Esempio n. 1
def simpson(x,func):
    "Simpson rule inplementation,for function"
    delta = (rotate(x,-1) - x)[1] #assumes the function can be evaluated in between discrete points
    return (delta*(func(rotate(x,-1)) + func(x) + 4*func((rotate(x,-1) + x)/2.)))[:-1] / 6.
Esempio n. 2
def trapez(x,func):
    "Trapezoid rule inplementation,for function"
    h = (rotate(x,-1) - x)[1]
    return (0.5*h*(func(rotate(x,-1)) + func(x)))[:-1]
Esempio n. 3
def df_cent(x):
    "Central derivative at x, in step size h"
    h = (rotate(x,-1) - x)[1]
    return (f(rotate(x,-1)) - f(rotate(x,1)))[1:-1] / (2*h) #does not include edge points
Esempio n. 4
def central_diff(x,func):
    "Centra Difference"
    h = np.mean( (trace.value - rotate(trace.value,-1))[:-1])
   # print (func(x + h) - func(x - h))/(2*h)
    return (func(x + h) - func(x - h))/(2*h)
Esempio n. 5
def df_for(x):
    "Forward derivative at x, using input descritization, ouput array has n-1"
    h = (rotate(x,-1) - x)[1]
    return ( f(rotate(x,-1)) - f(x))[:-1] / h  #does not include the latter edge point