def getModuleList(inDir): moduleMap = {} if not os.path.exists(inDir): return moduleMap for fn in os.listdir(inDir): if not fn.endswith('.py') and not fn.endswith('.sig'): continue try: modName = fn.split('.')[0] fullfn = os.path.join(inDir, fn) with open(fullfn, 'r') as f: fileData = if not modName in moduleMap: moduleMap[modName] = {} if fn.endswith('.py'): moduleMap[modName]['SourceCode'] = fileData moduleMap[modName]['SourceDir'] = inDir moduleMap[modName]['Filename'] = fn elif fn.endswith('.sig'): moduleMap[modName]['SigData'] = fileData except: LOGEXCEPT('Loading plugin %s failed. Skipping' % fullfn) return moduleMap
def __backgroundRequestTopBlock(self): self.createProxy() self.isMidQuery = True try: numblks = self.proxy.getinfo()['blocks'] blkhash = self.proxy.getblockhash(numblks) toptime = self.proxy.getblock(blkhash)['time'] #LOGDEBUG('RPC Call: numBlks=%d, toptime=%d', numblks, toptime) # Only overwrite once all outputs are retrieved self.lastTopBlockInfo['numblks'] = numblks self.lastTopBlockInfo['tophash'] = blkhash self.lastTopBlockInfo['toptime'] = toptime self.lastTopBlockInfo['error'] = None # Holds error info if len(self.last20queries)==0 or \ (RightNow()-self.last20queries[-1][0]) > 0.99: # This conditional guarantees last 20 queries spans at least 20s self.last20queries.append([RightNow(), numblks]) self.last20queries = self.last20queries[-20:] t0, b0 = self.last20queries[0] t1, b1 = self.last20queries[-1] # Need at least 10s of data to give meaning answer if (t1 - t0) < 10: self.lastTopBlockInfo['blkspersec'] = -1 else: self.lastTopBlockInfo['blkspersec'] = float( b1 - b0) / float(t1 - t0) except ValueError: # I believe this happens when you used the wrong password LOGEXCEPT('ValueError in bkgd req top blk') self.lastTopBlockInfo['error'] = 'ValueError' except authproxy.JSONRPCException: # This seems to happen when groestlcoind is overwhelmed... not quite ready LOGDEBUG('generic jsonrpc exception') self.lastTopBlockInfo['error'] = 'JsonRpcException' except socket.error: # Connection isn't available... is groestlcoind not running anymore? LOGDEBUG('generic socket error') self.lastTopBlockInfo['error'] = 'SocketError' except: LOGEXCEPT('generic error') self.lastTopBlockInfo['error'] = 'UnknownError' raise finally: self.isMidQuery = False
def launchBitcoindAndGuardian(self): pargs = [self.executable] if USE_TESTNET: pargs.append('-testnet') elif USE_REGTEST: pargs.append('-regtest') pargs.append('-datadir=%s' % self.satoshiHome) try: # Don't want some strange error in this size-check to abort loading blocksdir = os.path.join(self.satoshiHome, 'blocks') sz = long(0) if os.path.exists(blocksdir): for fn in os.listdir(blocksdir): fnpath = os.path.join(blocksdir, fn) sz += long(os.path.getsize(fnpath)) if sz < 5 * GIGABYTE: if SystemSpecs.Memory > 9.0: pargs.append('-dbcache=2000') elif SystemSpecs.Memory > 5.0: pargs.append('-dbcache=1000') elif SystemSpecs.Memory > 3.0: pargs.append('-dbcache=500') except: LOGEXCEPT('Failed size check of blocks directory') kargs = {} if OS_WINDOWS: import win32process kargs['shell'] = True kargs['creationflags'] = win32process.CREATE_NO_WINDOW # Startup bitcoind and get its process ID (along with our own) argStr = " ".join(astr for astr in pargs) LOGWARN('Spawning bitcoind with command: ' + argStr) self.bitcoind = launchProcess(pargs, **kargs) self.btcdpid = self.selfpid = os.getpid() LOGINFO('PID of bitcoind: %d', self.btcdpid) LOGINFO('PID of armory: %d', self.selfpid) # Startup guardian process -- it will watch Armory's PID gpath = self.getGuardianPath() pargs = [gpath, str(self.selfpid), str(self.btcdpid)] if not OS_WINDOWS: pargs.insert(0, 'python') launchProcess(pargs, **kargs)
def launchBitcoindAndGuardian(self): pargs = [self.executable] if USE_TESTNET: testhome = self.satoshiHome[:] if self.satoshiHome.endswith('/testnet3/'): pargs.append('-datadir=%s' % self.satoshiHome[:-10]) elif self.satoshiHome.endswith('/testnet3'): pargs.append('-datadir=%s' % self.satoshiHome[:-9]) pargs.append('-testnet') else: pargs.append('-datadir=%s' % self.satoshiHome) try: # Don't want some strange error in this size-check to abort loading blocksdir = os.path.join(self.satoshiHome, 'blocks') sz = long(0) if os.path.exists(blocksdir): for fn in os.listdir(blocksdir): fnpath = os.path.join(blocksdir, fn) sz += long(os.path.getsize(fnpath)) if sz < 5*GIGABYTE: if SystemSpecs.Memory>9.0: pargs.append('-dbcache=2000') elif SystemSpecs.Memory>5.0: pargs.append('-dbcache=1000') elif SystemSpecs.Memory>3.0: pargs.append('-dbcache=500') except: LOGEXCEPT('Failed size check of blocks directory') # Startup bitcoind and get its process ID (along with our own) self.bitcoind = launchProcess(pargs) self.btcdpid = self.selfpid = os.getpid() LOGINFO('PID of bitcoind: %d', self.btcdpid) LOGINFO('PID of armory: %d', self.selfpid) # Startup guardian process -- it will watch Armory's PID gpath = self.getGuardianPath() pargs = [gpath, str(self.selfpid), str(self.btcdpid)] if not OS_WINDOWS: pargs.insert(0, 'python') launchProcess(pargs)
def updateDustLimit(): try: self.dustTableModel.updateDustList( self.getSelectedWlt(), str2coin(self.dustLimitText.text())) self.beGoneDustButton.setEnabled( len(self.dustTableModel.dustTxOutlist) > 0) if self.dustTableModel.wlt: self.lblHeader.setText( tr("""<b>Dust Outputs for Wallet: %s</b>""" % self.dustTableModel.wlt.labelName)) except NegativeValueError: pass except TooMuchPrecisionError: pass except: LOGEXCEPT("Unexpected exception") pass
def findBitcoind(self, extraSearchPaths=[]): self.foundExe = [] searchPaths = list(extraSearchPaths) # create a copy if OS_WINDOWS: # Making sure the search path argument comes with /daemon and /Bitcoin on Windows searchPaths.extend( [os.path.join(sp, 'Groestlcoin') for sp in searchPaths]) searchPaths.extend( [os.path.join(sp, 'daemon') for sp in searchPaths]) possBaseDir = [] from platform import machine if '64' in machine(): possBaseDir.append(os.getenv("ProgramW6432")) possBaseDir.append(os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES(X86)')) else: possBaseDir.append(os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES')) # check desktop for links home = os.path.expanduser('~') desktop = os.path.join(home, 'Desktop') if os.path.exists(desktop): dtopfiles = os.listdir(desktop) for path in [os.path.join(desktop, fn) for fn in dtopfiles]: if 'groestlcoin' in path.lower() and path.lower().endswith( '.lnk'): import win32com.client shell = win32com.client.Dispatch('WScript.Shell') targ = shell.CreateShortCut(path).Targetpath targDir = os.path.dirname(targ) LOGINFO('Found Groestlcoin-Qt link on desktop: %s', targDir) possBaseDir.append(targDir) # Also look in default place in ProgramFiles dirs # Now look at a few subdirs of the searchPaths.extend(possBaseDir) searchPaths.extend([ os.path.join(p, 'Groestlcoin', 'daemon') for p in possBaseDir ]) searchPaths.extend( [os.path.join(p, 'daemon') for p in possBaseDir]) searchPaths.extend( [os.path.join(p, 'Groestlcoin') for p in possBaseDir]) for p in searchPaths: testPath = os.path.join(p, 'groestlcoind.exe') if os.path.exists(testPath): self.foundExe.append(testPath) else: # In case this was a downloaded copy, make sure we traverse to bin/64 dir searchPaths.extend( [os.path.join(p, 'bin') for p in extraSearchPaths]) if SystemSpecs.IsX64: searchPaths.extend( [os.path.join(p, 'bin/64') for p in extraSearchPaths]) else: searchPaths.extend( [os.path.join(p, 'bin/32') for p in extraSearchPaths]) searchPaths.extend(['/usr/lib/groestlcoin/']) searchPaths.extend(os.getenv("PATH").split(':')) for p in searchPaths: testPath = os.path.join(p, 'groestlcoind') if os.path.exists(testPath): self.foundExe.append(testPath) try: locs = subprocess_check_output(['whereis', 'groestlcoind']).split() if len(locs) > 1: locs = filter( lambda x: os.path.basename(x) == 'groestlcoind', locs) LOGINFO('"whereis" returned: %s', str(locs)) self.foundExe.extend(locs) except: LOGEXCEPT('Error executing "whereis" command') # For logging purposes, check that the first answer matches one of the # extra search paths. There should be some kind of notification that # their supplied search path was invalid and we are using something else. if len(self.foundExe) > 0 and len(extraSearchPaths) > 0: foundIt = False for p in extraSearchPaths: if self.foundExe[0].startswith(p): foundIt = True if not foundIt: LOGERROR( 'Groestlcoind could not be found in the specified installation:' ) for p in extraSearchPaths: LOGERROR(' %s', p) LOGERROR('Groestlcoind is being started from:') LOGERROR(' %s', self.foundExe[0]) return self.foundExe
def injectShutdownFunc(self): try: self.main.writeSetting('DustLedgerCols', saveTableView(self.dustTableView)) except: LOGEXCEPT('Strange error during shutdown')