Esempio n. 1
class TransactionCommandMixin:

    RESPONSE_CALLBACKS = string_keys_to_dict('WATCH UNWATCH', bool_ok)

    async def pipeline(self, transaction=True, shard_hint=None):
        Return a new pipeline object that can queue multiple commands for
        later execution. ``transaction`` indicates whether all commands
        should be executed atomically. Apart from making a group of operations
        atomic, pipelines are useful for reducing the back-and-forth overhead
        between the client and server.
        pipeline = StrictPipeline(self.connection_pool,
                                  self.response_callbacks, transaction,
        await pipeline.reset()
        return pipeline

    async def transaction(self, func, *watches, **kwargs):
        Convenience method for executing the callable `func` as a transaction
        while watching all keys specified in `watches`. The 'func' callable
        should expect a single argument which is a Pipeline object.
        shard_hint = kwargs.pop('shard_hint', None)
        value_from_callable = kwargs.pop('value_from_callable', False)
        watch_delay = kwargs.pop('watch_delay', None)
        async with await self.pipeline(True, shard_hint) as pipe:
            while True:
                    if watches:
                    func_value = await func(pipe)
                    exec_value = await pipe.execute()
                    return func_value if value_from_callable else exec_value
                except WatchError:
                    if watch_delay is not None and watch_delay > 0:
                        await asyncio.sleep(watch_delay)

    async def watch(self, *names):
        Watches the values at keys ``names``, or None if the key doesn't exist
        warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning('Call WATCH from a Pipeline object'))

    async def unwatch(self):
        Unwatches the value at key ``name``, or None of the key doesn't exist
            DeprecationWarning('Call UNWATCH from a Pipeline object'))
Esempio n. 2
class HyperLogCommandMixin:

    RESPONSE_CALLBACKS = dict_merge(string_keys_to_dict('PFADD PFCOUNT', int),
                                        'PFMERGE': bool_ok,

    async def pfadd(self, name, *values):
        "Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog."
        return await self.execute_command('PFADD', name, *values)

    async def pfcount(self, *sources):
        Return the approximated cardinality of
        the set observed by the HyperLogLog at key(s).
        return await self.execute_command('PFCOUNT', *sources)

    async def pfmerge(self, dest, *sources):
        "Merge N different HyperLogLogs into a single one."
        return await self.execute_command('PFMERGE', dest, *sources)
Esempio n. 3
class TransactionCommandMixin:

    RESPONSE_CALLBACKS = string_keys_to_dict('WATCH UNWATCH', bool_ok)

    async def transaction(self, func, *watches, **kwargs):
        Convenience method for executing the callable `func` as a transaction
        while watching all keys specified in `watches`. The 'func' callable
        should expect a single argument which is a Pipeline object.
        shard_hint = kwargs.pop('shard_hint', None)
        value_from_callable = kwargs.pop('value_from_callable', False)
        watch_delay = kwargs.pop('watch_delay', None)
        async with await self.pipeline(True, shard_hint) as pipe:
            while True:
                    if watches:
                    func_value = await func(pipe)
                    exec_value = await pipe.execute()
                    return func_value if value_from_callable else exec_value
                except WatchError:
                    if watch_delay is not None and watch_delay > 0:
                        await asyncio.sleep(watch_delay,

    async def watch(self, *names):
        Watches the values at keys ``names``, or None if the key doesn't exist
        warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning('Call WATCH from a Pipeline object'))

    async def unwatch(self):
        Unwatches the value at key ``name``, or None of the key doesn't exist
            DeprecationWarning('Call UNWATCH from a Pipeline object'))
Esempio n. 4
class StreamsCommandMixin:
    RESPONSE_CALLBACKS = dict_merge(
        string_keys_to_dict('XREVRANGE XRANGE', stream_list),
        string_keys_to_dict('XREAD XREADGROUP', multi_stream_list), {
            'XINFO GROUPS': list_of_pairs_to_dict,
            'XINFO STREAM': parse_xinfo_stream,
            'XINFO CONSUMERS': list_of_pairs_to_dict,
            'XGROUP SETID': bool_ok,
            'XGROUP CREATE': bool_ok

    async def xadd(self,
                   name: str,
                   entry: dict,
                   approximate=True) -> str:
        Appends the specified stream entry to the stream at the specified key.
        If the key does not exist, as a side effect of running
        this command the key is created with a stream value.
        Available since 5.0.0.
        Time complexity: O(log(N)) with N being the number of items already into the stream.

        :param name: name of the stream
        :param entry: key-values to be appended to the stream
        :param max_len: max length of the stream
        length will not be limited max_len is set to None
        notice: max_len should be int greater than 0,
        if set to 0 or negative, the stream length will not be limited

        :param stream_id: id of the options appended to the stream.
        The XADD command will auto-generate a unique id for you
        if the id argument specified is the * character.
        ID are specified by two numbers separated by a "-" character

        :param approximate: whether redis will limit
        the stream with given max length exactly, if set to True,
        there will be a few tens of entries more,
        but never less than 1000 items

        :return: id auto generated or the specified id given.
        notice: specified id without "-" character will be completed like "id-0"
        pieces = []
        if max_len is not None:
            if not isinstance(max_len, int) or max_len < 1:
                raise RedisError("XADD maxlen must be a positive integer")
            if approximate:
        for kv in entry.items():
        return await self.execute_command('XADD', name, *pieces)

    async def xlen(self, name: str) -> int:
        Returns the number of elements in a given stream.
        return await self.execute_command('XLEN', name)

    async def xrange(self, name: str, start='-', end='+', count=None) -> list:
        Read stream values within an interval.

        Available since 5.0.0.
        Time complexity: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the stream and M the number
        of elements being returned. If M is constant (e.g. always asking for the first 10 elements with COUNT),
        you can consider it O(log(N)).

        :param name: name of the stream.
        :param start: first stream ID. defaults to '-',
               meaning the earliest available.
        :param end: last stream ID. defaults to '+',
                meaning the latest available.
        :param count: if set, only return this many items, beginning with the
               earliest available.
        :return list of (stream_id, entry(k-v pair))

        pieces = [start, end]
        if count is not None:
            if not isinstance(count, int) or count < 1:
                raise RedisError("XRANGE count must be a positive integer")
        return await self.execute_command('XRANGE', name, *pieces)

    async def xrevrange(self,
                        name: str,
                        count=None) -> list:
        Read stream values within an interval, in reverse order.

        Available since 5.0.0.
        Time complexity: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the stream and M the number
        of elements being returned. If M is constant (e.g. always asking for the first 10 elements with COUNT),
        you can consider it O(log(N)).

        :param name: name of the stream
        :param start: first stream ID. defaults to '+',
               meaning the latest available.
        :param end: last stream ID. defaults to '-',
                meaning the earliest available.
        :param count: if set, only return this many items, beginning with the
               latest available.

        pieces = [start, end]
        if count is not None:
            if not isinstance(count, int) or count < 1:
                raise RedisError("XREVRANGE count must be a positive integer")
        return await self.execute_command('XREVRANGE', name, *pieces)

    async def xread(self, count=None, block=None, **streams) -> dict:
        Available since 5.0.0.

        Time complexity:
        For each stream mentioned: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number
        of elements in the stream and M the number of elements being returned.
        If M is constant (e.g. always asking for the first 10 elements with COUNT),
        you can consider it O(log(N)). On the other side, XADD will pay the O(N)
        time in order to serve the N clients blocked on the stream getting new data.

        Read data from one or multiple streams,
        only returning entries with an ID greater
        than the last received ID reported by the caller.

        :param count: int, if set, only return this many items, beginning with the
               earliest available.
        :param block: int, milliseconds we want to block before timing out,
                if the BLOCK option is not used, the command is synchronous
        :param streams: stream_name - stream_id mapping
        :return dict like {stream_name: [(stream_id: entry), ...]}
        pieces = []
        if block is not None:
            if not isinstance(block, int) or block < 0:
                raise RedisError("XREAD block must be a positive integer")
        if count is not None:
            if not isinstance(count, int) or count < 1:
                raise RedisError("XREAD count must be a positive integer")
        ids = []
        for partial_stream in streams.items():
        return await self.execute_command('XREAD', *pieces)

    async def xreadgroup(self,
                         group: str,
                         consumer_id: str,
        Available since 5.0.0.

        Time complexity:
        For each stream mentioned: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements
        in the stream and M the number of elements being returned.
        If M is constant (e.g. always asking for the first 10 elements with COUNT),
        you can consider it O(log(N)). On the other side,
        XADD will pay the O(N) time in order to serve
        the N clients blocked on the stream getting new data.

        Read data from one or multiple streams via the consumer group,
        only returning entries with an ID greater
        than the last received ID reported by the caller.

        :param group: the name of the consumer group
        :param consumer_id: the name of the consumer that is attempting to read
        :param count: int, if set, only return this many items, beginning with the
               earliest available.
        :param block: int, milliseconds we want to block before timing out,
                if the BLOCK option is not used, the command is synchronous
        :param streams: stream_name - stream_id mapping
        :return dict like {stream_name: [(stream_id: entry), ...]}
        pieces = ['GROUP', group, consumer_id]
        if block is not None:
            if not isinstance(block, int) or block < 1:
                raise RedisError("XREAD block must be a positive integer")
        if count is not None:
            if not isinstance(count, int) or count < 1:
                raise RedisError("XREAD count must be a positive integer")
        ids = []
        for partial_stream in streams.items():
        return await self.execute_command('XREADGROUP', *pieces)

    async def xpending(self,
                       name: str,
                       group: str,
                       consumer=None) -> list:
        Available since 5.0.0.

        Time complexity:
        O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the consumer
        group pending entries list, and M the number of elements being returned.
        When the command returns just the summary it runs in O(1)
        time assuming the list of consumers is small,
        otherwise there is additional O(N) time needed to iterate every consumer.

        Fetching data from a stream via a consumer group,
        and not acknowledging such data,
        has the effect of creating pending entries.
        The XPENDING command is the interface to inspect the list of pending messages.

        :param name: name of the stream
        :param group: name of the consumer group
        :param start: first stream ID. defaults to '-',
               meaning the earliest available.
        :param end: last stream ID. defaults to '+',
                meaning the latest available.
        :param count: int, number of entries
                [NOTICE] only when count is set to int,
                start & end options will have effect
                and detail of pending entries will be returned
        :param consumer: str, consumer of the stream in the group
                [NOTICE] only when count is set to int,
                this option can be appended to
                query pending entries of given consumer
        pieces = [name, group]
        if count is not None:
            pieces.extend([start, end, count])
            if consumer is not None:
        # todo: may there be a parse function
        return await self.execute_command('XPENDING', *pieces)

    async def xtrim(self, name: str, max_len: int, approximate=True) -> int:
        [NOTICE] Not officially released yet

        XTRIM is designed to accept different trimming strategies,
        even if currently only MAXLEN is implemented.

        :param name: name of the stream
        :param max_len: max length of the stream after being trimmed
        :param approximate: whether redis will limit
        the stream with given max length exactly, if set to True,
        there will be a few tens of entries more,
        but never less than 1000 items:

        :return: number of entries trimmed
        pieces = ['MAXLEN']
        if approximate:
        return await self.execute_command('XTRIM', name, *pieces)

    async def xdel(self, name: str, stream_id: str) -> int:
        [NOTICE] Not officially released yet
        [NOTICE] In the current implementation, memory is not
        really reclaimed until a macro node is completely empty,
        so you should not abuse this feature.

        remove items from the middle of a stream, just by ID.

        :param name: name of the stream
        :param stream_id: id of the options appended to the stream.
        return await self.execute_command('XDEL', name, stream_id)

    async def xinfo_consumers(self, name: str, group: str) -> list:
        [NOTICE] Not officially released yet

        XINFO command is an observability interface that can be used
        with sub-commands in order to get information
        about streams or consumer groups.

        :param name: name of the stream
        :param group: name of the consumer group
        return await self.execute_command('XINFO CONSUMERS', name, group)

    async def xinfo_groups(self, name: str) -> list:
        [NOTICE] Not officially released yet

        XINFO command is an observability interface that can be used
        with sub-commands in order to get information
        about streams or consumer groups.

        :param name: name of the stream
        return await self.execute_command('XINFO GROUPS', name)

    async def xinfo_stream(self, name: str) -> dict:
        [NOTICE] Not officially released yet

        XINFO command is an observability interface that can be used
        with sub-commands in order to get information
        about streams or consumer groups.

        :param name: name of the stream
        return await self.execute_command('XINFO STREAM', name)

    async def xack(self, name: str, group: str, stream_id: str) -> int:
        [NOTICE] Not officially released yet

        XACK is the command that allows a consumer to mark a pending message as correctly processed.

        :param name: name of the stream
        :param group: name of the consumer group
        :param stream_id: id of the entry the consumer wants to mark
        :return: number of entry marked
        return await self.execute_command('XACK', name, group, stream_id)

    async def xclaim(self, name: str, group: str, consumer: str,
                     min_idle_time: int, *stream_ids):
        [NOTICE] Not officially released yet

        Gets ownership of one or multiple messages in the Pending Entries List of a given stream consumer group.

        :param name: name of the stream
        :param group: name of the consumer group
        :param consumer: name of the consumer
        :param min_idle_time: ms
            If the message ID (among the specified ones) exists, and its idle time greater
            or equal to min_idle_time, then the message new owner
            becomes the specified <consumer>. If the minimum idle time specified
            is zero, messages are claimed regardless of their idle time.
        :param stream_ids:
        return await self.execute_command('XCLAIM', name, group, consumer,
                                          min_idle_time, *stream_ids)

    async def xgroup_create(self,
                            name: str,
                            group: str,
                            stream_id='$') -> bool:
        [NOTICE] Not officially released yet
        XGROUP is used in order to create, destroy and manage consumer groups.
        :param name: name of the stream
        :param group: name of the consumer group
        :param stream_id:
            If we provide $ as we did, then only new messages arriving
            in the stream from now on will be provided to the consumers in the group.
            If we specify 0 instead the consumer group will consume all the messages
            in the stream history to start with.
            Of course, you can specify any other valid ID
        return await self.execute_command('XGROUP CREATE', name, group,

    async def xgroup_set_id(self, name: str, group: str,
                            stream_id: str) -> bool:
        [NOTICE] Not officially released yet
        :param name: name of the stream
        :param group: name of the consumer group
        :param stream_id:
            If we provide $ as we did, then only new messages arriving
            in the stream from now on will be provided to the consumers in the group.
            If we specify 0 instead the consumer group will consume all the messages
            in the stream history to start with.
            Of course, you can specify any other valid ID
        return await self.execute_command('XGROUP SETID', name, group,

    async def xgroup_destroy(self, name: str, group: str) -> int:
        [NOTICE] Not officially released yet
        XGROUP is used in order to create, destroy and manage consumer groups.
        :param name: name of the stream
        :param group: name of the consumer group
        return await self.execute_command('XGROUP DESTROY', name, group)

    async def xgroup_del_consumer(self, name: str, group: str,
                                  consumer: str) -> int:
        [NOTICE] Not officially released yet
        XGROUP is used in order to create, destroy and manage consumer groups.
        :param name: name of the stream
        :param group: name of the consumer group
        :param consumer: name of the consumer
        return await self.execute_command('XGROUP DELCONSUMER', name, group,
Esempio n. 5
class ListsCommandMixin:

    RESPONSE_CALLBACKS = dict_merge(
            'BLPOP BRPOP',
            lambda r: r and tuple(r) or None
            # these return OK, or int if redis-server is >=1.3.4
            'LPUSH RPUSH',
            lambda r: isinstance(r, int) and r or r == b'OK'
        string_keys_to_dict('LSET LTRIM', bool_ok),
        string_keys_to_dict('LINSERT LLEN LPUSHX RPUSHX', int),

    async def blpop(self, keys, timeout=0):
        LPOP a value off of the first non-empty list
        named in the ``keys`` list.

        If none of the lists in ``keys`` has a value to LPOP, then block
        for ``timeout`` seconds, or until a value gets pushed on to one
        of the lists.

        If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely.
        if timeout is None:
            timeout = 0
        if isinstance(keys, str):
            keys = [keys]
            keys = list(keys)
        return await self.execute_command('BLPOP', *keys)

    async def brpop(self, keys, timeout=0):
        RPOP a value off of the first non-empty list
        named in the ``keys`` list.

        If none of the lists in ``keys`` has a value to LPOP, then block
        for ``timeout`` seconds, or until a value gets pushed on to one
        of the lists.

        If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely.
        if timeout is None:
            timeout = 0
        if isinstance(keys, str):
            keys = [keys]
            keys = list(keys)
        return await self.execute_command('BRPOP', *keys)

    async def brpoplpush(self, src, dst, timeout=0):
        Pop a value off the tail of ``src``, push it on the head of ``dst``
        and then return it.

        This command blocks until a value is in ``src`` or until ``timeout``
        seconds elapse, whichever is first. A ``timeout`` value of 0 blocks
        if timeout is None:
            timeout = 0
        return await self.execute_command('BRPOPLPUSH', src, dst, timeout)

    async def lindex(self, name, index):
        Return the item from list ``name`` at position ``index``

        Negative indexes are supported and will return an item at the
        end of the list
        return await self.execute_command('LINDEX', name, index)

    async def linsert(self, name, where, refvalue, value):
        Insert ``value`` in list ``name`` either immediately before or after
        [``where``] ``refvalue``

        Returns the new length of the list on success or -1 if ``refvalue``
        is not in the list.
        return await self.execute_command('LINSERT', name, where, refvalue, value)

    async def llen(self, name):
        "Return the length of the list ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('LLEN', name)

    async def lpop(self, name):
        "Remove and return the first item of the list ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('LPOP', name)

    async def lpush(self, name, *values):
        "Push ``values`` onto the head of the list ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('LPUSH', name, *values)

    async def lpushx(self, name, value):
        "Push ``value`` onto the head of the list ``name`` if ``name`` exists"
        return await self.execute_command('LPUSHX', name, value)

    async def lrange(self, name, start, end):
        Return a slice of the list ``name`` between
        position ``start`` and ``end``

        ``start`` and ``end`` can be negative numbers just like
        Python slicing notation
        return await self.execute_command('LRANGE', name, start, end)

    async def lrem(self, name, count, value):
        Remove the first ``count`` occurrences of elements equal to ``value``
        from the list stored at ``name``.

        The count argument influences the operation in the following ways:
            count > 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from head to tail.
            count < 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from tail to head.
            count = 0: Remove all elements equal to value.
        return await self.execute_command('LREM', name, count, value)

    async def lset(self, name, index, value):
        "Set ``position`` of list ``name`` to ``value``"
        return await self.execute_command('LSET', name, index, value)

    async def ltrim(self, name, start, end):
        Trim the list ``name``, removing all values not within the slice
        between ``start`` and ``end``

        ``start`` and ``end`` can be negative numbers just like
        Python slicing notation
        return await self.execute_command('LTRIM', name, start, end)

    async def rpop(self, name):
        "Remove and return the last item of the list ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('RPOP', name)

    async def rpoplpush(self, src, dst):
        RPOP a value off of the ``src`` list and atomically LPUSH it
        on to the ``dst`` list.  Returns the value.
        return await self.execute_command('RPOPLPUSH', src, dst)

    async def rpush(self, name, *values):
        "Push ``values`` onto the tail of the list ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('RPUSH', name, *values)

    async def rpushx(self, name, value):
        "Push ``value`` onto the tail of the list ``name`` if ``name`` exists"
        return await self.execute_command('RPUSHX', name, value)
Esempio n. 6
class SetsCommandMixin:

    RESPONSE_CALLBACKS = dict_merge(
            'SREM SUNIONSTORE', int
            'SISMEMBER SMOVE', bool
            lambda r: r and set(r) or set()
            'SSCAN': parse_sscan,

    async def sadd(self, name, *values):
        "Add ``value(s)`` to set ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('SADD', name, *values)

    async def scard(self, name):
        "Return the number of elements in set ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('SCARD', name)

    async def sdiff(self, keys, *args):
        "Return the difference of sets specified by ``keys``"
        args = list_or_args(keys, args)
        return await self.execute_command('SDIFF', *args)

    async def sdiffstore(self, dest, keys, *args):
        Store the difference of sets specified by ``keys`` into a new
        set named ``dest``.  Returns the number of keys in the new set.
        args = list_or_args(keys, args)
        return await self.execute_command('SDIFFSTORE', dest, *args)

    async def sinter(self, keys, *args):
        "Return the intersection of sets specified by ``keys``"
        args = list_or_args(keys, args)
        return await self.execute_command('SINTER', *args)

    async def sinterstore(self, dest, keys, *args):
        Store the intersection of sets specified by ``keys`` into a new
        set named ``dest``.  Returns the number of keys in the new set.
        args = list_or_args(keys, args)
        return await self.execute_command('SINTERSTORE', dest, *args)

    async def sismember(self, name, value):
        "Return a boolean indicating if ``value`` is a member of set ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('SISMEMBER', name, value)

    async def smembers(self, name):
        "Return all members of the set ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('SMEMBERS', name)

    async def smove(self, src, dst, value):
        "Move ``value`` from set ``src`` to set ``dst`` atomically"
        return await self.execute_command('SMOVE', src, dst, value)

    async def spop(self, name):
        "Remove and return a random member of set ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('SPOP', name)

    async def srandmember(self, name, number=None):
        If ``number`` is None, returns a random member of set ``name``.

        If ``number`` is supplied, returns a list of ``number`` random
        memebers of set ``name``. Note this is only available when running
        Redis 2.6+.
        args = number and [number] or []
        return await self.execute_command('SRANDMEMBER', name, *args)

    async def srem(self, name, *values):
        "Remove ``values`` from set ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('SREM', name, *values)

    async def sunion(self, keys, *args):
        "Return the union of sets specified by ``keys``"
        args = list_or_args(keys, args)
        return await self.execute_command('SUNION', *args)

    async def sunionstore(self, dest, keys, *args):
        Store the union of sets specified by ``keys`` into a new
        set named ``dest``.  Returns the number of keys in the new set.
        args = list_or_args(keys, args)
        return await self.execute_command('SUNIONSTORE', dest, *args)

    async def sscan(self, name, cursor=0, match=None, count=None):
        Incrementally return lists of elements in a set. Also return a cursor
        indicating the scan position.

        ``match`` allows for filtering the keys by pattern

        ``count`` allows for hint the minimum number of returns
        pieces = [name, cursor]
        if match is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('MATCH'), match])
        if count is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('COUNT'), count])
        return await self.execute_command('SSCAN', *pieces)
Esempio n. 7
class KeysCommandMixin:

    RESPONSE_CALLBACKS = dict_merge(
            'MOVE PERSIST RENAMENX', bool
            'DEL': int,
            'SORT': sort_return_tuples,
            'OBJECT': parse_object,
            'RANDOMKEY': lambda r: r and r or None,
            'SCAN': parse_scan,
            'RENAME': bool_ok,

    async def delete(self, *names):
        """Delete one or more keys specified by ``names``"""
        return await self.execute_command('DEL', *names)

    async def dump(self, name):
        Return a serialized version of the value stored at the specified key.
        If key does not exist a nil bulk reply is returned.
        return await self.execute_command('DUMP', name)

    async def exists(self, name):
        """Returns a boolean indicating whether key ``name`` exists"""
        return await self.execute_command('EXISTS', name)

    async def expire(self, name, time):
        Set an expire flag on key ``name`` for ``time`` seconds. ``time``
        can be represented by an integer or a Python timedelta object.
        if isinstance(time, datetime.timedelta):
            time = time.seconds + time.days * 24 * 3600
        return await self.execute_command('EXPIRE', name, time)

    async def expireat(self, name, when):
        Set an expire flag on key ``name``. ``when`` can be represented
        as an integer indicating unix time or a Python datetime object.
        if isinstance(when, datetime.datetime):
            when = int(mod_time.mktime(when.timetuple()))
        return await self.execute_command('EXPIREAT', name, when)

    async def keys(self, pattern='*'):
        """Returns a list of keys matching ``pattern``"""
        return await self.execute_command('KEYS', pattern)

    async def move(self, name, db):
        """Moves the key ``name`` to a different Redis database ``db``"""
        return await self.execute_command('MOVE', name, db)

    async def object(self, infotype, key):
        """Returns the encoding, idletime, or refcount about the key"""
        return await self.execute_command('OBJECT', infotype, key, infotype=infotype)

    async def persist(self, name):
        """Removes an expiration on ``name``"""
        return await self.execute_command('PERSIST', name)

    async def pexpire(self, name, time):
        Set an expire flag on key ``name`` for ``time`` milliseconds.
        ``time`` can be represented by an integer or a Python timedelta
        if isinstance(time, datetime.timedelta):
            ms = int(time.microseconds / 1000)
            time = (time.seconds + time.days * 24 * 3600) * 1000 + ms
        return await self.execute_command('PEXPIRE', name, time)

    async def pexpireat(self, name, when):
        Set an expire flag on key ``name``. ``when`` can be represented
        as an integer representing unix time in milliseconds (unix time * 1000)
        or a Python datetime object.
        if isinstance(when, datetime.datetime):
            ms = int(when.microsecond / 1000)
            when = int(mod_time.mktime(when.timetuple())) * 1000 + ms
        return await self.execute_command('PEXPIREAT', name, when)

    async def pttl(self, name):
        Returns the number of milliseconds until the key ``name`` will expire
        return await self.execute_command('PTTL', name)

    async def randomkey(self):
        """Returns the name of a random key"""
        return await self.execute_command('RANDOMKEY')

    async def rename(self, src, dst):
        Renames key ``src`` to ``dst``
        return await self.execute_command('RENAME', src, dst)

    async def renamenx(self, src, dst):
        """Renames key ``src`` to ``dst`` if ``dst`` doesn't already exist"""
        return await self.execute_command('RENAMENX', src, dst)

    async def restore(self, name, ttl, value, replace=False):
        Creates a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained
        using DUMP.
        params = [name, ttl, value]
        if replace:
        return await self.execute_command('RESTORE', *params)

    async def sort(self, name, start=None, num=None, by=None, get=None,
             desc=False, alpha=False, store=None, groups=False):
        Sorts and returns a list, set or sorted set at ``name``.

        ``start`` and ``num`` are for paginating sorted data

        ``by`` allows using an external key to weight and sort the items.
            Use an "*" to indicate where in the key the item value is located

        ``get`` is for returning items from external keys rather than the
            sorted data itself.  Use an "*" to indicate where int he key
            the item value is located

        ``desc`` is for reversing the sort

        ``alpha`` is for sorting lexicographically rather than numerically

        ``store`` is for storing the result of the sort into
            the key ``store``

        ``groups`` if set to True and if ``get`` contains at least two
            elements, sort will return a list of tuples, each containing the
            values fetched from the arguments to ``get``.

        if (start is not None and num is None) or \
                (num is not None and start is None):
            raise RedisError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified")

        pieces = [name]
        if by is not None:
        if start is not None and num is not None:
        if get is not None:
            # If get is a string assume we want to get a single value.
            # Otherwise assume it's an interable and we want to get multiple
            # values. We can't just iterate blindly because strings are
            # iterable.
            if isinstance(get, str):
                for g in get:
        if desc:
        if alpha:
        if store is not None:

        if groups:
            if not get or isinstance(get, str) or len(get) < 2:
                raise DataError('when using "groups" the "get" argument '
                                'must be specified and contain at least '
                                'two keys')

        options = {'groups': len(get) if groups else None}
        return await self.execute_command('SORT', *pieces, **options)

    async def touch(self, keys):
        Alters the last access time of a key(s).
        A key is ignored if it does not exist.
        return await self.execute_command('TOUCH', *keys)

    async def ttl(self, name):
        """Returns the number of seconds until the key ``name`` will expire"""
        return await self.execute_command('TTL', name)

    async def type(self, name):
        """Returns the type of key ``name``"""
        return await self.execute_command('TYPE', name)

    async def unlink(self, *keys):
        """Removes the specified keys in a different thread, not blocking"""
        return await self.execute_command('UNLINK', *keys)

    async def wait(self, num_replicas, timeout):
        Redis synchronous replication
        That returns the number of replicas that processed the query when
        we finally have at least ``num_replicas``, or when the ``timeout`` was
        return await self.execute_command('WAIT', num_replicas, timeout)

    async def scan(self, cursor=0, match=None, count=None):
        Incrementally return lists of key names. Also return a cursor
        indicating the scan position.

        ``match`` allows for filtering the keys by pattern

        ``count`` allows for hint the minimum number of returns
        pieces = [cursor]
        if match is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('MATCH'), match])
        if count is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('COUNT'), count])
        return await self.execute_command('SCAN', *pieces)
Esempio n. 8
class HashCommandMixin:

    RESPONSE_CALLBACKS = dict_merge(
        string_keys_to_dict('HDEL HLEN', int),
        string_keys_to_dict('HEXISTS HMSET', bool), {
            'HGETALL': lambda r: r and pairs_to_dict(r) or {},
            'HINCRBYFLOAT': float,
            'HSCAN': parse_hscan,

    async def hdel(self, name, *keys):
        "Delete ``keys`` from hash ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('HDEL', name, *keys)

    async def hexists(self, name, key):
        "Returns a boolean indicating if ``key`` exists within hash ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('HEXISTS', name, key)

    async def hget(self, name, key):
        "Return the value of ``key`` within the hash ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('HGET', name, key)

    async def hgetall(self, name):
        "Return a Python dict of the hash's name/value pairs"
        return await self.execute_command('HGETALL', name)

    async def hincrby(self, name, key, amount=1):
        "Increment the value of ``key`` in hash ``name`` by ``amount``"
        return await self.execute_command('HINCRBY', name, key, amount)

    async def hincrbyfloat(self, name, key, amount=1.0):
        Increment the value of ``key`` in hash ``name`` by floating ``amount``
        return await self.execute_command('HINCRBYFLOAT', name, key, amount)

    async def hkeys(self, name):
        "Return the list of keys within hash ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('HKEYS', name)

    async def hlen(self, name):
        "Return the number of elements in hash ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('HLEN', name)

    async def hset(self, name, key, value):
        Set ``key`` to ``value`` within hash ``name``
        Returns 1 if HSET created a new field, otherwise 0
        return await self.execute_command('HSET', name, key, value)

    async def hsetnx(self, name, key, value):
        Set ``key`` to ``value`` within hash ``name`` if ``key`` does not
        exist.  Returns 1 if HSETNX created a field, otherwise 0.
        return await self.execute_command('HSETNX', name, key, value)

    async def hmset(self, name, mapping):
        Set key to value within hash ``name`` for each corresponding
        key and value from the ``mapping`` dict.
        if not mapping:
            raise DataError("'hmset' with 'mapping' of length 0")
        items = []
        for pair in iteritems(mapping):
        return await self.execute_command('HMSET', name, *items)

    async def hmget(self, name, keys, *args):
        "Returns a list of values ordered identically to ``keys``"
        args = list_or_args(keys, args)
        return await self.execute_command('HMGET', name, *args)

    async def hvals(self, name):
        "Return the list of values within hash ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('HVALS', name)

    async def hscan(self, name, cursor=0, match=None, count=None):
        Incrementally return key/value slices in a hash. Also return a cursor
        indicating the scan position.

        ``match`` allows for filtering the keys by pattern

        ``count`` allows for hint the minimum number of returns
        pieces = [name, cursor]
        if match is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('MATCH'), match])
        if count is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('COUNT'), count])
        return await self.execute_command('HSCAN', *pieces)

    async def hstrlen(self, name, key):
        Returns the string length of the value associated
        with field in the hash stored at key.
        If the key or the field do not exist, 0 is returned.
        return await self.execute_command('HSTRLEN', name, key)
Esempio n. 9
class ServerCommandMixin:
    RESPONSE_CALLBACKS = dict_merge(
        string_keys_to_dict('BGREWRITEAOF BGSAVE', lambda r: True),
        string_keys_to_dict('FLUSHALL FLUSHDB SAVE '
                            'SHUTDOWN SLAVEOF', bool_ok), {
                                'ROLE': parse_role,
                                'SLOWLOG GET': parse_slowlog_get,
                                'SLOWLOG LEN': int,
                                'SLOWLOG RESET': bool_ok,
                                'CLIENT GETNAME': lambda r: r and nativestr(r),
                                'CLIENT KILL': bool_ok,
                                'CLIENT LIST': parse_client_list,
                                'CLIENT SETNAME': bool_ok,
                                'CLIENT PAUSE': bool_ok,
                                'CONFIG GET': parse_config_get,
                                'CONFIG RESETSTAT': bool_ok,
                                'CONFIG SET': bool_ok,
                                'DEBUG OBJECT': parse_debug_object,
                                'INFO': parse_info,
                                'LASTSAVE': timestamp_to_datetime,
                                'TIME': lambda x: (int(x[0]), int(x[1])),

    async def bgrewriteaof(self):
        "Tell the Redis server to rewrite the AOF file from data in memory."
        return await self.execute_command('BGREWRITEAOF')

    async def bgsave(self):
        Tell the Redis server to save its data to disk.  Unlike save(),
        this method is asynchronous and returns immediately.
        return await self.execute_command('BGSAVE')

    async def client_kill(self, address):
        "Disconnects the client at ``address`` (ip:port)"
        return await self.execute_command('CLIENT KILL', address)

    async def client_list(self):
        "Returns a list of currently connected clients"
        return await self.execute_command('CLIENT LIST')

    async def client_getname(self):
        "Returns the current connection name"
        return await self.execute_command('CLIENT GETNAME')

    async def client_setname(self, name):
        "Sets the current connection name"
        return await self.execute_command('CLIENT SETNAME', name)

    async def client_pause(self, timeout=0):
        """suspend all the Redis clients for the
        specified amount of time (in milliseconds)."""
        return await self.execute_command('CLIENT PAUSE', timeout)

    async def config_get(self, pattern="*"):
        "Return a dictionary of configuration based on the ``pattern``"
        return await self.execute_command('CONFIG GET', pattern)

    async def config_set(self, name, value):
        "Set config item ``name`` with ``value``"
        return await self.execute_command('CONFIG SET', name, value)

    async def config_resetstat(self):
        "Reset runtime statistics"
        return await self.execute_command('CONFIG RESETSTAT')

    async def config_rewrite(self):
        "Rewrite config file with the minimal change to reflect running config"
        return await self.execute_command('CONFIG REWRITE')

    async def dbsize(self):
        "Returns the number of keys in the current database"
        return await self.execute_command('DBSIZE')

    async def debug_object(self, key):
        "Returns version specific meta information about a given key"
        return await self.execute_command('DEBUG OBJECT', key)

    async def flushall(self):
        "Delete all keys in all databases on the current host"
        return await self.execute_command('FLUSHALL')

    async def flushdb(self):
        "Delete all keys in the current database"
        return await self.execute_command('FLUSHDB')

    async def info(self, section=None):
        Returns a dictionary containing information about the Redis server

        The ``section`` option can be used to select a specific section
        of information

        The section option is not supported by older versions of Redis Server,
        and will generate ResponseError
        if section is None:
            return await self.execute_command('INFO')
            return await self.execute_command('INFO', section)

    async def lastsave(self):
        Return a Python datetime object representing the last time the
        Redis database was saved to disk
        return await self.execute_command('LASTSAVE')

    async def save(self):
        Tell the Redis server to save its data to disk,
        blocking until the save is complete
        return await self.execute_command('SAVE')

    async def shutdown(self):
        "Shutdown the server"
            await self.execute_command('SHUTDOWN')
        except ConnectionError:
            # a ConnectionError here is expected
        raise RedisError("SHUTDOWN seems to have failed.")

    async def slaveof(self, host=None, port=None):
        Set the server to be a replicated slave of the instance identified
        by the ``host`` and ``port``. If called without arguments, the
        instance is promoted to a master instead.
        if host is None and port is None:
            return await self.execute_command('SLAVEOF', b('NO'), b('ONE'))
        return await self.execute_command('SLAVEOF', host, port)

    async def slowlog_get(self, num=None):
        Get the entries from the slowlog. If ``num`` is specified, get the
        most recent ``num`` items.
        args = ['SLOWLOG GET']
        if num is not None:
        return await self.execute_command(*args)

    async def slowlog_len(self):
        "Get the number of items in the slowlog"
        return await self.execute_command('SLOWLOG LEN')

    async def slowlog_reset(self):
        "Remove all items in the slowlog"
        return await self.execute_command('SLOWLOG RESET')

    async def time(self):
        Returns the server time as a 2-item tuple of ints:
        (seconds since epoch, microseconds into this second).
        return await self.execute_command('TIME')

    async def role(self):
        Provide information on the role of a Redis instance in the context of replication,
        by returning if the instance is currently a master, slave, or sentinel.
        The command also returns additional information about the state of the replication
        (if the role is master or slave)
        or the list of monitored master names (if the role is sentinel).
        return await self.execute_command('ROLE')
Esempio n. 10
class SortedSetCommandMixin:

    RESPONSE_CALLBACKS = dict_merge(
            'ZREMRANGEBYRANK '
            'ZREMRANGEBYSCORE', int),
        string_keys_to_dict('ZSCORE ZINCRBY', float_or_none),
        string_keys_to_dict('ZRANK ZREVRANK', int_or_none), {
            'ZSCAN': parse_zscan,

    async def zadd(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        Set any number of score, element-name pairs to the key ``name``. Pairs
        can be specified in two ways:

        As *args, in the form of: score1, name1, score2, name2, ...
        or as **kwargs, in the form of: name1=score1, name2=score2, ...

        The following example would add four values to the 'my-key' key:
        redis.zadd('my-key', 1.1, 'name1', 2.2, 'name2', name3=3.3, name4=4.4)
        pieces = []
        if args:
            if len(args) % 2 != 0:
                raise RedisError("ZADD requires an equal number of "
                                 "values and scores")
        for pair in iteritems(kwargs):
        return await self.execute_command('ZADD', name, *pieces)

    async def zaddoption(self, name, option=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Differs from zadd in that you can set either 'XX' or 'NX' option as
        described here: Only for Redis 3.0.2 or

        The following example would add four values to the 'my-key' key:
        redis.zaddoption('my-key', 'XX', 1.1, 'name1', 2.2, 'name2', name3=3.3, name4=4.4)
        redis.zaddoption('my-key', 'NX CH', name1=2.2)
        if not option:
            raise RedisError("ZADDOPTION must take options")
        options = set(opt.upper() for opt in option.split())
        if options - VALID_ZADD_OPTIONS:
            raise RedisError("ZADD only takes XX, NX, CH, or INCR")
        if 'NX' in options and 'XX' in options:
            raise RedisError("ZADD only takes one of XX or NX")
        pieces = list(options)
        members = []
        if args:
            if len(args) % 2 != 0:
                raise RedisError("ZADD requires an equal number of "
                                 "values and scores")
        for pair in iteritems(kwargs):
        if 'INCR' in options and len(members) != 2:
            raise RedisError("ZADD with INCR only takes one score-name pair")
        return await self.execute_command('ZADD', name, *pieces, *members)

    async def zcard(self, name):
        """Returns the number of elements in the sorted set ``name``"""
        return await self.execute_command('ZCARD', name)

    async def zcount(self, name, min, max):
        Returns the number of elements in the sorted set at key ``name`` with
        a score between ``min`` and ``max``.
        return await self.execute_command('ZCOUNT', name, min, max)

    async def zincrby(self, name, value, amount=1):
        Increments the score of ``value`` in sorted set ``name`` by ``amount``
        return await self.execute_command('ZINCRBY', name, amount, value)

    async def zinterstore(self, dest, keys, aggregate=None):
        Intersects multiple sorted sets specified by ``keys`` into
        a new sorted set, ``dest``. Scores in the destination will be
        aggregated based on the ``aggregate``, or SUM if none is provided.
        return await self._zaggregate('ZINTERSTORE', dest, keys, aggregate)

    async def zlexcount(self, name, min, max):
        Returns the number of items in the sorted set ``name`` between the
        lexicographical range ``min`` and ``max``.
        return await self.execute_command('ZLEXCOUNT', name, min, max)

    async def zrange(self,
        Returns a range of values from sorted set ``name`` between
        ``start`` and ``end`` sorted in ascending order.

        ``start`` and ``end`` can be negative, indicating the end of the range.

        ``desc`` a boolean indicating whether to sort the results descendingly

        ``withscores`` indicates to return the scores along with the values.
        The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs

        ``score_cast_func`` a callable used to cast the score return value
        if desc:
            return await self.zrevrange(name, start, end, withscores,
        pieces = ['ZRANGE', name, start, end]
        if withscores:
        options = {
            'withscores': withscores,
            'score_cast_func': score_cast_func
        return await self.execute_command(*pieces, **options)

    async def zrangebylex(self, name, min, max, start=None, num=None):
        Returns the lexicographical range of values from sorted set ``name``
        between ``min`` and ``max``.

        If ``start`` and ``num`` are specified, then return a slice of the
        if (start is not None and num is None) or \
                (num is not None and start is None):
            raise RedisError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified")
        pieces = ['ZRANGEBYLEX', name, min, max]
        if start is not None and num is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('LIMIT'), start, num])
        return await self.execute_command(*pieces)

    async def zrevrangebylex(self, name, max, min, start=None, num=None):
        Returns the reversed lexicographical range of values from sorted set
        ``name`` between ``max`` and ``min``.

        If ``start`` and ``num`` are specified, then return a slice of the
        if (start is not None and num is None) or \
                (num is not None and start is None):
            raise RedisError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified")
        pieces = ['ZREVRANGEBYLEX', name, max, min]
        if start is not None and num is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('LIMIT'), start, num])
        return await self.execute_command(*pieces)

    async def zrangebyscore(self,
        Returns a range of values from the sorted set ``name`` with scores
        between ``min`` and ``max``.

        If ``start`` and ``num`` are specified, then return a slice
        of the range.

        ``withscores`` indicates to return the scores along with the values.
        The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs

        `score_cast_func`` a callable used to cast the score return value
        if (start is not None and num is None) or \
                (num is not None and start is None):
            raise RedisError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified")
        pieces = ['ZRANGEBYSCORE', name, min, max]
        if start is not None and num is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('LIMIT'), start, num])
        if withscores:
        options = {
            'withscores': withscores,
            'score_cast_func': score_cast_func
        return await self.execute_command(*pieces, **options)

    async def zrank(self, name, value):
        Returns a 0-based value indicating the rank of ``value`` in sorted set
        return await self.execute_command('ZRANK', name, value)

    async def zrem(self, name, *values):
        """Removes member ``values`` from sorted set ``name``"""
        return await self.execute_command('ZREM', name, *values)

    async def zremrangebylex(self, name, min, max):
        Removes all elements in the sorted set ``name`` between the
        lexicographical range specified by ``min`` and ``max``.

        Returns the number of elements removed.
        return await self.execute_command('ZREMRANGEBYLEX', name, min, max)

    async def zremrangebyrank(self, name, min, max):
        Removes all elements in the sorted set ``name`` with ranks between
        ``min`` and ``max``. Values are 0-based, ordered from smallest score
        to largest. Values can be negative indicating the highest scores.
        Returns the number of elements removed
        return await self.execute_command('ZREMRANGEBYRANK', name, min, max)

    async def zremrangebyscore(self, name, min, max):
        Removes all elements in the sorted set ``name`` with scores
        between ``min`` and ``max``. Returns the number of elements removed.
        return await self.execute_command('ZREMRANGEBYSCORE', name, min, max)

    async def zrevrange(self,
        Returns a range of values from sorted set ``name`` between
        ``start`` and ``end`` sorted in descending order.

        ``start`` and ``end`` can be negative, indicating the end of the range.

        ``withscores`` indicates to return the scores along with the values
        The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs

        ``score_cast_func`` a callable used to cast the score return value
        pieces = ['ZREVRANGE', name, start, end]
        if withscores:
        options = {
            'withscores': withscores,
            'score_cast_func': score_cast_func
        return await self.execute_command(*pieces, **options)

    async def zrevrangebyscore(self,
        Returns a range of values from the sorted set ``name`` with scores
        between ``min`` and ``max`` in descending order.

        If ``start`` and ``num`` are specified, then return a slice
        of the range.

        ``withscores`` indicates to return the scores along with the values.
        The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs

        ``score_cast_func`` a callable used to cast the score return value
        if (start is not None and num is None) or \
                (num is not None and start is None):
            raise RedisError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified")
        pieces = ['ZREVRANGEBYSCORE', name, max, min]
        if start is not None and num is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('LIMIT'), start, num])
        if withscores:
        options = {
            'withscores': withscores,
            'score_cast_func': score_cast_func
        return await self.execute_command(*pieces, **options)

    async def zrevrank(self, name, value):
        Returns a 0-based value indicating the descending rank of
        ``value`` in sorted set ``name``
        return await self.execute_command('ZREVRANK', name, value)

    async def zscore(self, name, value):
        "Return the score of element ``value`` in sorted set ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('ZSCORE', name, value)

    async def zunionstore(self, dest, keys, aggregate=None):
        Performs Union on multiple sorted sets specified by ``keys`` into
        a new sorted set, ``dest``. Scores in the destination will be
        aggregated based on the ``aggregate``, or SUM if none is provided.
        return await self._zaggregate('ZUNIONSTORE', dest, keys, aggregate)

    async def _zaggregate(self, command, dest, keys, aggregate=None):
        pieces = [command, dest, len(keys)]
        if isinstance(keys, dict):
            keys, weights = iterkeys(keys), itervalues(keys)
            weights = None
        if weights:
        if aggregate:
        return await self.execute_command(*pieces)

    async def zscan(self,
        Incrementally returns lists of elements in a sorted set. Also returns
        a cursor pointing to the scan position.

        ``match`` allows for filtering the keys by pattern

        ``count`` allows for hint the minimum number of returns

        ``score_cast_func`` a callable used to cast the score return value
        pieces = [name, cursor]
        if match is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('MATCH'), match])
        if count is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('COUNT'), count])
        options = {'score_cast_func': score_cast_func}
        return await self.execute_command('ZSCAN', *pieces, **options)
Esempio n. 11
class StringsCommandMixin:
    RESPONSE_CALLBACKS = dict_merge(
        string_keys_to_dict('MSETNX PSETEX SETEX SETNX', bool),
            'STRLEN SETBIT', int), {
                'INCRBYFLOAT': float,
                'MSET': bool_ok,
                'SET': lambda r: r and r == b'OK',

    async def append(self, key, value):
        Appends the string ``value`` to the value at ``key``. If ``key``
        doesn't already exist, create it with a value of ``value``.
        Returns the new length of the value at ``key``.
        return await self.execute_command('APPEND', key, value)

    async def bitcount(self, key, start=None, end=None):
        Returns the count of set bits in the value of ``key``.  Optional
        ``start`` and ``end`` paramaters indicate which bytes to consider
        params = [key]
        if start is not None and end is not None:
        elif (start is not None and end is None) or \
                (end is not None and start is None):
            raise RedisError("Both start and end must be specified")
        return await self.execute_command('BITCOUNT', *params)

    async def bitop(self, operation, dest, *keys):
        Perform a bitwise operation using ``operation`` between ``keys`` and
        store the result in ``dest``.
        return await self.execute_command('BITOP', operation, dest, *keys)

    async def bitpos(self, key, bit, start=None, end=None):
        Return the position of the first bit set to 1 or 0 in a string.
        ``start`` and ``end`` difines search range. The range is interpreted
        as a range of bytes and not a range of bits, so start=0 and end=2
        means to look at the first three bytes.
        if bit not in (0, 1):
            raise RedisError('bit must be 0 or 1')
        params = [key, bit]

        start is not None and params.append(start)

        if start is not None and end is not None:
        elif start is None and end is not None:
            raise RedisError("start argument is not set, "
                             "when end is specified")
        return await self.execute_command('BITPOS', *params)

    def bitfield(self, key):
        return BitField(self, key)

    async def decr(self, name, amount=1):
        Decrements the value of ``key`` by ``amount``.  If no key exists,
        the value will be initialized as 0 - ``amount``
        return await self.execute_command('DECRBY', name, amount)

    async def get(self, name):
        Return the value at key ``name``, or None if the key doesn't exist
        return await self.execute_command('GET', name)

    async def getbit(self, name, offset):
        "Returns a boolean indicating the value of ``offset`` in ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('GETBIT', name, offset)

    async def getrange(self, key, start, end):
        Returns the substring of the string value stored at ``key``,
        determined by the offsets ``start`` and ``end`` (both are inclusive)
        return await self.execute_command('GETRANGE', key, start, end)

    async def getset(self, name, value):
        Sets the value at key ``name`` to ``value``
        and returns the old value at key ``name`` atomically.
        return await self.execute_command('GETSET', name, value)

    async def incr(self, name, amount=1):
        Increments the value of ``key`` by ``amount``.  If no key exists,
        the value will be initialized as ``amount``
        return await self.execute_command('INCRBY', name, amount)

    async def incrby(self, name, amount=1):
        Increments the value of ``key`` by ``amount``.  If no key exists,
        the value will be initialized as ``amount``

        # An alias for ``incr()``, because it is already implemented
        # as INCRBY redis command.
        return await self.incr(name, amount)

    async def incrbyfloat(self, name, amount=1.0):
        Increments the value at key ``name`` by floating ``amount``.
        If no key exists, the value will be initialized as ``amount``
        return await self.execute_command('INCRBYFLOAT', name, amount)

    async def mget(self, keys, *args):
        Returns a list of values ordered identically to ``keys``
        args = list_or_args(keys, args)
        return await self.execute_command('MGET', *args)

    async def mset(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Sets key/values based on a mapping. Mapping can be supplied as a single
        dictionary argument or as kwargs.
        if args:
            if len(args) != 1 or not isinstance(args[0], dict):
                raise RedisError('MSET requires **kwargs or a single dict arg')
        items = []
        for pair in iteritems(kwargs):
        return await self.execute_command('MSET', *items)

    async def msetnx(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Sets key/values based on a mapping if none of the keys are already set.
        Mapping can be supplied as a single dictionary argument or as kwargs.
        Returns a boolean indicating if the operation was successful.
        if args:
            if len(args) != 1 or not isinstance(args[0], dict):
                raise RedisError('MSETNX requires **kwargs or a single '
                                 'dict arg')
        items = []
        for pair in iteritems(kwargs):
        return await self.execute_command('MSETNX', *items)

    async def psetex(self, name, time_ms, value):
        Set the value of key ``name`` to ``value`` that expires in ``time_ms``
        milliseconds. ``time_ms`` can be represented by an integer or a Python
        timedelta object
        if isinstance(time_ms, datetime.timedelta):
            ms = int(time_ms.microseconds / 1000)
            time_ms = (time_ms.seconds + time_ms.days * 24 * 3600) * 1000 + ms
        return await self.execute_command('PSETEX', name, time_ms, value)

    async def set(self, name, value, ex=None, px=None, nx=False, xx=False):
        Set the value at key ``name`` to ``value``

        ``ex`` sets an expire flag on key ``name`` for ``ex`` seconds.

        ``px`` sets an expire flag on key ``name`` for ``px`` milliseconds.

        ``nx`` if set to True, set the value at key ``name`` to ``value`` if it
            does not already exist.

        ``xx`` if set to True, set the value at key ``name`` to ``value`` if it
            already exists.
        pieces = [name, value]
        if ex is not None:
            if isinstance(ex, datetime.timedelta):
                ex = ex.seconds + ex.days * 24 * 3600
        if px is not None:
            if isinstance(px, datetime.timedelta):
                ms = int(px.microseconds / 1000)
                px = (px.seconds + px.days * 24 * 3600) * 1000 + ms

        if nx:
        if xx:
        return await self.execute_command('SET', *pieces)

    async def setbit(self, name, offset, value):
        Flag the ``offset`` in ``name`` as ``value``. Returns a boolean
        indicating the previous value of ``offset``.
        value = value and 1 or 0
        return await self.execute_command('SETBIT', name, offset, value)

    async def setex(self, name, time, value):
        Set the value of key ``name`` to ``value`` that expires in ``time``
        seconds. ``time`` can be represented by an integer or a Python
        timedelta object.
        if isinstance(time, datetime.timedelta):
            time = time.seconds + time.days * 24 * 3600
        return await self.execute_command('SETEX', name, time, value)

    async def setnx(self, name, value):
        "Set the value of key ``name`` to ``value`` if key doesn't exist"
        return await self.execute_command('SETNX', name, value)

    async def setrange(self, name, offset, value):
        Overwrite bytes in the value of ``name`` starting at ``offset`` with
        ``value``. If ``offset`` plus the length of ``value`` exceeds the
        length of the original value, the new value will be larger than before.
        If ``offset`` exceeds the length of the original value, null bytes
        will be used to pad between the end of the previous value and the start
        of what's being injected.

        Returns the length of the new string.
        return await self.execute_command('SETRANGE', name, offset, value)

    async def strlen(self, name):
        "Return the number of bytes stored in the value of ``name``"
        return await self.execute_command('STRLEN', name)

    async def substr(self, name, start, end=-1):
        Return a substring of the string at key ``name``. ``start`` and ``end``
        are 0-based integers specifying the portion of the string to return.
        return await self.execute_command('SUBSTR', name, start, end)