def update_cache(map_service_path, scratch_workspace, gfw_env): logging.debug('Updating tiles for cached map service {0}'.format(map_service_path)) # Start the service on localhost-- should be shut off when not in use manage_service('dev', map_service_path, 'start') source_mxd, local_cache_dir = find_src_mxd_and_cache_dir(map_service_path) logging.debug("Found source MXD: {0}".format(source_mxd)) output_dir = util.create_temp_dir(scratch_workspace) # Zoom levels 0 - 6 scale_aoi = "591657527.591555;295828763.795777;147914381.897889;73957190.948944;" \ "36978595.474472;18489297.737236;9244648.868618" min_scale = scale_aoi.split(';')[0] max_scale = scale_aoi.split(';')[-1] logging.debug("Generating tiles . . . ") cache_dir_name = 'cache' arcpy.ManageTileCache_management(output_dir, "RECREATE_ALL_TILES", cache_dir_name, source_mxd, "ARCGISONLINE_SCHEME", "", scale_aoi, "", "", min_scale, max_scale) logging.debug("Copying to local and production cache directories") src_cache_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, cache_dir_name, 'Layers') if gfw_env == 'prod': push_to_production(src_cache_dir, local_cache_dir, map_service_path) else: logging.debug("Nothing pushed to prod dir; just testing cache generation process") logging.debug('Cached tiles are here: {0}'.format(local_cache_dir)) # Stop the map service-- no need for it to be serving on the DM machine manage_service('dev', map_service_path, 'stop')
def createCache(dataSource,outputPath,tilingScheme): import arcpy,os,shutil #standard web map scales webMapScaleList = ["591657527.591555","295828763.795777","147914381.897889","73957190.948944","36978595.474472","18489297.737236","9244648.868618","4622324.434309","2311162.217155","1155581.108577","577790.554289","288895.277144","144447.638572","72223.819286","36111.909643","18055.954822","9027.977411","4513.988705","2256.994353","1128.497176"] scaleList = webMapScaleList [startScale:endScale] #use datasource filename as cacheName cacheName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(dataSource))[0] #final output path includes '_alllayers' fullCachePath = outputPath + '/' + cacheName + "/_alllayers/" #kill output folder tree if it exists if os.path.exists(outputPath): shutil.rmtree(outputPath) #create output folder os.makedirs(outputPath) #overwrite outputs arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.ManageTileCache_management(in_cache_location=outputPath, manage_mode="RECREATE_ALL_TILES", in_cache_name=cacheName, in_datasource=dataSource, tiling_scheme="IMPORT_SCHEME", import_tiling_scheme=tilingScheme, scales=scaleList, area_of_interest="", max_cell_size="", min_cached_scale=scaleList[0], max_cached_scale=scaleList[-1]) return fullCachePath
def ManageTileCache(input_layer, cache_directory, output_scheme, scale_level): try: # variables scales = [1128.497176,2256.994353,4513.988705,9027.977411,18055.954822,36111.909643,72223.819286,144447.638572, 288895.277144,577790.554289,1155581.108577,2311162.217155,4622324.434309,9244648.868618,18489297.737236, 36978595.474472,73957190.948944,147914381.897889,295828763.795777,591657527.591555] list_length = len(scales) folder = cache_directory mode = "RECREATE_ALL_TILES" cacheName = getNameFromFeatureClass(input_layer) + "_cache" dataSource = input_layer method = "IMPORT_SCHEME" tilingScheme = output_scheme scale_default = "#" areaofinterest = "#" maxcellsize = "#" maxcachedscale = str(scales[0]) mincachedscale = str(scales[list_length - 1 - scale_level]) # check if directory is present if arcpy.Exists(folder+"\\"+cacheName): shutil.rmtree(folder+"\\"+cacheName) arcpy.AddMessage("Deleted old cache directory: "+folder+"\\"+cacheName) arcpy.AddMessage("Creating Tile Cache with "+str(list_length - scale_level)+" levels: L"+str(scale_level)+":"+mincachedscale+" down to L:"+str(list_length - 1)+":"+maxcachedscale) result = arcpy.ManageTileCache_management( folder, mode, cacheName, dataSource, method, tilingScheme, scale_default, areaofinterest, maxcellsize, mincachedscale, maxcachedscale) ##arcpy.AddMessage(result.status) # return obstruction FC return (folder+"\\"+cacheName) except arcpy.ExecuteWarning: print((arcpy.GetMessages(1))) arcpy.AddWarning(arcpy.GetMessages(1)) except arcpy.ExecuteError: print((arcpy.GetMessages(2))) arcpy.AddError(arcpy.GetMessages(2)) # Return any other type of error except: # By default any other errors will be caught here # e = sys.exc_info()[1] print((e.args[0])) arcpy.AddError(e.args[0])
def createCache(dataSource, outputPath, tilingScheme): import arcpy, os #standard web map scales webMapScaleList = [ "591657527.591555", "295828763.795777", "147914381.897889", "73957190.948944", "36978595.474472", "18489297.737236", "9244648.868618", "4622324.434309", "2311162.217155", "1155581.108577", "577790.554289", "288895.277144", "144447.638572", "72223.819286", "36111.909643", "18055.954822", "9027.977411", "4513.988705", "2256.994353", "1128.497176" ] #get sitetype from MXD name siteType = os.path.basename(dataSource).split('.mxd')[0] #default scale range is 0-8 but we need an extra level for gw sites scaleList = webMapScaleList[0:9] if siteType.split('_')[0] == 'gw': scaleList = webMapScaleList[0:10] #siteCachePath includes layer group in MXD so we need to include siteCachePath = outputPath + '/' + siteType + "/NWIS/_alllayers/" #create output folder if it doesnt exist if not os.path.exists(outputPath): os.makedirs(outputPath) #overwrite outputs arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.ManageTileCache_management(in_cache_location=outputPath, manage_mode="RECREATE_ALL_TILES", in_cache_name=siteType, in_datasource=dataSource, tiling_scheme="IMPORT_SCHEME", import_tiling_scheme=tilingScheme, scales=scaleList, area_of_interest="", max_cell_size="", min_cached_scale=scaleList[0], max_cached_scale=scaleList[-1]) return siteCachePath
def add_dataset(self, filename): raster_desc = arcpy.Describe(filename) if raster_desc is None: arcpy.AddError("Failed to describe input") return False arcpy.AddMessage("Raster described {0}".format(filename)) srs = raster_desc.spatialReference extent = raster_desc.Extent #compute the new projected extent new_srs = arcpy.SpatialReference(3857) new_extent = extent.projectAs(new_srs) #compute the new projected source cellsize using the extent of one cell from the input #extent of one cell in the input is: #xmin = input_xmin #xmax = input_xmin + input_x_cell_size #ymin = input_ymin #ymax = input_ymin + input_y_cell_size input_cs_x = float( str(arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(filename, 'CELLSIZEX'))) input_cs_y = float( str(arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(filename, 'CELLSIZEY'))) arcpy.AddMessage("Input CS X: {0}".format(input_cs_x)) arcpy.AddMessage("Input CS Y: {0}".format(input_cs_y)) #update the 'extent' with cell extent extent.XMax = extent.XMin + input_cs_x extent.YMax = extent.YMin + input_cs_y new_cell_extent = extent.projectAs(new_srs) # Get the cell size of the projected_raster pixel_x_size = new_cell_extent.width pixel_y_size = new_cell_extent.height # Get the extent of the projected_raster max_y = new_extent.YMax min_y = new_extent.YMin min_x = new_extent.XMin max_x = new_extent.XMax if pixel_x_size == 0 or pixel_y_size == 0: print("Invalid pixel sizes") return False if min_x == 0.0 or min_y == 0.0 or max_x == 0.0 or max_y == 0.0: print("Invalid extent") return False # Set the source_pixel_size to twice the original resolution to compute the max scale source_pixel_size = pixel_x_size # Set the max cell size to twice the cell size required for a super tile size of 512 # This seems to be inaccurate # max_pixel_size = (max_x - min_x) / 256 new_dims = (max_x - min_x) // source_pixel_size + ( (max_x - min_x) % source_pixel_size > 0) zoom_levels = int(math.log(new_dims / 512.0, 2) + 1) if new_dims >= 512 else 0 #Prefering SubScaling for counter, lod_info in enumerate(self.tile_lod_info): print(lod_info[0], lod_info[1]) if source_pixel_size > lod_info[0]: break max_scale = lod_info[1] min_scale = (self.tile_lod_info[counter - 1 - zoom_levels][1] if counter - 1 - zoom_levels > 0 else self.tile_lod_info[0][1]) tempFolder = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='_gpkg_cache') cacheName = os.path.basename(filename) arcmap_dir = arcpy.GetInstallInfo()['InstallDir'] if (arcpy.Exists(arcmap_dir) == False): raise arcpy.ExecuteError("Arc Installation not found.") arcmap_tilingscheme_dir = os.path.join(arcmap_dir, 'TilingSchemes', 'gpkg_scheme.xml') if os.path.isfile(arcmap_tilingscheme_dir) == False: raise arcpy.ExecuteError("Tiling Scheme File is Missing.") arcpy.AddMessage("Generating tiles in {0}".format(tempFolder)) arcpy.ManageTileCache_management( in_cache_location=tempFolder, manage_mode='RECREATE_ALL_TILES', in_cache_name=cacheName, in_datasource=filename, tiling_scheme='IMPORT_SCHEME', import_tiling_scheme=arcmap_tilingscheme_dir, max_cached_scale=max_scale, min_cached_scale=min_scale) arcpy.AddMessage("Creating GeoPackage {0}".format(self.filename)) cachePath = tempFolder + "/" + cacheName cache2gpkg.cache2gpkg(cachePath, self.filename, True) arcpy.AddMessage("GeoPackage {0} created".format(self.filename)) ### Cleanup new_srs = None new_extent = None raster_desc = None shutil.rmtree(tempFolder) return True
XML_SCHEME = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(6) arcpy.AddMessage("\nExecutando seleção do filtro {0} no dataset {1}".format( AOI_FILTER, AOI_DATASET)) arcpy.Delete_management(AOI_SELECTION) arcpy.Select_analysis(AOI_DATASET, AOI_SELECTION, AOI_FILTER) DT_INICIO = arcpy.AddMessage("\nGerando o Tile Cache para o projeto de mapa: {0}".format( PROJETO_MAPA_BASE)) NOME_TILE_CACHE = ntpath.basename((PROJETO_MAPA_BASE.split("."))[0]) arcpy.ManageTileCache_management(OUTPUT_DIR, "RECREATE_ALL_TILES", NOME_TILE_CACHE, PROJETO_MAPA_BASE, "IMPORT_SCHEME", XML_SCHEME, BASEMAP_SCALES, "", "", MIN_SCALE, MAX_SCALE) DT_FIM = arcpy.AddMessage( "Finalizado tile cache em {0} (horas:minutos:segundos)".format( (DT_FIM - DT_INICIO))) with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(AOI_SELECTION, ['SHAPE@', AOI_FIELD_NAME]) as cursor: for row in cursor: DT_INICIO = AOI = row[0] NOME_AOI = row[1]
scaleList = webMapScaleList[0:9] if siteType.split('_')[0] == 'gw': scaleList = webMapScaleList[0:10] siteCachePath = cachePath + '/' + siteType + "/NWIS/_alllayers/" print(siteType + '\n----------------------') print "Step 1 -- Creating tile cache..." arcpy.ManageTileCache_management(in_cache_location=cachePath, manage_mode="RECREATE_ALL_TILES", in_cache_name=siteType, in_datasource=mxd, tiling_scheme="IMPORT_SCHEME", import_tiling_scheme=tilingScheme, scales=scaleList, area_of_interest="", max_cell_size="", min_cached_scale=scaleList[0], max_cached_scale=scaleList[-1]) print "Step 1 -- Done..." print "Step 2 -- Removing empty PNG files from cache..." ["python", scriptPath + "/", siteCachePath]) print "Step 2 -- Done..." print "Step 3 -- Removing empty folders from cache..." ["python", scriptPath + "/", siteCachePath])
maxcellsize = sys.argv[9] if maxcellsize == '#' or not maxcellsize: maxcellsize = "#" mincachedscale = sys.argv[10] if mincachedscale == '#' or not mincachedscale: mincachedscale = "8000" maxcachedscale = sys.argv[11] if maxcachedscale == '#' or not maxcachedscale: maxcachedscale = "2000" #Intializing Staring Time StTme = #Running main script arcpy.ManageTileCache_management(cachefolder, mode, cacheName, dataSource, method, tilingScheme,scales,areaofinterest, maxcellsize, mincachedscale, maxcachedscale) #Intializing Ending Time EdTme = #finding the time difference elapsedTime = EdTme - StTme #Caluclating time difference in hh:mm:ss hours = math.floor(elapsedTime / (60*60)) elapsedTime = elapsedTime - hours * (60*60); minutes = math.floor(elapsedTime / 60) elapsedTime = elapsedTime - minutes * (60); seconds = math.floor(elapsedTime); elapsedTime = elapsedTime - seconds; ms = elapsedTime * 1000;