Esempio n. 1
 def test_getExtensionArgs_nonempty(self):
     aliases = NamespaceMap()
     aliases.addAlias(self.type_a, self.alias_a)
     msg = ax.StoreRequest(aliases=aliases)
     msg.setValues(self.type_a, ['foo', 'bar'])
     args = msg.getExtensionArgs()
     expected_args = {
         'type.' + self.alias_a: self.type_a,
         'count.' + self.alias_a: '2',
         'value.%s.1' % (self.alias_a,):'foo',
         'value.%s.2' % (self.alias_a,):'bar',
     self.failUnlessEqual(expected_args, args)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_getExtensionArgs_nonempty(self):
     aliases = NamespaceMap()
     aliases.addAlias(self.type_a, self.alias_a)
     msg = ax.StoreRequest(aliases=aliases)
     msg.setValues(self.type_a, ['foo', 'bar'])
     args = msg.getExtensionArgs()
     expected_args = {
         'mode': 'store_request',
         'type.' + self.alias_a: self.type_a,
         'count.' + self.alias_a: '2',
         'value.%s.1' % (self.alias_a, ): 'foo',
         'value.%s.2' % (self.alias_a, ): 'bar',
     self.failUnlessEqual(expected_args, args)
Esempio n. 3
    def parseExtensionArgs(self, ax_args):
        """Parse attribute exchange key/value arguments into this

        @param ax_args: The attribute exchange fetch_response
            arguments, with namespacing removed.
        @type ax_args: {unicode:unicode}

        @returns: None

        @raises ValueError: If the message has bad values for
            particular fields

        @raises KeyError: If the namespace mapping is bad or required
            arguments are missing

        aliases = NamespaceMap()

        for key, value in ax_args.iteritems():
            if key.startswith('type.'):
                type_uri = value
                alias = key[5:]
                aliases.addAlias(type_uri, alias)

        for type_uri, alias in aliases.iteritems():
                count_s = ax_args['count.' + alias]
            except KeyError:
                value = ax_args['value.' + alias]

                if value == u'':
                    values = []
                    values = [value]
                count = int(count_s)
                values = []
                for i in range(1, count + 1):
                    value_key = 'value.%s.%d' % (alias, i)
                    value = ax_args[value_key]

  [type_uri] = values
Esempio n. 4
    def parseExtensionArgs(self, ax_args):
        """Parse attribute exchange key/value arguments into this

        @param ax_args: The attribute exchange fetch_response
            arguments, with namespacing removed.
        @type ax_args: {unicode:unicode}

        @returns: None

        @raises ValueError: If the message has bad values for
            particular fields

        @raises KeyError: If the namespace mapping is bad or required
            arguments are missing

        aliases = NamespaceMap()

        for key, value in ax_args.iteritems():
            if key.startswith('type.'):
                type_uri = value
                alias = key[5:]
                aliases.addAlias(type_uri, alias)

        for type_uri, alias in aliases.iteritems():
                count_s = ax_args['count.' + alias]
            except KeyError:
                value = ax_args['value.' + alias]

                if value == u'':
                    values = []
                    values = [value]
                count = int(count_s)
                values = []
                for i in range(1, count + 1):
                    value_key = 'value.%s.%d' % (alias, i)
                    value = ax_args[value_key]

  [type_uri] = values
Esempio n. 5
class ToTypeURIsTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.aliases = NamespaceMap()

    def test_empty(self):
        for empty in [None, '']:
            uris = ax.toTypeURIs(self.aliases, empty)
            self.failUnlessEqual([], uris)

    def test_undefined(self):
            ax.toTypeURIs, self.aliases, '')

    def test_one(self):
        uri = ''
        alias = 'openid_hackers'
        self.aliases.addAlias(uri, alias)
        uris = ax.toTypeURIs(self.aliases, alias)
        self.failUnlessEqual([uri], uris)

    def test_two(self):
        uri1 = ''
        alias1 = 'openid_hackers'
        self.aliases.addAlias(uri1, alias1)

        uri2 = ''
        alias2 = 'openid_hack'
        self.aliases.addAlias(uri2, alias2)

        uris = ax.toTypeURIs(self.aliases, ','.join([alias1, alias2]))
        self.failUnlessEqual([uri1, uri2], uris)
Esempio n. 6
class ToTypeURIsTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.aliases = NamespaceMap()

    def test_empty(self):
        for empty in [None, '']:
            uris = ax.toTypeURIs(self.aliases, empty)
            self.failUnlessEqual([], uris)

    def test_undefined(self):
        self.failUnlessRaises(KeyError, ax.toTypeURIs, self.aliases,

    def test_one(self):
        uri = ''
        alias = 'openid_hackers'
        self.aliases.addAlias(uri, alias)
        uris = ax.toTypeURIs(self.aliases, alias)
        self.failUnlessEqual([uri], uris)

    def test_two(self):
        uri1 = ''
        alias1 = 'openid_hackers'
        self.aliases.addAlias(uri1, alias1)

        uri2 = ''
        alias2 = 'openid_hack'
        self.aliases.addAlias(uri2, alias2)

        uris = ax.toTypeURIs(self.aliases, ','.join([alias1, alias2]))
        self.failUnlessEqual([uri1, uri2], uris)
Esempio n. 7
    def getExtensionArgs(self):
        """Get the serialized form of this attribute fetch request.

        @returns: The fetch request message parameters
        @rtype: {unicode:unicode}
        aliases = NamespaceMap()

        required = []
        if_available = []

        ax_args = self._newArgs()

        for type_uri, attribute in self.requested_attributes.iteritems():
            if attribute.alias is None:
                alias = aliases.add(type_uri)
                # This will raise an exception when the second
                # attribute with the same alias is added. I think it
                # would be better to complain at the time that the
                # attribute is added to this object so that the code
                # that is adding it is identified in the stack trace,
                # but it's more work to do so, and it won't be 100%
                # accurate anyway, since the attributes are
                # mutable. So for now, just live with the fact that
                # we'll learn about the error later.
                # The other possible approach is to hide the error and
                # generate a new alias on the fly. I think that would
                # probably be bad.
                alias = aliases.addAlias(type_uri, attribute.alias)

            if attribute.required:

            if attribute.count != 1:
                ax_args['count.' + alias] = str(attribute.count)

            ax_args['type.' + alias] = type_uri

        if required:
            ax_args['required'] = ','.join(required)

        if if_available:
            ax_args['if_available'] = ','.join(if_available)

        return ax_args
Esempio n. 8
    def getExtensionArgs(self):
        """Get the serialized form of this attribute fetch request.

        @returns: The fetch request message parameters
        @rtype: {unicode:unicode}
        aliases = NamespaceMap()

        required = []
        if_available = []

        ax_args = self._newArgs()

        for type_uri, attribute in self.requested_attributes.iteritems():
            if attribute.alias is None:
                alias = aliases.add(type_uri)
                # This will raise an exception when the second
                # attribute with the same alias is added. I think it
                # would be better to complain at the time that the
                # attribute is added to this object so that the code
                # that is adding it is identified in the stack trace,
                # but it's more work to do so, and it won't be 100%
                # accurate anyway, since the attributes are
                # mutable. So for now, just live with the fact that
                # we'll learn about the error later.
                # The other possible approach is to hide the error and
                # generate a new alias on the fly. I think that would
                # probably be bad.
                alias = aliases.addAlias(type_uri, attribute.alias)

            if attribute.required:

            if attribute.count != 1:
                ax_args['count.' + alias] = str(attribute.count)

            ax_args['type.' + alias] = type_uri

        if required:
            ax_args['required'] = ','.join(required)

        if if_available:
            ax_args['if_available'] = ','.join(if_available)

        return ax_args
Esempio n. 9
    def getExtensionArgs(self):
        """Serialize this object into arguments in the attribute
        exchange namespace

        @returns: The dictionary of unqualified attribute exchange
            arguments that represent this fetch_response.
        @rtype: {unicode;unicode}

        aliases = NamespaceMap()

        zero_value_types = []

        if self.request is not None:
            # Validate the data in the context of the request (the
            # same attributes should be present in each, and the
            # counts in the response must be no more than the counts
            # in the request)

            for type_uri in
                if type_uri not in self.request:
                    raise KeyError(
                        'Response attribute not present in request: %r' %
                        (type_uri, ))

            for attr_info in self.request.iterAttrs():
                # Copy the aliases from the request so that reading
                # the response in light of the request is easier
                if attr_info.alias is None:
                    aliases.addAlias(attr_info.type_uri, attr_info.alias)

                    values =[attr_info.type_uri]
                except KeyError:
                    values = []

                if (attr_info.count != UNLIMITED_VALUES) and \
                       (attr_info.count < len(values)):
                    raise AXError(
                        'More than the number of requested values were '
                        'specified for %r' % (attr_info.type_uri, ))

        kv_args = self._getExtensionKVArgs(aliases)

        # Add the KV args into the response with the args that are
        # unique to the fetch_response
        ax_args = self._newArgs()

        # For each requested attribute, put its type/alias and count
        # into the response even if no data were returned.
        for attr_info in zero_value_types:
            alias = aliases.getAlias(attr_info.type_uri)
            kv_args['type.' + alias] = attr_info.type_uri
            kv_args['count.' + alias] = '0'

        update_url = ((self.request and self.request.update_url)
                      or self.update_url)

        if update_url:
            ax_args['update_url'] = update_url


        return ax_args
Esempio n. 10
    def parseExtensionArgs(self, ax_args):
        """Given attribute exchange arguments, populate this FetchRequest.

        @param ax_args: Attribute Exchange arguments from the request.
            As returned from L{Message.getArgs<openid.message.Message.getArgs>}.
        @type ax_args: dict

        @raises KeyError: if the message is not consistent in its use
            of namespace aliases.

        @raises NotAXMessage: If ax_args does not include an Attribute Exchange

        @raises AXError: If the data to be parsed does not follow the
            attribute exchange specification. At least when
            'if_available' or 'required' is not specified for a
            particular attribute type.
        # Raises an exception if the mode is not the expected value

        aliases = NamespaceMap()

        for key, value in ax_args.iteritems():
            if key.startswith('type.'):
                alias = key[5:]
                type_uri = value
                aliases.addAlias(type_uri, alias)

                count_key = 'count.' + alias
                count_s = ax_args.get(count_key)
                if count_s:
                        count = int(count_s)
                        if count <= 0:
                            raise AXError(
                                "Count %r must be greater than zero, got %r" %
                    except ValueError:
                        if count_s != UNLIMITED_VALUES:
                            raise AXError("Invalid count value for %r: %r" % (
                        count = count_s
                    count = 1

                self.add(AttrInfo(type_uri, alias=alias, count=count))

        required = toTypeURIs(aliases, ax_args.get('required'))

        for type_uri in required:
            self.requested_attributes[type_uri].required = True

        if_available = toTypeURIs(aliases, ax_args.get('if_available'))

        all_type_uris = required + if_available

        for type_uri in aliases.iterNamespaceURIs():
            if type_uri not in all_type_uris:
                raise AXError('Type URI %r was in the request but not '
                              'present in "required" or "if_available"' %
                              (type_uri, ))

        self.update_url = ax_args.get('update_url')
Esempio n. 11
    def getExtensionArgs(self):
        """Serialize this object into arguments in the attribute
        exchange namespace

        @returns: The dictionary of unqualified attribute exchange
            arguments that represent this fetch_response.
        @rtype: {unicode;unicode}

        aliases = NamespaceMap()

        zero_value_types = []

        if self.request is not None:
            # Validate the data in the context of the request (the
            # same attributes should be present in each, and the
            # counts in the response must be no more than the counts
            # in the request)

            for type_uri in
                if type_uri not in self.request:
                    raise KeyError(
                        'Response attribute not present in request: %r'
                        % (type_uri,))

            for attr_info in self.request.iterAttrs():
                # Copy the aliases from the request so that reading
                # the response in light of the request is easier
                if attr_info.alias is None:
                    aliases.addAlias(attr_info.type_uri, attr_info.alias)

                    values =[attr_info.type_uri]
                except KeyError:
                    values = []

                if (attr_info.count != UNLIMITED_VALUES) and \
                       (attr_info.count < len(values)):
                    raise AXError(
                        'More than the number of requested values were '
                        'specified for %r' % (attr_info.type_uri,))

        kv_args = self._getExtensionKVArgs(aliases)

        # Add the KV args into the response with the args that are
        # unique to the fetch_response
        ax_args = self._newArgs()

        # For each requested attribute, put its type/alias and count
        # into the response even if no data were returned.
        for attr_info in zero_value_types:
            alias = aliases.getAlias(attr_info.type_uri)
            kv_args['type.' + alias] = attr_info.type_uri
            kv_args['count.' + alias] = '0'

        update_url = ((self.request and self.request.update_url)
                      or self.update_url)

        if update_url:
            ax_args['update_url'] = update_url


        return ax_args
Esempio n. 12
    def parseExtensionArgs(self, ax_args):
        """Given attribute exchange arguments, populate this FetchRequest.

        @param ax_args: Attribute Exchange arguments from the request.
            As returned from L{Message.getArgs<openid.message.Message.getArgs>}.
        @type ax_args: dict

        @raises KeyError: if the message is not consistent in its use
            of namespace aliases.

        @raises NotAXMessage: If ax_args does not include an Attribute Exchange

        @raises AXError: If the data to be parsed does not follow the
            attribute exchange specification. At least when
            'if_available' or 'required' is not specified for a
            particular attribute type.
        # Raises an exception if the mode is not the expected value

        aliases = NamespaceMap()

        for key, value in ax_args.iteritems():
            if key.startswith('type.'):
                alias = key[5:]
                type_uri = value
                aliases.addAlias(type_uri, alias)

                count_key = 'count.' + alias
                count_s = ax_args.get(count_key)
                if count_s:
                        count = int(count_s)
                        if count <= 0:
                            raise AXError("Count %r must be greater than zero, got %r" % (count_key, count_s,))
                    except ValueError:
                        if count_s != UNLIMITED_VALUES:
                            raise AXError("Invalid count value for %r: %r" % (count_key, count_s,))
                        count = count_s
                    count = 1

                self.add(AttrInfo(type_uri, alias=alias, count=count))

        required = toTypeURIs(aliases, ax_args.get('required'))

        for type_uri in required:
            self.requested_attributes[type_uri].required = True

        if_available = toTypeURIs(aliases, ax_args.get('if_available'))

        all_type_uris = required + if_available

        for type_uri in aliases.iterNamespaceURIs():
            if type_uri not in all_type_uris:
                raise AXError(
                    'Type URI %r was in the request but not '
                    'present in "required" or "if_available"' % (type_uri,))

        self.update_url = ax_args.get('update_url')