Esempio n. 1
               (Keyword("self") + axisOp) |
               (Keyword("descendant-or-self") + axisOp) |
               (Keyword("following-sibling") + axisOp) |
               (Keyword("following") + axisOp) |
               (Keyword("namespace") + axisOp))
forwardStep = ( ( forwardAxis + nodeTest) | abbrevForwardStep )
reverseAxis = ((Keyword("parent") + axisOp) |
               (Keyword("ancestor") + axisOp) |
               (Keyword("preceding-sibling") + axisOp) |
               (Keyword("preceding") + axisOp) |
               (Keyword("ancestor-or-self") + axisOp))
abbrevReverseStep = Literal("..")
reverseStep = ( ( reverseAxis + nodeTest ) | abbrevReverseStep )
step = ( forwardStep | reverseStep )

expr = Forward()
atom = ( 
         ( forOp - (variableRef + inOp + expr).setParseAction(pushRangeVar) + 
                 ZeroOrMore( Suppress(commaOp) + (variableRef + inOp + expr).setParseAction(pushRangeVar) ) - 
                 (returnOp + expr).setParseAction(pushExpr) ).setParseAction(pushOperation) |
         ( quantifiedOp - (variableRef + inOp + expr).setParseAction(pushRangeVar) + 
                 ZeroOrMore( Suppress(commaOp) + (variableRef + inOp + expr ).setParseAction(pushRangeVar) ) - 
                 (satisfiesOp + expr).setParseAction(pushExpr) ).setParseAction(pushOperation) |
         ( (ifOp - Suppress(lParen) + Group(expr) + Suppress(rParen)).setParseAction(pushExpr) - 
           (thenOp + expr).setParseAction(pushOperation) - 
           (elseOp + expr).setParseAction(pushOperation) ).setParseAction(pushOperation) |
         ( qName + Suppress(lParen) + Optional(delimitedList(expr)) + Suppress(rParen) ).setParseAction(pushFunction) |
         ( floatLiteral ).setParseAction(pushFloat) |
         ( decimalLiteral ).setParseAction(pushDecimal) |
         ( integerLiteral ).setParseAction(pushInt) |
         ( quotedString ).setParseAction(pushQuotedString) |
Esempio n. 2
def compileSphinxGrammar( cntlr ):
    global isGrammarCompiled, sphinxProg, lineno

    if isGrammarCompiled:
        return sphinxProg
    debugParsing = True
    cntlr.showStatus(_("Compiling Sphinx Grammar"))
    if sys.version[0] >= '3':
        # python 3 requires modified parser to allow release of global objects when closing DTS
        from arelle.pyparsing.pyparsing_py3 import (Word, Keyword, alphas, 
                     Literal, CaselessLiteral, 
                     Combine, Optional, nums, Or, Forward, Group, ZeroOrMore, StringEnd, alphanums,
                     ParserElement, quotedString, delimitedList, Suppress, Regex, FollowedBy,
        from pyparsing import (Word, Keyword, alphas, 
                     Literal, CaselessLiteral, 
                     Combine, Optional, nums, Or, Forward, Group, ZeroOrMore, StringEnd, alphanums,
                     ParserElement, quotedString, delimitedList, Suppress, Regex, FollowedBy,
    the pyparsing parser constructs are defined in this method to prevent the need to compile
    the grammar when the plug in is loaded (which is likely to be when setting up GUI
    menus or command line parser).
    instead the grammar is compiled the first time that any sphinx needs to be parsed
    only the sphinxExpression (result below) needs to be global for the parser
    # define grammar
    sphinxComment = Regex(r"/(?:\*(?:[^*]*\*+)+?/|/[^\n]*(?:\n[^\n]*)*?(?:(?<!\\)|\Z))").setParseAction(compileComment)
    variableRef = Regex("[$]"  # variable prefix
                        # localname part

    qName = Regex("([A-Za-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF\u0100-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD_]"
                  # localname or wildcard-localname part  

    ncName = Regex("([A-Za-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF\u0100-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD_]"
    #annotationName = Word("@",alphanums + '_-.').setName("annotationName").setDebug(debugParsing)
    annotationName = Regex("@[A-Za-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF\u0100-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD_]\w*").setName("annotationName").setDebug(debugParsing)

    decimalPoint = Literal('.')
    exponentLiteral = CaselessLiteral('e')
    plusorminusLiteral = Literal('+') | Literal('-')
    digits = Word(nums) 
    integerLiteral = Combine( Optional(plusorminusLiteral) + digits )
    decimalFractionLiteral = Combine( Optional(plusorminusLiteral) + decimalPoint + digits )
    infLiteral = Combine( Optional(plusorminusLiteral) + Literal("INF") )
    nanLiteral = Literal("NaN")
    floatLiteral = ( Combine( integerLiteral +
                         ( ( decimalPoint + Optional(digits) + exponentLiteral + integerLiteral ) |
                           ( exponentLiteral + integerLiteral ) |
                           ( decimalPoint + Optional(digits) ) )
                         ) | 
                     Combine( decimalFractionLiteral + exponentLiteral + integerLiteral ) |
                     decimalFractionLiteral |
                     infLiteral | nanLiteral ) 
    #emptySequence = Literal( "(" ) + Literal( ")" )
    lParen  = Literal( "(" )
    rParen  = Literal( ")" )
    lPred  = Literal( "[[" ) | Literal("[")
    rPred  = Literal( "]]" ) | Literal("]")
    commaOp = Literal(",")
    ifOp = Keyword("if")
    elseOp = Keyword("else")
    forOp = Keyword("for")
    inOp = Keyword("in")
    withOp = Keyword("with")
    notOp = Keyword("not")
    valuesOp = Keyword("values")
    andOp = Keyword("and")
    orOp = Keyword("or")
    neOp = Literal("!=")
    leOp = Literal("<=")
    ltOp = Literal("<")
    geOp = Literal(">=")
    gtOp = Literal(">")
    eqOp = Literal("==")
    compOp = leOp | ltOp | geOp | gtOp
    plusOp  = Literal("|+|") | Literal("|+") | Literal("+|") | Literal("+")
    minusOp = Literal("|-|") | Literal("|-") | Literal("-|") | Literal("-")
    plusMinusOp  = ( plusOp | minusOp ).setParseAction(compileOp)
    multOp  = Literal("*")
    divOp   = Literal("/")
    varAssign = Literal("=")
    tagOp = Literal("#")
    asOp = Keyword("as")
    whereOp = Keyword("where")
    wildOp = Literal("**") | Literal("*")
    methodOp = Literal("::")
    formulaOp = Literal(":=")
    namespaceDeclaration = (Literal("xmlns") + Optional( Suppress(Literal(":")) + ncName ) + Suppress(Literal("=")) + quotedString ).setParseAction(compileNamespaceDeclaration).ignore(sphinxComment)
    annotationDeclaration = (Suppress(Keyword("annotation")) + ncName + Optional( Suppress(Keyword("as")) + ncName )).setParseAction(compileAnnotationDeclaration).ignore(sphinxComment)
    packageDeclaration = (Suppress(Keyword("package")) + ncName ).setParseAction(compilePackageDeclaration).ignore(sphinxComment)
    severity = ( Suppress(Keyword("severity")) + ( ncName ) ).setParseAction(compileSeverity).ignore(sphinxComment) 
    expr = Forward()
    atom = ( 
             ( forOp - Suppress(lParen) - ncName - Suppress(inOp) - expr - Suppress(rParen) - expr ).setParseAction(compileFor) |
             ( ifOp - Suppress(lParen) - expr - Suppress(rParen) -  expr - Suppress(elseOp) - expr ).setParseAction(compileIf) | 
             ( ncName + Suppress(lParen) + Optional(delimitedList( ZeroOrMore( ( ncName + Optional( tagOp + Optional(ncName) ) + varAssign + expr + Suppress(Literal(";")) ).setParseAction(compileVariableAssignment) ) +
                                                                   Optional( ncName + varAssign ) + expr
                                                                   )) + Suppress(rParen) ).setParseAction(compileFunctionReference) |
             ( floatLiteral ).setParseAction(compileFloatLiteral) |
             ( integerLiteral ).setParseAction(compileIntegerLiteral) |
             ( quotedString ).setParseAction(compileStringLiteral) |
             ( Optional(qName) + lPred + Optional(delimitedList( ((whereOp + expr) |
                                                                  ((qName | variableRef) + Optional( tagOp + Optional(ncName) ) +
                                                                   Optional( (varAssign + (wildOp | expr) | 
                                                                             (inOp + expr) | 
                                                                             (asOp + ncName + varAssign + wildOp + Optional( whereOp + expr ) ) ) ) )
                                                                delim=';')) + rPred).setParseAction(compileHyperspaceExpression) |
             ( variableRef ).setParseAction(compileVariableReference)  |
             ( qName ).setParseAction(compileQname) |
             ( Suppress(lParen) - expr - Optional( commaOp - Optional( expr - ZeroOrMore( commaOp - expr ) ) ) - Suppress(rParen) ).setParseAction(compileBrackets)
    valueExpr = atom
    taggedExpr = ( valueExpr - Optional(tagOp - ncName) ).setParseAction(compileTagAssignment).ignore(sphinxComment)
    methodExpr = ( ( methodOp + ncName + ZeroOrMore(methodOp + taggedExpr) ).setParseAction(compileMethodReference) |
                   ( ZeroOrMore(taggedExpr + methodOp) + taggedExpr )).setParseAction(compileMethodReference).ignore(sphinxComment)
    unaryExpr = ( Optional(plusMinusOp) + methodExpr ).setParseAction(compileUnaryOperation).ignore(sphinxComment)
    negateExpr = ( Optional(notOp) + unaryExpr ).setParseAction(compileUnaryOperation).ignore(sphinxComment)
    valuesExpr = ( Optional(valuesOp) + negateExpr ).setParseAction(compileValuesIteration).ignore(sphinxComment)
    method2Expr = ( valuesExpr + Optional( methodOp + methodExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileMethodReference).ignore(sphinxComment)
    multiplyExpr = ( method2Expr + Optional( multOp + method2Expr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation).ignore(sphinxComment)
    divideExpr = ( multiplyExpr + Optional( divOp + multiplyExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation).ignore(sphinxComment)
    addExpr = ( divideExpr + Optional( plusOp + divideExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation).ignore(sphinxComment)
    subtractExpr = ( addExpr + Optional( minusOp + addExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation).ignore(sphinxComment)
    equalityExpr = ( subtractExpr + Optional( eqOp + subtractExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation).ignore(sphinxComment)
    inequalityExpr = ( equalityExpr + Optional( neOp + equalityExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation).ignore(sphinxComment)
    comparisonExpr = ( inequalityExpr + Optional( compOp + inequalityExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation).ignore(sphinxComment)
    andExpr = ( comparisonExpr + Optional( andOp + comparisonExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation ).ignore(sphinxComment)
    orExpr = ( andExpr + Optional( orOp + andExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation).ignore(sphinxComment)
    formulaExpr = ( orExpr + Optional( formulaOp + orExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation).ignore(sphinxComment)
    withExpr = ( Optional( withOp + Suppress(lParen) + expr + Suppress(rParen) ) + 
                 ZeroOrMore( ( ncName + Optional( tagOp + Optional(ncName) ) + varAssign + expr + Suppress(Literal(";")) ).setParseAction(compileVariableAssignment).ignore(sphinxComment) ) +
                 formulaExpr ).setParseAction(compileWith)
    #parsedExpr = withExpr

    #expr << parsedExpr
    expr << withExpr
    annotation = ( annotationName + Optional( Suppress(lParen) + Optional(delimitedList(expr)) + Suppress(rParen) ) ).setParseAction(compileAnnotation).ignore(sphinxComment).setName("annotation").setDebug(debugParsing)

    constant = ( Suppress(Keyword("constant")) + ncName + Optional( tagOp + Optional(ncName) ) + varAssign + expr ).setParseAction(compileConstant).ignore(sphinxComment)
    functionDeclaration = ( (Keyword("function") | Keyword("macro")) + ncName + lParen + Optional(delimitedList(ncName)) + rParen + expr ).setParseAction(compileFunctionDeclaration).ignore(sphinxComment)
    message = ( Suppress(Keyword("message")) + expr ).setParseAction(compileMessage)
    preconditionDeclaration = ( Suppress(Keyword("precondition")) + ncName + expr +
                                Optional(Keyword("otherwise") + Keyword("raise") + ncName + Optional( severity ) + Optional( message ) ) 

    assignedExpr = ( ncName + Optional( tagOp + Optional(ncName) ) + varAssign + expr + Suppress(Literal(";")) ).setParseAction(compileVariableAssignment).ignore(sphinxComment)

    precondition = ( Suppress(Keyword("require")) + delimitedList(ncName) ).setParseAction(compilePrecondition).ignore(sphinxComment).setName("precondition").setDebug(debugParsing)
    formulaRule = ( Optional( precondition ) +
                    Keyword("formula") + ncName + 
                    Optional( severity ) + 
                    Optional( ( Keyword("bind") + expr ) ) +
                    ZeroOrMore( assignedExpr ) +
                    expr + 
                    Optional( message )).setParseAction(compileFormulaRule).ignore(sphinxComment)
    reportRule = ( Optional( precondition ) +
                   Keyword("report") + ncName + 
                   Optional( severity ) +
                   ZeroOrMore( assignedExpr ) +
                   expr + 
                   Optional( message )).setParseAction( compileReportRule).ignore(sphinxComment)
    validationRule = ( Optional( precondition ) +
                       Keyword("raise") + ncName + 
                       Optional( severity ) +
                       ZeroOrMore( assignedExpr ) +
                       expr + 
                       Optional( message )).setParseAction(compileValidationRule).ignore(sphinxComment)

    ruleBase = (Optional( precondition ) +
                Suppress(Keyword("rule-base")) +
                ZeroOrMore( (Suppress(Keyword("transform")) +
                             (Keyword("namespace") + expr + Suppress(Keyword("to")) + expr) | 
                             (Keyword ("qname") + expr + Suppress(Keyword("to")) + expr)
    sphinxProg = ( ZeroOrMore( namespaceDeclaration | sphinxComment ) + 
                   ZeroOrMore( annotationDeclaration |
                               annotation |
                               constant |
                               preconditionDeclaration |
                               packageDeclaration |
                               functionDeclaration |
                               ruleBase |
                               formulaRule | reportRule | validationRule  |
                   ) + StringEnd()
    startedAt = time.time()
    cntlr.modelManager.showStatus(_("initializing sphinx grammar"))
    sphinxProg.parseString( "// force initialization\n", parseAll=True )
    from arelle.Locale import format_string
    logMessage("INFO", "info",
                             _("Sphinx grammar initialized in %.2f secs"), 
                             time.time() - startedAt))

    isGrammarCompiled = True

    return sphinxProg
Esempio n. 3
def compileCdrGrammar( cntlr, _logMessage ):
    global isGrammarCompiled, cdrProg, lineno

    if isGrammarCompiled:
        return cdrProg
    global logMessage
    logMessage = _logMessage
    debugParsing = False #  True
    cntlr.showStatus(_("Compiling CDR Grammar"))
    if sys.version[0] >= '3':
        # python 3 requires modified parser to allow release of global objects when closing DTS
        from arelle.pyparsing.pyparsing_py3 import (Word, Keyword, alphas, 
                     Literal, CaselessLiteral, 
                     Combine, Optional, nums, Or, Forward, Group, ZeroOrMore, StringEnd, alphanums,
                     ParserElement, sglQuotedString, delimitedList, Suppress, Regex, FollowedBy,
                     lineno, restOfLine)
        from pyparsing import (Word, Keyword, alphas, 
                     Literal, CaselessLiteral, 
                     Combine, Optional, nums, Or, Forward, Group, ZeroOrMore, StringEnd, alphanums,
                     ParserElement, sglQuotedString, delimitedList, Suppress, Regex, FollowedBy,
                     lineno, restOfLine)
    the pyparsing parser constructs are defined in this method to prevent the need to compile
    the grammar when the plug in is loaded (which is likely to be when setting up GUI
    menus or command line parser).
    instead the grammar is compiled the first time that any sphinx needs to be parsed
    only the sphinxExpression (result below) needs to be global for the parser
    # define grammar
    periodOffset = Regex("-?P[1-3]?[0-9][YQMD](/-[1]?[0-9]-([1-3]?[0-9]|end))?")
    qName = Regex("([A-Za-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF\u0100-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD_]"
                  # localname or wildcard-localname part  

    ncName = Regex("([A-Za-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF\u0100-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD_]"

    decimalPoint = Literal('.')
    exponentLiteral = CaselessLiteral('e')
    plusorminusLiteral = Literal('+') | Literal('-')
    digits = Word(nums) 
    integerLiteral = Combine( Optional(plusorminusLiteral) + digits )
    decimalFractionLiteral = Combine( Optional(plusorminusLiteral) + decimalPoint + digits )
    infLiteral = Combine( Optional(plusorminusLiteral) + Literal("INF") )
    nanLiteral = Literal("NaN")
    floatLiteral = ( Combine( integerLiteral +
                         ( ( decimalPoint + Optional(digits) + exponentLiteral + integerLiteral ) |
                           ( exponentLiteral + integerLiteral ) |
                           ( decimalPoint + Optional(digits) ) )
                         ) | 
                     Combine( decimalFractionLiteral + exponentLiteral + integerLiteral ) |
                     decimalFractionLiteral |
                     infLiteral | nanLiteral ) 
    #emptySequence = Literal( "(" ) + Literal( ")" )
    lParen  = Literal( "(" )
    rParen  = Literal( ")" )
    lPred  = Literal("[")
    rPred  = Literal("]")
    refOp  = Literal("#")
    commaOp = Literal(",")
    neOp = Literal("<>")
    leOp = Literal("<=")
    ltOp = Literal("<")
    geOp = Literal(">=")
    gtOp = Literal(">")
    eqOp = Literal("=")
    eqNeOp = eqOp | neOp
    compOp = leOp | ltOp | geOp | gtOp
    plusOp  = Literal("+")
    minusOp = Literal("-")
    plusMinusOp  = plusOp | minusOp
    expOp  = Literal("^")
    multOp  = Literal("*")
    divOp   = Literal("/")
    multDivOp = multOp | divOp
    concatOp  = Literal("&")
    andOp = CaselessLiteral("And")
    orOp = CaselessLiteral("Or")
    xorOp = CaselessLiteral("Xor")
    expr = Forward()
    atom = ( 
             ( refOp + qName ).setParseAction(compileRefExpression) |
             ( qName + Suppress(lParen) + Optional(delimitedList( expr )) + Suppress(rParen) ).setParseAction(compileFunctionReference) |
             ( qName.setParseAction(compileQname) + lPred + ( periodOffset | ncName) 
                     + rPred).setParseAction(compilePeriodOffsetExpression) |
             ( floatLiteral ).setParseAction(compileFloatLiteral) |
             ( integerLiteral ).setParseAction(compileIntegerLiteral) |
             ( sglQuotedString ).setParseAction(compileStringLiteral) |
             ( qName ).setParseAction(compileQname) |
             ( Suppress(lParen) - expr - Optional( commaOp - Optional( expr - ZeroOrMore( commaOp - expr ) ) ) - Suppress(rParen) ).setParseAction(compileBrackets)
    valueExpr = atom
    negationExpr = ( Optional(minusOp) + valueExpr ).setParseAction(compileUnaryOperation)
    expExpr = ( Optional(expOp) + negationExpr ).setParseAction(compileUnaryOperation)
    multDivExpr = ( expExpr + Optional( multDivOp + expExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation)
    addSubExpr = ( multDivExpr + ZeroOrMore( plusMinusOp + multDivExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation) 
    concatExpr = ( addSubExpr + ZeroOrMore( concatOp + addSubExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation) 
    comparisonExpr = ( concatExpr + Optional( compOp + concatExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation)
    equalityExpr = ( comparisonExpr + Optional( eqNeOp + comparisonExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation)
    xorExpr = ( equalityExpr + ZeroOrMore( xorOp + equalityExpr) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation)
    andExpr = ( xorExpr + ZeroOrMore( andOp + xorExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation)
    orExpr = ( andExpr + ZeroOrMore( orOp + andExpr ) ).setParseAction(compileBinaryOperation)

    expr << orExpr
    cdrProg = expr + StringEnd()
    startedAt = time.time()
    cntlr.modelManager.showStatus(_("initializing CDR grammar"))
    cdrProg.parseString( "0", parseAll=True )
    from arelle.Locale import format_string
    _msg = format_string(cntlr.modelManager.locale, 
                             _("CDR grammar initialized in %.2f secs"), 
                             time.time() - startedAt)
    logMessage("INFO", "info", _msg)
    cntlr.modelManager.showStatus(_msg, 5000)
    isGrammarCompiled = True

    return cdrProg
Esempio n. 4
def compileSphinxGrammar(cntlr):
    global isGrammarCompiled, sphinxProg, lineno

    if isGrammarCompiled:
        return sphinxProg

    debugParsing = True

    cntlr.showStatus(_("Compiling Sphinx Grammar"))
    if sys.version[0] >= '3':
        # python 3 requires modified parser to allow release of global objects when closing DTS
        from arelle.pyparsing.pyparsing_py3 import (
            Word, Keyword, alphas, Literal, CaselessLiteral, Combine, Optional,
            nums, Or, Forward, Group, ZeroOrMore, StringEnd, alphanums,
            ParserElement, quotedString, delimitedList, Suppress, Regex,
            FollowedBy, lineno)
        from pyparsing import (Word, Keyword, alphas, Literal, CaselessLiteral,
                               Combine, Optional, nums, Or, Forward, Group,
                               ZeroOrMore, StringEnd, alphanums, ParserElement,
                               quotedString, delimitedList, Suppress, Regex,
                               FollowedBy, lineno)

    the pyparsing parser constructs are defined in this method to prevent the need to compile
    the grammar when the plug in is loaded (which is likely to be when setting up GUI
    menus or command line parser).
    instead the grammar is compiled the first time that any sphinx needs to be parsed
    only the sphinxExpression (result below) needs to be global for the parser

    # define grammar
    sphinxComment = Regex(

    variableRef = Regex(
        "[$]"  # variable prefix
        # localname part

    qName = Regex(
        # localname or wildcard-localname part

    ncName = Regex(

    #annotationName = Word("@",alphanums + '_-.').setName("annotationName").setDebug(debugParsing)
    annotationName = Regex(

    decimalPoint = Literal('.')
    exponentLiteral = CaselessLiteral('e')
    plusorminusLiteral = Literal('+') | Literal('-')
    digits = Word(nums)
    integerLiteral = Combine(Optional(plusorminusLiteral) + digits)
    decimalFractionLiteral = Combine(
        Optional(plusorminusLiteral) + decimalPoint + digits)
    infLiteral = Combine(Optional(plusorminusLiteral) + Literal("INF"))
    nanLiteral = Literal("NaN")
    floatLiteral = (Combine(integerLiteral + (
        (decimalPoint + Optional(digits) + exponentLiteral + integerLiteral) |
        (exponentLiteral + integerLiteral) |
        (decimalPoint + Optional(digits))))
                    | Combine(decimalFractionLiteral + exponentLiteral +
                              integerLiteral) | decimalFractionLiteral
                    | infLiteral | nanLiteral)

    #emptySequence = Literal( "(" ) + Literal( ")" )
    lParen = Literal("(")
    rParen = Literal(")")
    lPred = Literal("[[") | Literal("[")
    rPred = Literal("]]") | Literal("]")

    commaOp = Literal(",")
    ifOp = Keyword("if")
    elseOp = Keyword("else")
    forOp = Keyword("for")
    inOp = Keyword("in")
    withOp = Keyword("with")
    notOp = Keyword("not")
    valuesOp = Keyword("values")
    andOp = Keyword("and")
    orOp = Keyword("or")
    neOp = Literal("!=")
    leOp = Literal("<=")
    ltOp = Literal("<")
    geOp = Literal(">=")
    gtOp = Literal(">")
    eqOp = Literal("==")
    compOp = leOp | ltOp | geOp | gtOp
    plusOp = Literal("|+|") | Literal("|+") | Literal("+|") | Literal("+")
    minusOp = Literal("|-|") | Literal("|-") | Literal("-|") | Literal("-")
    plusMinusOp = (plusOp | minusOp).setParseAction(compileOp)
    multOp = Literal("*")
    divOp = Literal("/")
    varAssign = Literal("=")
    tagOp = Literal("#")
    asOp = Keyword("as")
    whereOp = Keyword("where")
    wildOp = Literal("**") | Literal("*")
    methodOp = Literal("::")
    formulaOp = Literal(":=")

    namespaceDeclaration = (
        Literal("xmlns") + Optional(Suppress(Literal(":")) + ncName) +
        Suppress(Literal("=")) + quotedString
    annotationDeclaration = (
        Suppress(Keyword("annotation")) + ncName +
        Optional(Suppress(Keyword("as")) + ncName)

    packageDeclaration = (
        Suppress(Keyword("package")) +

    severity = (Suppress(Keyword("severity")) +

    expr = Forward()

    atom = ((forOp - Suppress(lParen) - ncName - Suppress(inOp) - expr -
             Suppress(rParen) - expr).setParseAction(compileFor) |
            (ifOp - Suppress(lParen) - expr - Suppress(rParen) - expr -
             Suppress(elseOp) - expr).setParseAction(compileIf) |
            (ncName + Suppress(lParen) + Optional(
                    ZeroOrMore((ncName + Optional(tagOp + Optional(ncName)) +
                                varAssign + expr + Suppress(Literal(";"))
                                ).setParseAction(compileVariableAssignment)) +
                    Optional(ncName + varAssign) + expr)) +
             Suppress(rParen)).setParseAction(compileFunctionReference) |
            (floatLiteral).setParseAction(compileFloatLiteral) |
            (integerLiteral).setParseAction(compileIntegerLiteral) |
            (quotedString).setParseAction(compileStringLiteral) |
            (Optional(qName) + lPred + Optional(
                    ((whereOp + expr) |
                     ((qName | variableRef) +
                      Optional(tagOp + Optional(ncName)) + Optional(
                          (varAssign + (wildOp | expr) | (inOp + expr) |
                           (asOp + ncName + varAssign + wildOp +
                            Optional(whereOp + expr)))))
                    delim=';')) +
             rPred).setParseAction(compileHyperspaceExpression) |
            (variableRef).setParseAction(compileVariableReference) |
            (qName).setParseAction(compileQname) |
            (Suppress(lParen) - expr -
             Optional(commaOp - Optional(expr - ZeroOrMore(commaOp - expr))) -


    valueExpr = atom
    taggedExpr = (valueExpr - Optional(tagOp - ncName)
    methodExpr = (
        (methodOp + ncName + ZeroOrMore(methodOp + taggedExpr)
         ).setParseAction(compileMethodReference) |
        (ZeroOrMore(taggedExpr + methodOp) + taggedExpr)
    unaryExpr = (
        Optional(plusMinusOp) +
    negateExpr = (
        Optional(notOp) +
    valuesExpr = (Optional(valuesOp) + negateExpr).setParseAction(
    method2Expr = (valuesExpr +
                   Optional(methodOp + methodExpr)).setParseAction(
    multiplyExpr = (method2Expr +
                    Optional(multOp + method2Expr)).setParseAction(
    divideExpr = (multiplyExpr +
                  Optional(divOp + multiplyExpr)).setParseAction(
    addExpr = (divideExpr + Optional(plusOp + divideExpr)
    subtractExpr = (addExpr + Optional(minusOp + addExpr)).setParseAction(
    equalityExpr = (subtractExpr +
                    Optional(eqOp + subtractExpr)).setParseAction(
    inequalityExpr = (equalityExpr +
                      Optional(neOp + equalityExpr)).setParseAction(
    comparisonExpr = (inequalityExpr +
                      Optional(compOp + inequalityExpr)).setParseAction(
    andExpr = (comparisonExpr + Optional(andOp + comparisonExpr)
    orExpr = (andExpr + Optional(orOp + andExpr)
    formulaExpr = (orExpr + Optional(formulaOp + orExpr)).setParseAction(
    withExpr = (Optional(withOp + Suppress(lParen) + expr + Suppress(rParen)) +
                    (ncName + Optional(tagOp + Optional(ncName)) + varAssign +
                     expr + Suppress(Literal(";"))).setParseAction(
                         compileVariableAssignment).ignore(sphinxComment)) +
    #parsedExpr = withExpr

    #expr << parsedExpr
    expr << withExpr

    annotation = (annotationName + Optional(
        Suppress(lParen) + Optional(delimitedList(expr)) +

    constant = (Suppress(Keyword("constant")) + ncName +
                Optional(tagOp + Optional(ncName)) + varAssign +

    functionDeclaration = (
        (Keyword("function") | Keyword("macro")) + ncName + lParen +
        Optional(delimitedList(ncName)) + rParen +

    message = (Suppress(Keyword("message")) +

    preconditionDeclaration = (
        Suppress(Keyword("precondition")) + ncName + expr + Optional(
            Keyword("otherwise") + Keyword("raise") + ncName +
            Optional(severity) + Optional(message))

    assignedExpr = (ncName + Optional(tagOp + Optional(ncName)) + varAssign +
                    expr + Suppress(Literal(";"))).setParseAction(

    precondition = (
        Suppress(Keyword("require")) +

    formulaRule = (Optional(precondition) + Keyword("formula") + ncName +
                   Optional(severity) + Optional((Keyword("bind") + expr)) +
                   ZeroOrMore(assignedExpr) + expr + Optional(message)
    reportRule = (Optional(precondition) + Keyword("report") + ncName +
                  Optional(severity) + ZeroOrMore(assignedExpr) + expr +
    validationRule = (Optional(precondition) + Keyword("raise") + ncName +
                      Optional(severity) + ZeroOrMore(assignedExpr) + expr +

    ruleBase = (
        Optional(precondition) + Suppress(Keyword("rule-base")) + ZeroOrMore(
            (Suppress(Keyword("transform")) +
             (Keyword("namespace") + expr + Suppress(Keyword("to")) + expr) |
             (Keyword("qname") + expr + Suppress(Keyword("to")) +

    sphinxProg = (
        ZeroOrMore(namespaceDeclaration | sphinxComment) +
        ZeroOrMore(annotationDeclaration | annotation | constant
                   | preconditionDeclaration | packageDeclaration
                   | functionDeclaration | ruleBase | formulaRule | reportRule
                   | validationRule | sphinxComment)) + StringEnd()

    startedAt = time.time()
    cntlr.modelManager.showStatus(_("initializing sphinx grammar"))
    sphinxProg.parseString("// force initialization\n", parseAll=True)
    from arelle.Locale import format_string
        "INFO", "info",
                      _("Sphinx grammar initialized in %.2f secs"),
                      time.time() - startedAt))

    isGrammarCompiled = True

    return sphinxProg