def test_content_minus_expansion(self):
     ''' > Test a specific bug where a tree with just a '-' would not get expanded correctly '''
     p0 = Pyramid.from_text('-')
     p1 = Pyramid.from_text('long_variable_name')
     p2 = Pyramid.from_text('another_long_name')
     t = p0 + (p1, p2)
     self.assertIsInstance(t, Tree)
 def test_content_minus(self):
     ''' > Test a specific bug where a tree with just a '-' would not get expanded correctly '''
     contents = ['-', ' ' * 10 + '-' + ' ' * 10]
     for c in contents:
         with self.subTest(contents=c):
             p = Pyramid.from_text(c, remove_spaces=False)
             self.assertEqual(p.content, '-')
 def test_remove_spaces(self):
     ''' > Don't remove spaces from the input '''
     p = Pyramid.from_text('  ! ', remove_spaces=False)
     target = '   ^   \n  / \\  \n / ! \\ \n ----- '
     with capture_output() as output:
         print(p, end='')
     self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), target)
 def test_output(self):
     ''' > Check output is what it is supposed to be '''
     for c, p in zip(TEST_CONTENT, TEST_PYRAMIDS):
         with self.subTest(content=c):
             with capture_output() as output:
                 print(Pyramid.from_text(c), end='')
             self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), p)
 def test_invalid_type(self):
     ''' > Type error is raised when attempting to add wrong types '''
     p = Pyramid.from_text('hello')
     for o in ('', 1, {}, [], ()):
         with self.subTest(other=o):
             with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                 p + o
                 p.toTree() + o
 def test_toTree(self):
     ''' Pyramid to Tree '''
     for c in TEST_CONTENT:
         with self.subTest(content=c):
             p = Pyramid.from_text(c)
             t = p.toTree()
             self.assertIsInstance(t, Tree)
             self.assertEqual(hash(p), hash(t))
 def test_cannot_expand_trees(self):
     ''' > Make sure only trees can get expanded '''
     p3 = Pyramid.from_text('Quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog' * 10)
     for c in product(TEST_CONTENT, repeat=2):
         p1, p2 = tuple(map(Pyramid.from_text, c))
         with self.subTest(contents=c):
             t = p1 + (None, p2)  # Make a tree
             with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
                 r = t + (p3, p3)
                 self.assertIsInstance(t, Tree)
Esempio n. 8
def build_tree(ast):
    ''' Build the call tree from the leaves to the root '''

    if is_string(ast):
        return Pyramid.from_text(ast)
    elif ast is None:
        return None
    elif is_tuple(ast):
        if len(ast) != 3:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f'Invalid structure of the abstract syntax tree. ({ast})')
        if not is_string(ast[0]):
            raise RuntimeError(
                f'Invalid abstract syntax tree. The first element of each node must be a string, not a {type(ast[0])}'
        return build_tree(ast[0]) + (build_tree(ast[1]), build_tree(ast[2]))
        raise TypeError(
            f'Abstract syntax tree must be represented by a list (or just a string) not a {type(ast)}'
 def test_content(self):
     ''' > Pyramid returning its own content '''
     for c in TEST_CONTENT:
         with self.subTest(content=c):
             p = Pyramid.from_text(c)
             self.assertEqual(p.content, c)
 def test_min_width(self):
     ''' > Create a few pyramids, but now with minimum width '''
     for c, w in product(TEST_CONTENT, range(10)):
         with self.subTest(content=c, min_width=w):
             p = Pyramid.from_text(c, min_width=w)
 def test_creation(self):
     ''' > Create few pyramids '''
     for c in TEST_CONTENT:
         with self.subTest(content=c):
             p = Pyramid.from_text(c)
 def test_toPyramid(self):
     ''' Pyramid to Pyramid '''
     for c in TEST_CONTENT:
         with self.subTest(content=c):
             p = Pyramid.from_text(c)
             self.assertEqual(p, p.toPyramid())