def main(): run_cr_response = arvados.api().container_requests().list(filters=[["state", "=", "Committed"], ["requesting_container_uuid", "=", None], ["priority", ">", "0"]]).execute() fin_cr_response = arvados.api().container_requests().list(filters=[["state", "=", "Final"], ["requesting_container_uuid", "=", None], ["priority", ">=", "0"]], limit=100).execute() try: run_pi_response = arvados.api().pipeline_instances().list(filters=[["state", "=", "RunningOnServer"]]).execute() fin_pi_response = arvados.api().pipeline_instances().list(filters=[["state", "!=", "RunningOnServer"]], limit=10).execute() print("Currently running Workflows") print("UUID, NAME, CREATED AT, OWNER PROJECT, STATUS") for item in run_cr_response['items']: print(print_status(item)) for item in run_pi_response['items']: print(print_status(item)) print("") except: pass print("Recently finished Workflows") print("UUID, NAME, FINISHED AT, OWNER PROJECT, STATUS") for item in fin_cr_response['items']: print(print_status(item)) for item in fin_pi_response['items']: print(print_status(item))
def one_task_per_gvcf_group_in_stream(stream_name, gvcf_by_group, gvcf_indices, interval_list_by_group, if_sequence, ref_input_pdh, create_task_func=create_task): """ Process one stream of data and launch a subtask for handling it """ print "Finalising stream %s" % stream_name for group_name in sorted(gvcf_by_group.keys()): print "Have %s gVCFs in group %s" % (len(gvcf_by_group[group_name]), group_name) # require interval_list for this group if group_name not in interval_list_by_group: raise errors.InvalidArgumentError("Inputs collection did not contain interval_list for group %s" % group_name) interval_lists = interval_list_by_group[group_name].keys() if len(interval_lists) > 1: raise errors.InvalidArgumentError("Inputs collection contained more than one interval_list for group %s: %s" % (group_name, ' '.join(interval_lists))) interval_list_manifest = interval_list_by_group[group_name].get(interval_lists[0]).as_manifest() # Create a portable data hash for the task's interval_list try: r = arvados.api().collections().create(body={"manifest_text": interval_list_manifest}).execute() interval_list_pdh = r["portable_data_hash"] except: raise task_inputs_manifest = "" for ((s_name, gvcf_name), gvcf_f) in gvcf_by_group[group_name].items(): task_inputs_manifest += gvcf_f.as_manifest() gvcf_index_f = gvcf_indices.get((s_name, re.sub(r'vcf.gz$', 'vcf.tbi', gvcf_name)), gvcf_indices.get((s_name, re.sub(r'vcf.gz$', 'vcf.gz.tbi', gvcf_name)), None)) if gvcf_index_f: task_inputs_manifest += gvcf_index_f.as_manifest() else: # no index for gVCF - TODO: should this be an error or warning? print "WARNING: No correponding .tbi index file found for gVCF file %s" % gvcf_name #raise errors.InvalidArgumentError("No correponding .tbi index file found for gVCF file %s" % gvcf_name) # Create a portable data hash for the task's subcollection try: r = arvados.api().collections().create(body={"manifest_text": task_inputs_manifest}).execute() task_inputs_pdh = r["portable_data_hash"] except: raise # Create task to process this group name_components = [] if len(stream_name) > 0 and stream_name != ".": name_components.append(stream_name) if len(group_name) > 0: name_components.append(group_name) if len(name_components) == 0: name = "all" else: name = '::'.join(name_components) print "Creating task to process %s" % name new_task_params = { 'inputs': task_inputs_pdh, 'ref': ref_input_pdh, 'interval_list': interval_list_pdh, 'name': name } task = create_task_func(if_sequence + 1, new_task_params)
def _test_websocket_reconnect(self, close_unexpected): run_test_server.authorize_with('active') events = Queue.Queue(100) logstream = io.BytesIO() rootLogger = logging.getLogger() streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler(logstream) rootLogger.addHandler(streamHandler) filters = [['object_uuid', 'is_a', 'arvados#human']] filters.append(['created_at', '>=', self.localiso(self.TIME_PAST)]) = arvados.api('v1'), filters, events.put_nowait, poll_fallback=False, last_log_id=None) self.assertIsInstance(, self.assertEqual(200, events.get(True, 5)['status']) # create obj human = arvados.api('v1').humans().create(body={}).execute() # expect an event self.assertIn(human['uuid'], events.get(True, 5)['object_uuid']) with self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty): self.assertEqual(events.get(True, 2), None) # close (im)properly if close_unexpected: else: # create one more obj human2 = arvados.api('v1').humans().create(body={}).execute() # (un)expect the object creation event if close_unexpected: log_object_uuids = [] for i in range(0, 2): event = events.get(True, 5) if event.get('object_uuid') != None: log_object_uuids.append(event['object_uuid']) with self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty): self.assertEqual(events.get(True, 2), None) self.assertNotIn(human['uuid'], log_object_uuids) self.assertIn(human2['uuid'], log_object_uuids) else: with self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty): self.assertEqual(events.get(True, 2), None) # verify log message to ensure that an (un)expected close log_messages = logstream.getvalue() closeLogFound = log_messages.find("Unexpected close. Reconnecting.") retryLogFound = log_messages.find("Error during websocket reconnect. Will retry") if close_unexpected: self.assertNotEqual(closeLogFound, -1) else: self.assertEqual(closeLogFound, -1) rootLogger.removeHandler(streamHandler)
def spawn_new_task_per_file(script_parameter, regex, if_sequence=0, and_end_task=True): """ Generalized form of one_task_per_pair_input_file from Creates a new task if the file in the collection matches the regex """ if if_sequence != arvados.current_task()['sequence']: return job_input = arvados.current_job()['script_parameters'][script_parameter] input_collection = Collection(job_input) for name in input_collection: if not,name): continue new_task_attrs = { 'job_uuid': arvados.current_job()['uuid'], 'created_by_job_task_uuid': arvados.current_task()['uuid'], 'sequence': if_sequence + 1, 'parameters': { 'input_1': name, } } arvados.api().job_tasks().create(body=new_task_attrs).execute() if and_end_task: arvados.api().job_tasks().update(uuid=arvados.current_task()['uuid'], body={'success':True} ).execute()
def check_fail(container_request_uuid): container_uuid = arvados.api().container_requests().list(filters=[["uuid","=", container_request_uuid]]).execute()['items'][0]['container_uuid'] exit_code = arvados.api().containers().list(filters=[["uuid","=", container_uuid]]).execute()['items'][0]['exit_code'] if exit_code == 0: return 'Complete' else: return 'Failed'
def check_project_exists(project_uuid): try: arvados.api('v1').groups().get(uuid=project_uuid).execute() except (apiclient.errors.Error, arvados.errors.NotFoundError) as error: raise ValueError("Project {} not found ({})".format(project_uuid, error)) else: return True
def pipeline_instance(uuid, job_patterns): resp = arvados.api().pipeline_instances().list(filters=[["uuid","=", uuid]]).execute() for job in resp.items()[1][1][0]['components']['cwl-runner']['job']['components']: for pattern in job_patterns: if re.match(pattern, job): uuid = resp.items()[1][1][0]['components']['cwl-runner']['job']['components'][job] jobresp = arvados.api().jobs().list(filters=[["uuid", "=", uuid]]).execute() print job print ('\n').join(jobresp.items()[1][1][0]['script_parameters']['tasks'][0]['command'])
def list_sharing(owner_uuid): # List sharing with owner_uuid=owner_uuid list = [] call = arvados.api().groups().get(uuid=owner_uuid).execute() writable_uuids = call['writable_by'] for uuid in writable_uuids: user = arvados.api().users().get(uuid=uuid).execute() list.append("Writable by %s %s" % (user['full_name'], uuid)) return list
def _test_subscribe(self, poll_fallback, expect_type): run_test_server.authorize_with('active') events = Queue.Queue(3) = arvados.api('v1'), [['object_uuid', 'is_a', 'arvados#human']], events.put, poll_fallback=poll_fallback) self.assertIsInstance(, expect_type) self.assertEqual(200, events.get(True, 10)['status']) human = arvados.api('v1').humans().create(body={}).execute() self.assertEqual(human['uuid'], events.get(True, 10)['object_uuid']) self.assertTrue(events.empty(), "got more events than expected")
def container_request(name): filter = "%" + name + "%" completes = "" cr = arvados.api().container_requests().list(filters=[["name","like",filter]], limit=500).execute() total = cr['items_available'] if total != 0: print "Container request uuid, Container request name, Container request finish time" for num in xrange(0,total): c = cr['items'][num]['container_uuid'] c_resp = arvados.api().containers().list(filters=[["uuid","=",c]]).execute() if c_resp['items'][0]['state'] == 'Complete': # api returns in order of time by default so this should get the latest complete instance. completes = cr['items'][num]['uuid'] print "%s %s %s" % (completes, cr['items'][num]['name'], cr['items'][num]['modified_at'])
def one_task_per_pair_input_file(if_sequence=0, and_end_task=True): """ Queue one task for each pair of fastq files in this job's input collection. Each new task will have two parameters, named "input_1" and "input_2", each being a manifest containing a single fastq file. A matching pair of files in the input collection is assumed to have names "x_1.y" and "x_2.y". Files in the input collection that are not part of a matched pair are silently ignored. if_sequence and and_end_task arguments have the same significance as in arvados.job_setup.one_task_per_input_file(). """ if if_sequence != arvados.current_task()['sequence']: return job_input = arvados.current_job()['script_parameters']['input'] cr = arvados.CollectionReader(job_input) all_files = [] for s in cr.all_streams(): all_files += list(s.all_files()) for s in cr.all_streams(): for left_file in s.all_files(): left_name = right_file = None right_name = re.sub(r'(.*_)1\.', '\g<1>2.', left_name) if right_name == left_name: continue for f2 in s.all_files(): if right_name == right_file = f2 if right_file != None: new_task_attrs = { 'job_uuid': arvados.current_job()['uuid'], 'created_by_job_task_uuid': arvados.current_task()['uuid'], 'sequence': if_sequence + 1, 'parameters': { 'input_1':left_file.as_manifest(), 'input_2':right_file.as_manifest() } } arvados.api().job_tasks().create(body=new_task_attrs).execute() if and_end_task: arvados.api().job_tasks().update(uuid=arvados.current_task()['uuid'], body={'success':True} ).execute() exit(0)
def main(): SCOPES = [ '', '', '' ] arv = arvados.api('v1') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '-f', '--from', dest='from_email', required=True, help="The sender email address (required)") parser.add_argument( '-t', '--to', dest='to_email', required=True, help="The destination email address (required)") parser.add_argument( '-c', '--client', dest='client_secret', required=True, help="The path to your client_secret.json (required)") parser.add_argument( '-s', '--storage', dest='storage', required=True, help="The path to your stored credentials (required)") parser.add_argument( '-l', '--location', dest='location', required=True, help="The location of the cluster (required)") options = parser.parse_args() CLIENT_SECRET = options.client_secret # All current RunningOnServer num_running = arvados.api('v1').pipeline_instances().list( filters=[["state","=","RunningOnServer"]]).execute()["items_available"] message = 'There are currently %s pipelines running on %s. \n\n' % (str(num_running), options.location) for instance_num in range(0,num_running): instance = arvados.api('v1').pipeline_instances().list( filters=[["state","=","RunningOnServer"]]).execute()["items"][instance_num] for component, value in instance["components"].iteritems(): if "job" in value: if value["job"]["state"] == 'Running': message += '%s\n%s started at: %s\n' % (instance["uuid"], component, RFC3339Convert_to_readable(value["job"]["started_at"])) message += '%s has been running for %s\n' %(component, Time_diff(RFC3339Convert_to_dt(value["job"]["started_at"]),Current_time())) if value["job"]["state"] == 'Queued': message += '%s\n%s is queued, it was created at: %s\n' % (instance["uuid"], component, RFC3339Convert_to_readable(value["job"]["created_at"])) message += '\n' store = file.Storage( credz = store.get() if not credz or credz.invalid: flags = tools.argparser.parse_args(args=[]) flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENT_SECRET, SCOPES) credz = tools.run_flow(flow, store, flags) GMAIL = build('gmail', 'v1', http=credz.authorize(Http())) message = CreateMessage(options.from_email, options.to_email, '%s pipelines running on %s' % (str(num_running), options.location), message) SendMessage(GMAIL, 'me', message)
def check_fail(container_request_uuid): container_uuid = arvados.api().container_requests().list(filters=[["uuid","=", container_request_uuid]]).execute()['items'][0]['container_uuid'] exit_code = arvados.api().containers().list(filters=[["uuid","=", container_uuid]]).execute()['items'][0]['exit_code'] state = arvados.api().containers().list(filters=[["uuid","=", container_uuid]]).execute()['items'][0]['state'] if exit_code == 0: return 'Complete' elif not exit_code: if state == "Running": return 'Running' elif state == "Queued": return 'Queued/Cancelled' else: return 'Cancelled' else: return 'Failed'
def main(args, stdout, stderr, api_client=None): args = parse_args(args) if api_client is None: api_client = arvados.api('v1') try: cr = arvados.CollectionReader(args.locator, api_client=api_client, num_retries=args.retries) cr.normalize() except (arvados.errors.ArgumentError, arvados.errors.NotFoundError) as error: print("arv-ls: error fetching collection: {}".format(error), file=stderr) return 1 formatters = [] if args.s: formatters.append(size_formatter) formatters.append(name_formatter) for f in cr.all_files(): print(*(info_func(f) for info_func in formatters), file=stdout) return 0
def _get_all_pages(self): got = 0 last_id = 0 filters = [ ['object_uuid', '=', self.job_uuid], ['event_type', '=', 'stderr']] try: while True: page = arvados.api().logs().index( limit=1000, order=['id asc'], filters=filters + [['id','>',str(last_id)]], select=['id', 'properties'], ).execute(num_retries=2) got += len(page['items']) logger.debug( '%s: received %d of %d log events', self.job_uuid, got, got + page['items_available'] - len(page['items'])) for i in page['items']: for line in i['properties']['text'].split('\n'): self._queue.put(line+'\n') last_id = i['id'] if (len(page['items']) == 0 or len(page['items']) >= page['items_available']): break finally: self._queue.put(self.EOF)
def main(args, stdout, stderr, api_client=None): parser = arg_parser() job_order_object = None arvargs = parser.parse_args(args) if arvargs.create_template and not arvargs.job_order: job_order_object = ({}, "") try: if api_client is None: api_client=arvados.api('v1', model=OrderedJsonModel()) runner = ArvCwlRunner(api_client, work_api=arvargs.work_api) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return 1 arvargs.conformance_test = None arvargs.use_container = True return cwltool.main.main(args=arvargs, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, executor=runner.arvExecutor, makeTool=runner.arvMakeTool, versionfunc=versionstring, job_order_object=job_order_object)
def NewSummarizer(process_or_uuid, **kwargs): """Construct with the appropriate subclass for this uuid/object.""" if isinstance(process_or_uuid, dict): process = process_or_uuid uuid = process['uuid'] else: uuid = process_or_uuid process = None arv = arvados.api('v1', model=OrderedJsonModel()) if '-dz642-' in uuid: if process is None: process = arv.containers().get(uuid=uuid).execute() klass = ContainerTreeSummarizer elif '-xvhdp-' in uuid: if process is None: process = arv.container_requests().get(uuid=uuid).execute() klass = ContainerTreeSummarizer elif '-8i9sb-' in uuid: if process is None: process = klass = JobTreeSummarizer elif '-d1hrv-' in uuid: if process is None: process = arv.pipeline_instances().get(uuid=uuid).execute() klass = PipelineSummarizer elif '-4zz18-' in uuid: return CollectionSummarizer(collection_id=uuid) else: raise ArgumentError("Unrecognized uuid %s", uuid) return klass(process, uuid=uuid, **kwargs)
def container_request(uuid): cr_uuid = uuid cr = arvados.api().container_requests().list(filters=[["uuid", "=", cr_uuid]]).execute() c_uuid = cr.items()[1][1][0]['container_uuid'] req_cs = arvados.api().container_requests().list(filters=[["requesting_container_uuid","=",c_uuid]], limit=1000).execute() print "CR_UUID, CR NAME, CR_OUTPUT_UUID, TRASHED_AT" for item in req_cs['items']: cr_output_uuid = item['output_uuid'] try: trash = arvados.api().collections().list(filters=[["uuid","=", cr_output_uuid]]).execute()['items'][0]['trash_at'] if not trash: print item['uuid'], item['name'], cr_output_uuid, "Null" else: print item['uuid'], item['name'], cr_output_uuid, trash except: print "item['uuid'] does not have an output collection"
def create_project_link(locator, link): link['head_uuid'] = locator link.setdefault('name', "Collection saved by {}@{} at {}".format( pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name, socket.gethostname(), datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC"))) return arvados.api('v1').links().create(body=link).execute()
def run_keep_proxy(): if 'ARVADOS_TEST_PROXY_SERVICES' in os.environ: return stop_keep_proxy() port = find_available_port() env = os.environ.copy() env['ARVADOS_API_TOKEN'] = auth_token('anonymous') logf = open(_logfilename('keepproxy'), 'a') kp = subprocess.Popen( ['keepproxy', '-pid='+_pidfile('keepproxy'), '-listen=:{}'.format(port)], env=env, stdin=open('/dev/null'), stdout=logf, stderr=logf, close_fds=True) api = arvados.api( version='v1', host=os.environ['ARVADOS_API_HOST'], token=auth_token('admin'), insecure=True) for d in api.keep_services().list( filters=[['service_type','=','proxy']]).execute()['items']: api.keep_services().delete(uuid=d['uuid']).execute() api.keep_services().create(body={'keep_service': { 'service_host': 'localhost', 'service_port': port, 'service_type': 'proxy', 'service_ssl_flag': False, }}).execute() os.environ["ARVADOS_KEEP_SERVICES"] = "http://localhost:{}".format(port) _setport('keepproxy', port) _wait_until_port_listens(port)
def runTest(self): run_test_server.authorize_with("admin") api = arvados.api('v1', cache=False) operations = fuse.Operations(os.getuid(), os.getgid()) e = operations.inodes.add_entry(fuse.TagsDirectory(llfuse.ROOT_INODE, operations.inodes, api)) llfuse.init(operations, self.mounttmp, []) t = threading.Thread(None, lambda: llfuse.main()) t.start() # wait until the driver is finished initializing operations.initlock.wait() d1 = os.listdir(self.mounttmp) d1.sort() self.assertEqual(['foo_tag'], d1) d2 = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.mounttmp, 'foo_tag')) d2.sort() self.assertEqual(['1f4b0bc7583c2a7f9102c395f4ffc5e3+45'], d2) d3 = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.mounttmp, 'foo_tag', '1f4b0bc7583c2a7f9102c395f4ffc5e3+45')) d3.sort() self.assertEqual(['foo'], d3) files = {} files[os.path.join(self.mounttmp, 'foo_tag', '1f4b0bc7583c2a7f9102c395f4ffc5e3+45', 'foo')] = 'foo' for k, v in files.items(): with open(os.path.join(self.mounttmp, k)) as f: self.assertEqual(v,
def test_ArvPutSignedManifest(self): # ArvPutSignedManifest runs "arv-put foo" and then attempts to get # the newly created manifest from the API server, testing to confirm # that the block locators in the returned manifest are signed. self.authorize_with('active') # Before doing anything, demonstrate that the collection # we're about to create is not present in our test fixture. api = arvados.api('v1', cache=False) manifest_uuid = "00b4e9f40ac4dd432ef89749f1c01e74+47" with self.assertRaises(apiclient.errors.HttpError): notfound = api.collections().get(uuid=manifest_uuid).execute() datadir = tempfile.mkdtemp() with open(os.path.join(datadir, "foo"), "w") as f: f.write("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog") p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, arv_put.__file__, datadir], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=self.ENVIRON) (arvout, arverr) = p.communicate() self.assertEqual(p.returncode, 0) self.assertEqual(arverr, None) self.assertEqual(arvout.strip(), manifest_uuid) # The manifest text stored in the API server under the same # manifest UUID must use signed locators. c = api.collections().get(uuid=manifest_uuid).execute() self.assertRegexpMatches( c['manifest_text'], r'^\. 08a008a01d498c404b0c30852b39d3b8\+44\+A[0-9a-f]+@[0-9a-f]+ 0:44:foo\n') os.remove(os.path.join(datadir, "foo")) os.rmdir(datadir)
def test_exceptions_without_errors_have_basic_info(self): mock_responses = {"arvados.humans.delete": (fake_httplib2_response(500, **self.ERROR_HEADERS), "")} req_builder = apiclient_http.RequestMockBuilder(mock_responses) api = arvados.api("v1", requestBuilder=req_builder) with self.assertRaises(apiclient_errors.HttpError) as err_ctx: api.humans().delete(uuid="xyz-xyz-abcdef").execute() self.assertIn("500", str(err_ctx.exception))
def authorize_with(self, token_name): run_test_server.authorize_with(token_name) for v in ["ARVADOS_API_HOST", "ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE", "ARVADOS_API_TOKEN"]: self.ENVIRON[v] = arvados.config.settings()[v] arv_put.api_client = arvados.api('v1')
def get_reusable_tasks(sequence, task_key_params, job_filters): reusable_tasks = {} jobs = get_jobs_for_task_reuse(job_filters) print "Found %s similar previous jobs, checking them for reusable tasks" % (jobs['items_available']) task_filters = [ ['job_uuid', 'in', [job['uuid'] for job in jobs['items']]], ['sequence', '=', str(sequence)], ['success', '=', 'True'], ] #print "Querying API server for tasks matching filters %s" % (json.dumps(task_filters)) tasks = execute_list_all(arvados.api().job_tasks(), distinct=True, select=['uuid', 'job_uuid', 'output', 'parameters', 'success', 'progress', 'started_at', 'finished_at'], filters=task_filters) if tasks['items_available'] > 0: print "Have %s potential reusable task outputs" % ( tasks['items_available'] ) for task in tasks['items']: have_all_params=True for index_param in task_key_params: if index_param not in task['parameters']: print "WARNING: missing task key param %s in JobTask %s from Job %s (have parameters: %s)" % (index_param, task['uuid'], task['job_uuid'], ', '.join(task['parameters'].keys())) have_all_params=False if have_all_params: ct_index = tuple([task['parameters'][index_param] for index_param in task_key_params]) if ct_index in reusable_tasks: # we have already seen a task with these parameters (from another job?) - verify they have the same output if reusable_tasks[ct_index]['output'] != task['output']: print "WARNING: found two existing candidate JobTasks for parameters %s and the output does not match! (using JobTask %s from Job %s with output %s, but JobTask %s from Job %s had output %s)" % (ct_index, reusable_tasks[ct_index]['uuid'], reusable_tasks[ct_index]['job_uuid'], reusable_tasks[ct_index]['output'], task['uuid'], task['job_uuid'], task['output']) else: # store the candidate task in reusable_tasks, indexed on the tuple of params specified in task_key_params reusable_tasks[ct_index] = task return reusable_tasks
def run_keep_proxy(): stop_keep_proxy() admin_token = auth_token('admin') port = find_available_port() env = os.environ.copy() env['ARVADOS_API_TOKEN'] = admin_token kp = subprocess.Popen( ['keepproxy', '-pid={}/'.format(TEST_TMPDIR), '-listen=:{}'.format(port)], env=env) api = arvados.api( version='v1', host=os.environ['ARVADOS_API_HOST'], token=admin_token, insecure=True) for d in api.keep_services().list( filters=[['service_type','=','proxy']]).execute()['items']: api.keep_services().delete(uuid=d['uuid']).execute() api.keep_services().create(body={'keep_service': { 'service_host': 'localhost', 'service_port': port, 'service_type': 'proxy', 'service_ssl_flag': False, }}).execute() os.environ["ARVADOS_KEEP_PROXY"] = "http://localhost:{}".format(port)
def run_keep(blob_signing_key=None, enforce_permissions=False): stop_keep() keep_args = {} if blob_signing_key: with open(os.path.join(TEST_TMPDIR, "keep.blob_signing_key"), "w") as f: keep_args['--permission-key-file'] = f.write(blob_signing_key) if enforce_permissions: keep_args['--enforce-permissions'] = 'true' api = arvados.api( version='v1', host=os.environ['ARVADOS_API_HOST'], token=os.environ['ARVADOS_API_TOKEN'], insecure=True) for d in api.keep_services().list().execute()['items']: api.keep_services().delete(uuid=d['uuid']).execute() for d in api.keep_disks().list().execute()['items']: api.keep_disks().delete(uuid=d['uuid']).execute() for d in range(0, 2): port = _start_keep(d, keep_args) svc = api.keep_services().create(body={'keep_service': { 'uuid': 'zzzzz-bi6l4-keepdisk{:07d}'.format(d), 'service_host': 'localhost', 'service_port': port, 'service_type': 'disk', 'service_ssl_flag': False, }}).execute() api.keep_disks().create(body={ 'keep_disk': {'keep_service_uuid': svc['uuid'] } }).execute()
def create_or_reuse_task(sequence, parameters, reusable_tasks, task_key_params, validate_task_output): new_task_attrs = { 'job_uuid': arvados.current_job()['uuid'], 'created_by_job_task_uuid': arvados.current_task()['uuid'], 'sequence': sequence, 'parameters': parameters } # See if there is a task in reusable_tasks that can be reused ct_index = tuple([parameters[index_param] for index_param in task_key_params]) if len(reusable_tasks) == 0: print "No reusable tasks were available" elif ct_index in reusable_tasks: # have a task from which to reuse the output, prepare to create a new, but already finished, task with that output reuse_task = reusable_tasks[ct_index] if validate_task_output(reuse_task['output']): print "Found existing JobTask %s from Job %s. Will use output %s from that JobTask instead of re-running it." % (reuse_task['uuid'], reuse_task['job_uuid'], reuse_task['output']) # remove task from reusable_tasks as it won't be used more than once del reusable_tasks[ct_index] # copy relevant attrs from reuse_task so that the new tasks start already finished for attr in ['success', 'output', 'progress', 'started_at', 'finished_at', 'parameters']: new_task_attrs[attr] = reuse_task[attr] # crunch seems to ignore the fact that the job says it is done and queue it anyway # signal ourselves to just immediately exit successfully when we are run new_task_attrs['parameters']['reuse_job_task'] = reuse_task['uuid'] else: print "Output %s for potential task reuse did not validate" % (reuse_task['output']) else: print "No reusable JobTask matched key parameters %s" % (list(ct_index)) # Create the "new" task (may be new work or may be already finished work) new_task = arvados.api().job_tasks().create(body=new_task_attrs).execute() if not new_task: raise errors.APIError("Attempt to create new job_task failed: [%s]" % new_task_attrs) return new_task
def test_websocket_reconnect_retry(self, event_client_connect): event_client_connect.side_effect = [None, Exception('EventClient.connect error'), None] logstream = io.BytesIO() rootLogger = logging.getLogger() streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler(logstream) rootLogger.addHandler(streamHandler) run_test_server.authorize_with('active') events = Queue.Queue(100) filters = [['object_uuid', 'is_a', 'arvados#human']] = arvados.api('v1'), filters, events.put_nowait, poll_fallback=False, last_log_id=None) self.assertIsInstance(, # simulate improper close # verify log messages to ensure retry happened log_messages = logstream.getvalue() found = log_messages.find("Error 'EventClient.connect error' during websocket reconnect.") self.assertNotEqual(found, -1) rootLogger.removeHandler(streamHandler)
def api_for_instance(instance_name): if '/' in instance_name: config_file = instance_name else: config_file = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.config', 'arvados', "{}.conf".format(instance_name)) try: cfg = arvados.config.load(config_file) except (IOError, OSError) as e: abort(("Could not open config file {}: {}\n" + "You must make sure that your configuration tokens\n" + "for Arvados instance {} are in {} and that this\n" + "file is readable.").format( config_file, e, instance_name, config_file)) if 'ARVADOS_API_HOST' in cfg and 'ARVADOS_API_TOKEN' in cfg: api_is_insecure = ( cfg.get('ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE', '').lower() in set( ['1', 't', 'true', 'y', 'yes'])) client = arvados.api('v1', host=cfg['ARVADOS_API_HOST'], token=cfg['ARVADOS_API_TOKEN'], insecure=api_is_insecure, model=OrderedJsonModel()) else: abort('need ARVADOS_API_HOST and ARVADOS_API_TOKEN for {}'.format(instance_name)) return client
def main(arguments=None, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr): global api_client args = parse_arguments(arguments) status = 0 if api_client is None: api_client = arvados.api('v1') # Determine the name to use if if or args.raw: print >> stderr, "Cannot use --name with --stream or --raw" sys.exit(1) collection_name = else: collection_name = "Saved at {} by {}@{}".format( datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC"), pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name, socket.gethostname()) if args.project_uuid and ( or args.raw): print >> stderr, "Cannot use --project-uuid with --stream or --raw" sys.exit(1) # Determine the parent project try: project_uuid = desired_project_uuid(api_client, args.project_uuid, args.retries) except (apiclient_errors.Error, ValueError) as error: print >> stderr, error sys.exit(1) # write_copies diverges from args.replication here. # args.replication is how many copies we will instruct Arvados to # maintain (by passing it in collections().create()) after all # data is written -- and if None was given, we'll use None there. # Meanwhile, write_copies is how many copies of each data block we # write to Keep, which has to be a number. # # If we simply changed args.replication from None to a default # here, we'd end up erroneously passing the default replication # level (instead of None) to collections().create(). write_copies = (args.replication or api_client._rootDesc.get( 'defaultCollectionReplication', 2)) if args.progress: reporter = progress_writer(human_progress) elif args.batch_progress: reporter = progress_writer(machine_progress) else: reporter = None bytes_expected = expected_bytes_for(args.paths) resume_cache = None if args.resume: try: resume_cache = ResumeCache(ResumeCache.make_path(args)) except (IOError, OSError, ValueError): pass # Couldn't open cache directory/file. Continue without it. except ResumeCacheConflict: print >> stderr, "\n".join([ "arv-put: Another process is already uploading this data.", " Use --no-resume if this is really what you want." ]) sys.exit(1) if resume_cache is None: writer = ArvPutCollectionWriter(resume_cache, reporter, bytes_expected, num_retries=args.retries, replication=write_copies) else: writer = ArvPutCollectionWriter.from_cache(resume_cache, reporter, bytes_expected, num_retries=args.retries, replication=write_copies) # Install our signal handler for each code in CAUGHT_SIGNALS, and save # the originals. orig_signal_handlers = { sigcode: signal.signal(sigcode, exit_signal_handler) for sigcode in CAUGHT_SIGNALS } if writer.bytes_written > 0: # We're resuming a previous upload. print >> stderr, "\n".join([ "arv-put: Resuming previous upload from last checkpoint.", " Use the --no-resume option to start over." ]) writer.report_progress() writer.do_queued_work() # Do work resumed from cache. for path in args.paths: # Copy file data to Keep. if os.path.isdir(path): writer.write_directory_tree( path, max_manifest_depth=args.max_manifest_depth) else: writer.start_new_stream() writer.write_file(path, args.filename or os.path.basename(path)) writer.finish_current_stream() if args.progress: # Print newline to split stderr from stdout for humans. print >> stderr if output = writer.manifest_text() if args.normalize: output = CollectionReader(output).manifest_text(normalize=True) elif args.raw: output = ','.join(writer.data_locators()) else: try: manifest_text = writer.manifest_text() if args.normalize: manifest_text = CollectionReader(manifest_text).manifest_text( normalize=True) replication_attr = 'replication_desired' if api_client._schema.schemas['Collection']['properties'].get( replication_attr, None) is None: # API called it 'redundancy' before #3410. replication_attr = 'redundancy' # Register the resulting collection in Arvados. collection = api_client.collections().create( body={ 'owner_uuid': project_uuid, 'name': collection_name, 'manifest_text': manifest_text, replication_attr: args.replication, }, ensure_unique_name=True).execute(num_retries=args.retries) print >> stderr, "Collection saved as '%s'" % collection['name'] if args.portable_data_hash and 'portable_data_hash' in collection and collection[ 'portable_data_hash']: output = collection['portable_data_hash'] else: output = collection['uuid'] except apiclient_errors.Error as error: print >> stderr, ( "arv-put: Error creating Collection on project: {}.".format( error)) status = 1 # Print the locator (uuid) of the new collection. stdout.write(output) if not output.endswith('\n'): stdout.write('\n') for sigcode, orig_handler in orig_signal_handlers.items(): signal.signal(sigcode, orig_handler) if status != 0: sys.exit(status) if resume_cache is not None: resume_cache.destroy() return output
def _test_websocket_reconnect(self, close_unexpected): run_test_server.authorize_with('active') events = queue.Queue(100) logstream = tutil.StringIO() rootLogger = logging.getLogger() streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler(logstream) rootLogger.addHandler(streamHandler) filters = [['object_uuid', 'is_a', 'arvados#human']] filters.append(['created_at', '>=', self.localiso(self.TIME_PAST)]) ='v1'), filters, events.put_nowait, poll_fallback=False, last_log_id=None) self.assertIsInstance(, self.assertEqual(200, events.get(True, 5)['status']) # create obj human = arvados.api('v1').humans().create(body={}).execute() # expect an event self.assertIn(human['uuid'], events.get(True, 5)['object_uuid']) with self.assertRaises(queue.Empty): self.assertEqual(events.get(True, 2), None) # close (im)properly if close_unexpected: else: # create one more obj human2 = arvados.api('v1').humans().create(body={}).execute() # (un)expect the object creation event if close_unexpected: log_object_uuids = [] for i in range(0, 2): event = events.get(True, 5) if event.get('object_uuid') != None: log_object_uuids.append(event['object_uuid']) with self.assertRaises(queue.Empty): self.assertEqual(events.get(True, 2), None) self.assertNotIn(human['uuid'], log_object_uuids) self.assertIn(human2['uuid'], log_object_uuids) else: with self.assertRaises(queue.Empty): self.assertEqual(events.get(True, 2), None) # verify log message to ensure that an (un)expected close log_messages = logstream.getvalue() closeLogFound = log_messages.find("Unexpected close. Reconnecting.") retryLogFound = log_messages.find( "Error during websocket reconnect. Will retry") if close_unexpected: self.assertNotEqual(closeLogFound, -1) else: self.assertEqual(closeLogFound, -1) rootLogger.removeHandler(streamHandler)
def main(arguments=None, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr): global api_client logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.arv_put') logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) args = parse_arguments(arguments) status = 0 if api_client is None: api_client = arvados.api('v1') # Determine the name to use if if or args.raw: logger.error("Cannot use --name with --stream or --raw") sys.exit(1) elif args.update_collection: logger.error("Cannot use --name with --update-collection") sys.exit(1) collection_name = else: collection_name = "Saved at {} by {}@{}".format( datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC"), pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name, socket.gethostname()) if args.project_uuid and ( or args.raw): logger.error("Cannot use --project-uuid with --stream or --raw") sys.exit(1) # Determine the parent project try: project_uuid = desired_project_uuid(api_client, args.project_uuid, args.retries) except (apiclient_errors.Error, ValueError) as error: logger.error(error) sys.exit(1) if args.progress: reporter = progress_writer(human_progress) elif args.batch_progress: reporter = progress_writer(machine_progress) else: reporter = None # If this is used by a human, and there's at least one directory to be # uploaded, the expected bytes calculation can take a moment. if args.progress and any([os.path.isdir(f) for f in args.paths]):"Calculating upload size, this could take some time...") bytes_expected = expected_bytes_for(args.paths) try: writer = ArvPutUploadJob(paths=args.paths, resume=args.resume, use_cache=args.use_cache, filename=args.filename, reporter=reporter, bytes_expected=bytes_expected, num_retries=args.retries, replication_desired=args.replication, put_threads=args.threads, name=collection_name, owner_uuid=project_uuid, ensure_unique_name=True, update_collection=args.update_collection, logger=logger, dry_run=args.dry_run) except ResumeCacheConflict: logger.error("\n".join([ "arv-put: Another process is already uploading this data.", " Use --no-cache if this is really what you want." ])) sys.exit(1) except CollectionUpdateError as error: logger.error("\n".join(["arv-put: %s" % str(error)])) sys.exit(1) except ArvPutUploadIsPending: # Dry run check successful, return proper exit code. sys.exit(2) except ArvPutUploadNotPending: # No files pending for upload sys.exit(0) # Install our signal handler for each code in CAUGHT_SIGNALS, and save # the originals. orig_signal_handlers = { sigcode: signal.signal(sigcode, exit_signal_handler) for sigcode in CAUGHT_SIGNALS } if not args.dry_run and not args.update_collection and args.resume and writer.bytes_written > 0: logger.warning("\n".join([ "arv-put: Resuming previous upload from last checkpoint.", " Use the --no-resume option to start over." ])) if not args.dry_run: writer.report_progress() output = None try: writer.start(save_collection=not ( or args.raw)) except arvados.errors.ApiError as error: logger.error("\n".join(["arv-put: %s" % str(error)])) sys.exit(1) except ArvPutUploadIsPending: # Dry run check successful, return proper exit code. sys.exit(2) except ArvPutUploadNotPending: # No files pending for upload sys.exit(0) if args.progress: # Print newline to split stderr from stdout for humans."\n") if if args.normalize: output = writer.manifest_text(normalize=True) else: output = writer.manifest_text() elif args.raw: output = ','.join(writer.data_locators()) else: try: if args.update_collection:"Collection updated: '{}'".format( writer.collection_name())) else:"Collection saved as '{}'".format( writer.collection_name())) if args.portable_data_hash: output = writer.portable_data_hash() else: output = writer.manifest_locator() except apiclient_errors.Error as error: logger.error( "arv-put: Error creating Collection on project: {}.".format( error)) status = 1 # Print the locator (uuid) of the new collection. if output is None: status = status or 1 else: stdout.write(output) if not output.endswith('\n'): stdout.write('\n') for sigcode, orig_handler in orig_signal_handlers.items(): signal.signal(sigcode, orig_handler) if status != 0: sys.exit(status) # Success! return output
def main(arguments=None, stdout=sys.stdout): args = arg_parser.parse_args(arguments) api = arvados.api('v1') if args.image is None or args.image == 'images': fmt = "{:30} {:10} {:12} {:29} {:20}\n" stdout.write( fmt.format("REPOSITORY", "TAG", "IMAGE ID", "COLLECTION", "CREATED")) try: for i, j in list_images_in_arv(api, args.retries): stdout.write( fmt.format(j["repo"], j["tag"], j["dockerhash"][0:12], i, j["timestamp"].strftime("%c"))) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: pass else: raise sys.exit(0) # Pull the image if requested, unless the image is specified as a hash # that we already have. if args.pull and not find_image_hashes(args.image): pull_image(args.image, args.tag) try: image_hash = find_one_image_hash(args.image, args.tag) except DockerError as error: logger.error(error.message) sys.exit(1) if not docker_image_compatible(api, image_hash): if args.force_image_format: logger.warning("forcing incompatible image") else: logger.error("refusing to store " \ "incompatible format (use --force-image-format to override)") sys.exit(1) image_repo_tag = '{}:{}'.format( args.image, args.tag) if not image_hash.startswith(args.image.lower()) else None if is None: if image_repo_tag: collection_name = 'Docker image {} {}'.format( image_repo_tag, image_hash[0:12]) else: collection_name = 'Docker image {}'.format(image_hash[0:12]) else: collection_name = if not args.force: # Check if this image is already in Arvados. # Project where everything should be owned if args.project_uuid: parent_project_uuid = args.project_uuid else: parent_project_uuid = api.users().current().execute( num_retries=args.retries)['uuid'] # Find image hash tags existing_links = _get_docker_links( api, args.retries, filters=[['link_class', '=', 'docker_image_hash'], ['name', '=', image_hash]]) if existing_links: # get readable collections collections = api.collections().list( filters=[[ 'uuid', 'in', [link['head_uuid'] for link in existing_links] ]], select=["uuid", "owner_uuid", "name", "manifest_text" ]).execute(num_retries=args.retries)['items'] if collections: # check for repo+tag links on these collections if image_repo_tag: existing_repo_tag = _get_docker_links( api, args.retries, filters=[['link_class', '=', 'docker_image_repo+tag'], ['name', '=', image_repo_tag], [ 'head_uuid', 'in', [c["uuid"] for c in collections] ]]) else: existing_repo_tag = [] try: coll_uuid = next( items_owned_by(parent_project_uuid, collections))['uuid'] except StopIteration: # create new collection owned by the project coll_uuid = api.collections().create( body={ "manifest_text": collections[0]['manifest_text'], "name": collection_name, "owner_uuid": parent_project_uuid }, ensure_unique_name=True).execute( num_retries=args.retries)['uuid'] link_base = { 'owner_uuid': parent_project_uuid, 'head_uuid': coll_uuid, 'properties': existing_links[0]['properties'] } if not any(items_owned_by(parent_project_uuid, existing_links)): # create image link owned by the project make_link(api, args.retries, 'docker_image_hash', image_hash, **link_base) if image_repo_tag and not any( items_owned_by(parent_project_uuid, existing_repo_tag)): # create repo+tag link owned by the project make_link(api, args.retries, 'docker_image_repo+tag', image_repo_tag, **link_base) stdout.write(coll_uuid + "\n") sys.exit(0) # Open a file for the saved image, and write it if needed. outfile_name = '{}.tar'.format(image_hash) image_file, need_save = prep_image_file(outfile_name) if need_save: save_image(image_hash, image_file) # Call arv-put with switches we inherited from it # (a.k.a., switches that aren't our own). put_args = keepdocker_parser.parse_known_args(arguments)[1] if is None: put_args += ['--name', collection_name] coll_uuid = arv_put.main(put_args + ['--filename', outfile_name,], stdout=stdout).strip() # Read the image metadata and make Arvados links from it. image_tar = image_hash_type, _, raw_image_hash = image_hash.rpartition(':') if image_hash_type: json_filename = raw_image_hash + '.json' else: json_filename = raw_image_hash + '/json' json_file = image_tar.extractfile(image_tar.getmember(json_filename)) image_metadata = json.load(json_file) json_file.close() image_tar.close() link_base = {'head_uuid': coll_uuid, 'properties': {}} if 'created' in image_metadata: link_base['properties']['image_timestamp'] = image_metadata['created'] if args.project_uuid is not None: link_base['owner_uuid'] = args.project_uuid make_link(api, args.retries, 'docker_image_hash', image_hash, **link_base) if image_repo_tag: make_link(api, args.retries, 'docker_image_repo+tag', image_repo_tag, **link_base) # Clean up. image_file.close() for filename in [stat_cache_name(image_file),]: try: os.unlink(filename) except OSError as error: if error.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise
def test_image_format_compatibility(self, _1, _2): old_id = hashlib.sha256(b'old').hexdigest() new_id = 'sha256:' + hashlib.sha256(b'new').hexdigest() for supported, img_id, expect_ok in [(['v1'], old_id, True), (['v1'], new_id, False), (None, old_id, False), ([], old_id, False), ([], new_id, False), (['v1', 'v2'], new_id, True), (['v1'], new_id, False), (['v2'], new_id, True)]: fakeDD = arvados.api('v1')._rootDesc if supported is None: del fakeDD['dockerImageFormats'] else: fakeDD['dockerImageFormats'] = supported err = tutil.StringIO() out = tutil.StringIO() with tutil.redirected_streams(stdout=out), \ mock.patch('arvados.api') as api, \ mock.patch('arvados.commands.keepdocker.popen_docker', return_value=subprocess.Popen( ['echo', img_id], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)), \ mock.patch('arvados.commands.keepdocker.prep_image_file', side_effect=StopTest), \ self.assertRaises(StopTest if expect_ok else SystemExit): api()._rootDesc = fakeDD self.run_arv_keepdocker(['--force', 'testimage'], err) self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), '') if expect_ok: self.assertNotRegex(err.getvalue(), "refusing to store", msg=repr((supported, img_id))) else: self.assertRegex(err.getvalue(), "refusing to store", msg=repr((supported, img_id))) if not supported: self.assertRegex( err.getvalue(), "server does not specify supported image formats", msg=repr((supported, img_id))) fakeDD = arvados.api('v1')._rootDesc fakeDD['dockerImageFormats'] = ['v1'] err = tutil.StringIO() out = tutil.StringIO() with tutil.redirected_streams(stdout=out), \ mock.patch('arvados.api') as api, \ mock.patch('arvados.commands.keepdocker.popen_docker', return_value=subprocess.Popen( ['echo', new_id], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)), \ mock.patch('arvados.commands.keepdocker.prep_image_file', side_effect=StopTest), \ self.assertRaises(StopTest): api()._rootDesc = fakeDD self.run_arv_keepdocker( ['--force', '--force-image-format', 'testimage'], err) self.assertRegex(err.getvalue(), "forcing incompatible image")
import pkg_resources import yaml import re import string import arvados api = arvados.api() def type_to_heading(type_name): """ Turn a type name like "sampleSchema" from the metadata schema into a human-readable heading. """ # Remove camel case decamel = re.sub('([A-Z])', r' \1', type_name) # Split parts = decamel.split() # Capitalize words and remove unwanted components filtered = [ part.capitalize() for part in parts if (part.lower() != 'schema' and part != '') ] # Reassemble return ' '.join(filtered) def name_to_label(field_name): """ Turn a filed name like "host_health_status" from the metadata schema into a human-readable label. """
def test_nonempty_list(self): answer = arvados.api('v1').collections().list().execute() self.assertNotEqual(0, answer['items_available']) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(answer['items']))
def test_new_api_objects_with_cache(self): clients = [arvados.api('v1', cache=True) for index in [0, 1]] self.assertIsNot(*clients)
def run(): # Timestamps are added by crunch-job, so don't print redundant timestamps. arvados.log_handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter('%(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s')) # Print package versions api = arvados.api("v1") arvados_cwl.add_arv_hints() runner = None try: job_order_object = arvados.current_job()['script_parameters'] toolpath = "file://%s/%s" % (os.environ['TASK_KEEPMOUNT'], job_order_object.pop("cwl:tool")) pdh_path = re.compile(r'^[0-9a-f]{32}\+\d+(/.+)?$') def keeppath(v): if pdh_path.match(v): return "keep:%s" % v else: return v def keeppathObj(v): if "location" in v: v["location"] = keeppath(v["location"]) for k, v in job_order_object.items(): if isinstance( v, basestring) and arvados.util.keep_locator_pattern.match(v): job_order_object[k] = { "class": "File", "location": "keep:%s" % v } adjustFileObjs(job_order_object, keeppathObj) adjustDirObjs(job_order_object, keeppathObj) normalizeFilesDirs(job_order_object) output_name = None output_tags = None enable_reuse = True on_error = "continue" if "arv:output_name" in job_order_object: output_name = job_order_object["arv:output_name"] del job_order_object["arv:output_name"] if "arv:output_tags" in job_order_object: output_tags = job_order_object["arv:output_tags"] del job_order_object["arv:output_tags"] if "arv:enable_reuse" in job_order_object: enable_reuse = job_order_object["arv:enable_reuse"] del job_order_object["arv:enable_reuse"] if "arv:on_error" in job_order_object: on_error = job_order_object["arv:on_error"] del job_order_object["arv:on_error"] runner = arvados_cwl.ArvCwlRunner(api_client=arvados.api( 'v1', model=OrderedJsonModel()), output_name=output_name, output_tags=output_tags) make_fs_access = functools.partial( CollectionFsAccess, collection_cache=runner.collection_cache) t = load_tool(toolpath, runner.arv_make_tool, fetcher_constructor=functools.partial( CollectionFetcher, api_client=runner.api, fs_access=make_fs_access(""), num_retries=runner.num_retries)) args = argparse.Namespace() args.project_uuid = arvados.current_job()["owner_uuid"] args.enable_reuse = enable_reuse args.on_error = on_error args.submit = False args.debug = False args.quiet = False args.ignore_docker_for_reuse = False args.basedir = os.getcwd() = None args.cwl_runner_job = { "uuid": arvados.current_job()["uuid"], "state": arvados.current_job()["state"] } args.make_fs_access = make_fs_access args.trash_intermediate = False args.intermediate_output_ttl = 0 runner.arv_executor(t, job_order_object, **vars(args)) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, WorkflowException):"Workflow error %s", e) else: logging.exception("Unhandled exception") if runner and runner.final_output_collection: outputCollection = runner.final_output_collection.portable_data_hash( ) else: outputCollection = None api.job_tasks().update(uuid=arvados.current_task()['uuid'], body={ 'output': outputCollection, 'success': False, 'progress': 1.0 }).execute()
def setUpClass(cls): super(CollectionBenchmark, cls).setUpClass() run_test_server.authorize_with('active') cls.api_client = arvados.api('v1') cls.keep_client = arvados.KeepClient(api_client=cls.api_client, local_store=cls.local_store)
# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import arvados import json import sys j = json.load(open(sys.argv[1])) apiA = arvados.api(host=j["arvados_api_hosts"][0], token=j["superuser_tokens"][0], insecure=True) apiB = arvados.api(host=j["arvados_api_hosts"][1], token=j["superuser_tokens"][1], insecure=True) apiC = arvados.api(host=j["arvados_api_hosts"][2], token=j["superuser_tokens"][2], insecure=True) def maketoken(newtok): return 'v2/' + newtok["uuid"] + '/' + newtok["api_token"] def get_user_data(case_nr, is_active=True): return { "email": "case{}@test".format(case_nr), "first_name": "Case{}".format(case_nr), "last_name": "Testuser", "is_active": is_active
def main(args, stdout, stderr, api_client=None, keep_client=None): parser = arg_parser() job_order_object = None arvargs = parser.parse_args(args) if arvargs.version: print versionstring() return if arvargs.update_workflow: if arvargs.update_workflow.find('-7fd4e-') == 5: want_api = 'containers' elif arvargs.update_workflow.find('-p5p6p-') == 5: want_api = 'jobs' else: want_api = None if want_api and arvargs.work_api and want_api != arvargs.work_api: logger.error( '--update-workflow arg {!r} uses {!r} API, but --api={!r} specified' .format(arvargs.update_workflow, want_api, arvargs.work_api)) return 1 arvargs.work_api = want_api if (arvargs.create_workflow or arvargs.update_workflow) and not arvargs.job_order: job_order_object = ({}, "") add_arv_hints() try: if api_client is None: api_client = arvados.api('v1', model=OrderedJsonModel()) if keep_client is None: keep_client = arvados.keep.KeepClient(api_client=api_client, num_retries=4) runner = ArvCwlRunner(api_client, work_api=arvargs.work_api, keep_client=keep_client, num_retries=4, output_name=arvargs.output_name, output_tags=arvargs.output_tags) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return 1 if arvargs.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('arvados').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if arvargs.quiet: logger.setLevel(logging.WARN) logging.getLogger('arvados').setLevel(logging.WARN) logging.getLogger('arvados.arv-run').setLevel(logging.WARN) if arvargs.metrics: metrics.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger("cwltool.metrics").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if arvargs.log_timestamps: arvados.log_handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) else: arvados.log_handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter('%(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s')) arvargs.conformance_test = None arvargs.use_container = True arvargs.relax_path_checks = True arvargs.print_supported_versions = False make_fs_access = partial(CollectionFsAccess, collection_cache=runner.collection_cache) return cwltool.main.main(args=arvargs, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, executor=runner.arv_executor, makeTool=runner.arv_make_tool, versionfunc=versionstring, job_order_object=job_order_object, make_fs_access=make_fs_access, fetcher_constructor=partial( CollectionFetcher, api_client=api_client, fs_access=make_fs_access(""), num_retries=runner.num_retries), resolver=partial(collectionResolver, api_client, num_retries=runner.num_retries), logger_handler=arvados.log_handler, custom_schema_callback=add_arv_hints)
def arv_executor(self, tool, job_order, **kwargs): self.debug = kwargs.get("debug") tool.visit(self.check_features) self.project_uuid = kwargs.get("project_uuid") self.pipeline = None make_fs_access = kwargs.get("make_fs_access") or partial( CollectionFsAccess, collection_cache=self.collection_cache) self.fs_access = make_fs_access(kwargs["basedir"]) self.trash_intermediate = kwargs["trash_intermediate"] if self.trash_intermediate and self.work_api != "containers": raise Exception( "--trash-intermediate is only supported with --api=containers." ) self.intermediate_output_ttl = kwargs["intermediate_output_ttl"] if self.intermediate_output_ttl and self.work_api != "containers": raise Exception( "--intermediate-output-ttl is only supported with --api=containers." ) if self.intermediate_output_ttl < 0: raise Exception( "Invalid value %d for --intermediate-output-ttl, cannot be less than zero" % self.intermediate_output_ttl) if not kwargs.get("name"): kwargs["name"] = = tool.tool.get( "label") or tool.metadata.get("label") or os.path.basename( tool.tool["id"]) # Upload direct dependencies of workflow steps, get back mapping of files to keep references. # Also uploads docker images. override_tools = {} upload_workflow_deps(self, tool, override_tools) # Reload tool object which may have been updated by # upload_workflow_deps tool = self.arv_make_tool(tool.doc_loader.idx[tool.tool["id"]], makeTool=self.arv_make_tool, loader=tool.doc_loader, avsc_names=tool.doc_schema, metadata=tool.metadata, override_tools=override_tools) # Upload local file references in the job order. job_order = upload_job_order(self, "%s input" % kwargs["name"], tool, job_order) existing_uuid = kwargs.get("update_workflow") if existing_uuid or kwargs.get("create_workflow"): # Create a pipeline template or workflow record and exit. if self.work_api == "jobs": tmpl = RunnerTemplate( self, tool, job_order, kwargs.get("enable_reuse"), uuid=existing_uuid, submit_runner_ram=kwargs.get("submit_runner_ram"), name=kwargs["name"]) # cwltool.main will write our return value to stdout. return (tmpl.uuid, "success") elif self.work_api == "containers": return (upload_workflow( self, tool, job_order, self.project_uuid, uuid=existing_uuid, submit_runner_ram=kwargs.get("submit_runner_ram"), name=kwargs["name"]), "success") self.ignore_docker_for_reuse = kwargs.get("ignore_docker_for_reuse") kwargs["make_fs_access"] = make_fs_access kwargs["enable_reuse"] = kwargs.get("enable_reuse") kwargs["use_container"] = True kwargs["tmpdir_prefix"] = "tmp" kwargs["compute_checksum"] = kwargs.get("compute_checksum") if self.work_api == "containers": kwargs["outdir"] = "/var/spool/cwl" kwargs["docker_outdir"] = "/var/spool/cwl" kwargs["tmpdir"] = "/tmp" kwargs["docker_tmpdir"] = "/tmp" elif self.work_api == "jobs": kwargs["outdir"] = "$(task.outdir)" kwargs["docker_outdir"] = "$(task.outdir)" kwargs["tmpdir"] = "$(task.tmpdir)" runnerjob = None if kwargs.get("submit"): # Submit a runner job to run the workflow for us. if self.work_api == "containers": if tool.tool["class"] == "CommandLineTool" and kwargs.get( "wait"): kwargs["runnerjob"] = tool.tool["id"] runnerjob = tool.job(job_order, self.output_callback, **kwargs).next() else: runnerjob = RunnerContainer( self, tool, job_order, kwargs.get("enable_reuse"), self.output_name, self.output_tags, submit_runner_ram=kwargs.get("submit_runner_ram"), name=kwargs.get("name"), on_error=kwargs.get("on_error"), submit_runner_image=kwargs.get("submit_runner_image"), intermediate_output_ttl=kwargs.get( "intermediate_output_ttl")) elif self.work_api == "jobs": runnerjob = RunnerJob( self, tool, job_order, kwargs.get("enable_reuse"), self.output_name, self.output_tags, submit_runner_ram=kwargs.get("submit_runner_ram"), name=kwargs.get("name"), on_error=kwargs.get("on_error"), submit_runner_image=kwargs.get("submit_runner_image")) elif "cwl_runner_job" not in kwargs and self.work_api == "jobs": # Create pipeline for local run self.pipeline = self.api.pipeline_instances().create( body={ "owner_uuid": self.project_uuid, "name": kwargs["name"] if kwargs. get("name") else shortname(tool.tool["id"]), "components": {}, "state": "RunningOnClient" }).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)"Pipeline instance %s", self.pipeline["uuid"]) if runnerjob and not kwargs.get("wait"):"wait")) return (runnerjob.uuid, "success") self.poll_api = arvados.api('v1') self.polling_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.poll_states) self.polling_thread.start() if runnerjob: jobiter = iter((runnerjob, )) else: if "cwl_runner_job" in kwargs: self.uuid = kwargs.get("cwl_runner_job").get('uuid') jobiter = tool.job(job_order, self.output_callback, **kwargs) try: self.cond.acquire() # Will continue to hold the lock for the duration of this code # except when in cond.wait(), at which point on_message can update # job state and process output callbacks. loopperf = Perf(metrics, "jobiter") loopperf.__enter__() for runnable in jobiter: loopperf.__exit__() if self.stop_polling.is_set(): break if runnable: with Perf(metrics, "run"):**kwargs) else: if self.processes: self.cond.wait(1) else: logger.error( "Workflow is deadlocked, no runnable jobs and not waiting on any pending jobs." ) break loopperf.__enter__() loopperf.__exit__() while self.processes: self.cond.wait(1) except UnsupportedRequirement: raise except: if sys.exc_info()[0] is KeyboardInterrupt: logger.error("Interrupted, marking pipeline as failed") else: logger.error( "Execution failed: %s", sys.exc_info()[1], exc_info=(sys.exc_info()[1] if self.debug else False)) if self.pipeline: self.api.pipeline_instances().update( uuid=self.pipeline["uuid"], body={ "state": "Failed" }).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries) if runnerjob and runnerjob.uuid and self.work_api == "containers": self.api.container_requests().update( uuid=runnerjob.uuid, body={ "priority": "0" }).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries) finally: self.cond.release() self.stop_polling.set() self.polling_thread.join() if self.final_status == "UnsupportedRequirement": raise UnsupportedRequirement("Check log for details.") if self.final_output is None: raise WorkflowException("Workflow did not return a result.") if kwargs.get("submit") and isinstance(runnerjob, Runner):"Final output collection %s", runnerjob.final_output) else: if self.output_name is None: self.output_name = "Output of %s" % (shortname( tool.tool["id"])) if self.output_tags is None: self.output_tags = "" self.final_output, self.final_output_collection = self.make_output_collection( self.output_name, self.output_tags, self.final_output) self.set_crunch_output() if kwargs.get("compute_checksum"): adjustDirObjs(self.final_output, partial(get_listing, self.fs_access)) adjustFileObjs(self.final_output, partial(compute_checksums, self.fs_access)) if self.trash_intermediate and self.final_status == "success": self.trash_intermediate_output() return (self.final_output, self.final_status)
def _get_api_client(): import arvados return arvados.api("v1")
def __init__(self, api_client=None, proxy=None, timeout=300, api_token=None, local_store=None, block_cache=None, num_retries=0): """Initialize a new KeepClient. Arguments: * api_client: The API client to use to find Keep services. If not provided, KeepClient will build one from available Arvados configuration. * proxy: If specified, this KeepClient will send requests to this Keep proxy. Otherwise, KeepClient will fall back to the setting of the ARVADOS_KEEP_PROXY configuration setting. If you want to ensure KeepClient does not use a proxy, pass in an empty string. * timeout: The timeout for all HTTP requests, in seconds. Default 300. * api_token: If you're not using an API client, but only talking directly to a Keep proxy, this parameter specifies an API token to authenticate Keep requests. It is an error to specify both api_client and api_token. If you specify neither, KeepClient will use one available from the Arvados configuration. * local_store: If specified, this KeepClient will bypass Keep services, and save data to the named directory. If unspecified, KeepClient will fall back to the setting of the $KEEP_LOCAL_STORE environment variable. If you want to ensure KeepClient does not use local storage, pass in an empty string. This is primarily intended to mock a server for testing. * num_retries: The default number of times to retry failed requests. This will be used as the default num_retries value when get() and put() are called. Default 0. """ self.lock = threading.Lock() if proxy is None: proxy = config.get('ARVADOS_KEEP_PROXY') if api_token is None: api_token = config.get('ARVADOS_API_TOKEN') elif api_client is not None: raise ValueError( "can't build KeepClient with both API client and token") if local_store is None: local_store = os.environ.get('KEEP_LOCAL_STORE') self.block_cache = block_cache if block_cache else KeepBlockCache() if local_store: self.local_store = local_store self.get = self.local_store_get self.put = self.local_store_put else: self.timeout = timeout self.num_retries = num_retries if proxy: if not proxy.endswith('/'): proxy += '/' self.api_token = api_token self.service_roots = [proxy] self.using_proxy = True self.static_service_roots = True else: # It's important to avoid instantiating an API client # unless we actually need one, for testing's sake. if api_client is None: api_client = arvados.api('v1') self.api_client = api_client self.api_token = api_client.api_token self.service_roots = None self.using_proxy = None self.static_service_roots = False
def main(fastq_project, workflows_project, metagenome_workflow_uuid, pangenome_workflow_uuid, pangenome_result_col_uuid):"Starting a analysis run") api = arvados.api('v1', host=ARVADOS_API_HOST, token=ARVADOS_API_TOKEN) col = arvados.collection.Collection(api_client=api) state = {} if os.path.exists('state.json'): state = json.loads(open('state.json').read()) reads = arvados.util.list_all(api.collections().list, filters=[["owner_uuid", "=", fastq_project]]) pangenome_data = [] report_data = {'kraken': [], 'mlst': [], 'resistome': [], 'virulome': [], 'prokka': []} update_pangenome = False for it in reads[1:]: col = api.collections().get(uuid=it['uuid']).execute() if 'sequence_label' not in it['properties']: continue sample_id = it['properties']['sequence_label'] if 'analysis_status' in it['properties']: pangenome_data.append((sample_id, col['portable_data_hash'])) col_reader = CollectionReader(col['uuid']) report_data['kraken'].append((sample_id, get_kraken_report(col_reader))) report_data['mlst'].append((sample_id, get_mlst_report(col_reader))) report_data['resistome'].append((sample_id, get_resistome_report(col_reader))) report_data['virulome'].append((sample_id, get_virulome_report(col_reader))) report_data['prokka'].append((sample_id, get_prokka_report(col_reader))) continue if sample_id not in state: state[sample_id] = { 'status': 'new', 'container_request': None, 'output_collection': None, } sample_state = state[sample_id] if sample_state['status'] == 'new': container_request, status = submit_new_request( api, workflows_project, metagenome_workflow_uuid, sample_id, it['portable_data_hash']) sample_state['status'] = status sample_state['container_request'] = container_request'Submitted analysis request for %s', sample_id) elif sample_state['status'] == 'submitted': # TODO: check container request status if sample_state['container_request'] is None: raise Exception("Container request cannot be empty when status is submitted") cr = api.container_requests().get( uuid=sample_state["container_request"]).execute() cr_state = get_cr_state(api, cr)'Container request for %s is %s', sample_id, cr_state) if cr_state == 'Complete': out_col = api.collections().get(uuid=cr["output_uuid"]).execute() sample_state['output_collection'] = cr["output_uuid"] sample_state['status'] = 'complete' # Copy output files to reads collection it['properties']['analysis_status'] = 'complete' api.collections().update( uuid=it['uuid'], body={"manifest_text": col["manifest_text"] + out_col["manifest_text"], "properties": it["properties"]}).execute() pangenome_data.append((sample_id, col['portable_data_hash'])) update_pangenome = True elif cr_state == 'Failed': state[sample_id] = { 'status': 'new', 'container_request': None, 'output_collection': None, } elif sample_state['status'] == 'complete': # TODO: do nothing pass if update_pangenome: container_request, status = submit_pangenome(api, workflows_project, pangenome_workflow_uuid, pangenome_data) if status == 'submitted': state['last_pangenome_request'] = container_request state['last_pangenome_request_status'] = 'submitted''Submitted pangenome request %s', container_request) else: cr = api.container_requests().get( uuid=state["last_pangenome_request"]).execute() cr_state = get_cr_state(api, cr)'Container request for pangenome workflow is %s', cr_state) if state['last_pangenome_request_status'] == 'submitted' and cr_state == 'Complete':'Updating results collection') out_col = api.collections().get(uuid=cr["output_uuid"]).execute() api.collections().update( uuid=pangenome_result_col_uuid, body={"manifest_text": out_col["manifest_text"]}).execute() state['last_pangenome_request_status'] = 'complete' col_reader = CollectionReader(pangenome_result_col_uuid) report_data["iqtree"] = get_iqtree_result(col_reader) report_data["roary_svg"] = get_roary_svg(col_reader) report_data["roary_stats"] = get_roary_stats(col_reader) generate_report(report_data) with open('state.json', 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(state))
def test_empty_list(self): answer = arvados.api('v1').humans().list( filters=[['uuid', '=', None]]).execute() self.assertEqual(answer['items_available'], len(answer['items']))
def arv_executor(self, tool, job_order, runtimeContext, logger=None): self.debug = runtimeContext.debug tool.visit(self.check_features) self.project_uuid = runtimeContext.project_uuid self.pipeline = None self.fs_access = runtimeContext.make_fs_access(runtimeContext.basedir) self.secret_store = runtimeContext.secret_store self.trash_intermediate = runtimeContext.trash_intermediate if self.trash_intermediate and self.work_api != "containers": raise Exception( "--trash-intermediate is only supported with --api=containers." ) self.intermediate_output_ttl = runtimeContext.intermediate_output_ttl if self.intermediate_output_ttl and self.work_api != "containers": raise Exception( "--intermediate-output-ttl is only supported with --api=containers." ) if self.intermediate_output_ttl < 0: raise Exception( "Invalid value %d for --intermediate-output-ttl, cannot be less than zero" % self.intermediate_output_ttl) if runtimeContext.submit_request_uuid and self.work_api != "containers": raise Exception( "--submit-request-uuid requires containers API, but using '{}' api" .format(self.work_api)) if not = = tool.tool.get( "label") or tool.metadata.get("label") or os.path.basename( tool.tool["id"]) # Upload direct dependencies of workflow steps, get back mapping of files to keep references. # Also uploads docker images. merged_map = upload_workflow_deps(self, tool) # Reload tool object which may have been updated by # upload_workflow_deps # Don't validate this time because it will just print redundant errors. loadingContext = self.loadingContext.copy() loadingContext.loader = tool.doc_loader loadingContext.avsc_names = tool.doc_schema loadingContext.metadata = tool.metadata loadingContext.do_validate = False tool = self.arv_make_tool(tool.doc_loader.idx[tool.tool["id"]], loadingContext) # Upload local file references in the job order. job_order = upload_job_order(self, "%s input" %, tool, job_order) existing_uuid = runtimeContext.update_workflow if existing_uuid or runtimeContext.create_workflow: # Create a pipeline template or workflow record and exit. if self.work_api == "jobs": tmpl = RunnerTemplate( self, tool, job_order, runtimeContext.enable_reuse, uuid=existing_uuid, submit_runner_ram=runtimeContext.submit_runner_ram,, merged_map=merged_map, loadingContext=loadingContext) # cwltool.main will write our return value to stdout. return (tmpl.uuid, "success") elif self.work_api == "containers": return (upload_workflow( self, tool, job_order, self.project_uuid, uuid=existing_uuid, submit_runner_ram=runtimeContext.submit_runner_ram,, merged_map=merged_map), "success") self.ignore_docker_for_reuse = runtimeContext.ignore_docker_for_reuse self.eval_timeout = runtimeContext.eval_timeout runtimeContext = runtimeContext.copy() runtimeContext.use_container = True runtimeContext.tmpdir_prefix = "tmp" runtimeContext.work_api = self.work_api if self.work_api == "containers": if self.ignore_docker_for_reuse: raise Exception( "--ignore-docker-for-reuse not supported with containers API." ) runtimeContext.outdir = "/var/spool/cwl" runtimeContext.docker_outdir = "/var/spool/cwl" runtimeContext.tmpdir = "/tmp" runtimeContext.docker_tmpdir = "/tmp" elif self.work_api == "jobs": if runtimeContext.priority != DEFAULT_PRIORITY: raise Exception("--priority not implemented for jobs API.") runtimeContext.outdir = "$(task.outdir)" runtimeContext.docker_outdir = "$(task.outdir)" runtimeContext.tmpdir = "$(task.tmpdir)" if runtimeContext.priority < 1 or runtimeContext.priority > 1000: raise Exception("--priority must be in the range 1..1000.") if self.should_estimate_cache_size: visited = set() estimated_size = [0] def estimate_collection_cache(obj): if obj.get("location", "").startswith("keep:"): m = pdh_size.match(obj["location"][5:]) if m and not in visited: visited.add( estimated_size[0] += int( visit_class(job_order, ("File", "Directory"), estimate_collection_cache) runtimeContext.collection_cache_size = max( ((estimated_size[0] * 192) / (1024 * 1024)) + 1, 256) self.collection_cache.set_cap( runtimeContext.collection_cache_size * 1024 * 1024)"Using collection cache size %s MiB", runtimeContext.collection_cache_size) runnerjob = None if runtimeContext.submit: # Submit a runner job to run the workflow for us. if self.work_api == "containers": if tool.tool[ "class"] == "CommandLineTool" and runtimeContext.wait and ( not runtimeContext.always_submit_runner): runtimeContext.runnerjob = tool.tool["id"] else: tool = RunnerContainer( self, tool, loadingContext, runtimeContext.enable_reuse, self.output_name, self.output_tags, submit_runner_ram=runtimeContext.submit_runner_ram,, on_error=runtimeContext.on_error, submit_runner_image=runtimeContext.submit_runner_image, intermediate_output_ttl=runtimeContext. intermediate_output_ttl, merged_map=merged_map, priority=runtimeContext.priority, secret_store=self.secret_store, collection_cache_size=runtimeContext. collection_cache_size, collection_cache_is_default=self. should_estimate_cache_size) elif self.work_api == "jobs": tool = RunnerJob( self, tool, loadingContext, runtimeContext.enable_reuse, self.output_name, self.output_tags, submit_runner_ram=runtimeContext.submit_runner_ram,, on_error=runtimeContext.on_error, submit_runner_image=runtimeContext.submit_runner_image, merged_map=merged_map) elif runtimeContext.cwl_runner_job is None and self.work_api == "jobs": # Create pipeline for local run self.pipeline = self.api.pipeline_instances().create( body={ "owner_uuid": self.project_uuid, "name": if runtimeContext. name else shortname(tool.tool["id"]), "components": {}, "state": "RunningOnClient" }).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)"Pipeline instance %s", self.pipeline["uuid"]) if runtimeContext.cwl_runner_job is not None: self.uuid = runtimeContext.cwl_runner_job.get('uuid') jobiter = tool.job(job_order, self.output_callback, runtimeContext) if runtimeContext.submit and not runtimeContext.wait: runnerjob = return (runnerjob.uuid, "success") current_container = arvados_cwl.util.get_current_container( self.api, self.num_retries, logger) if current_container:"Running inside container %s", current_container.get("uuid")) self.poll_api = arvados.api('v1', timeout=runtimeContext.http_timeout) self.polling_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.poll_states) self.polling_thread.start() self.task_queue = TaskQueue(self.workflow_eval_lock, self.thread_count) try: self.workflow_eval_lock.acquire() # Holds the lock while this code runs and releases it when # it is safe to do so in self.workflow_eval_lock.wait(), # at which point on_message can update job state and # process output callbacks. loopperf = Perf(metrics, "jobiter") loopperf.__enter__() for runnable in jobiter: loopperf.__exit__() if self.stop_polling.is_set(): break if self.task_queue.error is not None: raise self.task_queue.error if runnable: with Perf(metrics, "run"): self.start_run(runnable, runtimeContext) else: if (self.task_queue.in_flight + len(self.processes)) > 0: self.workflow_eval_lock.wait(3) else: logger.error( "Workflow is deadlocked, no runnable processes and not waiting on any pending processes." ) break if self.stop_polling.is_set(): break loopperf.__enter__() loopperf.__exit__() while (self.task_queue.in_flight + len(self.processes)) > 0: if self.task_queue.error is not None: raise self.task_queue.error self.workflow_eval_lock.wait(3) except UnsupportedRequirement: raise except: if sys.exc_info()[0] is KeyboardInterrupt or sys.exc_info( )[0] is SystemExit: logger.error("Interrupted, workflow will be cancelled") else: logger.error( "Execution failed:\n%s", sys.exc_info()[1], exc_info=(sys.exc_info()[1] if self.debug else False)) if self.pipeline: self.api.pipeline_instances().update( uuid=self.pipeline["uuid"], body={ "state": "Failed" }).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries) if runtimeContext.submit and isinstance(tool, Runner): runnerjob = tool if runnerjob.uuid and self.work_api == "containers": self.api.container_requests().update( uuid=runnerjob.uuid, body={ "priority": "0" }).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries) finally: self.workflow_eval_lock.release() self.task_queue.drain() self.stop_polling.set() self.polling_thread.join() self.task_queue.join() if self.final_status == "UnsupportedRequirement": raise UnsupportedRequirement("Check log for details.") if self.final_output is None: raise WorkflowException("Workflow did not return a result.") if runtimeContext.submit and isinstance(tool, Runner):"Final output collection %s", tool.final_output) else: if self.output_name is None: self.output_name = "Output of %s" % (shortname( tool.tool["id"])) if self.output_tags is None: self.output_tags = "" storage_classes = runtimeContext.storage_classes.strip().split(",") self.final_output, self.final_output_collection = self.make_output_collection( self.output_name, storage_classes, self.output_tags, self.final_output) self.set_crunch_output() if runtimeContext.compute_checksum: adjustDirObjs(self.final_output, partial(get_listing, self.fs_access)) adjustFileObjs(self.final_output, partial(compute_checksums, self.fs_access)) if self.trash_intermediate and self.final_status == "success": self.trash_intermediate_output() return (self.final_output, self.final_status)
def setUpClass(cls): super(KeepProxyTestCase, cls).setUpClass() run_test_server.authorize_with('active') cls.api_client = arvados.api('v1')
def main(arguments=None, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr): args = parse_arguments(arguments) api = arvados.api('v1') now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start_time = args.start or api_timestamp(now - datetime.timedelta(days=1)) end_time = args.end or api_timestamp(now) # Find all jobs created within the specified window, # and their corresponding job logs. jobs_created = jobs_created_between_dates(api, start_time, end_time) jobs_by_state = {} for job in jobs_created: jobs_by_state.setdefault(job['state'], []) jobs_by_state[job['state']].append(job) # Find failed jobs and record the job failure text. # failure_stats maps failure types (e.g. "sys/docker") to # a set of job UUIDs that failed for that reason. failure_stats = {} for job in jobs_by_state['Failed']: job_uuid = job['uuid'] logs = job_logs(api, job) # Find the first permanent task failure, and collect the # preceding log lines. failure_type = None for i, lg in enumerate(logs): if is_failed_task(lg): # Get preceding log record to provide context. log_start = i - LOG_CONTEXT_LINES if i >= LOG_CONTEXT_LINES else 0 log_end = i + 1 lastlogs = ''.join(logs[log_start:log_end]) # try to identify the type of failure. for key, rgx in JOB_FAILURE_TYPES.iteritems(): if, lastlogs): failure_type = key break if failure_type is not None: break if failure_type is None: failure_type = 'unknown' failure_stats.setdefault(failure_type, set()) failure_stats[failure_type].add(job_uuid) # Report percentages of successful, failed and unfinished jobs. print "Start: {:20s}".format(start_time) print "End: {:20s}".format(end_time) print "" print "Overview" print "" job_start_count = len(jobs_created) print " {: <25s} {:4d}".format('Started', job_start_count) for state in ['Complete', 'Failed', 'Queued', 'Cancelled', 'Running']: if state in jobs_by_state: job_count = len(jobs_by_state[state]) job_percentage = job_count / float(job_start_count) print " {: <25s} {:4d} ({: >4.0%})".format(state, job_count, job_percentage) print "" # Report failure types. failure_summary = "" failure_detail = "" # Generate a mapping from failed job uuids to job records, to assist # in generating detailed statistics for job failures. jobs_failed_map = { job['uuid']: job for job in jobs_by_state.get('Failed', []) } # sort the failure stats in descending order by occurrence. sorted_failures = sorted(failure_stats, reverse=True, key=lambda failure_type: len(failure_stats[failure_type])) for failtype in sorted_failures: job_uuids = failure_stats[failtype] failstat = " {: <25s} {:4d} ({: >4.0%})\n".format( failtype, len(job_uuids), len(job_uuids) / float(len(jobs_by_state['Failed']))) failure_summary = failure_summary + failstat failure_detail = failure_detail + failstat for j in job_uuids: job_info = jobs_failed_map[j] job_owner = job_user_name(api, job_info['modified_by_user_uuid']) job_name = job_pipeline_name(api, job_info['uuid']) failure_detail = failure_detail + " {} {: <15.15s} {:29.29s}\n".format(j, job_owner, job_name) failure_detail = failure_detail + "\n" print "Failures by class" print "" print failure_summary print "Failures by class (detail)" print "" print failure_detail return 0
def main(): ################################################################################ # Phase I: Check inputs and setup sub tasks 1-N to process group(s) based on # applying the capturing group named "group_by" in group_by_regex. # (and terminate if this is task 0) ################################################################################ ref_input_pdh = gatk_helper.prepare_gatk_reference_collection( reference_coll=arvados.current_job()['script_parameters'] ['reference_collection']) job_input_pdh = arvados.current_job( )['script_parameters']['inputs_collection'] interval_lists_pdh = arvados.current_job( )['script_parameters']['interval_lists_collection'] interval_count = 1 if "interval_count" in arvados.current_job()['script_parameters']: interval_count = arvados.current_job( )['script_parameters']['interval_count'] # Setup sub tasks 1-N (and terminate if this is task 0) hgi_arvados.one_task_per_group_and_per_n_gvcfs(ref_input_pdh, job_input_pdh, interval_lists_pdh, group_by_regex, max_gvcfs_to_combine, if_sequence=0, and_end_task=True) # Get object representing the current task this_task = arvados.current_task() # We will never reach this point if we are in the 0th task sequence assert (this_task['sequence'] > 0) ################################################################################ # Phase II: Read interval_list and split into additional intervals ################################################################################ hgi_arvados.one_task_per_interval( interval_count, validate_task_output, reuse_tasks=True, oldest_git_commit_to_reuse="1f6e1e0b8bb12c573dd253d7900ef55305d55aa1", if_sequence=1, and_end_task=True) # We will never reach this point if we are in the 1st task sequence assert (this_task['sequence'] > 1) ################################################################################ # Phase IIIa: If we are a "reuse" task, just set our output and be done with it ################################################################################ if 'reuse_job_task' in this_task['parameters']: print "This task's work was already done by JobTask %s" % this_task[ 'parameters']['reuse_job_task'] exit(0) ################################################################################ # Phase IIIb: Combine gVCFs! ################################################################################ ref_file = gatk_helper.mount_gatk_reference(ref_param="ref") gvcf_files = gatk_helper.mount_gatk_gvcf_inputs(inputs_param="inputs") out_dir = hgi_arvados.prepare_out_dir() name = this_task['parameters'].get('name') if not name: name = "unknown" interval_str = this_task['parameters'].get('interval') if not interval_str: interval_str = "" interval_strs = interval_str.split() intervals = [] for interval in interval_strs: intervals.extend(["--intervals", interval]) out_file = name + ".vcf.gz" if interval_count > 1: out_file = name + "." + '_'.join(interval_strs) + ".vcf.gz" if len(out_file) > 255: out_file = name + "." + '_'.join( [interval_strs[0], interval_strs[-1]]) + ".vcf.gz" print "Output file name was too long with full interval list, shortened it to: %s" % out_file if len(out_file) > 255: raise errors.InvalidArgumentError( "Output file name is too long, cannot continue: %s" % out_file) # because of a GATK bug, name cannot contain the string '.bcf' anywhere within it or we will get BCF output out_file = out_file.replace(".bcf", "._cf") # CombineGVCFs! extra_args = intervals extra_args.extend(["--breakBandsAtMultiplesOf", "1000000"]) gatk_exit = gatk.combine_gvcfs(ref_file, gvcf_files, os.path.join(out_dir, out_file), extra_gatk_args=extra_args) if gatk_exit != 0: print "WARNING: GATK exited with exit code %s (NOT WRITING OUTPUT)" % gatk_exit arvados.api().job_tasks().update(uuid=this_task['uuid'], body={ 'success': False }).execute() else: print "GATK exited successfully, writing output to keep" # Write a new collection as output out = arvados.CollectionWriter() # Write out_dir to keep out.write_directory_tree(out_dir) # Commit the output to Keep. output_locator = out.finish() if validate_task_output(output_locator): print "Task output validated, setting output to %s" % ( output_locator) # Use the resulting locator as the output for this task. this_task.set_output(output_locator) else: print "ERROR: Failed to validate task output (%s)" % ( output_locator) arvados.api().job_tasks().update(uuid=this_task['uuid'], body={ 'success': False }).execute()
def setUpClass(cls): super(KeepOptionalPermission, cls).setUpClass() run_test_server.authorize_with("admin") cls.api_client = arvados.api('v1')
def main(): ################################################################################ # Phase I: Check inputs and setup sub tasks 1-N to process group(s) based on # applying the capturing group named "group_by" in group_by_regex. # (and terminate if this is task 0) ################################################################################ ref_input_pdh = gatk_helper.prepare_gatk_reference_collection( reference_coll=arvados.current_job()['script_parameters'] ['reference_collection']) job_input_pdh = arvados.current_job( )['script_parameters']['inputs_collection'] interval_lists_pdh = arvados.current_job( )['script_parameters']['interval_lists_collection'] interval_count = 1 if "interval_count" in arvados.current_job()['script_parameters']: interval_count = arvados.current_job( )['script_parameters']['interval_count'] if arvados.current_task()['sequence'] == 0: # get candidates for task reuse task_key_params = [ 'inputs', 'ref', 'name' ] # N.B. inputs collection includes input vcfs and corresponding interval_list script = "" oldest_git_commit_to_reuse = '6ca726fc265f9e55765bf1fdf71b86285b8a0ff2' job_filters = [ ['script', '=', script], ['repository', '=', arvados.current_job()['repository']], ['script_version', 'in git', oldest_git_commit_to_reuse], [ 'docker_image_locator', 'in docker', arvados.current_job()['docker_image_locator'] ], ] # retrieve a full set of all possible reusable tasks at sequence 1 print "Retrieving all potentially reusable tasks" reusable_tasks = hgi_arvados.get_reusable_tasks( 1, task_key_params, job_filters) print "Have %s tasks for potential reuse" % (len(reusable_tasks)) def create_task_with_validated_reuse(sequence, params): return hgi_arvados.create_or_reuse_task(sequence, params, reusable_tasks, task_key_params, validate_task_output) # Setup sub tasks (and terminate if this is task 0) hgi_arvados.one_task_per_group_combined_inputs( ref_input_pdh, job_input_pdh, interval_lists_pdh, group_by_regex, if_sequence=0, and_end_task=True, create_task_func=create_task_with_validated_reuse) # Get object representing the current task this_task = arvados.current_task() # We will never reach this point if we are in the 0th task sequence assert (this_task['sequence'] > 0) ################################################################################ # Phase IIa: If we are a "reuse" task, just set our output and be done with it ################################################################################ if 'reuse_job_task' in this_task['parameters']: print "This task's work was already done by JobTask %s" % this_task[ 'parameters']['reuse_job_task'] exit(0) ################################################################################ # Phase IIb: Genotype gVCFs! ################################################################################ ref_file = gatk_helper.mount_gatk_reference(ref_param="ref") gvcf_files = gatk_helper.mount_gatk_gvcf_inputs(inputs_param="inputs") out_dir = hgi_arvados.prepare_out_dir() interval_list_file = gatk_helper.mount_single_gatk_interval_list_input( interval_list_param="inputs") name = this_task['parameters'].get('name') if not name: name = "unknown" out_file = name + ".vcf.gz" # because of a GATK bug, name cannot contain the string '.bcf' anywhere within it or we will get BCF output out_file = out_file.replace(".bcf", "._cf") # GenotypeGVCFs! gatk_exit = gatk.genotype_gvcfs(ref_file, interval_list_file, gvcf_files, os.path.join(out_dir, out_file), cores="4", java_mem="19g") if gatk_exit != 0: print "WARNING: GATK exited with exit code %s (NOT WRITING OUTPUT)" % gatk_exit arvados.api().job_tasks().update(uuid=this_task['uuid'], body={ 'success': False }).execute() else: print "GATK exited successfully, writing output to keep" # Write a new collection as output out = arvados.CollectionWriter() # Write out_dir to keep out.write_directory_tree(out_dir) # Commit the output to Keep. output_locator = out.finish() if validate_task_output(output_locator): print "Task output validated, setting output to %s" % ( output_locator) # Use the resulting locator as the output for this task. this_task.set_output(output_locator) else: print "ERROR: Failed to validate task output (%s)" % ( output_locator) arvados.api().job_tasks().update(uuid=this_task['uuid'], body={ 'success': False }).execute()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Upload SARS-CoV-19 sequences for analysis') parser.add_argument('metadata', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='sequence metadata json') parser.add_argument('sequence_p1', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), default=None, nargs='?', help='sequence FASTA/FASTQ') parser.add_argument('sequence_p2', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), default=None, nargs='?', help='sequence FASTQ pair') parser.add_argument("--validate", action="store_true", help="Dry run, validate only") parser.add_argument("--skip-qc", action="store_true", help="Skip local qc check") parser.add_argument( "--trusted", action="store_true", help="Trust local validation and add directly to validated project") args = parser.parse_args() if args.trusted: # Use credentials from environment api = arvados.api() else: api = arvados.api(host=ARVADOS_API_HOST, token=UPLOADER_API_TOKEN, insecure=True) # ---- First the QC target = qc_stuff(args.metadata, args.sequence_p1, args.sequence_p2, not args.skip_qc) if target: seqlabel = target[0][1] else: seqlabel = "" if args.validate:"Valid") exit(0) col = arvados.collection.Collection(api_client=api) # ---- Upload the sequence to Arvados if args.sequence_p1: upload_sequence(col, target[0], args.sequence_p1) if args.sequence_p2: upload_sequence(col, target[1], args.sequence_p2) # ---- Make sure the metadata YAML is valid"Reading metadata") with"metadata.yaml", "w") as f: r =[0:20]) while r: f.write(r) r = # ---- Get the uploader IP address (gateway) and local user info external_ip = urllib.request.urlopen('').read().decode( 'utf8') try: username = getpass.getuser() except KeyError: username = "******" properties = { "sequence_label": seqlabel, "upload_app": "bh20-seq-uploader", "upload_ip": external_ip, "upload_user": "******" % (username, socket.gethostname()) } # ---- Get ready for actual uploading api2 = arvados.api(host=ARVADOS_API_HOST, token=ANONYMOUS_API_TOKEN, insecure=True) dup = api2.collections().list( filters=[["owner_uuid", "in", [VALIDATED_PROJECT, UPLOAD_PROJECT]], ["portable_data_hash", "=", col.portable_data_hash()]]).execute() if dup["items"]: # This exact collection has been uploaded before. log.error("Duplicate of %s" % ([d["uuid"] for d in dup["items"]])) exit(1) if args.trusted: properties["status"] = "validated" owner_uuid = VALIDATED_PROJECT else: owner_uuid = UPLOAD_PROJECT # ---- and stream the 'collection' up col.save_new( owner_uuid=owner_uuid, name="%s uploaded by %s from %s" % (seqlabel, properties['upload_user'], properties['upload_ip']), properties=properties, ensure_unique_name=True)"Saved to %s" % col.manifest_locator())"Done") exit(0)
if not args.destination: if len(args.uuids) < 2: parser.error("missing destination project UUID argument") args.destination = args.uuids.pop() return args def setup_logging(args): log_handler = logging.StreamHandler() log_handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(name)s[%(process)d] %(levelname)s: %(message)s', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) logger.addHandler(log_handler) logger.setLevel(max(1, logging.WARNING - (10 * args.verbose))) def main(stdin, stdout, stderr, arglist, arv): args = parse_arguments(arglist) setup_logging(args) uuid_mapper = UUIDMapper(arv) dependencies = DependencyTracker(uuid_mapper, logger) for uuid in args.uuids: dependencies.add_object(uuid, arv) dependencies.move_to(args.destination, arv, args.request_handler) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr, sys.argv[1:], arvados.api('v1', model=OrderedJsonModel()))
def main(arguments=None, stdout=sys.stdout, install_sig_handlers=True, api=None): args = arg_parser.parse_args(arguments) if api is None: api = arvados.api('v1') if args.image is None or args.image == 'images': fmt = "{:30} {:10} {:12} {:29} {:20}\n" stdout.write(fmt.format("REPOSITORY", "TAG", "IMAGE ID", "COLLECTION", "CREATED")) try: for i, j in list_images_in_arv(api, args.retries): stdout.write(fmt.format(j["repo"], j["tag"], j["dockerhash"][0:12], i, j["timestamp"].strftime("%c"))) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: pass else: raise sys.exit(0) if':\w[-.\w]{0,127}$', args.image): # image ends with :valid-tag if args.tag is not None: logger.error( "image %r already includes a tag, cannot add tag argument %r", args.image, args.tag) sys.exit(1) # rsplit() accommodates "myrepo.example:8888/repo/image:tag" args.image, args.tag = args.image.rsplit(':', 1) elif args.tag is None: args.tag = 'latest' # Pull the image if requested, unless the image is specified as a hash # that we already have. if args.pull and not find_image_hashes(args.image): pull_image(args.image, args.tag) try: image_hash = find_one_image_hash(args.image, args.tag) except DockerError as error: logger.error(str(error)) sys.exit(1) if not docker_image_compatible(api, image_hash): if args.force_image_format: logger.warning("forcing incompatible image") else: logger.error("refusing to store " \ "incompatible format (use --force-image-format to override)") sys.exit(1) image_repo_tag = '{}:{}'.format(args.image, args.tag) if not image_hash.startswith(args.image.lower()) else None if is None: if image_repo_tag: collection_name = 'Docker image {} {}'.format(image_repo_tag.replace("/", " "), image_hash[0:12]) else: collection_name = 'Docker image {}'.format(image_hash[0:12]) else: collection_name = # Acquire a lock so that only one arv-keepdocker process will # dump/upload a particular docker image at a time. Do this before # checking if the image already exists in Arvados so that if there # is an upload already underway, when that upload completes and # this process gets a turn, it will discover the Docker image is # already available and exit quickly. outfile_name = '{}.tar'.format(image_hash) lockfile_name = '{}.lock'.format(outfile_name) lockfile = None cache_dir = get_cache_dir() if cache_dir: lockfile = open(os.path.join(cache_dir, lockfile_name), 'w+') fcntl.flock(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX) try: if not args.force: # Check if this image is already in Arvados. # Project where everything should be owned parent_project_uuid = args.project_uuid or api.users().current().execute( num_retries=args.retries)['uuid'] # Find image hash tags existing_links = _get_docker_links( api, args.retries, filters=[['link_class', '=', 'docker_image_hash'], ['name', '=', image_hash]]) if existing_links: # get readable collections collections = api.collections().list( filters=[['uuid', 'in', [link['head_uuid'] for link in existing_links]]], select=["uuid", "owner_uuid", "name", "manifest_text"] ).execute(num_retries=args.retries)['items'] if collections: # check for repo+tag links on these collections if image_repo_tag: existing_repo_tag = _get_docker_links( api, args.retries, filters=[['link_class', '=', 'docker_image_repo+tag'], ['name', '=', image_repo_tag], ['head_uuid', 'in', [c["uuid"] for c in collections]]]) else: existing_repo_tag = [] try: coll_uuid = next(items_owned_by(parent_project_uuid, collections))['uuid'] except StopIteration: # create new collection owned by the project coll_uuid = api.collections().create( body={"manifest_text": collections[0]['manifest_text'], "name": collection_name, "owner_uuid": parent_project_uuid, "properties": {"docker-image-repo-tag": image_repo_tag}}, ensure_unique_name=True ).execute(num_retries=args.retries)['uuid'] link_base = {'owner_uuid': parent_project_uuid, 'head_uuid': coll_uuid, 'properties': existing_links[0]['properties']} if not any(items_owned_by(parent_project_uuid, existing_links)): # create image link owned by the project make_link(api, args.retries, 'docker_image_hash', image_hash, **link_base) if image_repo_tag and not any(items_owned_by(parent_project_uuid, existing_repo_tag)): # create repo+tag link owned by the project make_link(api, args.retries, 'docker_image_repo+tag', image_repo_tag, **link_base) stdout.write(coll_uuid + "\n") sys.exit(0) # Open a file for the saved image, and write it if needed. image_file, need_save = prep_image_file(outfile_name) if need_save: save_image(image_hash, image_file) # Call arv-put with switches we inherited from it # (a.k.a., switches that aren't our own). if arguments is None: arguments = sys.argv[1:] arguments = [i for i in arguments if i not in (args.image, args.tag, image_repo_tag)] put_args = keepdocker_parser.parse_known_args(arguments)[1] if is None: put_args += ['--name', collection_name] coll_uuid = arv_put.main( put_args + ['--filename', outfile_name,], stdout=stdout, install_sig_handlers=install_sig_handlers).strip() # Managed properties could be already set coll_properties = api.collections().get(uuid=coll_uuid).execute(num_retries=args.retries).get('properties', {}) coll_properties.update({"docker-image-repo-tag": image_repo_tag}) api.collections().update(uuid=coll_uuid, body={"properties": coll_properties}).execute(num_retries=args.retries) # Read the image metadata and make Arvados links from it. image_tar = image_hash_type, _, raw_image_hash = image_hash.rpartition(':') if image_hash_type: json_filename = raw_image_hash + '.json' else: json_filename = raw_image_hash + '/json' json_file = image_tar.extractfile(image_tar.getmember(json_filename)) image_metadata = json.loads('utf-8')) json_file.close() image_tar.close() link_base = {'head_uuid': coll_uuid, 'properties': {}} if 'created' in image_metadata: link_base['properties']['image_timestamp'] = image_metadata['created'] if args.project_uuid is not None: link_base['owner_uuid'] = args.project_uuid make_link(api, args.retries, 'docker_image_hash', image_hash, **link_base) if image_repo_tag: make_link(api, args.retries, 'docker_image_repo+tag', image_repo_tag, **link_base) # Clean up. image_file.close() for filename in [stat_cache_name(image_file),]: try: os.unlink(filename) except OSError as error: if error.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise finally: if lockfile is not None: # Closing the lockfile unlocks it. lockfile.close()
def run_test(name, actions, checks, driver_class, jobs, provider): code = 0 global unsatisfiable_job_scancelled unsatisfiable_job_scancelled = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), "scancel_called") # Delete any stale node records api = arvados.api('v1') for n in api.nodes().list().execute()['items']: api.nodes().delete(uuid=n["uuid"]).execute()"Start %s", name) global fake_slurm fake_slurm = tempfile.mkdtemp()"fake_slurm is %s", fake_slurm) global compute_nodes compute_nodes = {} global all_jobs all_jobs = jobs env = os.environ.copy() env["PATH"] = fake_slurm + ":" + env["PATH"] # Reset fake squeue/sinfo to empty update_script(os.path.join(fake_slurm, "squeue"), "#!/bin/sh\n") update_script(os.path.join(fake_slurm, "sinfo"), "#!/bin/sh\n") # Write configuration file for test with open("tests/fake_%s.cfg.template" % provider) as f: open(os.path.join(fake_slurm, ""), "w").close() with open(os.path.join(fake_slurm, "fake.cfg"), "w") as cfg: cfg.write(["ARVADOS_API_HOST"], token=os.environ["ARVADOS_API_TOKEN"], driver_class=driver_class, ssh_key=os.path.join(fake_slurm, ""))) # Tests must complete in less than 30 seconds. timeout = time.time() + 30 terminated = False # Now start node manager p = subprocess.Popen(["bin/arvados-node-manager", "--foreground", "--config", os.path.join(fake_slurm, "fake.cfg")], bufsize=0, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) # Test main loop: # - Read line # - Apply negative checks (things that are not supposed to happen) # - Check timeout # - Check if the next action should trigger # - If all actions are exhausted, terminate with test success # - If it hits timeout with actions remaining, terminate with test failed try: # naive line iteration over pipes gets buffered, which isn't what we want, # see for line in iter(p.stderr.readline, ""): detail_content.write(line) for k,v in checks.items(): g = re.match(k, line) if g:"Matched check %s", k) code += v(checks, k, g) if code != 0: detail.error("Check failed") if not terminated: p.kill() terminated = True if terminated: continue if time.time() > timeout: detail.error("Exceeded timeout with actions remaining: %s", actions) code += 1 if not terminated: p.kill() terminated = True k, v = actions[0] g = re.match(k, line) if g:"Matched action %s", k) actions.pop(0) code += v(g) if code != 0: detail.error("Action failed") p.kill() terminated = True if not actions: p.kill() terminated = True except KeyboardInterrupt: p.kill() if actions: detail.error("Ended with remaining actions: %s", actions) code = 1 shutil.rmtree(fake_slurm) shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(unsatisfiable_job_scancelled)) if code == 0:"%s passed", name) else: if isinstance(detail_content, StringIO.StringIO): chunk = while chunk: try: sys.stderr.write(chunk) chunk = except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN: # try again (probably pipe buffer full) pass else: raise"%s failed", name) return code
def main(arguments=None): args = arvrun_parser.parse_args(arguments) if len(args.args) == 0: arvrun_parser.print_help() return starting_args = args.args reading_into = 2 # Parse the command arguments into 'slots'. # All words following '>' are output arguments and are collected into slots[0]. # All words following '<' are input arguments and are collected into slots[1]. # slots[2..] store the parameters of each command in the pipeline. # # e.g. arv-run foo arg1 arg2 '|' bar arg3 arg4 '<' input1 input2 input3 '>' output.txt # will be parsed into: # [['output.txt'], # ['input1', 'input2', 'input3'], # ['foo', 'arg1', 'arg2'], # ['bar', 'arg3', 'arg4']] slots = [[], [], []] for c in args.args: if c.startswith('>'): reading_into = 0 if len(c) > 1: slots[reading_into].append(c[1:]) elif c.startswith('<'): reading_into = 1 if len(c) > 1: slots[reading_into].append(c[1:]) elif c == '|': reading_into = len(slots) slots.append([]) else: slots[reading_into].append(c) if slots[0] and len(slots[0]) > 1: logger.error( "Can only specify a single stdout file (run-command substitutions are permitted)" ) return if not args.dry_run: api = arvados.api('v1') if args.project_uuid: project = args.project_uuid else: project = determine_project( os.getcwd(), api.users().current().execute()["uuid"]) # Identify input files. Look at each parameter and test to see if there is # a file by that name. This uses 'patterns' to look for within # command line arguments, such as --foo=file.txt or -lfile.txt patterns = [re.compile("([^=]+=)(.*)"), re.compile("(-[A-Za-z])(.+)")] for j, command in enumerate(slots[1:]): for i, a in enumerate(command): if j > 0 and i == 0: # j == 0 is stdin, j > 0 is commands # always skip program executable (i == 0) in commands pass elif a.startswith('\\'): # if it starts with a \ then don't do any interpretation command[i] = a[1:] else: # See if it looks like a file command[i] = statfile('', a) # If a file named command[i] was found, it would now be an # ArvFile or UploadFile. If command[i] is a basestring, that # means it doesn't correspond exactly to a file, so do some # pattern matching. if isinstance(command[i], basestring): for p in patterns: m = p.match(a) if m: command[i] = statfile(, break files = [ c for command in slots[1:] for c in command if isinstance(c, UploadFile) ] if files: uploadfiles(files, api, dry_run=args.dry_run, num_retries=args.retries, project=project) for i in range(1, len(slots)): slots[i] = [ ("%s%s" % (c.prefix, c.fn)) if isinstance(c, ArvFile) else c for c in slots[i] ] component = { "script": "run-command", "script_version": args.script_version, "repository": args.repository, "script_parameters": {}, "runtime_constraints": {} } if args.docker_image: component["runtime_constraints"]["docker_image"] = args.docker_image task_foreach = [] group_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() group_parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch-size', type=int) group_parser.add_argument('args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) for s in range(2, len(slots)): for i in range(0, len(slots[s])): if slots[s][i] == '--': inp = "input%i" % (s - 2) groupargs = group_parser.parse_args(slots[2][i + 1:]) if groupargs.batch_size: component["script_parameters"][inp] = { "value": { "batch": groupargs.args, "size": groupargs.batch_size } } slots[s] = slots[s][0:i] + [{ "foreach": inp, "command": "$(%s)" % inp }] else: component["script_parameters"][inp] = groupargs.args slots[s] = slots[s][0:i] + ["$(%s)" % inp] task_foreach.append(inp) break if slots[s][i] == '\--': slots[s][i] = '--' if slots[0]: component["script_parameters"]["task.stdout"] = slots[0][0] if slots[1]: task_foreach.append("stdin") component["script_parameters"]["stdin"] = slots[1] component["script_parameters"]["task.stdin"] = "$(stdin)" if task_foreach: component["script_parameters"]["task.foreach"] = task_foreach component["script_parameters"]["command"] = slots[2:] if args.ignore_rcode: component["script_parameters"]["task.ignore_rcode"] = args.ignore_rcode pipeline = { "name": "arv-run " + " | ".join([s[0] for s in slots[2:]]), "description": "@" + " ".join(starting_args) + "@", "components": { "command": component }, "state": "RunningOnClient" if args.local else "RunningOnServer" } if args.dry_run: print(json.dumps(pipeline, indent=4)) else: pipeline["owner_uuid"] = project pi = api.pipeline_instances().create( body=pipeline, ensure_unique_name=True).execute()"Running pipeline %s", pi["uuid"]) if args.local:[ "arv-run-pipeline-instance", "--instance", pi["uuid"], "--run-jobs-here" ] + (["--no-reuse"] if args.no_reuse else [])) elif not args.no_wait: ws.main(["--pipeline", pi["uuid"]]) pi = api.pipeline_instances().get(uuid=pi["uuid"]).execute()"Pipeline is %s", pi["state"]) if "output_uuid" in pi["components"]["command"]:"Output is %s", pi["components"]["command"]["output_uuid"]) else:"No output")
def main(arguments=None): logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.arv-ws') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version="%s %s" % (sys.argv[0], __version__), help='Print version and exit.') parser.add_argument('-u', '--uuid', type=str, default="", help="Filter events on object_uuid") parser.add_argument( '-f', '--filters', type=str, default="", help="Arvados query filter to apply to log events (JSON encoded)") parser.add_argument( '-s', '--start-time', type=str, default="", help= "Arvados query filter to fetch log events created at or after this time. This will be server time in UTC. Allowed format: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" ) parser.add_argument('-i', '--id', type=int, default=None, help="Start from given log id.") group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument( '--poll-interval', default=15, type=int, help= "If websockets is not available, specify the polling interval, default is every 15 seconds" ) group.add_argument( '--no-poll', action='store_false', dest='poll_interval', help="Do not poll if websockets are not available, just fail") group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument( '-p', '--pipeline', type=str, default="", help="Supply pipeline uuid, print log output from pipeline and its jobs" ) group.add_argument('-j', '--job', type=str, default="", help="Supply job uuid, print log output from jobs") args = parser.parse_args(arguments) global filters global known_component_jobs global ws filters = [] known_component_jobs = set() ws = None def update_subscribed_components(components): global known_component_jobs global filters pipeline_jobs = set() for c in components: if "job" in components[c]: pipeline_jobs.add(components[c]["job"]["uuid"]) if known_component_jobs != pipeline_jobs: ws.unsubscribe(filters) filters = [[ 'object_uuid', 'in', [args.pipeline] + list(pipeline_jobs) ]] ws.subscribe( [['object_uuid', 'in', [args.pipeline] + list(pipeline_jobs)]]) known_component_jobs = pipeline_jobs api = arvados.api('v1') if args.uuid: filters += [['object_uuid', '=', args.uuid]] if args.filters: filters += json.loads(args.filters) if args.job: filters += [['object_uuid', '=', args.job]] if args.pipeline: filters += [['object_uuid', '=', args.pipeline]] if args.start_time: last_log_id = 1 filters += [['created_at', '>=', args.start_time]] else: last_log_id = None if last_log_id = - 1 def on_message(ev): global filters global ws logger.debug(ev) if 'event_type' in ev and (args.pipeline or args.job): if ev['event_type'] in ('stderr', 'stdout'): sys.stdout.write(ev["properties"]["text"]) elif ev["event_type"] in ("create", "update"): if ev["object_kind"] == "arvados#pipelineInstance": update_subscribed_components( ev["properties"]["new_attributes"]["components"]) if ev["object_kind"] == "arvados#pipelineInstance" and args.pipeline: if ev["properties"]["new_attributes"]["state"] in ( "Complete", "Failed", "Paused"): ws.close() if ev["object_kind"] == "arvados#job" and args.job: if ev["properties"]["new_attributes"]["state"] in ( "Complete", "Failed", "Cancelled"): ws.close() elif 'status' in ev and ev['status'] == 200: pass else: print(json.dumps(ev)) try: ws = subscribe(arvados.api('v1'), filters, on_message, poll_fallback=args.poll_interval, last_log_id=last_log_id) if ws: if args.pipeline: c = api.pipeline_instances().get(uuid=args.pipeline).execute() update_subscribed_components(c["components"]) if c["state"] in ("Complete", "Failed", "Paused"): ws.close() ws.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: logger.error(e) finally: if ws: ws.close()
properties_options = ['Complete', 'Failed'] event_type_options = ['update', 'create'] try: if ev.get("event_type") in event_type_options and ev.get( "object_kind") in object_kind_options and ev["properties"][ "new_attributes"]["state"] in properties_options: print "%s %s %s" % (ev.get("object_kind"), ev["object_uuid"], ev["properties"]["new_attributes"]["state"]) if ev["properties"]["new_attributes"]["state"] == "Failed" or ev[ "properties"]["new_attributes"]["state"] == "Complete": print "%s %s %s" % (ev.get("object_kind"), ev["object_uuid"], ev["properties"]["new_attributes"]["state"]) try: header = "%s %s %s %s" % ( ev.get("object_kind"), ev["object_uuid"], ev["properties"]["old_attributes"]["name"], ev["properties"]["new_attributes"]["state"]) except: header = "%s %s %s" % ( ev.get("object_kind"), ev["object_uuid"], ev["properties"]["new_attributes"]["state"]) subprocess.check_call( ['/home/bcosc/gitrepos/arv-email/', '-d', header]) except: pass api = arvados.api("v1") ws =, [], on_message) ws.run_forever()