename"], ERROR)
        msg("With error message:  %s" % messages["synerror"], ERROR)
        msg("ArcPy Error Message:  %s" % messages["arc"], ERROR)

        line, filename, synerror = trace()
        msg("Error on %s" % line, ERROR)
        msg("Error in file name:  %s" % filename, ERROR)
        msg("with error message:  %s" % synerror, ERROR)

Esempio n. 3
def processLakes(directory):

    #Get licensed
    if arcpy.CheckExtension("Spatial"):
        print "No SA licence"

    # Load the environment
    env.workspace = "C:/Users/hengstam/Desktop/Research/hengst_env"

    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

    files = glob(env.workspace + '/' + directory + '/*.shp')
    for ogshapes in files:

        # Our file to be processed
        ogshapes = ogshapes[len(env.workspace) + 1:]
        name = ogshapes[len(directory) + 1:]
        shapes = 'processed_polygons/' + name

        # Copy it over
        print "Processing " + ogshapes + " as " + shapes + "..."
        arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(ogshapes, shapes)

        # Get the date and location
        date = int(name[17:24])
        loc = (int(name[10:12]), int(name[13:15]))
        print date, loc

        ## Calculate area and get centroids
        print "Detailing shapefiles..."

        # Add fields
        arcpy.AddField_management(shapes, "area", "DOUBLE")
        arcpy.AddField_management(shapes, "centr_x", "DOUBLE")
        arcpy.AddField_management(shapes, "centr_y", "DOUBLE")
        arcpy.AddField_management(shapes, "lake_id", "STRING")
        arcpy.AddField_management(shapes, "date", "SHORT")
        arcpy.AddField_management(shapes, "loc", "SHORT")

        # Build a cursor to set our new fields
        cursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(shapes, [
            "SHAPE@AREA", "SHAPE@TRUECENTROID", "area", "centr_x", "centr_y",
            "date", "loc"

        # Start summing area
        areaTotal = 0

        # Work through all shapes in the feature class
        for row in cursor:

            # Running total of area
            areaTotal = row[0] + areaTotal

            # Write area value
            row[2] = row[0]

            # Write centroid values
            row[3] = row[1][0]
            row[4] = row[1][1]

            # Write date and location
            row[5] = date
            row[6] = loc

            # Save it

        # Clean up cursor objects
        del row, cursor

        print "Shapefiles successfully detailed."

        ## Only save large polygons (more than 0.1 km^2)
        print "Removing small polygons..."

        arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(shapes, "shapes_lyr")
        arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("shapes_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION",
                                                "area < 500000")
        print "Small polygons successfully removed."

        ## Name the remaining lakes
        print "Naming lakes..."

        # Make a cursor to update the stuff
        cursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(shapes,
                                       ["SHAPE@TRUECENTROID", "lake_id"])

        # n is used to count the number of lakes, which is displayed at the end of this script.
        n = 0

        # Go through all lakes in the feature class
        for row in cursor:

            # Counting works like this
            n += 1

            # Make hash
            m = hashlib.sha224()

            # Use centroid to mutate hash

            # Save it
            row[1] = m.hexdigest()


        # Clean up cursor objects
        del cursor

        # IO
        print "success! " + str(n) + " lakes found and named."
        print str(areaTotal) + "m^2 total lake area."
Esempio n. 4
#Gina Fonseca

#Chapter 5 Challenge Problem 4

import arcpy
#Extension codes "3D" "Spatial" " Network"
#Gina Fonseca
#Chapter 5 Challenge 04

from arcpy import env

env.worskapce = "C:/EsriPress/PythonData/Exercise05"

S = ""
D = ""
N = ""

if arcpy.CheckExtension(
        "Spatial") == "Available":  #this one checks for spatial
    S = "Spatial Analyst"

if arcpy.CheckExtension("3D") == "Available":  #this statement checks for 3D
    D = "3D Analyst"

if arcpy.CheckExtension(
        "Network") == "Available":  #this statemnent checks for network
    N = " Network Analyst"

print "The following license have been checked and are available: " + S + N + D
Esempio n. 5
# EvcLayerSolver.py
# Author:       Kaveh Shahabi
# Date:         Nov 13, 2014
# Usage:        EvcLayerSolver.py <Workspace> <Layer_File_Name>
# Description:  Solves all networtk layers within a layer file and saves the result
#               The workspace is where the network dataset exist.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
import sys
arcpy.env.workspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
arcpy.SetParameter(2, False)

# Check out any necessary licenses
if arcpy.CheckExtension("Network") == "Available":
    arcpy.AddMessage("Network Analyst Extension Is Not Available")
    print "Network Analyst Is Not Available"

# Script arguments
Layer_Location = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
if Layer_Location == '#' or not Layer_Location:
    raise ValueError("layer location is missing")

# load layer file and loop over all network layers
lyrFile = arcpy.mapping.Layer(Layer_Location)
for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(lyrFile):
    desc = arcpy.Describe(Layer_Location + "\\" + lyr.longName)
Esempio n. 6

__author__ = [
    "Daniel Jensen, [email protected]",
    "Jeffry Ely, [email protected]", "Quinten Geddes"

# local imports
from .atsat_bright_temp import *
from .cloud_mask import *
from .grab_meta import *
from .ndvi import *
from .scene import *
from .surface_reflectance import *
from .surface_temp import *
from .toa_radiance import *
from .toa_reflectance import *

from dnppy import core

# standard imports
import os, sys, time, math, arcpy, shutil
if core.check_module("numpy"): import numpy

# arcpy imports
if arcpy.CheckExtension('Spatial') == 'Available':
    from arcpy.sa import *
    from arcpy import env
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
Esempio n. 7
def NAtoCSV_trans(inSpace, inGdb, inNetworkDataset, impedanceAttribute, accumulateAttributeName, inOrigins, inDestinations, outNALayerName, outFile, outField):
    Same as NAtoCSV, but removed "oneway" since Transit network doesnot have this attribute
    Also changed the SNAP code to "ions" for all stations
    fields = outField
    import arcpy
    from arcpy import env
        #Check out the Network Analyst extension license
        if arcpy.CheckExtension("Network") == "Available":
            # Raise a custom exception
            print "Network license unavailable, make sure you have network analyst extension installed."

        #Check out the Network Analyst extension license

        #Set environment settings
        env.workspace = inSpace + inGdb
        env.overwriteOutput = True

        #Create a new OD Cost matrix layer.
        outNALayer = arcpy.na.MakeODCostMatrixLayer(inNetworkDataset, outNALayerName,
                                                    impedanceAttribute, "#", "#",
        #Get the layer object from the result object. The OD cost matrix layer can 
        #now be referenced using the layer object.
        outNALayer = outNALayer.getOutput(0)
        #Get the names of all the sublayers within the OD cost matrix layer.
        subLayerNames = arcpy.na.GetNAClassNames(outNALayer)

        #Stores the layer names that we will use later
        originsLayerName = subLayerNames["Origins"]
        destinationsLayerName = subLayerNames["Destinations"]
        linesLayerName = subLayerNames["ODLines"]
        #Adjust field names
        #Exploit the fact that the detector feature is named hd_ML_snap, (or AllStationsML)
        #change the field mapping of Name to id_stn
        oriField = "Name ID_TAZ12A #"
        oriSort = "ID_TAZ12A"
        destField = "Name ID_TAZ12A #"
        destSort = "ID_TAZ12A"
        searchMetro = "BlueLine_Split SHAPE;GoldLine_split SHAPE;GreenLine_split SHAPE;LABus_prj NONE;LABus_prj_conn NONE;Metro_Tiger_Conn SHAPE;Orange_Conn SHAPE;OrangeLine_split SHAPE;RedLine_split SHAPE;Silver_Conn SHAPE;SilverLine_split SHAPE;TAZ_Tiger_Conn NONE;tl_2012_LAC_prj NONE;BusStopsWLines_prj NONE;Metro_Tiger_Conn_pt SHAPE;Orange_Conn_pt SHAPE;Silver_Conn_pt SHAPE;PreBusDPS_ND_Junctions NONE"
        searchTAZ   = "BlueLine_Split NONE;GoldLine_split NONE;GreenLine_split NONE;LABus_prj NONE;LABus_prj_conn NONE;Metro_Tiger_Conn NONE;Orange_Conn NONE;OrangeLine_split NONE;RedLine_split NONE;Silver_Conn NONE;SilverLine_split NONE;TAZ_Tiger_Conn SHAPE;tl_2012_LAC_prj NONE;BusStopsWLines_prj NONE;Metro_Tiger_Conn_pt NONE;Orange_Conn_pt NONE;Silver_Conn_pt NONE;PreBusDPS_ND_Junctions NONE"
        print "Origins: ", inOrigins, " Destinations: ", inDestinations
        if "Station" in inOrigins:
            oriField = "Name id_stn #"
            oriSort = "id_stn"
            arcpy.AddLocations_na(outNALayer, originsLayerName, inOrigins,
                                  oriField, sort_field = oriSort, append = "CLEAR", search_criteria = searchMetro)
            print "loaded stations onto transit network (search_criteria)"
            arcpy.AddLocations_na(outNALayer, originsLayerName, inOrigins,
                                  oriField, sort_field = oriSort, append = "CLEAR", search_criteria = searchTAZ)
            print "loaded stations onto network"

        if "Station" in inDestinations:
            destField = "Name id_stn #"
            destSort = "id_stn"
            arcpy.AddLocations_na(outNALayer, destinationsLayerName, inDestinations,
                                  destField, sort_field = destSort, append = "CLEAR", search_criteria = searchMetro)
            print "loaded stations onto transit network (search_criteria)"
            arcpy.AddLocations_na(outNALayer, destinationsLayerName, inDestinations,
                                  destField, sort_field = destSort, append = "CLEAR", search_criteria = searchTAZ)    
            print "loaded stations onto network"
        #Solve the OD cost matrix layer
        print "Begin Solving"
        print "Done Solving"
        # Extract lines layer, export to CSV
        for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(outNALayer):
            if lyr.name == linesLayerName:
                with open(outFile, 'w') as f:
                    #f.write(','.join(fields)+'\n') # csv headers
                    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(lyr, fields) as cursor:
                        print "Successfully created lines searchCursor.  Exporting to " + outFile
                        for row in cursor:
                            f.write(','.join([str(r) for r in row])+'\n')
        # Deleteing using del outNALayer is not enough.  Need to delete within arcpy to release
    except Exception as e:
        # If an error occurred, print line number and error message
        import sys
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        print "An error occurred in NAtoCSV_Trans line %i" % tb.tb_lineno
        print str(e)        

        #Check the network analyst extension license back in, regardless of errors.
Esempio n. 8
def main():

    # 0: Setting computing environment
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True  #Such that files can be overwritten
    arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Temp\MTWEB"  #Setting the workspace
    if arcpy.CheckExtension(
            "Spatial") == "Available":  #Check out spatial analyst extension
    rs = arcpy.SpatialReference(
    )  #Getting reference system for RD_New, GCS_Amersfoort to project geodata

    # 1: Getting data from Foursquare, store it as json and  as shapefile

    #First municipality
    jsonfile1 = os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, 'Utrechtfoodfsdata.json')
    municipality1 = getMunicipality(
    city1 = 'Utrecht, NL'
    fsdata1 = getFSdata(city=city1, section='food')
    processFSPlaces(fsdata1, jsonfile1)
    result1shp = os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, "Utrechtfood.shp")
    d = loadJson(jsonfile1)
    json2SHP(d, result1shp, ['cat', 'rating'], rs)

    #Second municipality
    jsonfile2 = os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, 'Zwollefoodfsdata.json')
    municipality2 = getMunicipality(
    city2 = 'Zwolle, NL'
    fsdata2 = getFSdata(city=city2, section='food')
    processFSPlaces(fsdata2, jsonfile2)
    result2shp = os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, "Zwollefood.shp")
    d = loadJson(jsonfile2)
    json2SHP(d, result2shp, ['cat', 'rating'], rs)

    # 2: Generating topics from webtexts, store it as json, and as shapefile

    jsonfile = os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, 'result.json')
        jsonfile1, jsonfile2, jsonfile
    )  #This adds the two jsonfiles from two municipalities into a single one
    texts, ids = getTexts(
        jsonfile, 'webtext')  #This loads the texts contained a certain key
    topics = getTopics(
        texts, ids, language='dutch', showwordcloud=False
    )  #This method runs LDA to get topic probabilities for each loaded text
    outfile = os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, 'webtopics.json')
        jsonfile, topics, outfile, ids
    )  #This joins the topic probabilities and the json file (for those places having texts)

    topicshp = os.path.join(
        r"webtopics.shp")  #This stores the topics into a single shapefile
    d = loadJson(outfile)
    topicnames = topics[0].keys()
    keys = ['cat', 'rating'] + topicnames
    json2SHP(d, topicshp, keys, rs)

    # 3: Geoprocessing points with topics

    #For 1st municipality, generates neighborhood file. Then generates an accessibility raster (density) for each topic and  aggregates it into a neighborhood table
    arcpy.env.extent = getExtentfromFile(result1shp)
    buurt1 = getCityNeighborhoods(buurtfile="wijkenbuurten2014/buurt_2014.shp",
    for t in normalizeFieldList(topicnames):
        kdensrast = kdensityRaster(topicshp, 'U', t)
        densbuurt = aggRasterinNeighborhoods(
            kdensrast, buurt1)  #aggregate means into neighborhoods

    #For 2nd municipality,  generates neighborhood file. Then generates an accessibility raster (density) for each topic and aggregates it into a neighborhood table
    arcpy.env.extent = getExtentfromFile(result2shp)
    buurt2 = getCityNeighborhoods(buurtfile="wijkenbuurten2014/buurt_2014.shp",
    for t in normalizeFieldList(topicnames):
        kdensrast = kdensityRaster(topicshp, 'Z', t)
        densbuurt = aggRasterinNeighborhoods(
            kdensrast, buurt2)  #aggregate means into neighborhoods
Esempio n. 9
    with open(INPUTFILE) as f:
        INPUTDATA = imp.load_source('INPUTDATA', '', f)
except ImportError:
    print("Could not find properly formatted input file.")

# Check out 3D analyst extension
class LicenseError(Exception):
    """ DOC STRING """

    if arcpy.CheckExtension("3D") == "Available":
        # raise a custom exception
        raise LicenseError
except LicenseError:
    print("3D Analyst license is unavailable")
except arcpy.ExecuteError:

# Allow overwrite output
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

# Generated folders
RASTER_FOLDER = os.path.join(OUTPUTPATH, "raster/")
def RunTest():
        arcpy.AddMessage("Starting Test: RangeFans")

        if arcpy.CheckExtension("Spatial") == "Available":
            # Raise a custom exception
            raise Exception("LicenseError")

        # WORKAROUND
        print "Creating New Scratch Workspace (Workaround)"

        # Verify the expected configuration exists
        inputPointsFC = os.path.join(TestUtilities.inputGDB,
        inputSurface = os.path.join(TestUtilities.inputGDB,
        outputRangeFansFC = os.path.join(TestUtilities.outputGDB, "RangeFans")
        outputRangeVizFC = os.path.join(TestUtilities.outputGDB, "RangeViz")
        toolbox = TestUtilities.toolbox
        sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(
            32642)  #WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_42N using factoryCode

        # Check For Valid Input
        objects2Check = []
        objects2Check.extend([inputPointsFC, inputSurface, toolbox])
        for object2Check in objects2Check:
            desc = arcpy.Describe(object2Check)
            if desc == None:
                raise Exception("Bad Input")
                print("Valid Object: " + desc.Name)

        # Set environment settings
        print("Running from: " + str(TestUtilities.currentPath))
        print("Geodatabase path: " + str(TestUtilities.geodatabasePath))

        arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
        arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = TestUtilities.scratchGDB
        arcpy.ImportToolbox(toolbox, "VandR")

        inputFeatureCount = int(
        print("Input FeatureClass: " + str(inputPointsFC))
        print("Input Feature Count: " + str(inputFeatureCount))

        if (inputFeatureCount < 1):
            print("Invalid Input Feature Count: " + str(inputFeatureCount))

        maximumRange = 1000.0
        bearing = 150.0
        traversal = 22.0

        # Execute the Model under test:
        arcpy.RangeFan_VandR(inputPointsFC, maximumRange, bearing, traversal,
                             inputSurface, outputRangeFansFC, outputRangeVizFC,

        # Verify the results
        outputFeatureCountFans = int(
        print("Output FeatureClass: " + str(outputRangeFansFC))
        print("Output Feature Count: " + str(outputFeatureCountFans))

        outputFeatureCountViz = int(
        print("Output FeatureClass: " + str(outputRangeVizFC))
        print("Output Feature Count: " + str(outputFeatureCountViz))

        if (outputFeatureCountFans < 1) or (outputFeatureCountViz < 1):
            print("Invalid Output Feature Count: " +
                  str(outputFeatureCountFans) + ":" +
            raise Exception("Test Failed")

        # WORKAROUND: delete scratch db
        print("Deleting Scratch Workspace (Workaround)")

        print("Test Successful")

    except arcpy.ExecuteError:
        # Get the tool error messages
        msgs = arcpy.GetMessages()

        # return a system error code

    except Exception as e:
        # Get the traceback object
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0]

        # Concatenate information together concerning the error into a message string
        pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str(
        msgs = "ArcPy ERRORS:\n" + arcpy.GetMessages() + "\n"

        # Return python error messages for use in script tool or Python Window

        # return a system error code

        # Check in the 3D Analyst extension