Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, atoms, calc1, calc2, dt, T, friction, n_eq, n_switch,
        super().__init__(atoms, dt, T, friction, **langevin_kwargs)
        self.n_eq = n_eq
        self.n_switch = n_switch
        self.lam = 0.0
        calc = MixedCalculator(calc1, calc2, weight1=1.0, weight2=0.0)

        self.path_data = []
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, atoms, calc1, calc2, dt, T=None, friction=None,
                 n_eq=None, n_switch=None, temperature_K=None,
        super().__init__(atoms, dt, temperature=T, temperature_K=temperature_K,
                         friction=friction, **langevin_kwargs)
        if friction is None:
            raise TypeError("Missing 'friction' argument.")
        if n_eq is None:
            raise TypeError("Missing 'n_eq' argument.")
        if n_switch is None:
            raise TypeError("Missing 'n_switch' argument.")
        self.n_eq = n_eq
        self.n_switch = n_switch
        self.lam = 0.0
        calc = MixedCalculator(calc1, calc2, weight1=1.0, weight2=0.0)
        self.atoms.calc = calc

        self.path_data = []
Esempio n. 3
def test_mixingcalc():
    """This test checks the basic functionality of the MixingCalculators.
    The example system is based on the SinglePointCalculator test case.
    import numpy as np

    from import fcc111
    from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
    from ase.calculators.mixing import SumCalculator, LinearCombinationCalculator, AverageCalculator, MixedCalculator
    from ase.constraints import FixAtoms

    # Calculate reference values:
    atoms = fcc111('Cu', (2, 2, 1), vacuum=10.)
    atoms[0].x += 0.2

    # First run the test with EMT similarly to the test of the single point calculator.
    calc = EMT()
    forces = atoms.get_forces()

    # SumCalculator: Alternative ways to associate a calculator with an atoms object.
    atoms1 = atoms.copy()
    calc1 = SumCalculator([EMT(), EMT()])

    atoms2 = atoms.copy()
    SumCalculator(calcs=[EMT(), EMT()], atoms=atoms2)

    # Check the results.
    assert np.isclose(2 * forces, atoms1.get_forces()).all()
    assert np.isclose(2 * forces, atoms2.get_forces()).all()

    # testing  step
    atoms1[0].x += 0.2
    assert not np.isclose(2 * forces, atoms1.get_forces()).all()

    # Check constraints
    atoms1.set_constraint(FixAtoms(indices=[atom.index for atom in atoms]))
    assert np.isclose(0, atoms1.get_forces()).all()

    # AverageCalculator:

    atoms1 = atoms.copy()
    calc1 = AverageCalculator([EMT(), EMT()])

    # LinearCombinationCalculator:

    atoms2 = atoms.copy()
    LinearCombinationCalculator([EMT(), EMT()], weights=[.5, .5], atoms=atoms2)

    # Check the results (it should be the same because it is tha average of the same values).
    assert np.isclose(forces, atoms1.get_forces()).all()
    assert np.isclose(forces, atoms2.get_forces()).all()

    # testing  step
    atoms1[0].x += 0.2
    assert not np.isclose(2 * forces, atoms1.get_forces()).all()

        calc1 = LinearCombinationCalculator([], [])
    except ValueError:
        assert True

        calc1 = AverageCalculator([])
    except ValueError:
        assert True

    # test  MixedCalculator and energy contributions
    w1, w2 = 0.78, 0.22
    atoms1 = atoms.copy()
    E_tot = atoms1.get_potential_energy()

    calc1 = MixedCalculator(EMT(), EMT(), w1, w2)
    E1, E2 = calc1.get_energy_contributions(atoms1)
    assert np.isclose(E1, E_tot)
    assert np.isclose(E2, E_tot)
Esempio n. 4

# Check the results (it should be the same because it is tha average of the same values).
assert np.isclose(forces, atoms1.get_forces()).all()
assert np.isclose(forces, atoms2.get_forces()).all()

# testing  step
atoms1[0].x += 0.2
assert not np.isclose(2 * forces, atoms1.get_forces()).all()

    calc1 = LinearCombinationCalculator([], [])
except ValueError:
    assert True

    calc1 = AverageCalculator([])
except ValueError:
    assert True

# test  MixedCalculator and energy contributions
w1, w2 = 0.78, 0.22
atoms1 = atoms.copy()
E_tot = atoms1.get_potential_energy()

calc1 = MixedCalculator(EMT(), EMT(), w1, w2)
E1, E2 = calc1.get_energy_contributions(atoms1)
assert np.isclose(E1, E_tot)
assert np.isclose(E2, E_tot)
Esempio n. 5
calc2 = fp_GD_Calculator()
# calc = MixedCalculator(calc1, calc2)
# atoms.set_calculator(calc)
atoms.calc = calc1
print("vasp_energy:\n", atoms.get_potential_energy())
print("vasp_forces:\n", atoms.get_forces())
fmax_1 = np.amax(np.absolute(atoms.get_forces()))

atoms.calc = calc2
print("fp_energy:\n", atoms.get_potential_energy())
print("fp_forces:\n", atoms.get_forces())
fmax_2 = np.amax(np.absolute(atoms.get_forces()))

f_ratio = fmax_1 / fmax_2

calc = MixedCalculator(calc1, calc2, 1, f_ratio)
atoms.calc = calc
print("mixed_energy:\n", atoms.get_potential_energy())
print("mixed_forces:\n", atoms.get_forces())

############################## Relaxation type ##############################
#     https ://      #
#     https ://                   #

af = atoms
# af = StrainFilter(atoms)
# af = UnitCellFilter(atoms)

############################## Relaxation method ##############################\