def createfolders(): tempfolder = "Temp" arcpy.CreateFolder_management(workspace, tempfolder) path_to_temp0 = join(workspace,tempfolder) if arcpy.Exists(path_to_temp0): arcpy.AddMessage("Folder 'Temp' is created.") # creates folder Geo-space in the workspace geofolder = "GeoSpace" arcpy.CreateFolder_management(workspace, geofolder) path_to_geofolder0 = join(workspace,geofolder) if arcpy.Exists(path_to_geofolder0): arcpy.AddMessage("Folder 'GeoSpace' is created.") # creates folder SOM-space in the workspace somfolder = "SomSpace" arcpy.CreateFolder_management(workspace, somfolder) path_to_somfolder0 = join(workspace,somfolder) if arcpy.Exists(path_to_somfolder0): arcpy.AddMessage("Folder 'SomSpace' is created.") # creates output folder in the workspace output_folder = "output_folder" arcpy.CreateFolder_management(workspace, output_folder) path_to_outputfolder0 = join(workspace,output_folder) if arcpy.Exists(path_to_outputfolder0): arcpy.AddMessage("Folder 'output_folder' is created.") return path_to_temp0, path_to_geofolder0, path_to_somfolder0, path_to_outputfolder0
def mhello(): foldername = path_directory.rsplit('\\', 1)[0] arcpy.CreateFolder_management(foldername, 'input') arcpy.CreateFolder_management(foldername, 'output') arcpy.CreateFolder_management(foldername, 'tmp') inputpath = str(foldername + '/input/') start_county_layer = "C:\Users\zwhitman\Documents\census\psu_app\input\us_counties.shp" global input_county input_county = inputpath + 'us_counties_joined_3857.shp' if os.path.isfile(input_county): controller.show_frame(PageState) else: arcpy.Copy_management(start_county_layer, input_county) arcpy.TableToDBASE_conversion(variable_file, inputpath) dbf_varfile = variable_file.rsplit('/', 1)[1] dbf_varfile = dbf_varfile[:-3] + "dbf" dbf_varfile = inputpath + dbf_varfile arcpy.AddField_management(dbf_varfile, "GEOID_2", "TEXT", "#", "#", "#", "#", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "#") arcpy.CalculateField_management( dbf_varfile, "GEOID_2", "calc(!GEOID!)", "PYTHON_9.3", "def calc(a):\\n x = a[1:-1] \\n return x\\n") arcpy.JoinField_management(input_county, "GEOID", dbf_varfile, "GEOID_2", "#") controller.show_frame(PageState) return
def process(): arcpy.CreateFolder_management(out_folder_path="C:/", out_name="EDIFICIOS") arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(out_folder_path="C:/EDIFICIOS", out_name="GDB", out_version="CURRENT") arcpy.CreateFolder_management(out_folder_path="C:/EDIFICIOS", out_name="CARPETA") arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(out_folder_path="C:/EDIFICIOS/CARPETA", out_name="GDB_E", out_version="CURRENT") #COPIAR PLANTILLA# arcpy.Copy_management(ly_taps_, out_data="C:/EDIFICIOS/CARPETA/GDB_E.gdb/ly_taps", data_type="FeatureClass") arcpy.Copy_management(ly_areain_, out_data="C:/EDIFICIOS/CARPETA/GDB_E.gdb/ly_areain", data_type="FeatureClass") arcpy.Copy_management(ly_troba_, out_data="C:/EDIFICIOS/CARPETA/GDB_E.gdb/ly_troba", data_type="FeatureClass") arcpy.Copy_management(ly_nodo_, out_data="C:/EDIFICIOS/CARPETA/GDB_E.gdb/ly_nodo", data_type="FeatureClass") #KMZ A FEATURE# EDIFICIO_KMZ = arcpy.KMLToLayer_conversion( EDI_KMZ, output_folder="C:/EDIFICIOS", output_data="EDIFICIO_KMZ", include_groundoverlay="NO_GROUNDOVERLAY") arcpy.AddField_management(in_table="C:/EDIFICIOS/EDIFICIO_KMZ.gdb/Points", field_name="COD_TAP", field_type="TEXT") arcpy.CalculateField_management( in_table="C:/EDIFICIOS/EDIFICIO_KMZ.gdb/Points", field="COD_TAP", expression="[Name]", expression_type="VB") #RELLENAR PLANTILLAS# arcpy.Append_management(inputs="C:/EDIFICIOS/EDIFICIO_KMZ.gdb/Points", target="C:/EDIFICIOS/CARPETA/GDB_E.gdb/ly_taps", schema_type="NO_TEST") arcpy.Append_management(inputs="C:/EDIFICIOS/EDIFICIO_KMZ.gdb/Polygons", target="C:/EDIFICIOS/CARPETA/GDB_E.gdb/ly_troba", schema_type="NO_TEST") arcpy.Append_management(inputs="C:/EDIFICIOS/EDIFICIO_KMZ.gdb/Polygons", target="C:/EDIFICIOS/CARPETA/GDB_E.gdb/ly_areain", schema_type="NO_TEST") arcpy.Append_management(inputs="C:/EDIFICIOS/EDIFICIO_KMZ.gdb/Polygons", target="C:/EDIFICIOS/CARPETA/GDB_E.gdb/ly_nodo", schema_type="NO_TEST") #RELLENAR CAMPOS CODIGO DE TROBA# arcpy.CalculateField_management(ly_taps, "MTCODNOD", CodExpression, "PYTHON_9.3")
def exports_main(exp_f): arcpy.env.compression = "LZW" arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True print(startTime) export_fold = os.path.join(exp_f, "BHI_BVI_merged") gdb_option = False if gdb_option is True: fileExt = ".gdb" else: fileExt = "" if os.path.exists(export_fold): print("export folder already exists") else: print("create export folder") os.makedirs(export_fold) BHI_gdb = os.path.join(export_fold, "BHI_5m" + fileExt) if BHI_gdb[-4:] == ".gdb": bhi_file_ext = "" if arcpy.Exists(BHI_gdb): arcpy.Delete_management(BHI_gdb) arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(export_fold, "BHI_5m") else: arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(export_fold, "BHI_5m") else: bhi_file_ext = ".tif" if arcpy.Exists(BHI_gdb): arcpy.Delete_management(BHI_gdb) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(export_fold, "BHI_5m") else: arcpy.CreateFolder_management(export_fold, "BHI_5m") BVI_gdb = os.path.join(export_fold, "BVI_5m" + fileExt) if BVI_gdb[-4:] == ".gdb": bvi_file_ext = "" if arcpy.Exists(BVI_gdb): arcpy.Delete_management(BVI_gdb) arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(export_fold, "BVI_5m") else: arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(export_fold, "BVI_5m") else: bvi_file_ext = ".tif" if arcpy.Exists(BVI_gdb): arcpy.Delete_management(BVI_gdb) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(export_fold, "BVI_5m") else: arcpy.CreateFolder_management(export_fold, "BVI_5m") BVI_exten = "**/*_GB_BVI.tif" BHI_exten = "**/*_GB_BHI.tif" collect_HR_data(exp_f, BHI_exten, BHI_gdb, bhi_file_ext) collect_HR_data(exp_f, BVI_exten, BVI_gdb, bvi_file_ext)
def workspaceFunc(): if not os.path.exists(root): os.makedirs(root) try: if os.path.isfile(tempOutput): os.remove(tempOutput) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(root, "CommTempdata") arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(tempOutput, "CommissionersTemp", "") else: arcpy.CreateFolder_management(root, "CommTempdata") arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(tempOutput, "CommissionersTemp", "") except arcpy.ExecuteError: pass
def inv_norm(): """Invert and normalize each corridor.""" lm_util.gprint("Inverting and normalizing each corridor") prev_ws = arcpy.env.workspace # could be multiple nlc folders nlc_idx = 0 while True: nlc_str = "" if nlc_idx > 0: nlc_str = str(nlc_idx) if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(lm_env.DATAPASSDIR, "nlcc", "nlc" + nlc_str)): break arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.join(lm_env.DATAPASSDIR, "nlcc", "nlc" + nlc_str) # process each corridor raster in folder for input_raster in arcpy.ListRasters(): # max score normalization with inversion inv_norm_raster = normalize_raster(Raster(input_raster), lp_env.NORMCORRNORMETH, True) if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(lm_env.DATAPASSDIR, "nlcc", "nlc" + nlc_str, "inv_norm")): arcpy.CreateFolder_management( os.path.join(lm_env.DATAPASSDIR, "nlcc", "nlc" + nlc_str), "inv_norm") os.path.join(lm_env.DATAPASSDIR, "nlcc", "nlc" + nlc_str, "inv_norm", input_raster)) nlc_idx += 1 arcpy.env.workspace = prev_ws
def create_gdb(folder): fecha = time.strftime('%d%b%y') hora = time.strftime('%H%M%S') nameFile = "BACKUP-{}-{}".format(fecha, hora) folder_gdb = arcpy.CreateFolder_management(folder, nameFile).getOutput(0) path_gdb = arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(folder_gdb, name_gdb, "10.0") return os.path.join(folder, nameFile, name_gdb)
def create_folder_in_scratch(folderName): # create the folders necessary for the job scratch = arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace #scratch = sys.path[0] folderPath = arcpy.CreateUniqueName(folderName, scratch) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(scratch, os.path.basename(folderPath)) return folderPath
def createGdb(carpeta): list_fc = [] fecha = time.strftime('%d%b%y') hora = time.strftime('%H%M%S') nameFile = "Proceso-{}-{}".format(fecha, hora) FOLDER = arcpy.CreateFolder_management(carpeta, nameFile) GDB = arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(FOLDER, nameGdb, "10.0") return os.path.join(carpeta, nameFile, nameGdb + ".gdb")
def create_gdb(self): fecha = time.strftime('%d%b%y') hora = time.strftime('%H%M%S') name_file = "Edificios_SIROPE-{}-{}".format(fecha, hora) folder = arcpy.CreateFolder_management(self.workspace, name_file) self.pathfolder = os.path.join(self.workspace, name_file) arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(folder, self.nameGDB, "10.0") self.pathgdb = os.path.join(self.workspace, name_file, self.nameGDB + ".gdb")
def setUpGlobalParameters(x, newfolder): arcpy.CreateFolder_management(r"D:\data\covid\\", "_" + tdate) #Create Folder arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(newfolder, "_" + tdate + ".gdb") #Create FileGDB arcpy.AddMessage("Create Folder " + "Ugn" + tdate) arcpy.AddMessage("Create FileGDB " + "Ugn" + tdate) print("Create Folder " + "Ugn" + tdate) print("Create FileGDB " + "Ugn" + tdate)
def splitDataByType(data_, shipTypes_): data_desc = arcpy.Describe(data_) print "--- Extracting ship types out of " + data_desc.file + "..." for shipType in shipTypes_: shipTypeFolder = out_folder + "\\" + shipType if not arcpy.Exists(shipTypeFolder): arcpy.CreateFolder_management(out_folder, shipType) shipTypeData = shipTypeFolder + "\\" + shipType + "_" + data_desc.file if not arcpy.Exists(shipTypeData): query = "HELCOM_Gro = '" + shipType.title() + "'" arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion( data_, shipTypeFolder, shipType + "_" + data_desc.file, query) else: print "--- WARNING: " + shipType + " " + getMonthFromFileName( data_desc.file) + " " + year + " already exists..."
def createFolder(): try: OldReadmeLocation = os.path.join(OriginFolder + "/" + row.getValue(ProviderNameField) + "/" + "README.txt") forTesting = shutil.copyfile( OldReadmeLocation, DestinationFolder + "/" + row.getValue(ProviderNameField) + "/" + "README.txt") except: print "Provider" + row.getValue( ProviderNameField ) + "README.txt does not exist. Check log to explore error." cursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(LookupTable) row = while row: arcpy.CreateFolder_management(DestinationFolder, row.getValue(ProviderNameField)) finalDestination = os.path.join(DestinationFolder + "/" + row.getValue(ProviderNameField)) copyText() row =
def getRaster1(url,fileName,imageguids,selection_feature,ds_name,download_path,sde_file): print("arcpy is ok") #arcpy.env.workspace = download_path #arcpy.CreateFolder_management(arcpy.env.workspace, fileName) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(download_path, fileName) count = 0; where = "" for imageryguid in imageguids: if (count == 0): where += "imageryguid='" + imageryguid + "'" else: where += " or imageryguid='" + imageryguid + "'" count += 1 downloadRasterWhere="imageryguid='" + imageryguid + "'" ##不标准代码 print(downloadRasterWhere) print() url1=url.replace("","") print(url1) print(ds_name) if ds_name=='DS_PSI': print("DS_type1") arcpy.DownloadRasters_management(url1,download_path+"/"+fileName, downloadRasterWhere,"", "", "", "", "","", "MAINTAIN_FOLDER") else: print("DS_type2") arcpy.ExportMosaicDatasetItems_management(sde_file+"/"+ds_name,download_path+"/"+fileName,"", downloadRasterWhere,"TIFF", "", "NONE","", "") arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(download_path+"/"+fileName, "data", "Current") arcpy.ExportMosaicDatasetGeometry_management(sde_file+"/"+ds_name, download_path+"/"+fileName+""+"/data.gdb/footprints", where, "FOOTPRINT") copyQuickview(url,imageguids,fileName,download_path) #exportRaster(ds_name,where,fileName,download_path,sde_file) ZipRaster(download_path+"/"+fileName,download_path,fileName) print(fileName)
return False tabledescription = arcpy.Describe(tablename) for iIndex in tabledescription.indexes: if (iIndex.Name == indexname): return True return False # =========== # Folder prep # =========== # Check if folder exists and create it if not # Output tables gisTables_directory = zonalStatsDirectory + "/gisTables" if not arcpy.Exists(gisTables_directory): arcpy.CreateFolder_management(baseDirectory, "gisTables") # ========== # Add layers # ========== # Define map mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") # Define dataframe df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0] # Add the catchments layer to the map addLayer = arcpy.mapping.Layer(catchmentsFilePath) arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(df, addLayer, "AUTO_ARRANGE")
import sys, string, os, os.path, arcgisscripting, arcpy, datetime from import * gp = arcgisscripting.create() gp.CheckOutExtension("spatial") arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.resamplingMethod = "BILINEAR" gp.cellSize = "250" scaleFactor = "0.0001" startTime = print(u"\u2022" + " Start time: " + str(startTime)) extent = arcpy.env.snapRaster = "c:\\path_to_mask_raster\\mask_raster.tif" inFolder = arcpy.env.workspace = "V:\\path_to_folder_containing_rasters\\" outFolder = str(arcpy.CreateFolder_management(inFolder, "processing_results")) rasterList = arcpy.ListRasters() for raster in rasterList: outName = os.path.basename(raster).rstrip(os.path.splitext(raster)[1]) print(u"\u2022" + " Processing raster: " + str(outName) + "..."), scaleFactor, "in_memory/ndvi")"in_memory/ndvi", extent, outFolder + "\\" + outName + "_p.tif") print(u"\u2022" + " Cleaning workspace...") arcpy.env.workspace = outFolder itemList = arcpy.ListFiles() for item in itemList: if str(os.path.splitext(item)[1].lstrip(".")) != str("tif"):
"MA", "CT", "RI", "ME", "NH", "VT", "NY", "DE", "MD", "NJ", "PA", "VA", "WV", "DC", "NC", "TN", "KY", "OH" ] sourceFolder = "//IGSAGBEBWS-MJO7/projects/dataIn/environmental/land/nrcsSSURGO/spatial" outputName = "NHDHRDV2" # =========== # Folder prep # =========== # Create general folders if they don't exist # ------------------------------------------ # Set the main GIS directory. Create one if it doesn't exist. main_directory = baseDirectory + "/gisFiles" if not arcpy.Exists(main_directory): arcpy.CreateFolder_management(baseDirectory, "gisFiles") # Create run specific folders if they don't exist # ----------------------------------------------- # Set the run-specific sub-folder. Create one if it doesn't exist. working_directory = main_directory + "/" + outputName if not arcpy.Exists(working_directory): arcpy.CreateFolder_management(main_directory, outputName) # Set the run-specific table database. Create one if it doesn't exist. tableDB = working_directory + "/tables.gdb" if not arcpy.Exists(tableDB): arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(working_directory, "tables", "CURRENT") # Set the run-specific vector database. Create one if it doesn't exist. vectorDB = working_directory + "/vectors.gdb"
fileName = baseFilename + "-VER-" + str(version) fileName = fileName.replace('.', '_') fileName = fileName.replace(':', '_') fileName = fileName.replace(' ', '-') # 根据不同的子版本信息,创建相应的ArcSDE连接信息 # arcpy.CreateDatabaseConnection_management("Database Connections", "Connection to", "ORACLE", 'ipgis', 'DATABASE_AUTH', # 'JASFRAMEWORK', # '123', 'SAVE_USERNAME') connFiles.append(fileName) for conn in connFiles: fileGeoDbLocation = basedir + os.sep + "databases" fileGeoDb = conn + ".gdb" print conn # 创建针对某个版本数据存储的文件地理数据库对象 arcpy.CreateFolder_management(basedir, "databases") arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(fileGeoDbLocation, fileGeoDb) # env.workspace = folderName + "\\" + conn + ".sde" # print env.workspace totaldest = fileGeoDbLocation + "\\" + fileGeoDb print totaldest if tbList: for lmitc in tbList: if lmitc[:lmitc.find('.')] == "SDE": desttc = lmitc[lmitc.find('.') + 1:] totaltcdest = totaldest + os.sep + desttc print lmitc + " ----> " + totaltcdest try: arcpy.Copy_management(lmitc, totaltcdest) except arcpy.ExecuteError as ee:
def databaseSetup(output_workspace, output_gdb_name, hu_dataset, hu8_field, hu12_field, hucbuffer, nhd_path, elevation_projection_template, alt_buff, version=None): """Set up the local folders and copy hydrography data into input geodatabases. This tool creates folder corresponding to each local hydrologic unit, usually a HUC8, and fills those folders with the flowlines, inwalls, and outwalls that will be used later to hydro-enforce the digital elevation model for each hydrologic unit. This tool also creates a global geodatabase with a feature class for the whole domain. Parameters ---------- output_workspace : str Output directory where processing will occur. output_gdb_name : str Global file geodatabase to be created. hu_dataset : str Feature class that defines local folder geographic boundaries. hu8_field : str Field name in "hu_dataset" to dissolve boundaries to local folder extents. hu12_field : str Field name in "hu_dataset" from which inwalls are generated. hucbuffer : str Distance to buffer local folder bounds in map units. nhd_path : str Path to workspace containing NHD geodatabases. elevation_projection_template : str Path to DEM file to use as a projection template. alt_buff : str Alternative buffer to use on local folder boundaries. version : str Package version number. Returns ------- None Notes ----- As this tool moves through each local hydrologic unit it searches the *nhd_path* for a geodatabase with hydrography data with the same HUC-4 as the local hydrologic unit. If this cannot be found the tool will skip that local hydrologic unit. Non-NHD hydrography data can be used with this tool, but it must be named and organized exactly as the NHD hydrography. """ if version: arcpy.AddMessage('StreamStats Data Preparation Tools version: %s' % (version)) # set up geoprocessor, with spatial analyst license if arcpy.CheckExtension("Spatial") == "Available": arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") else: arcpy.addmessage('License Error') # Set script to overwrite if files exist arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True localName = "local" subName = "subWatershed" GDB_name = "input_data.gdb" #set scratch and arcpy workspaces arcpy.env.workspace = output_workspace arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = output_workspace #disable Z & M values arcpy.env.outputZFlag = "Disabled" arcpy.AddMessage('Z: ' + arcpy.env.outputZFlag) arcpy.env.outputMFlag = "Disabled" arcpy.AddMessage('M: ' + arcpy.env.outputMFlag) try: #name output fileGDB output_gdb = os.path.join(output_workspace, output_gdb_name + ".gdb") #output_gdb = output_workspace + "\\" + output_gdb_name + ".gdb" #create container geodatabase if arcpy.Exists(output_gdb): arcpy.Delete_management(output_gdb) arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(output_workspace, output_gdb_name + ".gdb") #dissolve at 8 dig level and put in output workspace hu8_dissolve = arcpy.Dissolve_management( hu_dataset, os.path.join(output_gdb, "huc8index"), hu8_field) elev_spatial_ref = arcpy.Describe( elevation_projection_template ).spatialReference # read the elevation spatial ref. orig_spatial_ref = arcpy.Describe( hu_dataset ).spatialReference # read the local division spatial ref. # Setup loop to iterate thru each HUC in WBD dataset #fields = hu8_field with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(hu8_dissolve, hu8_field) as cursor: for row in cursor: #Get current huc 8 current_hu8 = str(row[0]) current_db = os.path.join(output_workspace, current_hu8, GDB_name) #current_db = output_workspace + "\\" + row[0] + "\\input_data.gdb" arcpy.AddMessage("") #arcpy.AddMessage("%s = \"%s\"" % (hu8_field, current_hu8)) #check to make sure NHD exists and set variable names, if no NHD for HUC, skip it arcpy.AddMessage("Starting processing local folder %s...." % (current_hu8)) arcpy.AddMessage(" Checking to see if NHD exists for %s" % (current_hu8[:4])) NHDExists = False if arcpy.Exists( os.path.join( nhd_path, "NHD_H_" + current_hu8[:4] + "_HU4_GDB" + ".gdb")): orig_4dig_NHD = os.path.join( nhd_path, "NHD_H_" + current_hu8[:4] + "_HU4_GDB" + ".gdb") NHDExists = True else: arcpy.AddMessage( " 4 DIGIT NHD DOES NOT EXIST FOR THE CURRENT HUC") arcpy.AddMessage( " Please download NHD for this HUC and/or ensure NHD geodatabase is named correctly" ) NHDExists = False #If NHD exists for current HUC 8, then do the work if NHDExists: #Create folder for HU inside output folder hydrog_projection_template = os.path.join( orig_4dig_NHD, "Hydrography", "NHDFlowline" ) # get a file to generate hydrography clip. hydrog_spatial_ref = arcpy.Describe( hydrog_projection_template ).spatialReference # make spatial reference object for reproject later arcpy.CreateFolder_management(output_workspace, current_hu8) arcpy.CreateFolder_management( os.path.join(output_workspace, current_hu8), "Layers") arcpy.CreateFolder_management( os.path.join(output_workspace, current_hu8), "tmp") # make scratch workspace later for hydroDEM. #Create file geodatabase to house data arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management( os.path.join(output_workspace, current_hu8), GDB_name) #start output file creation #---------------------------------- #WBD Processing #---------------------------------- arcpy.AddMessage(" Doing WBD processing") #create variables for huc buffers hucbuffer_custom = os.path.join( current_db, "local_buffer" + str(hucbuffer)) hucbuffer_custom_elev_dd83 = os.path.join( current_db, "local_buffer_elev" + str(hucbuffer) + "_dd83") hucbuffer_custom_hydrog_dd83 = os.path.join( current_db, "local_buffer_hydrog" + str(hucbuffer) + "_dd83") hucbuffer_alt = os.path.join(current_db, "local_buffer%s" % (alt_buff)) #start process arcpy.AddMessage( " Selecting current local hydrologic unit.") arcpy.Select_analysis( hu_dataset, os.path.join(current_db, subName), "\"%s\" = \'%s\'" % (hu8_field, current_hu8)) arcpy.AddMessage(" Dissolving sub-watershed polygons") arcpy.Dissolve_management( os.path.join(current_db, subName), os.path.join(current_db, localName), hu8_field) arcpy.AddMessage( " Creating inner and outer wall polyline feature classes" ) arcpy.PolygonToLine_management( os.path.join(current_db, subName), os.path.join(current_db, "huc12_line")) arcpy.PolygonToLine_management( os.path.join(current_db, localName), os.path.join(current_db, "outer_wall")) arcpy.Erase_analysis( os.path.join(current_db, "huc12_line"), os.path.join(current_db, "outer_wall"), os.path.join(current_db, "inwall_edit")) arcpy.AddMessage( " Creating user-defined buffered outwall dataset") arcpy.Buffer_analysis(os.path.join(current_db, localName), hucbuffer_custom, hucbuffer, "FULL", "ROUND") arcpy.AddMessage( " Creating %s meter buffered outwall dataset" % (alt_buff)) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(os.path.join(current_db, localName), hucbuffer_alt, "%s METERS" % (alt_buff), "FULL", "ROUND") arcpy.AddMessage( " Creating unprojected buffered outwall dataset for elevation and hydrography clips" ) arcpy.Project_management(hucbuffer_custom, hucbuffer_custom_elev_dd83, elev_spatial_ref, in_coor_system=orig_spatial_ref) arcpy.Project_management(hucbuffer_custom, hucbuffer_custom_hydrog_dd83, hydrog_spatial_ref, in_coor_system=orig_spatial_ref) arcpy.AddMessage(" Creating sink point feature class") arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management( os.path.join(output_workspace, current_hu8, "input_data.gdb"), "sinkpoint_edit", "POINT", "", "", "", os.path.join(current_db, localName)) #erase huc 12 line dataset after inwall is created if arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(current_db, "huc12_line")): arcpy.Delete_management( os.path.join(current_db, "huc12_line")) #---------------------------------- #NHD Processing #---------------------------------- arcpy.AddMessage(" Doing NHD processing") #Create NHD feature dataset within current HU database arcpy.AddMessage( " Creating NHD feature dataset in local hydrologic unit workspace" ) arcpy.CreateFeatureDataset_management( current_db, "Hydrography", orig_spatial_ref) arcpy.CreateFeatureDataset_management( current_db, "Reference", orig_spatial_ref) #process each feature type in NHD featuretypelist = [ "NHDArea", "NHDFlowline", "NHDWaterbody" ] for featuretype in featuretypelist: #clip unprojected feature arcpy.AddMessage(" Clipping " + featuretype) arcpy.Clip_analysis( os.path.join(orig_4dig_NHD, "Hydrography", featuretype), hucbuffer_custom_hydrog_dd83, os.path.join(current_db, featuretype + "_dd83")) #project clipped feature arcpy.AddMessage(" Projecting " + featuretype) arcpy.Project_management( os.path.join(current_db, featuretype + "_dd83"), os.path.join(current_db, featuretype + "_project"), orig_spatial_ref) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management( os.path.join(current_db, featuretype + "_project"), os.path.join(current_db, "Hydrography", featuretype)) #delete unprojected and temporary projected NHD feature classes arcpy.Delete_management( os.path.join(current_db, featuretype + "_dd83")) arcpy.Delete_management( os.path.join(current_db, featuretype + "_project")) #create editable dendrite feature class from NHDFlowline arcpy.AddMessage( " Creating copy of NHDFlowline to preserve as original" ) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management( os.path.join(current_db, "Hydrography", "NHDFlowline"), os.path.join(current_db, "Hydrography", "NHDFlowline_orig")) arcpy.AddMessage(" Adding fields to NHDFlowline") arcpy.AddField_management( os.path.join(current_db, "Hydrography", "NHDFlowline"), "comments", "text", "250") arcpy.AddField_management( os.path.join(current_db, "Hydrography", "NHDFlowline"), "to_steward", "text", "50") arcpy.AddMessage(" Finished local %s" % current_hu8) #if no NHD, skip the HUC else: arcpy.AddMessage( " Processing skipped for this HUC--NO NHD") #del cursor, row # handle errors and report using gp.addmessage function except: #If we have messages of severity error (2), we assume a GP tool raised it, # so we'll output that. Otherwise, we assume we raised the error and the # information is in errMsg. # if arcpy.GetMessages(2): arcpy.AddError(arcpy.GetMessages(2)) arcpy.AddError(arcpy.GetMessages(2)) else: arcpy.AddError(str(errMsg))
if check_s == 'false': check_s = False else: check_s = True ######################################################################################################################## # set main settings and creating the working and scratch directory ######################################################################################################################## arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True # it´s possible to overwrite the results arcpy.env.extent = s_init # set the working extent if arcpy.Exists(r'{}\{}'.format( folder, name)): # if the working directory exists, it will be overwritten arcpy.Delete_management(r'{}\{}'.format(folder, name)) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(folder, name) workspace = arcpy.env.workspace = r'{}\{}'.format( folder, name) # set the working directory arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management( workspace, "Ergebnistabellen.gdb") # creates a geodatabase for the result tables arcpy.CreateFolder_management( folder, "Scratch") # creates the scratch workspace for temporary dataset arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = r'{}\Scratch'.format(folder) arcpy.AddMessage( time.strftime("%H:%M:%S: ") + "Die Ergebnisdatenbank wurde im Verzeichnis {} erstellt.".format(folder)) ######################################################################################################################## # link and extract the base datasets
def calc_lccs(normalize): try: if normalize: mosaicBaseName = "_corridors" writeTruncRaster = cfg.WRITETRUNCRASTER outputGDB = cfg.OUTPUTGDB SAVENORMLCCS = cfg.SAVENORMLCCS else: mosaicBaseName = "_NON_NORMALIZED_corridors" SAVENORMLCCS = False outputGDB = cfg.EXTRAGDB writeTruncRaster = False lu.dashline(1) gprint('Running script ' + _SCRIPT_NAME) linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=5) arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.compression = "NONE" if cfg.MAXEUCDIST is not None: gprint('Max Euclidean distance between cores') gprint('for linkage mapping set to ' + str(cfg.MAXEUCDIST)) if cfg.MAXCOSTDIST is not None: gprint('Max cost-weighted distance between cores') gprint('for linkage mapping set to ' + str(cfg.MAXCOSTDIST)) # set the analysis extent and cell size to that of the resistance # surface arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST).MeanCellHeight arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.mask = cfg.RESRAST linkTable = lu.load_link_table(linkTableFile) numLinks = linkTable.shape[0] numCorridorLinks = lu.report_links(linkTable) if numCorridorLinks == 0: lu.dashline(1) msg =('\nThere are no corridors to map. Bailing.') lu.raise_error(msg) if not cfg.STEP3 and not cfg.STEP4: # re-check for links that are too long or in case script run out of # sequence with more stringent settings gprint('Double-checking for corridors that are too long to map.') DISABLE_LEAST_COST_NO_VAL = True linkTable,numDroppedLinks = lu.drop_links( linkTable, cfg.MAXEUCDIST, cfg.MINEUCDIST, cfg.MAXCOSTDIST, cfg.MINCOSTDIST, DISABLE_LEAST_COST_NO_VAL) # Added to try to speed up: arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE" arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "NONE" # set up directories for normalized lcc and mosaic grids dirCount = 0 gprint("Creating output folder: " + cfg.LCCBASEDIR) lu.delete_dir(cfg.LCCBASEDIR) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(path.dirname(cfg.LCCBASEDIR), path.basename(cfg.LCCBASEDIR)) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, cfg.LCCNLCDIR_NM) clccdir = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, cfg.LCCNLCDIR_NM) gprint("") if normalize: gprint('Normalized least-cost corridors will be written ' 'to ' + clccdir + '\n') PREFIX = cfg.PREFIX # Add CWD layers for core area pairs to produce NORMALIZED LCC layers numGridsWritten = 0 coreList = linkTable[:,cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2+1] coreList = npy.sort(coreList) x = 0 linkCount = 0 endIndex = numLinks while x < endIndex: if (linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] < 1): # If not a valid link x = x + 1 continue linkCount = linkCount + 1 start_time = time.clock() linkId = str(int(linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKID])) # source and target cores corex=int(coreList[x,0]) corey=int(coreList[x,1]) # Get cwd rasters for source and target cores cwdRaster1 = lu.get_cwd_path(corex) cwdRaster2 = lu.get_cwd_path(corey) if not arcpy.Exists(cwdRaster1): msg =('\nError: cannot find cwd raster:\n' + cwdRaster1) if not arcpy.Exists(cwdRaster2): msg =('\nError: cannot find cwd raster:\n' + cwdRaster2) lu.raise_error(msg) lccNormRaster = path.join(clccdir, str(corex) + "_" + str(corey))# + ".tif") arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" link = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, corex, corey) offset = 10000 # Normalized lcc rasters are created by adding cwd rasters and # subtracting the least cost distance between them. lcDist = (float(linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST]) - offset) if normalize: statement = ('outras = ' '+ - lcDist; ' '') else: statement = ('outras = ' '+; ' '') count = 0 while True: try: exec(statement) except Exception: count,tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count,statement) if not tryAgain: exec(statement) else: break if normalize: try: minObject = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(lccNormRaster, "MINIMUM") rasterMin = float(str(minObject.getOutput(0))) except Exception: lu.warn('\n------------------------------------------------') lu.warn('WARNING: Raster minimum check failed in step 5. \n' 'This may mean the output rasters are corrupted. Please \n' 'be sure to check for valid rasters in '+ outputGDB) rasterMin = 0 tolerance = (float(arcpy.env.cellSize) * -10) if rasterMin < tolerance: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('WARNING: Minimum value of a corridor #' + str(x+1) + ' is much less than zero ('+str(rasterMin)+').' '\nThis could mean that BOUNDING CIRCLE BUFFER DISTANCES ' 'were too small and a corridor passed outside of a ' 'bounding circle, or that a corridor passed outside of the ' 'resistance map. \n') lu.warn(msg) arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST mosaicDir = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR,'mos'+str(x+1)) lu.create_dir(mosaicDir) mosFN = 'mos'#.tif' change and move mosaicRaster = path.join(mosaicDir,mosFN) if numGridsWritten == 0 and dirCount == 0: #If this is the first grid then copy rather than mosaic arcpy.CopyRaster_management(lccNormRaster, mosaicRaster) else: statement = ( 'arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management(' 'input_rasters=";".join([lccNormRaster, ' 'lastMosaicRaster]), output_location=mosaicDir, ' 'raster_dataset_name_with_extension=mosFN, ' 'pixel_type="32_BIT_FLOAT", cellsize=arcpy.env.cellSize, ' 'number_of_bands="1", mosaic_method="MINIMUM")') count = 0 while True: try: lu.write_log('Executing mosaic for link #'+str(linkId)) exec(statement) lu.write_log('Done with mosaic.') except Exception: count,tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count,statement) lu.delete_data(mosaicRaster) lu.delete_dir(mosaicDir) # Try a new directory mosaicDir = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR,'mos'+str(x+1)+ '_' + str(count)) lu.create_dir(mosaicDir) mosaicRaster = path.join(mosaicDir,mosFN) if not tryAgain: exec(statement) else: break endTime = time.clock() processTime = round((endTime - start_time), 2) if normalize == True: printText = "Normalized and mosaicked " else: printText = "Mosaicked NON-normalized " gprint(printText + "corridor for link ID #" + str(linkId) + " connecting core areas " + str(corex) + " and " + str(corey)+ " in " + str(processTime) + " seconds. " + str(int(linkCount)) + " out of " + str(int(numCorridorLinks)) + " links have been " "processed.") # temporarily disable links in linktable - don't want to mosaic # them twice for y in range (x+1,numLinks): corex1 = int(coreList[y,0]) corey1 = int(coreList[y,1]) if corex1 == corex and corey1 == corey: linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) elif corex1==corey and corey1==corex: linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[y,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) numGridsWritten = numGridsWritten + 1 if not SAVENORMLCCS: lu.delete_data(lccNormRaster) lu.delete_dir(clccdir) lu.create_dir(clccdir) else: if numGridsWritten == 100: # We only write up to 100 grids to any one folder # because otherwise Arc slows to a crawl dirCount = dirCount + 1 numGridsWritten = 0 clccdir = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, cfg.LCCNLCDIR_NM + str(dirCount)) gprint("Creating output folder: " + clccdir) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(cfg.LCCBASEDIR, path.basename(clccdir)) if numGridsWritten > 1 or dirCount > 0: lu.delete_data(lastMosaicRaster) lu.delete_dir(path.dirname(lastMosaicRaster)) lastMosaicRaster = mosaicRaster x = x + 1 #rows that were temporarily disabled rows = npy.where(linkTable[:,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE]>1000) linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] - 1000) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create output geodatabase if not arcpy.Exists(outputGDB): arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(outputGDB)) arcpy.env.workspace = outputGDB arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE" arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "NONE" # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # convert mosaic raster to integer intRaster = path.join(outputGDB,PREFIX + mosaicBaseName) statement = ('outras = ' '- offset + 0.5); ' '') count = 0 while True: try: exec(statement) except Exception: count,tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count,statement) if not tryAgain: exec(statement) else: break # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if writeTruncRaster: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Set anything beyond cfg.CWDTHRESH to NODATA. truncRaster = (outputGDB + '\\' + PREFIX + mosaicBaseName + '_truncated_at_' + lu.cwd_cutoff_str(cfg.CWDTHRESH)) statement = ('outRas =' '* ( ' '<= cfg.CWDTHRESH, 1)); ' '') count = 0 while True: try: exec(statement) except Exception: count,tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count,statement) if not tryAgain: exec(statement) else: break # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for unreasonably low minimum NLCC values try: mosaicGrid = path.join(cfg.LCCBASEDIR,'mos') # Copy to grid to test arcpy.CopyRaster_management(mosaicRaster, mosaicGrid) minObject = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(mosaicGrid, "MINIMUM") rasterMin = float(str(minObject.getOutput(0))) except Exception: lu.warn('\n------------------------------------------------') lu.warn('WARNING: Raster minimum check failed in step 5. \n' 'This may mean the output rasters are corrupted. Please \n' 'be sure to check for valid rasters in '+ outputGDB) rasterMin = 0 tolerance = (float(arcpy.env.cellSize) * -10) if rasterMin < tolerance: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('WARNING: Minimum value of mosaicked corridor map is ' 'much less than zero ('+str(rasterMin)+').' '\nThis could mean that BOUNDING CIRCLE BUFFER DISTANCES ' 'were too small and a corridor passed outside of a ' 'bounding circle, or that a corridor passed outside of the ' 'resistance map. \n') lu.warn(msg) gprint('\nWriting final LCP maps...') if cfg.STEP4: finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep=4, thisStep=5) elif cfg.STEP3: finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep=3, thisStep=5) else: # Don't know if step 4 was run, since this is started at step 5. # Use presence of previous linktable files to figure this out. # Linktable name includes step number. prevLinkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=5) prevStepInd = len(prevLinkTableFile) - 5 lastStep = prevLinkTableFile[prevStepInd] finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep, thisStep=5) outlinkTableFile = lu.get_this_step_link_table(step=5) gprint('Updating ' + outlinkTableFile) lu.write_link_table(linkTable, outlinkTableFile) linkTableLogFile = path.join(cfg.LOGDIR, "linkTable_s5.csv") lu.write_link_table(linkTable, linkTableLogFile) linkTableFinalFile = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, PREFIX + "_linkTable_s5.csv") lu.write_link_table(finalLinkTable, linkTableFinalFile) gprint('Copy of final linkTable written to '+ linkTableFinalFile) gprint('Creating shapefiles with linework for links.') try: lu.write_link_maps(outlinkTableFile, step=5) except Exception: lu.write_link_maps(outlinkTableFile, step=5) # Create final linkmap files in output directory, and remove files from # scratch. lu.copy_final_link_maps(step=5) if not SAVENORMLCCS: lu.delete_dir(cfg.LCCBASEDIR) # Build statistics for corridor rasters arcpy.AddMessage('\nBuilding output statistics and pyramids ' 'for corridor raster') lu.build_stats(intRaster) if writeTruncRaster: arcpy.AddMessage('Building output statistics ' 'for truncated corridor raster') lu.build_stats(truncRaster) save_parameters() if cfg.OUTPUTFORMODELBUILDER: arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(cfg.COREFC, cfg.OUTPUTFORMODELBUILDER) # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 5. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except Exception: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 5. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) return
def mainFunction(updateFolder,fileName,updateMode,geodatabase): # Get parameters from ArcGIS Desktop tool by seperating by comma e.g. (var1 is 1st parameter,var2 is 2nd parameter,var3 is 3rd parameter) try: # --------------------------------------- Start of code --------------------------------------- # # Get the arcgis version arcgisVersion = arcpy.GetInstallInfo()['Version'] # If a specific file is provided if (fileName): latestFile = os.path.join(updateFolder, fileName) # Otherwise get the latest file in a folder else: # Get the newest zip file from the update folder latestFile = max(glob.iglob(updateFolder + r"\*.zip"), key=os.path.getmtime) # Setup geodatabase to load data into in temporary workspace tempFolder = arcpy.CreateFolder_management(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, "WebData-" + str(uuid.uuid1())) arcpy.AddMessage("Copying datasets...") # Extract the zip file to a temporary location zip = zipfile.ZipFile(latestFile, mode="r") zip.extractall(str(tempFolder)) # Loop through the files in the extracted folder for file in os.listdir(str(tempFolder)): # If it's a shapefile if file.endswith(".shp"): # Get count of the source dataset datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(str(tempFolder), file)) eachFeatureclass = file.replace(".shp","") # Check Dataset record count is more than 0 if (long(str(datasetCount)) > 0): # If update mode is then copy, otherwise delete and appending records if (updateMode == "New"): # Logging arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + "...") # Copy feature class into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(os.path.join(str(tempFolder), file), os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass), "", "0", "0", "0") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass)) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) else: # If dataset exists in geodatabase, delete features and load in new data if arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass)): # Logging arcpy.AddMessage("Updating feature class - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Updating feature class - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + "...") arcpy.DeleteFeatures_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass)) arcpy.Append_management(os.path.join(str(tempFolder), file), os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass), "NO_TEST", "", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass)) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) else: # Log warning arcpy.AddWarning("Warning: " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + " does not exist. Copying over...") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): logger.warning(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + " does not exist. Copying over...") # Copy feature class into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(os.path.join(str(tempFolder), file), os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass), "", "0", "0", "0") else: arcpy.AddWarning("Dataset " + eachFeatureclass + " is empty and won't be copied...") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): logger.warning("Dataset " + eachFeatureclass + " is empty and won't be copied...") # If it's a FGDB if file.endswith(".gdb"): # Assign the geodatabase workspace and load in the datasets to the lists arcpy.env.workspace = file featureclassList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() tableList = arcpy.ListTables() # Load the feature classes into the geodatabase if at least one is in the geodatabase provided if (len(featureclassList) > 0): # Loop through the feature classes for eachFeatureclass in featureclassList: # Get count of the source dataset datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(eachFeatureclass) # Check Dataset record count is more than 0 if (long(str(datasetCount)) > 0): # Create a Describe object from the dataset describeDataset = arcpy.Describe(eachFeatureclass) # If update mode is then copy, otherwise delete and appending records if (updateMode == "New"): # Logging arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + "...") # Copy feature class into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(eachFeatureclass, os.path.join(geodatabase,, "", "0", "0", "0") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) else: # If dataset exists in geodatabase, delete features and load in new data if arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass)): # Logging arcpy.AddMessage("Updating feature class - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Updating feature class - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + "...") arcpy.DeleteFeatures_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass)) arcpy.Append_management(os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, eachFeatureclass), os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass), "NO_TEST", "", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass)) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) else: # Log warning arcpy.AddWarning("Warning: " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + " does not exist. Copying over...") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): logger.warning(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + " does not exist. Copying over...") # Copy feature class into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(eachFeatureclass, os.path.join(geodatabase,, "", "0", "0", "0") else: arcpy.AddWarning("Dataset " + eachFeatureclass + " is empty and won't be copied...") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): logger.warning("Dataset " + eachFeatureclass + " is empty and won't be copied...") if (len(tableList) > 0): # Loop through of the tables for eachTable in tableList: # Get count of the source dataset datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(eachTable) # Check Dataset record count is more than 0 if (long(str(datasetCount)) > 0): # Create a Describe object from the dataset describeDataset = arcpy.Describe(eachTable) # If update mode is then copy, otherwise delete and appending records if (updateMode == "New"): # Logging arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over table - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable) + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over table - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable) + "...") # Copy table into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join(geodatabase,, "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) else: # If dataset exists in geodatabase, delete features and load in new data if arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable)): # Logging arcpy.AddMessage("Updating table - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable) + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Updating table - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable) + "...") arcpy.DeleteFeatures_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable)) arcpy.Append_management(os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, eachTable), os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable), "NO_TEST", "", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable)) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) else: # Log warning arcpy.AddWarning("Warning: " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable) + " does not exist. Copying over...") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): logger.warning(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable) + " does not exist. Copying over...") # Copy table into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join(geodatabase,, "") #################### Custom code for WCRC and BDC #################### # For WCRC data updates if "wcrc" in updateFolder.lower(): # For the property details view from WCRC if "vw_propertydetails" in eachTable.lower(): # Copy property details view into enterprise geodatabase arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vw_WCRCPropertyDetails"), "") # Copy property spatial view into file geodatabase and dissolve on valuation ID arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "Property") + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "Property") + "...") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vwWCRCProperty"), os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "PropertyParcel"), "", "0", "0", "0") arcpy.Dissolve_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "PropertyParcel"), os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "Property"), "ValuationID", "", "MULTI_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES") arcpy.JoinField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "Property"), "ValuationID", os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "PropertyParcel"), "ValuationID", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "Property")) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) # For BDC data updates if "bdc" in updateFolder.lower(): # For the property match table from BDC and WCRC if "matchtable" in eachTable.lower(): # Update the West Coast match table # WCRC match table - Copy table and tidy up the fields arcpy.TableSelect_analysis("D:\Data\FTP\WCRC\WCRCPropertyToParcel.csv", os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "CoreLogic_PropertyToParcel"), "") arcpy.AddField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "CoreLogic_PropertyToParcel"), "ValuationID", "TEXT", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "CoreLogic_PropertyToParcel"), "ParcelID", "TEXT", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "CoreLogic_PropertyToParcel"), "ValuationID", "!ValRef_Formatted!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "CoreLogic_PropertyToParcel"), "ParcelID", "!Parcel_ID!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") arcpy.DeleteField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "CoreLogic_PropertyToParcel"), "QPID;Roll;Assessment;Suffix;ValRef_Formatted;Apportionment;Category;Building_Floor_Area;Building_Site_Cover;Parcel_ID;Physical_Address;Physical_Suburb;Physical_City;Legal_Description") # BDC match table - Tidy up the fields arcpy.AddField_management(eachTable, "ValuationID", "TEXT", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(eachTable, "ParcelID", "TEXT", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(eachTable, "ValuationID", "!val_id!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(eachTable, "ParcelID", "!PAR_ID!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") arcpy.DeleteField_management(eachTable, "PERIMETER;LEGAL_ID;PAR_ID;LEGAL;HOW;ASSESS;FLAG;COMMENT;POLYGONID;Edited_By;Edit_Date;Descriptio;OBJECTID_12;LEGAL_1;OBJECTID_12_13;val_id;val1;root_val_id;ra_unique_id;POINT_X;POINT_Y") # Copy out the WCRC match table arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "CoreLogic_PropertyToParcel"), "in_memory\\PropertyToParcel", "") # Join the Buller match table arcpy.JoinField_management("in_memory\\PropertyToParcel", "ValuationID", eachTable, "ValuationID", "ValuationID") # Select out the non-Buller records arcpy.TableSelect_analysis("in_memory\\PropertyToParcel", "in_memory\\PropertyToParcel_NoBDC", "ValuationID_1 IS NULL") # Merge Buller match table with the WCRC match table arcpy.Merge_management("in_memory\\PropertyToParcel_NoBDC;" + eachTable, os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "PropertyToParcel"), "") arcpy.DeleteField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "PropertyToParcel"), "ValuationID_1") # For the property view from BDC if "vwproperty" in eachTable.lower(): # Copy property view into enterprise geodatabase arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vw_BDCProperty"), "") # Copy property spatial view into file geodatabase and dissolve on valuation ID arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Property") + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Property") + "...") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vwBDCProperty"), os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "PropertyParcel"), "", "0", "0", "0") arcpy.Dissolve_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "PropertyParcel"), os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Property"), "ValuationID", "", "MULTI_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES") arcpy.JoinField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Property"), "ValuationID", os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "PropertyParcel"), "ValuationID", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Property")) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) # For the resource consent view from BDC if "vwresourceconsent" in eachTable.lower(): # Copy resource consent view into enterprise geodatabase arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vw_BDCResourceConsent"), "") # Copy resource consent spatial view into file geodatabase arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "ResourceConsent") + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "ResourceConsent") + "...") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vwBDCResourceConsent"), "in_memory\ResourceConsent", "", "0", "0", "0") arcpy.Dissolve_management("in_memory\ResourceConsent", os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "ResourceConsent"), "ConsentID", "", "MULTI_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES") arcpy.JoinField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "ResourceConsent"), "ConsentID", "in_memory\ResourceConsent", "ConsentID", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "ResourceConsent")) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) # For the building consent view from BDC if "vwbuildingconsent" in eachTable.lower(): # Copy building consent view into enterprise geodatabase arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vw_BDCBuildingConsent"), "") # Copy building consent spatial view into file geodatabase arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "BuildingConsent") + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "BuildingConsent") + "...") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vwBDCBuildingConsent"), "in_memory\BuildingConsent", "", "0", "0", "0") arcpy.Dissolve_management("in_memory\BuildingConsent", os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "BuildingConsent"), "ConsentID", "", "MULTI_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES") arcpy.JoinField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "BuildingConsent"), "ConsentID", "in_memory\BuildingConsent", "ConsentID", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "BuildingConsent")) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) # For the licence view from BDC if "vwlicence" in eachTable.lower(): # Copy licence view into enterprise geodatabase arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vw_BDCLicence"), "Valuation_No <> ''") # Copy licence spatial view into file geodatabase arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Licence") + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Licence") + "...") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vwBDCLicence"), "in_memory\Licence", "", "0", "0", "0") arcpy.Dissolve_management("in_memory\Licence", os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Licence"), "LicenceNo", "", "MULTI_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES") arcpy.JoinField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Licence"), "LicenceNo", "in_memory\Licence", "LicenceNo", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Licence")) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) # For the LIM view from BDC if "vwlim" in eachTable.lower(): # Copy lim view into enterprise geodatabase arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vw_BDCLIM"), "") # Copy lim spatial view into file geodatabase arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "LIM") + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "LIM") + "...") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vwBDCLIM"), "in_memory\LIM", "", "0", "0", "0") arcpy.Dissolve_management("in_memory\LIM", os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "LIM"), "RecordID", "", "MULTI_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES") arcpy.JoinField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "LIM"), "RecordID", "in_memory\LIM", "RecordID", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "LIM")) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) else: arcpy.AddWarning("Dataset " + eachTable + " is empty and won't be copied...") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): logger.warning("Dataset " + eachTable + " is empty and won't be copied...") # --------------------------------------- End of code --------------------------------------- # # If called from gp tool return the arcpy parameter if __name__ == '__main__': # Return the output if there is any if output: # If ArcGIS desktop installed if (arcgisDesktop == "true"): arcpy.SetParameter(1, output) # ArcGIS desktop not installed else: return output # Otherwise return the result else: # Return the output if there is any if output: return output # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log end of process"Process ended.") # Remove file handler and close log file logMessage.flush() logMessage.close() logger.handlers = [] # If arcpy error except arcpy.ExecuteError: # Build and show the error message errorMessage = arcpy.GetMessages(2) printMessage(errorMessage,"error") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log error logger.error(errorMessage) # Log end of process"Process ended.") # Remove file handler and close log file logMessage.flush() logMessage.close() logger.handlers = [] if (sendErrorEmail == "true"): # Send email sendEmail(errorMessage) # If python error except Exception as e: errorMessage = "" # Build and show the error message # If many arguments if (e.args): for i in range(len(e.args)): if (i == 0): # Python version check if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # Python 3.x errorMessage = str(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') else: # Python 2.x errorMessage = unicode(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8') else: # Python version check if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # Python 3.x errorMessage = errorMessage + " " + str(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') else: # Python 2.x errorMessage = errorMessage + " " + unicode(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8') # Else just one argument else: errorMessage = e printMessage(errorMessage,"error") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log error logger.error(errorMessage) # Log end of process"Process ended.") # Remove file handler and close log file logMessage.flush() logMessage.close() logger.handlers = [] if (sendErrorEmail == "true"): # Send email sendEmail(errorMessage)
import time from finalscript import shapeprocess import arcpy import os # infeature = r'E:\Term3\GEOG-503\Final\testData\shapefile\NY_Counties.shp' # clipArea = r'E:\Term3\GEOG-503\Final\testData\shapefile\NY_Counties.shp' # outputWS = r'E:\Term3\GEOG-503\Final\testData\result\shapefile' infeature = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) clipArea = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) outputWS = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) arcpy.CreateFolder_management(os.path.split(outputWS)[0], os.path.split(outputWS)[1]) Parameter1 = [infeature, clipArea, outputWS] StartTime = time.time() shapeprocess.MyBatchClip(Parameter1) EndTime = time.time() # print 'Elapsed: ' + str(EndTime - StartTime) + ' Seconds...' arcpy.AddMessage('Elapsed: ' + str(EndTime - StartTime) + ' Seconds...')
stream_threshold_numcells = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) parameters.append("Eþik Deðer: " + stream_threshold_numcells) arcpy.AddMessage("\nDeðerler Alýndý...") except: arcpy.AddMessage("\nError in input arguments: " + arcpy.GetMessages(2)) raise Exception # Check and create output folders try: arcpy.AddMessage("\nCreating output folders...") thefolders = ["Intermediate", "Output"] for folder in thefolders: if not arcpy.Exists(workspace + folder): arcpy.CreateFolder_management(workspace, folder) except: arcpy.AddError("\nError creating output folders: " + arcpy.GetMessages(2)) raise Exception # Output files try: arcpy.AddMessage("\nSetting script variables...") # Intermediate and output directories outputws = workspace + os.sep + "Output" + os.sep interws = workspace + os.sep + "Intermediate" + os.sep inter = workspace + os.sep + "Intermediate" if not arcpy.Exists(inter + "\\data.gdb"): arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(inter, "data", "CURRENT")
'2037B0167Z', '2037B0173Z', '2037B0183Z', '2037B0204Z', '2037B0225Z', '2037B0232Z', '2037B0241Z', '2037B0258Z', '2037B0261A', '2037B0263Z', '2037B0269Z', '2037B0271Z', '2037B0286Z', '2037B0301Z', '2037B0315Z', '2037B0322Z', '2037B0336Z', '2037B0343Z', '2037B0404Z', '2037B0425Z' ] for trafCol_Num in trafCol_Array: mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(mxdpath) ddp = mxd.dataDrivenPages indexLayer = ddp.indexLayer print rootpath + topfolder + secondfolder + "\\" + trafCol_Num if arcpy.Exists(rootpath + topfolder): print "The local path " + rootpath + topfolder + " already exists" else: arcpy.CreateFolder_management(rootpath, topfolder) print "Created local path " + rootpath + topfolder if arcpy.Exists(rootpath + topfolder + secondfolder): print "The local path " + rootpath + topfolder + secondfolder + " already exists" else: arcpy.CreateFolder_management(rootpath, topfolder + secondfolder) print "Created local path " + rootpath + topfolder + secondfolder if arcpy.Exists(rootpath + topfolder + secondfolder + "\\" + trafCol_Num): print "The local path " + rootpath + topfolder + secondfolder + "\\" + trafCol_Num + " already exists" else: arcpy.CreateFolder_management( rootpath, topfolder + secondfolder + "\\" + trafCol_Num) print "Created local path " + rootpath + topfolder + secondfolder + "\\" + trafCol_Num
arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") else: arcpy.AddError("Spatial Analyst Licensing Issue") raise LicenseError # Script arguments in16Raster = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)# single channel 16bit SAR image(HH or HV) exported from PCI as geotif. # Local variable inRastC=os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace,"inRastC") scImage1=os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace,"scImage1") fsMedRaster=os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace,"fsMedRaster") #Checks if output folders exist, if it does not creates them if not arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, 'Final_results')): arcpy.CreateFolder_management(arcpy.env.workspace, 'Final_results') if not arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, 'Results')): arcpy.CreateFolder_management(arcpy.env.workspace, 'Results') # Variable setup for automatic output file naming outNFRaster= os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, 'Final_Results', (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(in16Raster))[0] + "_8bit.tif")) outFRaster= os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, 'Results', (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(in16Raster))[0] + "_8bit_MED3x3.tif")) # Lists the input/output file name and location arcpy.AddMessage("Name and location of your input file to scale: \n" + in16Raster) arcpy.AddMessage("Name and locationof your filtered scaled 8bit image is: \n" + outFRaster) arcpy.AddMessage("Name and location of your non-filtered scaled 8bit image is: \n" + outNFRaster) # Process: Copy Raster, this is done because grids have internal stats. arcpy.AddMessage ("Converting to GRID to extract statistics...") arcpy.CopyRaster_management(in16Raster, inRastC, "", "", "0", "NONE", "NONE", "")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import arcpy, random, exceptions from arcpy import env import os.path import time env.overwriteOutput = True import datetime ruta = arcpy.CreateFolder_management( os.path.expanduser("~") + "\\" + r"AppData\Local\Temp", str(random.randrange(0, 500000))) print ruta env.scratchWorkspace = r"%s" % (ruta) try: ##Parametros fcEntrada = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) # Capa que se va a procesar. grilla = arcpy.GetParameterAsText( 1 ) # Grilla de apoyo. El proceso se hará de forma individual por cada uno de los cuadros. capa_exclusion = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) if capa_exclusion == "----": capa_exclusion = "" rango = arcpy.GetParameterAsText( 3) # captura los cuadros que se van a procesar ruta_raiz = arcpy.GetParameterAsText( 4 ) # captura la ruta donde se van a crear los directorios de salida y finales expresion = arcpy.GetParameterAsText( 5) # captura la expresión a usar por el eliminate dic = {
for i in PP_list: s=str(i)+ "_fishnet" PP_list_fishnet.append(s) PP_list.sort() PP_list_fishnet.sort() ############################################################ ####name of admin layer to keep displaying adminLyr='Atlantic Forests' #change as needed out_folder_path = "C:\Data\WWF\Final_maps" for PP in PP_list: if PP == adminLyr.replace(" ","_"): #CreateFolder to store outputs maps # Set local variables out_name = PP # Execute CreateFolder arcpy.CreateFolder_management(out_folder_path, out_name) outPath=out_folder_path + "\\" + out_name ####list workspaces for inputs and outputs #Define outpath and workspace arcpy.env.workspace = out_folder_path mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") mxd.activeView = 'PAGE_LAYOUT' #mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") #Create a fresh layer list for df in arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd):
arcpy.env.parallelProcessingFactor = "75%" arcpy.env.geographicTransformations = "WGS_1984_(ITRF00)_To_NAD_1983" arcpy.env.resamplingMethod = "BILINEAR" arcpy.env.pyramid = "PYRAMIDS -1 BILINEAR DEFAULT 75 NO_SKIP" # --------------------------------------------------------------------- Variables watershed_path = arcpy.Describe(inWatershed).CatalogPath watershedGDB_path = watershed_path[:watershed_path.find(".gdb") + 4] watershedFD_path = watershedGDB_path + os.sep + "Layers" userWorkspace = os.path.dirname(watershedGDB_path) outputFolder = userWorkspace + os.sep + "gis_output" tables = outputFolder + os.sep + "tables" stakeoutPoints = watershedFD_path + os.sep + "StakeoutPoints" if not arcpy.Exists(outputFolder): arcpy.CreateFolder_management(userWorkspace, "gis_output") if not arcpy.Exists(tables): arcpy.CreateFolder_management(outputFolder, "tables") ProjectDEM = watershedGDB_path + os.sep + os.path.basename( userWorkspace).replace(" ", "_") + "_Project_DEM" zUnits = "Feet" # Set path to log file and start logging textFilePath = userWorkspace + os.sep + os.path.basename( userWorkspace).replace(" ", "_") + "_EngTools.txt" logBasicSettings() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- Permanent Datasets outLine = watershedFD_path + os.sep + "tileLines" outPoints = watershedFD_path + os.sep + "StationPoints"
import arcpy from arcpy import env arcpy.CheckOutExtension("spatial") = 1 arcpy.env.workspace = "F:/SA/TRMM/Y/" rasters = arcpy.ListRasters("*", "tif") mask = "F:\\SA\\TEMP\\RainGauges.shp" arcpy.CreateFolder_management("F:/SA/OUT/", "Y") for raster in rasters: out1 = "F:/SA/OUT/Y/" + raster[5:9] + "_RG.shp", raster, out1) print("All done") for i in range(14, 18): arcpy.env.workspace = "F:/SA/TRMM/M/" + str(2000 + i) + "/" rasters = arcpy.ListRasters("*", "tif") mask = "F:\\SA\\TEMP\\RainGauges.shp" arcpy.CreateFolder_management("F:/SA/OUT/", str(2000 + i)) for raster in rasters: out1 = "F:/SA/OUT/" + str(2000 + i) + '/' + raster[5:11] + "_RG.shp", raster, out1) print("All done") for i in range(1, 13): arcpy.env.workspace = "F:/SA/IMERG/D/" + str(i) + "/" rasters = arcpy.ListRasters("*", "tif") mask = "F:\\Research\\2006_2010\\hb_area\\hb_RG75.shp" arcpy.CreateFolder_management("F:/SA/OUT/", str(i)) for raster in rasters: out1 = "F:/SA/OUT/" + str(i) + "/" + raster[7:15] + "_RG.shp", raster, out1)